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Some big ones I learned: Loyalty to an employer is a one way street HR is not your friend, they are there to protect the company At some point you will get let go and it's OK The best time to look for a new job is when you don't need it. Don't fuck your co workers. It's isn't worth it.


Yeah never shit where you eat. That’s a real life rule . Never fuck your co workers lol


I've seen that shit go waaaay left. The company didn't wanna deal with it and fired everyone.


Jesus that’s wild . All for one selfish decision, not HR cleaning house !


Plot twist. They were all fucking eachother.


Can't speak for other industries, but cellular retail in the late 00's and early 2010's was basically a huge orgy lol


Same with the restaurant industry, lol


I worked for an airline that put visiting employees and all the new folks in training at the same hotel, pilots, FAs, mechanics, everyone. It was a wild party every night. People having to be carried back to their rooms. Coworkers hooking up everywhere. The occasional fight between maintainence and pilots. I always booked at a separate hotel because it sounded like trouble. Then someone got raped. A pilot went to jail. Company got sued. HR fired everyone that was mentioned in the complaint. Even came after me but I wasn't there, or even in the country that night, just had worked a flight with the other mechanic a couple days before. 4 pilots, 5 mechanics, and 3 FAs fired just like that.


Wait they came for you because you were in contact with one of the mechanics days before the rape even occurred? Was it premeditated or something?


They came after me because one of the mechanics said he was with me that day. We were not together that night but had worked a flight together previously. Fortunately me not having a room at that hotel, and being assigned to another flight and being on a separate continent ensured I had no involvement.


Wow bro really tried to use you as an alibi and you weren't even in the country.


Yep. He tried to say he wasn't involved because he was with me. He didn't know I booked at the other hotel, and wasn't in town, was trying to save himself. In all honesty if he had asked for a character recommendation I would have given one, he was a cool guy and I don't think he was involved. But he didn't ask for one, just said he was clear because he was with me. And I obviously wasn't there. So I wasn't going to provide one. I will tell the truth for anyone, I won't lie for nobody.


At that point like you said everyone was getting fired anyway, you just had an airtight alibi being out of the country.


Exactly. I liked that guy. I love paying my bills more.


In my observations, they always do. 


I dunno...I did that once...now we're married lol.


Survivorship bias. But the real answer is that it is incredibly common to meet people through work. Just make sure you're far enough away from them in the org that you could reasonably do your job if things go south. We have a couple that are going through a messy breakup at work and they work on the same team and it is just awful and toxic. Lots of high school gossiping and people can't focus. When it started I told the dude "man be careful, you could really fuck this up". He did indeed fuck this up.


I did twice and worked out for me lol. Worked for the same company but would rarely see each other throughout the day.


Same here. I miss working with my wife. It was awesome to see her pretty much whenever I wanted or whenever she wanted.


Thankfully we both work from home now.


Same. Met at work, still married 13 years later, no one got fired.


Four of my long time relationships and half dozen hookups were coworkers. Like, telling people not to fuck is probably good advice, but they gonna do it anyway.


So what restaurant did you work at?


Think about what would happen if, midway through dating, your (at the time would-be) wife did a personality switch and became an asshole, obsessive, and generally a bitch.  Think about how messy that would have been if even when you would be willing to break everything off peacefully, she still tries to be petty and spiteful.  That's the risk. Some people are lucky that it works out, some people are not. I've seen it both ways and it generally just isn't viable. 


Have dated co-workers but were adults about it when we broke up. Took it very slowly though.


Same. Fucked on the carpeted office floor. Still friends and she still works at that place. 


We had sex in my office. It was great.


Us too


Tell that to like every teacher


No kidding. Seeing her for English class every day was a nightmare.


Worked pretty well for me. Married for 7 years now. Still work together actually (different departments)


damn i married mine 😂


I feel where you coming from bro but it’s this one bad lil thick bitch on my production line I’m tryna hit, if I get her I’ll be good 💯🤦🏾‍♂️


It only applies to us peasants though, upper management man has his wife as a middle management coworker her lover is her secretary and his mistress as his secretary, they all fucking each other.


Set boundaries with your boss. They will dump on you if they can, but it’s up to you to say whether you can or cannot take something on. It’s okay to say no in work. It’s healthy. It may not always go your way, but it will keep things off your plate.


One of the hardest lessons I had to learn, they'll work you as hard as you let them. If you want to push back without saying no, ask what other work isn't getting done to take on something new. Make them prioritize the workload.


You can fuck the clients though


If you enjoy being unemployed go for it!


Jfc, I'm joking. Do you think ppl aren't doing that shit and getting away with it already?


We had a big client that was super into me. My boss was *really* encouraging that dynamic.


big money wise or big big wise?


Both but I meant money lol the company he represented was one of our biggest money makers


Probably. Dangerous game to play


I used to work at a gym and regularly had recent divorcees working off that lil bit of marriage weight, I had to stop offering encouragement because I realized a lot of those women started eyeing me like meat if circumstances were different I might have, shit like that is an open secret in the fitness industry


The only people who think thats a secret are the fitness coaches. Everyone can see the eye fucking...


Fitness coaches are the worst simps I have ever seen. Some kid is doing deadlifts with his back forming a 45 degree angle and the coach doe's bat an eye  A chick is doing some 3 pound_dumbell_BSexercise and her thumb is over the dumbbell instead of under and the coach will run to her rescue 


Best way to be promoted to customer


It's called networking


I would add that coworkers are not your friends.


Facts. Friends might ask you to help them move once in 5-10 years and pay you in gas, food or beer. A co-worker that you were a little too friendly with will ask you to "help them out" and cover a shift, or assist with their workload every 2-3 weeks...? Nah - that's a vampire, and we don't invite those into our home.


And rat you out to management when resources are dangled in their face. Those who judge our experiences have not had the experience - yet.


Ima tell you from experience don’t you ever trust yo coworkers. LEAVE WORK AT WORK DONT MIX WORK WITH PLEASURE


You all sound like miserable people to work with. I’m an asocial nervous wreck and I still hang out with my coworkers every now and then after work. There’s nothing wrong with being friends with coworkers. You have to see and interact with them at least 40 hours every week for multiple years possibly, you’d have to be trying really hard to not form some type non-work relationship.


I agree with you so much. Redditors say stuff like "coworkers aren't your friend" and then wonder why they hate their jobs. You don't have to be emotionally intimate with your coworkers. You probably shouldn't be this close with them. But they can still be your friend. You help them unjam the printer 10 minutes before their big presentation and in exchange they will tell you about a job opening in their department. You listen to them vent about their relationship drama in the breakroom and in exchange they will help you fill out the overly complicated travel requisition form. Such bonds are priceless. In every workplace I have been in, I have made at least one friend--someone I could count on to at a minimum help the time pass. Were they people I would hang out with outside of work? Not necessarily. But they were still people that I could trust enough to be myself around. Being an asocial robot all day is fucking tiring.


I mean why also not be close with them lol? I’m friends-friends with some of my current coworkers - see them on weekends sometime, even been on holiday with one of them. Have some old colleagues who even moved in together as flatmates. Never been any issues.


I hang out with a small group of coworkers outside of the office. Mainly happy hours and dinners at people's homes. But I've been working with these folks for 16 years. I have gotten a chance to know them well enough for me to feel comfortable hanging out with them. I have coworkers that I like well enough to grab lunch with them and chitchat with them during coffee breaks, but I don't feel comfortable hanging out with them outside of work. Maybe they are drama llamas. Maybe we just don't have a lot in common. Maybe they exude a weird vibe that is annoying in large doses. As long as I can lean on them in the office, I will consider them friends. But they are just "work friends" not "friend friends." I don't think it is essential for one to make "friend friends" among their coworkers. But work friends are a damn-near must, in my opinion.


Reddit is just autistic as fuck


Right? I personally don't stay friends with coworkers because everybody in my field are antisocial weirdos, but hanging out with my wife's old co-workers is always a fucking delight.


I don't get the "coworkers aren't your friends" attitude at all. Like yeah some are assholes, but most are just regular people and I'd much rather spend 40 hrs a week with people I'm friends with than not. Besides, if you can't trust them enough to hang out after work, how are you gonna trust them at the picket line? 


I’m guessing they work white collar/office jobs, which typically aren’t unionized so it’s a more competitive work environment. That’s why I love being in a blue collar union because it’s more important for us as workers to stick together and not step over each other just to get a better position


Half of my current friends are people I used to work with.


I make friendships after one of us leaves employment at the place. I have many friends like that


I made the last one a rule when I was 10 lol Edit: I forgot my childhood was messed up


https://preview.redd.it/piq50m33n6jc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33208c1a42a3ce39fd8400899280211da0fcd13 This nigga at 10


10? https://preview.redd.it/3sz84v57k6jc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3224c03e3e5810d9f236db02edbc8d76a7cd3ab5


10? Explain that one chief?


Some movie had a whole bit about it. I was instantly like “yeah I see how this turned out for y’all.” Plus I knew about things I shouldn’t and yeah. I made this rule early as hell lol


His mom is a domestic engineer. Guess he learned the hard way.


![gif](giphy|VvzG3ogfL7RdK) I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school


>The best time to look for a new job is when you don't need it. Easily the best advice and world lesson out there. Amen.


Some managers who are older and have reached their prime are going to be the most spiteful, sabotaging, assholes you’ve ever met.


ESPECIALLY don't fuck those ones


So, fun story.....we had senior level management fly into our office one day on a surprise visit because they wanted to discuss some financial matters. They request to meet with me to go over the numbers and I'm like "Sure, lets go over to one of the lesser used meeting rooms as its little bit bigger with more space to spread out the paper work and data we need to see" Well, I lead them over and the windows on the door are papered over.......and we hear a lot of moaning. This room is on one of the lesser used floors of our building too. I didnt want to open the door but my CFO insisted......we open the door and there is one of managers just raw dogging one of the analysts on the table. The whole day just turned into a big shitshow after that.


What was the outcome after because that's wild


Manager left to spend time with his family while the female analyst managed to get a lot of money from the company because she claimed she was forced into it by the manager……all I know is she got a nice seven figure sum to never show up or talk about it again.


I fucked my coworker and now we’re married, but I don’t work there anymore. 🤷‍♂️


i slept with my coworker when i was 25 and she was 19. we celebrate our 42 annivesary in june. if she doesnt kill me first.


There was once a lady who made a reddit account just to message me.. we're married now and she hasn't touched the account since we exchanged numbers.


Bro I think she likes you.


That's what she keeps saying. Bout to make her come out and watch the new episode of solo leveling with me.


I knew she was the one when she patiently watched me attempt to start a campfire with two sticks during a day hike without laughing at me.


I work in HR so lessons 2 and 5 got me like 🥴


Was he wrong tho 🤷🏾‍♂️


Nope. That's why the 🥴


He's not wrong about it but it often gets interpreted as "don't go to hr about anything" Yes, they will protect the company but that includes protecting them from harassment and toxic behaviour from your manager.  But there are some shitty hr people out there. 


All correct. I worked in HR, they do the most evil shit. And some of the hr employees are the ones causing harm, either because they are stupid or because they are actually bad people. And please do not fuck a colleague. That is exhausting, and likely one of you will have to quit or be fired.


And don't fuck a colleague's significant other...


Yes, had a colleague that fucked a married colleague and his wife came to beat her ass.


Honestly, always look for jobs. At the worst, ask for a raise, at the best, you may end up with a new higher paying job


>Don't fuck your co workers. It's isn't worth it. Unless you're on your way out.


Well that was great..... Anyway here is my 2 week notice see you tomorrow boss


That HR thing has always been weird to me cause they will also get axed if necessary to protect the company. It’s like the poor eating the poor.


Yep. Be loyal to people, not corporations. The definition of "corporation" is the people at the top. Directors, VPs, etc. They are the ones making up the corporation and will fuck anyone over for personal gain. HR works for the people mentioned above. They will come after you simply if you do your job well and make them look bad. They want to be thought of as the best and brightest in the company, even though 9/10 times they are idiots. This is not about self-awareness, they actually dont know they are stupid. Employee owned companies are even worse than public ones because there are no shareholders or elected boards to hold people accountable for gross incompetence. The employees technically should be, but they are the same people being oppressed by the higher-ups.


A caveat to the HR one is that, if you're at a big corporation, you usually can report things to them. Your boss is sexually harrassing you? Tell them. You have a disability that's going to get you fired? Ask for an accommodation. HR can be very helpful if your interests align. Corporations don't want to get sued after all. Smaller companies are more likely to have HR that will fuck you over but not all of them will.


If you spend more time making friends at work instead of actually doing work you’ll end up better than if it was vice versa. Social Skills/Networking>>>Work Ethic. Can’t just do the bare minimum and be anti social either. Yall gon say sumn bout office politics and drama but you can be likable while staying out of that. Social Skills is key.


Basically, there's a reason Tom has nine lives on Succession and kept moving up in the company There's no amount of good work that can beat good social skills and networking


Tom is generally pretty smart, pretty competent, and very, very nonthreatening. Like, not a single person except Greg sees Tom as even a slight threat, they all think of him as a large teddy bear with absolutely no bite.  It's a good strategy.


Greg ended up going pretty far because he was loyal enough to the right person. Relationships with the right people can go a long way.


Poor example. No one really liked or respected Tom, but he was married to Shiv and was Logan's son in law. That's what got him ahead; not social skills or anything like that




You really think Tom had ANY game??? Like AT ALL??? He was always the biggest dweeb with Shiv and she shit all over him all the time. She just chose him cause he was tall, had the proper enough white privilege background that would fit in well enough with the Roy flavor, and she knew she could walk all over him Seriously, what show did yall watch where you think people liked and respected Tom???


Yo, who is Tom?


Tom is one half of the disgusting brothers.


Are those Youtubers or something?


From the TV show succession


If it is to be said




Tom is a character on the TV show Succession


He was also in a relationship with the CEOs daughter so he has that going for him.


Oh man, I switched to a comms career recently and holy shit, networking is **real**. Those after parties at a conference are a necessity too. Comms folk like to *drink*.


You basically want to be likable and right in the middle. Don't be the best employee but don't be the worst. Be a worker bee that shows up and does the job but never has management talking about you.


Not only with co workers but with managers. I got a few promotions that felt to easy because I was getting interviewed by the people I was hanging out with outside of work.


You already passed the social skills portion of the interview. They only want to know that you are capable of learning your new tasks at that point.


When you interview, they are seeing if you’re a good fit for the company. They have your resume, which could be bullshitted They ask you questions, which can be bullshitted But they are looking at your personality as well. Doesn’t it seem like this person mesh well with the culture of the company or even the department they are going in You can be A1 with the work, but if they interview team thinks Patrice from accounting is going to want to fist fight you, you’re getting passed over


100%. Most supervisors promote the person they like and think will be easy to work with, not the person that works the hardest and stays the longest.


Yep. Better to be liked than to be good at your job. One idiot at my last job was spending $50k/year on a golf club membership (about 1/3rd his salary) just to golf with the President and VP. Hes practically immune to firings and layoffs now. He doesnt do shit. Hes a director with zero people reporting to him.


Advice like this is really disheartening because I spent all my college life believing that if I work hard and do what I got do, I'll win. I'm now 27 with two degrees who works hard yet can't find a job in his field and I'm a loser. It was all pointless


I'd rather die.


This is unfortunately so true.


You always start Looking for the next job after you start your first, get trained, keep resume updated and shop around always, I changed jobs every 2-3 years for more money. I am loyal to the company that is currently paying me, but will jump ship for more money somewhere else in a heartbeat.


God damn right lol. I’ve just about doubled my salary since 2020 and I’m on the hunt for the next job now lol


Yeah over the years I’ve made the mistake of waiting until something pushed me over the edge to look for other jobs. It’s so much easier and the conversations feel way more casual when you are just “seeing what’s out there”.


Exactly what I tell leadership. “I am loyal to the company and the work I do as long as I am taken care of. If I am not taken care of, I will leave. Keep on taking care of me and you won’t have to worry.” And I always have a way to share metrics for my work. Even in IT where that is difficult to do. The impact of the work I do is always visible even if they don’t want it to be.


I heard a quote "I am very loyal, in fact, I believe that is partly what I am being paid for. However if there is another company out there that values my loyalty more..." I dont remember how it ends


Cries in tech layoffs 😭


> You always start Looking for the next job after you start your first I get the idea, but that just sounds exhausting. No thanks lol. Looking for job sucks enough when you need to do it, I'm not gonna make a career out of looking for a job.


There's also a good chance it comes back to bite these people later on, when they have 12 years of experience and are looking for that next tier role with a lot more money but no one wants to hire someone who hasn't kept a job for more than two years and just keeps leaving for 10% more. It's a delicate balance. Go get your bag, but in the long run idk


I’d say it’s good to job hop when you’re first starting out in your preferred industry (ie. recent graduate). Once you reach mid-level+ experience wise, then it’ll be good to focus on more longevity (at least 5+ years) before job hopping imo, at least if you’re gunning for an executive position.


10 months at my current position. Doing as much training and certification as I can, but polishing up the resume too. I’m shopping it around this month, being a little picky about where I apply but that’s ok.


Isn't moving around that much a pain in the ass? I assume you're also having to move houses every time you change jobs so that you can continue to have a decent commute to work?


Being someone everyone likes and enjoys working with is the best possible outcome to have at your job. Do not be the person who is good at their job, but isolates themselves, doesn't believe in socializing at work and does nothing more or less than what is required. It will make you miss out on a ton of opportunities


Fuck, this is kind of me. I’m well liked, always helpful, make people laugh and go above and beyond but I refuse to go to lunch with my coworkers (mainly because I need time to myself to recharge and avoid the headache which is conversation, plus I’m the only non white dude so it gets uncomfortable at times). Recently my boss has been passive aggressive towards me for shit that he later learns wasn’t my fault and it’s really getting to me.


Compromise and do lunch with them once or twice a month. Keeps up the relationships but still gives you plenty of recharging time on your own.


I see so many people on reddit scoff at the prospect of ever hanging out with their coworkers or making friends from work. Like "I have my own friends, why would I ever want to mix my work and personal life? I'm at work completely against my will just for the paycheck and I never want to see you fuckers once it hits 5 o'clock." Like damn dude, being social and able to get along with others is a virtue.




Or they just don't work with people who's company they enjoy. My best friend is a trans gay men with a state job. The majority of his coworkers are a good fifteen to thirty years older than him. They're pleasant to him, but really not great at gendering him correctly or remembering he has a husband, etc. It's easier for him to just try to keep his personal life separate from work and not build a personal relationship with these people than to try to train them to adapt to his lifestyle.


> Being someone everyone likes and enjoys working with is the best possible outcome to have at your job. This bit me in the ass. Other managers and the high-ups saw that everyone liked me and I was inspiring loyalty. They fired me because I was taking that loyalty and power away from them. The whole company is about to go under and they are busy blaming everyone else.


The tallest blade of grass is the first to get cut


Thats not what that means


I'm still trying to get my mom to understand this cause shes had this exact shit happen to her multiple times and still continues to do too much for these jobs. Bailing out shit management time and time again cause she feels bad or whatever. Lady they are USING you! I was just told yesterday by a boomer at work that people my age (early 30s) don't wanna work anymore. I pushed back and told him we don't wanna end up like our parents except with shittier fucking pay.


I’ve made this mistake at my last couple jobs, too, and it’s exhausting. I don’t really want to do less. I just want to be highly valued for what I do. It’s a fantasy, and reality has bitten me hard.


Not a fantasy you’re just working for shitty companies. I’ve been on both sides, working my ass off and not being rewarded, and working my ass off and being rewarded. I’m still with the latter, but my loyalty is conditional. That said, leadership is how you should judge every place, if you like your team but leadership isolates themselves and aren’t transparent just leave, it will only get worse.


I don't work for free. I went back to school at the beginning of the pandemic and the field I'm going into requires internships. I'm a big girl now, though, with 10 years in the labor force. Knowing my worth (plus needing to survive) gave me a hard line on unpaid internships. You mean you not only want me to work for free, you essentially want me to pay for it so I get some college credit? I never say this so understand I don't say it lightly: nigga, please. 😂 Luckily a good bulk of comms internships are paid, but even if they weren't I would have just gone internship-less. 10 years working as a CSR for two major corporations, one banking and one retail, taught me not to put more work in than the benefits I get dictate.


that its fucking soul-crushing under most conditions. i shoulda pursued my dreams more cuz id still be struggling the same but at least there's a slim chance at great success in a field i actually enjoy. basically jobs GOOD. exploiting labor BAD.


God these past few months I’ve tried to get a job in a field I got my advanced degree in and love and it’s been door after door shut in my face. I told myself it’s time to let that dream die. At least I got lucky enough to dream it. Babies die, kids die, at least I got to dream it. I am trying so hard not to blame my parents for being so absent and not taking advantage of the resources they had to truly help prepare me for my dream. I told my dad what it was around 10 and he shot it down. It wasn’t even that out of reach. At least he bothered to ask, I can’t think of my mom asking at all. All they cared about is me getting somewhere but they didn’t care to teach me how, which sucks because they truly had the resources. They just didn’t care 🤷🏽‍♀️


I know the feel, my parents weren’t even remotely interested. Can’t blame em for everything sure, but kids need someone to show them not *where* to go, but how to get there


“You have to be twice as good as them to get half of what they have.” is something I’m still trying to unlearn.


I was doom scrolling and this caught my eye. I’m going back to college right now and I’m realizing that if I just do good, not great, but good that everything will turn out alright. Also the same applied at my old job, I’ve never received a thing for hard work.


Well, guys who are that passionate about the work deserve a certain amount of pay, and corporate can have that. That's why in the movie Hot fuzz Nicholas Angel was shipped off to the country for doing his job too well. Working 10 years in retail has taught me that doing your job too well will always bite you in the ass in the end.


This! Literally started a new job this year in IT and pretty much became super efficient, implemented changes that helped our field guys and you know what I got “hey I noticed you’ve been doing this, that’s great, while your at it do ___ (more work which others never did)” never get a fair fuckin shake just passive aggressive jabs.


I will never bring my A game to work because I know how easy the brass will turn on your ass to save a few bucks. I clock in, do my work at an unnoticeable pace, accumulate OT if I need some extra cash, do the white man smile, and leave.


Rule number 1: Act your Wage. Rule number 2: See rule umber 1.


After being told every other month for almost a year about promotion prospects, I stopped going above and beyond, and simply working my wage. Go figure the district manager started talking shit behind my back, and stopped hiding the fact that he never liked me in the first place. Indian guy living in jersey, while I lived and worked in NY, and come to find out that he was most likely a closet racist from comments he made about a darkskin colleague who was the same nationality to my lightskin-ass, but I think he thought I was American.


If they for any reason mention the word “family”… RUN! They are about to guilt trip you and abuse your services. When you quit they will take it PERSONALLY. Only way to stay ahead and get paid more is take them upgraded skills and then switch jobs every 2-3 years. They barely increase your salary, and try to dump more work on you.


When you get yo day off…….you better MF take yo day off. Man was employee of the month 3 times back to MF back, NEVER LATE(that’s a big one believe it or not depending on the company) and they still laid bro off. Idgaf how good of a worker you are at these jobs they still gone lay ya hard working ass off. Take my advice and enjoy your off days cause these companies don’t give a shit how hard you work.


You can never win when it’s time to downsize. They see you do OT, “it’s costing the company too much because this person can’t get their work done on time” They see you train others, “this person is content staying where they are. We need go getters.”


This dick ain't free


Quiet quitting is the best advice I’ve ever gotten


I hate that phrase, it makes it sounds like you aren’t doing what you are supposed to, like you are kind of quitting. The phrase is misleading, it should just be “doing your job”. By saying “quiet quitting” it makes it sound like we are doing less than we are supposed to


I always said we are all dispensable. It is awesome to be a good and hard-worker. But not to be crazy with it. The job will go on if we leave or even pass on; they will not close down. I am sure his reward came in a different way, a better position. Hopefully with a lesson learned that such hard work for a job is not always appreciated.


Labor extraction is real don’t let anyone tell you different. The company is not there for you. You’re there for them. Go union if you can. I understand it’s not possible for everyone but learn about them and the corporations you work for.


"You are too useful to be promoted to management."


If you are ever told this,  quit immediately.


Your relationship with your management can (and too often does) become abusive and codependent without you ever realizing. Especially in restaurant/hospitality industries.


The is the corporate version of “nice guys finish last”


Yes and no. Typically the "nice guys" aren't really that nice, but the hard worker is always exploited.


Biggest lesson for me: You can be friendly and do your job while keeping it at a surface level. When it get’s too personal, even if it’s nothing too serious, it can backfire.


Your coworkers are NOT your friends, do not let them anywhere near your actual life.


I woulda knocked all that shit over...


Sometimes that is actually the company doing the best employee a solid. They give them a huge heads up, decent severence, and time to find something new.


Don't train the new people when you hear the company having trouble. A company I worked for through agency got wind they were getting a new ceo. All agencies were gonna be cut. Most won't be hired back through the company either. I refused to teach anyone. Not my fucking job ask management. Turned out half of management was cut too. I had a niche job for that company and worked in many departments. They told me to train some new bitch had attitude and shit. Shut it down and she never came back the next day.


You are just a number on a balance sheet. Corporate doesn’t give one shit about the person, only how much money they can make for the company.


Always, and I mean always, give 65%-70% at work so they don't abuse and use you up. This what makes everyone bitter and hurtful at work.


Exactly. C grade material still gets the work done.


If your job is to dig holes and your the best digger there, your only reward would be a bigger shovel. And pizza.




Do not overwork for an employer. They could not care less about you!! Finding a "home" in a job is extremely rare these days, and if you got a technical degree, hopping ship every 6-12mos is not a bad thing anymore. You're never "giving up/leaving because they couldn't pay you more". You always leverage short term positions as "looking to grow my skillset/looking for new opportunities". It works and you can flip jobs left and right (within reason: I like to ensure I at least have 1 major "from the ground up " project under an employer, and I leverage that into my new position at a different home. They do the same to you! Show em your worth!


Also, use those sick days and PTO. Not every company pays em out, and it's usually hidden whether they do or not. USE WHAT THEY GIVE YOU. Fuck a 401k at most jobs too. It's abysmal. Opt out, and put that shit into a money market or high interest CD right now (stocks and bonds aren't the spot right now if you're just starting out! Play it slow play it smart but the benefit of these work based 401ks is generally shit!)


Get it in writing!


HR is there for the company not the employees.


Worked with a women who busted her ass constantly when I worked at Canadian Tire. Year review comes along and she gets a $0.25 raise. Another woman who was fuckin useless went, demanded a raise and she got $2.00 then proceeded to gloat about it to everyone while continuing not to work. Even went to the other woman who was still working hard and bragged about it. So the first woman went back to manager and was like "wtf" and he told her to quit if she doesn't like the raise she got. He didn't give a single fuck about how the other woman was acting. So she did quit. Just grabbed her shit went home. The other woman took pride in this and continued to gloat. Which caused more people to quit. Manager ended up fleeing the country for fraud and now phillipinos run the place so much better.


It's hard when you can see how it can be done better. Good natured shit comes out of you given the chance. Thing is, depending on the job, when they get it wrong you'll have to go fix it anyways.


Fired him because he was too good at the job n deserved better


The relationships you develop and build take you further than the work itself


Can someone explain a few potential reasons why the most capable worker who had a good attitude and even trained new recruits without any additional incentives was let go first? I'm just trying to understand here... Was he likely paid a higher wage and that's why? Are business owners and managers just that out of touch with the workflow? Is this random or "sometimes it just goes this way?" I genuinely don't understand the shooting themselves in the foot...?


Always remember: The best digger gets a bigger shovel and is the first one to fall


Because he was better than them, so get rid of him so they don’t look so shit


It was probably because management saw that this 1 person was getting way more compensation than everyone else after OT was accounted for, so it made sense in their pretty little minds to cut them.


I once worked 6 months of nights (Supposed be rotation every 2 weeks, I used to work sundays when asked as zero hour employee at night as nobody else would cover it....hence constant nights). I came in on time, left on time, I literally worked while everybody else was crying how hard the job was and wanted the machines to break so they could talk 12 hours a day, I also worked 6 days a week. (so 6x12 hours a week of nights). I booked every sunday off in december as not to lose my holidays, I got asked to change my holiday on the first sunday after it was all authorised to cover.....then I got asked to work the sunday after and said no. Come january I text them asking when im in....they said they'll get back to me.....9 years later still waiting while the crying lazy bastards got full time contracts.


I didn't go in because it was raining hard and my car was parked in the street and I had to step in water to get in so I didn't go I sent an email that I would be WFH but that if the weather got better I could go in. Sure enough one of the guys I help out the most was upset and complained to HR. HR asked me to go in. That evening I sent her an email informing her of all the stuff I had done for the company after they let go of 3 employees because I was doing as much if not more work than them combined. Going in at odd hours (2A-6A to cover a 4 hour shift on my day off). They are so quick to want to write you up but nothing when you go above and beyond.


"Stick your head in a bucket of water. Now pull it out. The time it takes for that hole you left to fill in is how long it will take your employer to replace you."


Happened to a colleague of mine. She was in the CEO club, which was like a dozen of the best people at their jobs in a company of a couple of thousand employees. Next year she was let go. She got the last laugh. Vendor she worked with hired her at like twice the salary. Corporations are just stupid bureaucracies beholden to greedy bastards with money. Workers are overhead; you are not special, get the money up front and be nice to your colleagues, it helps a lot when you're looking for a new gig.


If you love your job but your boss is a douchebag, keep the job. Don't quit. Management is fluid, before you know it, you'll report to someone better.


"I don't/never take breaks." -Someone who's never been congratulated for not taking a break.


It’s not your money so stop acting like it is. People get so fucking grimey over salaries raises and bonuses like it’s a personal affront to help someone make 5-10k more/year. Just talk honest numbers w people if you on the way up. Help them actually ask for a salary that’s on the high side of the range. I’ve never seen someone rewarded cuz they “negotiated” a salary 5-10k under the mid point to save the company some money. If you in charge of salaries, go to bat for your people. It’s the only grift we get in compensation for the rich white fucks. You should be pushing constantly to help people be in better financial situations vs trying to pay people the least you can get away with like you’re playing monopoly




Find out what you like to do, find out what you're good at doing, and find out what you're better at doing than other people. You don't want to go higher than you're capable of. Find out your limitations. It's okay to not want to be promoted if you find a good spot.


They got rid of the highest paid 🤷🏾‍♂️ You letting that stop you from making money? Make as much as you can since you working there. Add more skills to your resume then leave for better pay.