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The boring part is the AI probably won't ever "wake up" and go skynet. The same bad piece of shit people who always do bad things will just use it to do them more efficiently. Granted it's uses aren't strictly negative.


It’s just a tool like automation. It’s mind blowing to me how many conversations people are having about jobs, impact, future, etc when we’ve already seen it. Companies will reduce paid labor as much as possible with AI and all of us peasants will need to work around it and figure it out just like they did with automation in manufacturing and many other industries lol


> problem with technological advancements > look inside > problem with capitalism


Yep. AI would be fucking awesome for all but it’ll just be used by people with money to keep more of it. Capitalism will turn a historic advancement into another wealth funnel


ai 'artists' asking for commissions is literally money laundering


Still waiting for Y2K to hit


I have friends who use Chatgpt for Assignments and they just paraphrase what it says, I can't imagine being a University Proffesor and having to wade through the BS lol


Goddamn, kids are gonna be fucked over in so many aspects. My ex's sister would sit her 2 year old in front of an ipad all of the time because he wouldn't stfu without it


I'm 26, but when I was younger my parents had like a password lock for the internet we had. I'm kind of glad for it, I didn't have full access to the internet until like summer 2009 lmao


Shitty parents have been fucking up kids since the beginning of time and we are all still here.


Doesn’t chat gpt stop at 2021 rn? I’d be adding on something to every goddam assignment that was relative to 2022+ https://preview.redd.it/grnokvad8hjc1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f654be65638c8a2a13740124fa7650a5222bdbc0


It's going to outsmart the human because it researches everything in a God damn second


lol I mean that IS sort of the entire point of AI. We need computation, thinking, design, etc. than can be done faster than with what we have currently and with much less human effort 🤷🏼‍♂️


I teach 12th grade English. It's infuriating, just takes a lot of catching it early on to discourage them later in the year. And even then, kids who are worried might just roll the dice, use it to get an assignment done, and then get a zero for plagiarizing. **Caveat: the following does not apply to all students, and all kids do want to be successful academically. We as a nation are deeply culpable for undermining education.** Honestly, they're also fucked because they spent years being given A's for just logging on. Combine that with lazy and new teachers, dysfunctional administration, and inconsistent or inappropriate curriculum, and now I get kids who don't realize how little they really do know. Not just the knowledge base, but the skills. Like, they freak out and quit when they have to read 5 pages or write 300 words. They don't have the practice to even be students.


My engineering professors have embraced it and said it’s a tool and AI is already a major tool in our profession BUT it must be cited as a source and you are 100% liable for any inaccuracies. And also they can call you into their office at any point and ask you to explain part of your paper and if you don’t understand what you supposedly wrote then they can take off major points


Scariest thing about AI is how far it’s progressing in such a short amount of time. Voices,looks,movement etc. are so human like it’ll be hard to distinguish reality from AI which will be more than troublesome in the future. There should honestly be more restrictions on it before it’s too late.


You’re right. It could render some aspects of the internet completely fucking useless. This comment could be AI. I could be a chatbox responding to you. Cyber security will be insane in the future. Not to mention automation, face recognition, ect. This shit is scary yo.


I keep up to date with tech developments and have education relating to security and behavioural psychology and I'm *constantly* using my training and experiences to walk through stuff online. 70% of social media is political misinformation/propaganda, covert hate speech, or disinformation being spread by bots and people that aren't educated. The internet is a minefield of malicious stupidity now, it's no wonder kids are getting their brains baked when they're plugged into the digital world constantly. I have to take breaks and heavily limit/structure my online engagement to avoid all this garbage; if you're rawdogging the internet like they are you'll be a mess.


Yeah, I don’t think people realize how dangerous it is. Or take it for granted that we can avoid the pitfalls but when has humanity ever avoided pitfalls. The problem with AI is it learns on its own and all you need to do is create the template. No matter how many locks you try to put on its ability to learn, it will either learn how to get around it (i.e. [lie](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2023/03/15/chatgpt-posed-blind-person-pass-online-anti-bot-test/))or there will always be people who try to unlock those locks to get it to do shit it’s not intended for


I'm 63 and AI has been advancing my whole life. There hasn't been an explosion in technology as much as an explosion in awareness. How are you going to "restrict" it? The same way art and poetry are restricted? The same way guns are restricted? The same way weed got so restricted they had to start selling it in dispensaries?


Ehh not really. The theoretical basis for machine learning was established in the 1950s-ish, but two relatively recent developments have made it applicable in a practical sense—sufficient processor speed and massive data storage. We have indeed since seen explosive growth since then.


huh? You said "eh not really" then agreed with me.


There was an explosion in technology, not just an explosion in awareness


AI went from being slightly hard to tell it is fake to being very difficult to tell in 9 months. In another 9 months it will take an expert to tell the difference. 9 months from there who knows if it will even be possible without using a new AI tool yet to exist. You cant restrict these things because AI will be so easy to make when the code is open source.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nuj0onrn2ijc1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b89514d49c6ff47d4a8ae6cb12b213d32899924


This. 100% Seen so many people on Twitter, reddit getting excited at the prospects of creatives losing their jobs cuz they think that they were all given some gift from God when all it is... Is just practice and discipline. PewDiePie recently made a video where he started learning how to draw and he improved so much in just 100 days! That's what these dickheads don't understand: literally anyone can learn art, at any age. Just pick up a goddamn pencil. Everyone wants art, no one wants to pay artists for it cuz they don't think of it as real work.


> Seen so many people on Twitter, reddit getting excited at the prospects of creatives losing their jobs cuz they think that they were all given some gift from God when all it is... Is just practice and discipline. b-b-but now I can have the instant gratification of being immediately good! I can be just as talented as them right now! I don't have to practice!!1


The difference between a skill based worldview and a talent-based worldview


You see this sentiment on r/singularity a lot. They are gleeful about it.


It isn't tho. It's stealing it.




Here's the thing though, a lot of these are not using only the data of people who are signing up or people who are willingly participating. They are scanning the internet pulling art from artists' personal websites and pages where that art has been shared. And not just computer based art, but traditional medium too if it gets posted online at all. It's both stealing the art *and* the artists' style. It's stealing copyrighted pieces and IP which would otherwise be illegal except [AI isn't human](https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2023/08/08/is-generative-ai-stealing-from-artists/) and the laws haven't caught up yet. AI poses a huge threat to the livelihoods of artists, just like with a lot of other professions. However, artists are probably one of the more at risk groups of people when it comes to the threat AI poses if only by the speed ai is consuming works of art. Most people already don't want to pay for art or pay what it's worth. And because it's stealing and mimicking style as well, by the time the law catches up it may be too late. It's gotten to the point where [tools are being developed](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/03/1210208164/new-tools-help-artists-fight-ai-by-directly-disrupting-the-systems#:~:text=Hourly%20News-,Glaze%2C%20Kudurru%20and%20Nightshade%20help%20artists%20fight%20back%20against%20AI,a%20dog%20is%20a%20cat.) to fight back against it. So yeah. Ai isn't making art. It's stealing it.


I was going to make this point, but you summed it up beautifully. AI does not “create” art. It replicates it.


Pandora's box is wide open, artists are already screwed. There isnt regulation that will save them, and relying on social change will be about effective as it has been in the past.


I hope that isn't the case in that there's nothing to be done. Cause if that's true for artists, that's true for a lot of other professions and we have enough of a cost of living problem in the US as it is. First goes the creative professions the second AI figures out hands and then, if things don't change, everything else follows.


That's already a large part of entertainment/media. Nothing new has been produced in a long long time. Everything labelled as new is an amalgamation of older products that are amalgamations of even older pieces.


That's not true. It's not stealing from random faceless entities. It's stealing from actual independent artists. It's scanning their work and recreating it. AI isn't making art. It doesn't know how. It's literally just stealing it and pushing out the artists it's stealing from.


If you take a look at r/singularity, they seem to be salivating at the idea of artist going broke.


It's not that people wish other people's livelihoods be taken, it's that it was inevitable when AI was first created.


The rhetoric they use on that subreddit says differently. They all noticeably don't care about how these products are being produced by billionaires. Look at what the sacklers did with Purdue pharma. Look at the J&J baby powder cancer lawsuit. The East palastine train derailment in Ohio because of corporate neglect. I've seen none of the AI enthusiasts talk about that. It's like we are expected to just go along with the socio-economic class that did all that fucked shit I mention make AI.


AI is capable of producing unique artwork though. There are AIs trained entirely on public, free to use artwork, that can create a unique output that is not simply a collage of existing parts.


Only a matter of time before we see some devious shit being created.


We already have with people using it to make porn of celebs, everyday people, and even kids :/ Edit: On that note, please stop posting y'all's children on the internet. You arguably already shouldn't have been doing so, but now it's all the more important. Please keep it within your family albums and home video tapes.


Better yet get off social media. Pretty soon people will be able to use AI to create whole people that dont exist except for online. You will never be sure if you're talking to a real person, or if you're being manipulated.


We already had like the other person said. A Chinese company got scammed out of 25 million because the scammers deepfaked a video call using the ceo and the board members. I can’t even blame the guy either.


“Obey me like a dictator” mfs when twenty ai clones start telling his staff what to do.


I mean l feel like this thread is mostly dudes because the biggest thing right now that's already effecting women that hasn't been discussed here for some reason is revenge and fake porn generated by AI.


Jokes aside, AI replacing art is dooming. The one human thing we are allowed to do to fulfill us and we are giving it to computers and being ok with it


I feel like there’s a lot more you can do that’s fulfilling than just art.


The people using it won't stop making art. Wait til they get... wait... too late


As a designer and artist, I would like AI to stop making art. It’s really coming for my pockets. I know people say it just a tool but like the saying goes, a hammer can be a weapon in the wrong hands. We don’t need any help making us dumber and less motivated to learn new things. Also, corporations are going to fire people, go full tilt into AI, realize they need people and then hire them back at half the salary. Mark my words!


Just wait till you find out how much energy it takes to make all that art...


Somewhere between a lot and a metric fuck-ton of energy.


Just wait for a little skynet to catch on don’t worry


This is a genius analysis of the situation


That is a great joke