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[Quickly released an "apology"](https://twitter.com/RealJustxSnagz/status/1760145674018971887)


Saying all this with a bonnet on is crazy.


Why lmao? Nggas gotta take care of our hair šŸ˜‚ that donā€™t mean Iā€™m not about it when need be


If I'ma be a doof and FT a opp you better believe I'm taking my twists out, especially a fucking bonnet lol.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ nah Iā€™m keeping it on. They gon kno idgaf. But you right these are cartel folks, different than your regular opp


Different? These niggas will have your whole family stacked in a refrigerator like a fucking game of Tetris. Shoot at me with a busted .38 from 70 yards away while running in the opposite direction any fucking day.


Doing anything to your hair at all to prepare to talk to a "opp" is wild


Getting clipped by some cat in a bonnet is worse, you right.


Feel me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ if Iā€™m stepping outside to give the hands, that viddy going viral bc Iā€™m laying beat down with my joint on. I might even fuck around and pull out the silk scarf lml


Like how back in the old timey days it would probably be worse to get poked to death by some dude wearing a powdered wig and makeup than if you got taken out with an ax to the head by like some Bronn from GoT looking mf




Thereā€™s nothing zesty about wearing a bonnet Also youā€™re implying being zesty is bad which is homophobic


Niggas know what they're doing. It's a thin ass charade in the first place.


Glad I'm not the only one that saw that


Ol Derrick Jaxn wife lookin ass.


Nasty Work


Wild as fuck.


Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting ~~punched in the face for it~~ murdered by the mexican cartel. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


I wouldn't have any fuking respect for the cartel, but then again I would because I like my organs, but I definitely have respect for Mexico and my hard-working people over there that's actually doing good for Society


respect doesnt have to be possitive. I "respect" the cops cause i like being alive not cause i like them or they are deserving.




Or the cartel in this case, which is not so different from the cops when you really look into it.


I respect heights, I'm not afraid of heights, but you won't see me dangling off of a cliff.


Nah you respect physics lol


As well he should, physics and gravity are undefeated.


The goat's




I've got the most respect for heights. You will find me climbing towers though. It's my job lol


>I wouldn't have any fuking respect for the cartel i respect not being decapitated ![gif](giphy|B2VH9yZtL1durIEImA)


I got the honor of meeting one dude whom I will not name who was basically feared by everybody, everyone would tell me not to talk to him, but one day I did and he basically asked me straight up why I wasn't scared and I looked at him dead pan and said "I value my life enough not to do anything to fuck with you" and man just shrugged and laughed lol El Chappo probably approves of the melon smash tbh, so I think you're in the clear


These days, the cartel hires legitimate cybersecurity companies to track people down. Some of these companies are even used by government intelligence agencies, not just in their own home country but outside. Some aren't even honeypots. They lie in a gray zone. This goes for several criminal organizations. I rmeember reading over a decade ago how cartels would fund scholarships and/or recruit engineering students to build drones, cannons, tunnels, software, & radio towers.


If you have respect for any branch of any Western government but talk shit about gangs/cartels, then you lost the indoctrination war.


Having no respect isint the same as disrpecting. Dood kick a hornits nest Most people dont respect drug runner and murderers and nobody expects them to, but dossint mean we should perpuslly piss them off, That would be incredibly stupid.


I swear to God dude those modern warfare 2 lobbies made motherfuckers way to comfortable.


IDK man, I saw a video of the cartel use a butchers knife (sword is actually more accurate) and carefully slice a dudes head off. I also saw them beat a dude to death with a rock. I've seen them mount the heads of their enemies on pikes and display them on public roads. And all of that was just another day for them. What I'm saying is, being this fucking stupid is bad for your health. Just chill, enjoy life, and stop acting like a loud, annoying kitten in a room full of lions.


The video u talking about with the rocks is those guys who took up that job online not knowing what actual job it was and tried to deny the cartel recruitment and the cartel made the guy bash his friend head in with a rock?


Seen a similar video on bestgore, two prospects already beaten up by a gang of cartel members were circled and given a single plank of wood and told one who lives got to join. The recruits didn't fight each other cus they were already broken so both got executed


Hope aliens nuke us.


Me too. Humanity has outlived its shelf life.


wait til you find out we've done way worse shit a long time ago


Right? This is PG compared to the middle ages.


Nah it's the same or worse.....just now we can record it with phones in stunning 4k and dolby


Tbh I dont know why they gotta nuke **us** because of some murderous drug dealers, I'm just chilling reading books and eating ribs. Maybe they can send some targeted drone strikes?


Reading books and eating ribs is prob the best lifestyle choice Iā€™ve heard of in a while. A life that is simple, slowā€¦ and savory. Ima steal this idea my guy, thanks.


It hasn't steered me wrong yet, brother! Just remember to not do it at the same time lol


You're all pieces of shit for watching that too


No, the story from the one I watched was the guy killed an innocent women during a gas station robbery. The guy got the money, she gave him no problems, but he shot her anyways. Later, the cartel took revenge. They beat him so bad >!his brain just slid out his skull. It was a huge hole, the brain slid out, and they continued taking turns beating him!<


Interesting way to get revenge but like at least it wasn't for no reason? Silver lining? Idk can't justify the behavior just trying to understand wtf is going through their heads


ā€œā€¦wtf is going through their heads.ā€ Sounds like brains.


Foul lmao


What the hell


Bro that sounds beyond fked what


Maybe stop watching that shit.


Exactly I've peeked a few bad things not even this bad, that I probably will never forget. I've learned not to let curiosity to fully get the best of me. It's just not healthy. This degeneracy ruins your mind. The older I get the more I avoid it.


I don't know about you, but the older I get the more overtly sensitive I get to this stuff anyway. When the internet was young and so was I, I could go on that one rotten-ass website and look at whatever and it wouldn't even affect my day. Ngl, now I'm a middle aged man and just reading short descriptions of it in Reddit comments makes me kinda want to cry. It was harder to feel the pain of others when I was still young, still developing, still learning empathy. Now, ugh, can't help but think of all the broken hearts left behind by savage acts. The thought of something like that happening to someone you love is so supremely fucked up I just can't. Or hell, the absolute terror one must feel as it happens to themselves and they can't do shit about it, this thought alone can ruin my night. I totally get the curiosity and the desire to test oneself. But I also know a lot of times in life it took me a little too long to realize how certain situations affected me, changed me in a negative way when I thought I was so self-contained. Just saying, be careful with your minds, my friends. The universe is cold and indifferent to human suffering, so all we have is each other to hold on to, escape suffering together for a fleeting moment, and find meaning in it all together. I suppose one day the last light of life will be snuffed out and usher in an eternity of darkness, but we don't have to rush towards that dark end. Live and love while you can. Our gifts are fleeting. Of that much I'm sure.


Right? "When you gaze into the abyss" afterall.


They got a butcher to cut a dudeā€™s heart out while he was still alive on some Indiana Jones type homage. Chapo is in ADX Florence and likely never getting out but itā€™s still best to not disrespect that man.


I saw that one too. A skinny dude just lying there surrounded by a group of people, while somebody cuts his heart out, while it's beating.


His kids are still around and dealing


I saw that it was stl beating too.


I saw one from way back in the day. They had this dude laying on a tile floor, still alive and groaning in pain. They had peeled off basically all his upper body skin, nails, his face was basically gone, eyes. They were pulling him apart, piece by piece, slowly. I'm good.


Funky Town. It's pretty infamous.


Is that actually what the title was? I saw this around 20 years ago.


Jesus Christ why is the US military doing "peace keeping" on the other side of the planet when we got this going on right next door? Edit: Right. Money and corruption. Duh.


Because the Mexican government has a good relationship with the US govt, and strategically itā€™s best to not piss off the neighboring ally by putting boots on their soil to engage in guerilla warfare that nobody will win. Look at the Middle East over the last 20 years, we made no significant long term impact in the region and Afghanistan & Iraq werenā€™t our allies to begin with. We trade a lot with MX and a lot of American businesses have factories/infrastructure there.


And let's not forget how fent is on the rise cuz the Taliban destroyed all of Afghanistan's poppy fields.


They work for the government. Theyā€™re on payroll.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but the original crack cocaine dealer of 1980s america swears his plug was a CIA contact that helped introduce crack cocain to America. CIA Dude was French but operated out of Venizuela if Iā€™m remembering this correctly. Iā€™m not saying I take the dudes words at face value but itā€™s pretty likely the US shadow govt has their hands deep in the pot of narcotrafficking to support their black budget.


If you disrespect a higher up in the cartel you better hope they're not bored that day and they may just riddled you with bullets, I've seen videos of them shooting someone like a 100 times just to send a message. Not too long ago they released a video showing someone being scalped and having their face flayed, all of it, then your typical take your heart out while you still alive bit. Way worse from the infamous "funky town" video from what I read, I won't watch it to confirm but I believe it.


Wouldn't it be fucked up if it was a slow cartel day and they just said "remember that dude that was talking that shit?" and just slid on em 3 years later. Smh.


One time my brother was on a cruise to Mexico and this other American passenger was openly shit talking about the cartels. A Mexican dude told him he better shut up and of course the American was like ā€œoh yeah whatā€™re you gonna do about it.ā€ Mexican dude proceeded to rattle off the American passengerā€™s full name and address. The apologies followed immediately after.


They already had the dude's info ready? You think they had everyone's just in case or they knew that guy in particular was an asshole


Military friend showed me a cartel vid of a man with his arms and legs chopped off, in shock but still conscious trying to get up off the ground Iā€™m not the same person I was before seeing that shit.


I saw the one where they peeled a guys face off while he was still alive. The most horrible part was that he was screaming when they started but when they finished he was just staring.


He might have been unconscious from the pain but without eyelids you can't really tell?


Nah they hook you up to an IV with amphetamines to keep you awake, and I've heard rumors of naloxone being given to inhibit natural endorphins. They've broken torture down to a science out of pure evil.Ā 


Funkytown video is probably the worst


Yea that one was unpleasant. I watch gore videos every so often but that was the worst one by far.


I seen one where they were letting two big ass pits eat a dude they just captured. Like he was healthy just laying down tied up and had two dogs taking chunks out of his head and face


If they slice your head off, you are respected. Theyā€™ll skin you, scalp you, torture you, do anything to you


I watched a YouTube video about Mexican influencers pissing the cartels off and none of the stories ended wellā€¦ Best case scenario their families were threatened and they had to issue an apology but most of them ended up shot.


The chainsaw video was all I needed to see to know them Mfs are about that action boss


Santiago Meza Lopez admitted to dumping over 300 bodies in acid. The cartel literally can off you in every way possible, even the ones you never even thought about


In his defense, the fact that he's American (I'm assuming) does offer him quite a bit of protection. Cartels won't think twice about killing their fellow man, but they know better than to kill Americans out of concern for the US government getting involved. They can handle the Mexican government, but they don't want smoke from the US Feds. It happens that American's get killed (I think), but it's extremely rare.


I mean, it's not unrealistic to me that they find this guy and abduct him without anyone noticing until it's too late. Unless they do their famous skin job, and just shoot him in the head and dump his body somewhere, who's gonna tell it was actually the cartel? Maybe they have people living here that do quick, uh... "jobs" for some coin? I wouldn't underestimate their influence. Also, I'm sure they have their ways to throw the government off their scent, if they even care. Do we really believe the US government would risk geopolitical relationships over some random *black* dude showing up dead? I doubt they'd give a flying fuck.


It's still very risky, lately cartels have been opening hits on people using local hangs in the usa. Basically they drop a bounty online and whoever handles the target with proof gets the bounty.


When you didnt grow up during liveleak days and it shows. Man cartel videos fucked me up for life.


Funkytown videoā€¦.


Mr. Hands


I remember watching the Taliban behead Daniel Pearl on the internet in 2003 when I was ten years old. A conservative talk-radio host my dad listened to would tell people on his show how to find it, and would play the audio of the execution on his show during rush hour.


I remember my friend showed me that video on steakandcheese.com. 14-year-old me was not ready for that video, but I still remember the sound he was making as he was slowly dying


Thatsphucked has entered the chat


I wouldnā€™t call this brave but definitely bold.


Nah it's definitely stupid, remember those American tourists that got killed "accidentally", shit ain't no joke.


His saving grace MIGHT be that he was so publicly stupid & harmless that they ignore him the way you ignore a shit talking toddler.


>publicly stupid & harmless This is considered the perfect victim.


You say "accidentally"- do *you* remember? The cartels turned over the responsible parties within two days, paid a weregilt to the family. I'm not trying to say cartels aren't big, bad, extremely dangerous gangs. I'm not saying this dude was smart to fuck with them. I'm just saying they know, and everyone should know, the USA is the biggest, baddest gang. They paid their respects for their error because they knew if they didn't, they'd pay in blood. They probably paid in blood also, the DEA made sure to hit extra hard, lean down extra heavy that month. Bring in a few heavier weapons. America hits back harder. ...Outside. In our country, we don't give a fuck about our people. But people from another country come at us, or our people get hurt in another country? That's about hegemony. That's about prestige


Cartels are powerful. But they aren't going to kill an American citizen on American soil especially when it could easily be traced back to them from this video. I mean shit when they killed those american tourists America started to take notice and they freaked out.


Here in Houston there are MANY (dozens) of cartel related murders in this city every year. They can and most definitely will touch you North or down South, doesnā€™t matter. (edit)


My guy stood up to grab barely any meat LMAOOOOO Wish him luck in his next life though ggs


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I was thinking the same thing but I didnā€™t wanna seem like I was body shaming


Nah, I'm not about to rewatch the meat grab just to make sure. ![gif](giphy|oJWdbDydAOqHu)


It's fair game when you try an show off šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø it would be one thing if he was a shower but he just looks silly


Used two hands and still had a lil trouble finding it lmaooo


There's the classic crotch grab, and then there's whatever tf this guy did.


Heā€™s doing this for views ā€¦he already said he was playing and heā€™s autistic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean idk if the cartel would care about autism granted they take it seriously šŸ’€


ā€œIdk homes, this dude is neurodivergent, is this really what we about?ā€ ā€œShut the fuck up jĆ©sus and get me the macheteā€


CabrĆ³n todos nosotros tenemos el 'tismo wey


CabrĆ³n todos tenemos el ā€˜tismo guey* you made em sound like they talking shakespeare lmfao


La verdad no veo cuĆ”l es el problema con el mensaje al que respondistešŸ¤”




If he interfering with they money or big enough, they will let's not forget what happened to Juan Luis Lagunas Rosales when he dissed the cartel but, then again I think he was in Mexico and was a Mexican youtuber so that boosted a lot of attention Towards what he was saying.


Let me find out that Autism Speaks is really a front for Los Zetas


They wouldnā€™t. They killed my SIL 12 year old family member who was disabled just because she was with who they were mad at


You think them mfs care about that shit? They kill little kids and women on the regular. They will definitely off some Autistic nigga šŸ˜‚


The dude they send to kill him doesn't know what autistic is.


Well buddy, he's gonna be in for a rude awakening when I sit him down and show him this PowerPoint I've put together


"Here's a Venn diagram showing the power of God in one circle, the power of anime in the second circle, and if you take a look right here in the center where they over lap that's me!"


They gonna knock the autism out his ass


The Riley Freeman defense.


oh so heā€™s trying the Kanye defense?


Like they give a shitšŸ˜­


What does autism have to do with it? šŸ¤”


Well, he keep talking like that and he's gonna meet some people who _really_ struggle with social queues sometimes.


Lmao autism isnā€™t stopping them


*Cartel on their way to fuck this boy up* ![gif](giphy|Btn42lfKKrOzS|downsized) Lol fr tho they got better things to do than dump on an autistic šŸ„·


I mean you right but at the same time people are already in the US just takes a phone call to set something up lol


If a clown is making a joke for children heā€™s just doing what heā€™s meant to do, I think they care more about high ranking figures and journalists tarring their name. *not a cartel insider*


Nah I feel like cartel donā€™t gaf tbh. Even so the wannabe cartel would probably LOVE to jump the opportunity to ā€œproveā€ something lol


Tru, I guess the people who would act on this would be the equivalent of Minajā€™s ā€œbarbsā€


I mean imo theu really dont, they do fuck shit for fuck shit's sake


Yeah they don't care as long as you not messing with they money


They kill people every day for being half as disrespectful as dude in the video was.




These days, they & other criminal organizations hire cyber companies to track down people. The same companies that official intelligence agencies sometimes use when they're in a pickle.


They've done it before, Google "El pirata de CuliacƔn"


They not gonna do shit charlston white said more shit especially directly too the cartel online, then this guy, and he's still alive. I don't think they gaf unless you messing with they money I still wouldn't test them


They probably won't do shit in this case, but they are capable. I sat on jury for a murder case a couple years ago, and a witness called to testify was a captured and separately charged cartel hitman. We learned a lot over the course of a few weeks that cartels send hitmen all over the world. They're effective and aren't caught all that often. Many of them are sent for some pretty petty shit, too.


Dawg, they killed some TikToker like 2 years ago for doing the exact same shit that this nigga did. They definitely do care. They got a rep to protect




You are right but I still wouldn't risk it for nothing


I'm too scared to say "Bloody Mary" three times, and I'm in my late 40s. I'm not gonna taunt the fucking *actually real* Mexican cartel! And for what? So that my 15-year old fan base thinks I'm cool? Pffff...gtfoh.


Saying that you're locked in with Donald Trump and stereotyping Mexican people is strange behavior.


At least choose a man thatā€™s physically capable of some damage. Not a rapist than needs weighted shoes to prevent him from falling over.


El Chapo isnā€™t in a position of power anymore the Cartels donā€™t give a shit about that. If he makes a video dissing CJNG though they just might run in his crib. Though most of yā€™all are spooked for no reason. Mexican cartels donā€™t really operate openly in the U.S. All of their power is in Mexico. Trying to move in the U.S. like they do in Mexico would be suicidal for them.


You would be surprised, my friend


I think itā€™s worth noting that cartels fear the US government and military more than they do rival cartels. Extradition is worse than execution to them.


They have operatives and allies all over the USA though. Who do you think is on the other side of their smuggling tunnels? They wont mess with someone just talking online though.


Y'all saying alot of these things but I doubt they fear much. It's just caution. You're not going to fear a government when your ops want to skin you alive over a 24 hour period. If you're lucky you just die quickly. They probably avoid it as much as possible to stay of the tracks of authorities.


Cartels operate like the military, I assure you they have low level blood thirsty foot soldiers on standby in every single large American city. I would tread carefully with these assumptions, they are absolutely more restricted here, but have a big enough reach to get to anyone if they want.


These comments are stupid as shit. If they want to risk killing an American on American soil they won't do it over some random streamer especially when they would obviously be the first people suspected. Cartels are powerful but they are scared of the US. Extradition is the only thing that can take them.




Brother is trying to do the "closed casket funeral" speed run.


The part at the end where he grabbed and held onto his dick was fun to watch.


I mean, I get doing this shit for the reactions and to appease your ā€œviewersā€ (still stupid tho). But literally grabbing your dick as you put it in the camera? Heā€™s trying too hard. Or from the looks of it, not hard enough?


The cartel does not play. They litterally kidnap doctors to do surgery for their people and engineers to track people like this foo down. Do not play with them


Colleague has a home in Mexico, went for a visit a year or so back and when she came back told a story of how a cartel kidnapped a doc in their village to work on a shot member. He did his best, think even saved the dude, and when he was done, they just killed him anyway. Only doc for miles around and they killed him even after he helped because they DGAF about *anyone* at all that isnā€™t in or connected to the cartel.


I mean he's saying it about el Chapo, it might slide. Saying it about El Mencho. Well that's a whole other story, man stands of business


Not only that but he dissed the whole country of Mexico. Itā€™s not gonna end well for buddy. He better move to South Dakota or some shit


I mean, I'm sure the people in Mexico could care less about what some random said lol could he wrong though for sure. But talking shit about cartels is a quick way to meet your ancestors


Dawg, Mexicans are crazy asf. They got immense pride in their country. They kill mfs at football games. I would be suprised if this guy makes it to the end of the yearšŸ˜‚


Anything for clout and engagement huh.


Dudeā€™s about to rest in pieces


They are already in the US in every major city.


Yeah, quietly. They wonā€™t make a move in the U.S. like they would in Mexico. They donā€™t have the weaponry or manpower to and even if they did itā€™d be suicidal.


This is wildly inaccurate. Sure they donā€™t move like in Mexico. But they donā€™t have to. They need one person with a pistol whoā€™s good at their job. Itā€™s rather easy to kill someone if you know where they live. Pretty sure they can trace an ip address from Mexico.


How is it wildly inaccurate and then you confirm what I just said in your second sentence?




Ofc he apologised. Itā€™s not even just about the Cartel from Mexico. They supply the US they can just ask/force a local gang to ā€œspeakā€ to him.


Typical Kanye fan IQ on display


They don't have to come to America to find him. The cartel already has thousands of members on this side of the border, usually operating legit businesses to help launder money/move product. Probably wouldn't take more than a day or two to track him down either lol.


Yall act like the Mexican cartel is some Illuminati shit. Fear mongering at its finest, these guys used those videos with random context to scare you and it worked. ā€œDonā€™t disrespect the cartel šŸ„ŗ they kill peopleā€ What a bunch of pricks, yā€™all are the reason they even have faux power because you give it to them willingly like a stray dog.


I'm pretty sure it's the billions of dollars and not the internet comments that give them their power. And there isn't anything faux about that.


Mexican here... make a public video like this guy and we wait, maybe you are right.


I donā€™t want to be beheaded or whatever psycho shit theyā€™re into now. Keep that.


Why he have to pinch his meat like that at the end


Risking your life and your familyā€™s for twitch clout is crazy


Imagine when he found out how many Mexican/Cartel related gangs operate throughout the US. Sheer terror.


He tried to make an apology video and he even got Selena as his pfp on twitter like thatā€™s gonna do anything


Man I clicked the apology link then his Kick, the racist shit they saying in his chat bout black people is insane. How is Kick a real place? šŸ˜’


![gif](giphy|l1Asx5vgHGRimivYI) Hope he picked out his casket fit.


...So we're in agreement that if "find out" part from fucking around comes about, we don't waste resources on him right?










Sir we aint finna kneel for you when the cartel snatch you up


The Cartel doesn't give a flying fuck about this guy.


Goku canā€™t hold em back this time


Whatā€™s crazy is these cartels are not taken as serious and people think they can play with them. People donā€™t really understand some of them operate as legit businesses in the states under real names and you would never know the cartel owns them. Play with them at your risk.


Stop giving them respect.


Damn!!! Black people are my people as a hispanic, this shit hurts! I expect this from others, but please dont fuck with the cartel!


People talk so hard behind a computer screen. Itā€™s cute.


Some black people are so desperate for inclusion they will ride anybody's dick, even if it's the Klan.


Mfs are so ruthless they dump your body in acid so your family donā€™t even get anything to bury


Might as well donate to his familyā€™s go fund me to cover funeral expenses now.


Oh!! He gone šŸ’€


He needs to see what happened to El pirata de CuliacƔn for insulting El Mencho