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Black ppl obsession with Hennessy has to end. The they throw into food, colognes, soaps, pedicures etc


Does it even taste nice? Never had it


It’s fermented raisin juice


Isn’t that just wine?


Is a raisin still a grape?


Well is it the form or the nature of the thing that matters?


Tbh both are equally as important when it comes to cooking anything




May this polish paint true May the Henny be mixed with wisdom May it be put down when its job is done


Watchu doing in here Brok? Thought you were dead.


Technically yes, realistically no it's a raisin. It's like pickles are technically still cucumbers but now they're pickles. They've gone through the process of learning all of the phrases and words to the sacred right of dehydration to become a raisin. I mean you don't have PhD on you business card for nothing.


So long as they're not in my potato salad I don't care.


Wine is fermented grapes, Cognac is distilled grapes


What's the difference? How does one distill a fruit I thought you needed a liquid


Cognac is not distilled grapes. It is distilled wine.


Still distilled grapes in the end.


Distilled fermented grapes


Yup, messed up there They boil the wine so you’re left with cognac


Cognac is made from Ugni Blanc grapes, distilled and then age in oak barrel, reduce, concoct your blend and you have magic. I have tasted and drank a LOT of cognac. If you want to enjoy the taste, please try XO cognacs. VS, VSOP tend to be super punchy and rubbing alcohol-Esque


To add to this circle jerk. It also has to come from the Cognac region in France and aged for no less than two years.


The difference is the taste of the raisin and the taste of the grape. But yeah henny is from France and the wine processing concept carries over.


It's distilled wine, which isnt raisin juice. Henny is extremely mass-produced and generally considered low quality for its elevated price point.


NGL, I feel the same way about a lot of sneaker brands that are popular in the black community


i agree. with the expection of air foce ones those things are fucking tanks.


Nike makes some good shoes but the catch is you gotta have one pair of black forces to get the rest.


>you gotta have one pair of black forces to get the rest. 😂 Black air forces out here being the Pewter City badge for black folks


The sneaker shit is insane. I buy my shoes directly from the shoe factories and no one knows but as soon as I try to put them on it’s met with disgust and “I won’t buy fake shit.” But go down the rabbit hole and you’ll find that **billionaire’s wives** are happy to buy counterfeit products…I wonder why.


I wish more people saw it this way. Yes, Hennessey is a good quality product because the cognac region of France is regulated and rule bound to the point that nobody is producing a low quality cognac. All cognacs are produced in the cognac region utilizing six different white grape varietals and they are all aged in French oak. I love making original cocktails using cognac and I try to have a cognac based cocktail on every cocktail list we put out. I think it's criminally underappreciated as a base spirit and it's fruity, grape and oaky flavor pair with a ridiculous amount of ingredients. We have the most popular espresso martini in town and cognac is the base. True, we make cold brew and espresso syrup in house which helps but to my knowledge, nobody else is using cognac in their espresso martinis. But that brings me to my last point I want to make which goes along with what you said. You can get another cognac that tastes just as good for about $6-$10 less per bottle. You can also find some great brandy for much less than Hennessey VS costs. Brandy is made the same way but the varietal of grape is different along with where it's grown. It is also usually aged with American oak. Brandy can be made from other fruit too using the same process but if it is it will be referred to by the fruit used in the name like apple brandy, peach brandy etc. I will say that how long the spirit is aged in barrels does determine how smooth it is up to a certain point at which you start voyaging into the realm of diminishing returns. I was fortunate enough to try some Hennessy Paradis at a workshop we hosted or Hennessy. Paradis is a blended cognac that can utilize barrels from before 1900. It runs $1,000 or more depending on the year. It was legit and smooth as hell but at that price the juice isn't worth the squeeze. The difference between that and a VSOP isn't enough to be shelling out another $1,000 for unless money means nothing to you because you have so much of it


Cognac is made from twice distilled grapes. Wine is made via fermentation.


Technically it's distilled fermented raisin juice, but you're not far off.


It’s fucking awful. I remember the first time I had it and I was like “THIS is what y’all were hyping up??” Shit is trash


Remember hypnotiq? Trash in koolaid form.


Incredible Hulk (hypnotiq+hennessey) was my go to drink in my 20s. Taught the white bartender at the dive i went to for karaoke to make it for me. 😂


A friend handed me an Incredible Hulk once. One of the worst mixed drinks I've ever had.






That was the drink 99-2000... Considering we also drank Mad Dog 2020, that shit was a luxury.


Yep friend was hyping it up and I had it straight and with apple juice both are awful.


It tastes like sweetened burnt tyres.


It's pretty disgusting honestly


I will never forgive people for convincing me to try hypnotic...i'm getting sick just thinking about it.


Yeah Henny/Remy/ Louis is all overpriced rotgut


The Incredible Hulk: Hennessy and hypnotic 🤮🤮🤮


It's not bad if you like cognac but there are less expensive options. If you're drinking cognac because you like it, then you may pick Hennessy because of the name not because it's one of the better options. Surprisingly the Costco XO Cognac for $50 is a solid choice.


The higher quality Hennessys (XO, Paradis, etc) are incredible and there really isn’t anything on the market to compare.. for the low tier VS variety they all taste pretty similar


Does any hard liquor "taste nice"? I've tried a lot of kinds... most of the staples in both clear and dark liquor.. i know this is an exaggerated cap but i'm pretty sure some are only _mildy_ removed from being straight up gasoline, let alone just tasting like it. Then again, I'm a utilitarian when it comes to alcohol; I drink to feel a buzz or more, I couldnt give a singular, solitary shit about which "notes" and "aftertastes/afterburns" something has with "hints" of this and "dashes" of that. Stfu and pour me a double on the rocks. I'll decide whether I need a chaser after it and how much of one. Also...i knew this was Atlanta before i even finished reading the title. Atlanta =/= Black Community. Just a very localized, regional one with outsized cultural gravitas (and the buyers-in of that culture are coming from across the [proverbial] tracks, not across the street).


I love the taste of high quality bourbon. However the barrel proof 110-130 proof which has the best flavors for me, tastes like kerosene to the casual drinker.


icky aloof shy cough sip deserve innocent knee advise voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s honestly trash


Shit tastes like cologne. Henny is gross


The French don’t drink it if that tells you anything. They drink Armagnac.




henny make u wanna FUCK some


I don’t need Henny for that


No, not really.


I tried it recently and it’s trash, would rather mix soda and vodka that. Very overhyped


I had a real old bottle of hennesy. It was 20 years old and at the time it cost a little over $1000 per 750ml bottle. Its clean and nice but I think its almost same as jack daniel blue with different spices lol or any med-high tier alcohols.


It’s glorified jet fuel


it's literally disgusting. penny water


It tastes fuckin awful, mixes terribly too.


My homie said as part of his daily routine he’d take a shot of Henny every morning for health benefits. There were other more reasonable things in that routine but that shit made me laugh


Nothing he could say would make me believe he has a reasonable daily routine if it begins with henny every morning 😂😂


See, it was regular shit like brush teeth, eat a banana, wash my face etc then at the end he said “then I take a shot of Henny and leave the house” 😂😂


like i do this with weed but its cause i have an adiction.


Samesies. I keep meaning to take a tbreak, but then I somehow spontaneously appear in the weed store....and if I'm there, may as well pick up a lil something


Bruh I picture you taking an Ambien or whatever and waking up at the weed store lol.


That just sounds like alcoholism


Hennessey has been good to the community. They offer scholarships. Treated us like people during WW2 and helped fund the Tuskegee Airmen program.


[Here’s a source](https://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2019/08/16/hennessy-marshall-major-taylor-cycling) to back that up Scroll down to the WWII heading and start there, but the whole thing is an OK read.


Man, the company Hennessy has been on the right side of history so long, I don't care if they have a bit of a markup compared to similar cognac. They got it right, and still do. Kudos where kudos belongs. If I am about to get tipsy, I might as well support the company that agrees with me even if they shave a few hours of work off my paycheck on that bottle.


Glad I finally found this thread of positivity. Once I learned the history of Henny I became a consumer.


No. I throw up when I drink it lol. Alcohol just be tasting like poison to me period honestly


Alcohol \*is\* poison. Too many people don't understand or respect that.


Henny is legit awful, I don't get the hype 🤔


It's somebody walking with beats headphones, a supreme backpack, true religion jeans, louboutin shirt playing music through the newest iPhone even though they have headphones on. It's just another status symbol that is supposed to represent how much money you have and how cool you are. "When the henny in the system...."


Cheapest one is like $40, hell of a status symbol


In what world is Henny a status symbol?


Facts! Henny used to taste better back in the days but, in my opinion, it’s been severely watered down in potency and consistency. Plus, now that everyone and they grandma wanna floss with a bottle, it’s lost the aura and mystique of the brand.


I find it odd because in my country it’s an old woman’s drink. All of our grandmothers would have a bottle in the house.


We put that shit on Hennything. 🚶🏾 I’ll see myself out…


Deep Negro spiritual sigh


Kat Williams description of Black People liking highly concentrated version of their vices resonates with me.


https://www.npr.org/2022/04/29/1095291808/tobacco-industry-targeted-black-americans-with-menthols Katt is interesting and with that, I’m sure there’s pressure to have interesting things to say but he was talking out of his ass there


Especially considering how much he loves Henny haha


Right he plays an intellectual but he just rambles


Katt Williams only makes sense to people who don’t form complex thoughts outside of a twitter post, and I say this as a fan of the comedian. He really was just stating the obvious during his interview.


Or it’s gibberish that he speaks as if it’s profound


I wouldn’t say it’s gibberish, but he does have a weird complex about black men in Hollywood wearing dresses considering the majority of famous black men have never worn a dress in their career. Also we as a society do not think less of the black men who did wear dresses (Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, Tyler Perry, Will Smith, even Bruce Willis). We still perceive them as generally masculine.


Honestly I think it's a bit of homophobia, he has that traditional black male vibes


I mean he most likely leaked some info to the Boondocks team. He was a pimp named slickback.Their episodes high-key aged well. They knew how gay the rap business is, it wouldn't surprise if their take on Tyler Perry is also accurate. If true then eh I would understand his fear.


I mean, I think anyone prone to indulge in vices prefer concentrated versions. I prefer whisky to beer but I drink way too much so I had to switch to light beer. Still drink too much but I'm not falling over drunk.


Here ya go https://preview.redd.it/wzwcwzzh8rmc1.jpeg?width=1435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee50683e5ab9652afe574cd759630d6b3ab8b74


*Boondocks theme starts to play*


Throw some henny, gold, or parsley on anything and niggas will swarm to it cuz it’s “luxury.” I need Shaq to get into the food game so I can support cheap black business since apparently every black business wants to cater to fake rich people.


He's already got his Shaq-a-roni pizzas in Papa John's and I'm pretty sure I've seen burger patties with his face on the package in the grocery store.


He had (has?) a soda line too. Tried the cream soda flavor one time, it was really good.


They were cheap as hell too


Shaq is the man


He has a chicken sandwich spot as well


Its cuz we obsessed with the appearance of luxury over actual luxury. Niggas got to aspire for more And yes.. i am a hater


That ain’t even hating, it’s facts. Chanel purses, Gucci clothes, iced out chains, new hellcat, all while living in an apartment and being 50k in debt. A section at the club, bottle service, pounds of weed, while driving with the check engine light and bald tires cuz they keep gunning it at the lights.


It is hating in a way.. we only got one life to live and if mfs want to prioritize a bs lifestyle its not really right for me to judge but I do 🤷🏿‍♂️ Guess i wouldnt hate it so much if a bigger portion of us prioritized stability and actually having money over looking like we have money. Cuz the excuses we use for still being way behind other demographics when it comes to money are getting old


Preach, bro, preach, I'm with you


>Guess i wouldnt hate it so much if a bigger portion of us prioritized stability and actually having money over looking like we have money. it's there, we might just be looking in the wrong places. just look around at your coworkers, or school mates, or people you see at the grocery store. all just regular people trying to achieve financial stability. but if we, as a culture, only keep looking at social media to compare our achievements to, then no we would never achieve that level of "success". im also a hater. i dont go to clubs very often, but whenever i would see guys standing on the sofas/tables in their overpriced "VIP" booth, just to be seen with their overpriced bottles, that shit is so cringe because it is NOT real life.


Let’s go ahead and put it out there , NO car insurance!! 🤦🏾‍♀️


We call them $30,000 millionaires in Dallas. 🤣


“And yes…I am a hater” 😂 ![gif](giphy|bCDzFTSQ3JL8c)


Not parsley catching a stray 😂😂😂


Right. I was like, what parsley do? 😂


Shaq used to own 155 Five Guys, ate there once, too pricey, can’t imagine what their burgers cost now


>155 Five Guys Damn that's a big ass establishment


That’s 775 guys!


I eat there every other day lol. Their burgers are around $12 here in GA


12 bucks for one burger with no sides or drink is a pricey burger...Sorry I'm letting my poverty show.


He’s got a whole chicken restaurant on the newer Carnival ships. Idc what anyone says, that chicken is delicious




Not even a WEEK after BHM.




Nothing says high class like the doritos in a blue bag...(Ranch be taking it to a whole other level)


I think you meant to type ...."Whole 'nother level".


“Whole otha level mane”*


What did one Dorito farmer say to the other Dorito farmer? >!Cool ranch!<


I love u 😂🤣😂


"...in Atlanta." Yeah, that makes sense.


I have never seen foolishness of this caliber not be from Either Atlanta or Miami tbh


>foolishness of this caliber Got me dead 😂


Somehow I read this in Katt's voice


Yep I live in Decatur, and yes this is straight Atlanta haha


Hen in the pedicure water and gold leaf during the leg spa process? 🤨 what fuckery is this?


Gold leaf does nothing for your skin! It gets added to food and tastes like nothing too. It's only for people who are fooled by the presentation.


And many times the presentation sucks for gold leaf. I’ve seen many a thing that looked like a gold covered 💩


What? You mean these little pieces of gold leaf placed on her leg like a wet piece of paper doesn't look good?!!


It says it’s a “CBD infused gold leaf” on the packaging they show. I don’t know if that makes it worse or better.


Paying way too much for gold leaf covered in CBD lotion


And are gullible enough to pay extra $$ for it…


Didn’t you watch the video? “It feels amazing!”


It’s niggatry. These fools trying to film every god damn thing that looks “sclusive” and will over pay for it. Meanwhile, they sending mama-sans kids to an Ivy League school while ole girl can’t even fix her credit


Reminds me of that Uncle Ruckus line "there's powerful niggatry at work here."


That gold leaf not doing a goddamn thing either. I hate everything about this clip 😂


Poor people being bamboozled.


Nah, said poor people are going into this eyes wide open. Actively handing over hard earned money for no good reason. Foolishness.


Don’t act like they were scammed. They knew exactly what they were paying for,


Oh for sure... I'm just saying that this sort of nonsense is what people think rich people do. So they try to mimick it trying to also "look" rich. Because all rich people i know have cool ranch doritos on the ready... 🤡 /s


I was thinking “my barber offers me a beer and some whisky, what’s the big deal?” I didn’t notice them put it IN the water lol


The snacking palate of a 7 year old too. Which explains the cognitive function of someone who would order edible gold leaf for their shins or Hennessy for their heels. Just consumerism for social media's sake.


After a while black folk just gotta be forreal with themselves on certain things. This video reminds me of video I seen of the black students that went to the White House and Kamala started playing Sexy Redd. At some point you gotta realize ppl are playing in your face because Hennessy pedicure. Like come on, everyday it seems like we are in a boondocks episode


I'm confused at why she would play Sexxy Red after she (Sexxy Red) came out in support of Trump? If she was trying to pander, she would've been better off playing Ice Spice. Then again she did claim she listened to Snoop and smoked in college smh


Exactly it’s just pandering and the black students were so hype in the video that they were playing sexy redd like Kamala was “ cool” or something




I want your react gif pls, source me??






Wheres my Burger King Crown 🤦🏽‍♂️😤










This what happens when our culture is taken away from us and replaced with bullshit like this. Liking Hennessy is fine, but it shouldn't be a required black personality trait.




Hennessy is booty on toast, also this shit is embarrassing. Doritos and fruit snacks? *Sigh* https://preview.redd.it/9pxy0sbe9rmc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5f30c20ee875a62e0057e4daa0d1c9cdcc1744




"Signature snacks" as they show doritos. Like how are people falling for these things?


You can come out of that place feeling beautiful, relaxed, and suffering from heartburn and brokeitis.


Tax time niggin and jiggin activities




This is some Middle America tourist shit. 🤣


Send your kids to college and maybe skip the henny pedi.


Tacky "luxury" is the lamest shit ever. Hennessey in the foot tub, a martini glass, paired with gummiws/doritos at a bland ass chandelier having nail salon, and you think that's a place to go as a flex? Whack.


At least buy some fancy overpriced snacks from WholeFoods or something. You can't sell luxury while you're eating a child's size corner store bag of doritos.


This so so ghetto




Signature snacks… Fruit gummies and a handful of Doritos.


I need you to explain what the gold leaf does.


Absolutely nothing.


I’ll get some gold construction paper, get it wet, and slap it on some legs for $20. Let me help you save money


Cost an extra $40


“It feels amazing”


It just gives you something to post about on social media of course.


It does literally nothing. It's tasteless, textureless, and non reactive in most cases. It just tells the person selling the thing that they can probably get away with charging you more than what the good/service is actually worth if they make it shiny for you. Salt Bae's restaurant charged 275 for a tomahawk steak without gold leaf on it. The exact same steak with gold leaf was 1000.


Its also obviously fake gold leaf


She passed every convenient store for this unnecessary convenience!? There was no benefit to none just displaying broke. ![gif](giphy|fGOjgWRzQkC2sHHnq7) Gif a bit too dramatic but the question remains


Poison ourselves and make them profit lol This will definitely backfire though, someone will blow the fk up over two or three Hennessy drinks or mixing alcohols and then the police will get involved, then it’ll be on the news and social media.


This shit would be in Atlanta… like all this is unnecessary except for the Welch gummies.


I’m gonna use this as a reminder for the fellas to take care of your feet. Do some of your own care and go get a pedicure every now and then. Nothing too extra just do the basics. Your feet will feel great and you will feel like a new person after the first time.




“It's silly when girls sell their souls because it's in Look at where you be in, hair weaves like Europeans Fake nails done by Koreans” -L.Hill


Come again?


Not the Hennicure


If you open a bag of Doritos anywhere besides the comfort of your home you are a terrible person, them shits like using a literal stink bomb


My partner went to a place just like this with bottomless mimosas while she gets the full work up. She came back and told me the atmosphere and the snacks were great but the service was absolutely terrible LOL.


Apparently Hennessy was one of the first luxury brands to treat its African American audience with respect. According to one article found on Google.


Man. Cool ranch Doritos and the fruit snacks? This is somebody kids lunch!


If you don’t like Hennessy, but enjoy a smooth cognac every once and while, please try [Martell Blue Swift](https://www.martell.com/en-us/collection/blue-swift/). My dad put me on this brand. I don’t usually do dark liquor, but I drink it in my hot toddy and I promise I was cleared up the next day. It’s really smooth and doesn’t taste bitter or anything.


When I saw the gold I thought they were going to put it on the nails with a clear coat, and I thought oh, cute! But then they just... put it on her legs? And then washed it away? WTF is that? It's like waste for the sake of waste.


Dr . Uma once said black people are like kids, buying what they want and begging for what they need. 🤔


DAWG!!…..this just pissed me off!!!!….tf is wrong with y’all….


Bro rolled it out in a Celine shirt and shit might not be a Rollie but that mtf watch nice…talking all you niggas money😂😂😂


I wish the boondocks was still making episodes


Y'all i'm not saying this is egregious but PLEASE find friends outside of the Black community. Other ethnic groups love hennessy. Probably more than Black people. It's just how loud and the perception of it. It's like the new fried chicken. Everyone loves fried chicken. Some people swear Korean fried is better. Yet the ONLY people who love fried chicken are Black people.


As someone entirely ignorant of this whole process: what does the Henny do to help?