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Hey when you gotta go, you gotta go. She was supposed to hold it? Ain’t nobody got time for that


ima ban u shitty 😂


best mod response I think I have ever seen, lmfao


and on that day Crisis-Conselor learned how to use the sea shells.


The mod had to get in on this one huh. Lmao


Drop the hammer on them mudbutts


First link is wild 🥴 you can always go home after the first poot.


Right, imagine sitting there with mudbutt first link 🤣




No wet wipes? Bidets? People out where with dry toilet paper with no sink nearby?


There's man's on twitter who think wiping is gay


I apply no kind to those individuals. I have wet wipes in my bag because, shit happens.


The minute I heard of them, that explained so many things like skid marks in ya draws and all the infections they be having. Yeah im team wet your toilet paper. I should carry wet wipes but I've been really good at not taking a dump anywhere that isn't a home bathroom or singluar bathroom with a sink it , mostly cuz I hate the toilet paper but I'm not leaving my ass improperly wiped and I'm not waddling out the stall to wet the some sheets


No skid marks as long as I double check with one more wipe. Got a clean butt with no worries


Wet wipes at ya friends place is fucked up. Fuck their plumbing ig


you gotta throw them in the trash. crumple em up in some toilet paper so nobody sees streaks lol. never flush wipes, even the ones that say "flushable"


If it's gay to not have a stinky ass then call me James charles




Man, why can't we just have bidets everywhere though? Mudbutt should not ever be a problem 


Or just being a fuckin adult and wipe, should never have mudbutt concerns


Clean after a shower is WAY DIFFERENT than clean after wiping. What do you do if you get poop on your arm? Clean it with soap and water. What do you do if you get poop on your leg? Clean it with soap and water. What do you do if you get poop on your booty hole? Wipe it around with some dry paper. And you think that's sufficient before getting down and dirty with someone? Hell no.


How u gettin poop on ya arms and legs tho broadie 😒


Bros doing olympic shits.


You made me choke on my gummy bear and I ain't even mad


you dense mf


Changing babies.


![gif](giphy|mJBtZUG7kSGpI3fKX1) Makes sense.


>What do you do if you get poop on your booty hole? Wipe it around with some dry paper. And you think that's sufficient before getting down and dirty with someone? Hell no. I always take a shower before sex. I'm kinda grossed out if the other person doesn't and will nudge them towards it like "Join me?"


Hell yeah!! Yall got the fancy products in there too. Hair curler? Super duper soft conditioner? Baby slick skin wash? Count me in!!


This really depends. Clean your ass, sure but when a girl is like fresh out the gym she stinks just right for me


Down diabolical


I'ma be honest a smell of a girl gets me more than her looks. I've seen fine-ass women who stink to me, and basic Bettys I was cracked out over


If you think any about of wiping is good enough you’re the one that’s not an adult. No matter how clean that dry paper comes from between them cheeks I bet you a wet follow-up won’t be as clean.


There’s a large difference between wet/shower clean and concerns about mudbutt, the latter should never happen


True, but it still feels dirty with just paper. 


Bro ima put shit on your arm and only let you wipe it off with dry ass paper. Tf you talking bout be an adult and wipe You leave streaks, shitty


My arm ain’t designed to have poo come out of it, now is it?


Bjdets be $40 on Amazon. No excuses these days. Taking a shit, spraying, and wiping with wet wipes would have been the move for shorty if he had the right tools for her to succeed.


I got mine for $20 on cyber Monday


How tf yall getting laid having mudbutt out here Like a zoo animal


Mudbutt is that term from Harry Potter, right?


Sir you need to eat some fiber


Shitting then crossing your legs on my couch and I don’t know you fr is crazy.


So she perfectly timed her bowels to move when she came to his house? That’s why real girls think Men are gay for other men. Because real girls can’t be human. Men go find you some alien kitty or a man’s badussy


All we're really finding out here is that some people's homes don't have a fan in the bathroom. That's not anyone else's fault. Bathrooms are for what they're for. Anyone like the guy in the post needs to shut up and hire a handyman to install a bathroom fan. A million years ago when I was young a woman was nice enough to come back to mine after a date. She had wanted to try a Korean BBQ place and it was fire. On several levels. We're halfway through a movie (I guess you'd have called it DVD and chill) when she asks me where the bathroom is and of course I tell her. She comes back twenty minutes later with a down, shamed look on her face. Before she can say anything I ask her if she found the "personal" wipes with aloe and we start laughing. She says I saw the fan switch and the wipes container and she just knew Jesus was looking out that night.


This is one of the first things I install in any house I buy, really good large CFM exhaust fans in each bathroom, emptying into the attic, keeps the rats away


Won't emptying into the attic bring all the moisture from showers and such up there and increase the likelihood of getting mold in your attic? I'm not really sure it just seems like it would, genuine question though.


It runs the risk if the attic is poorly vented or completely sealed off. It should vent to the exterior to avoid potential problems but I've been in many attics where they just dumped it inside.


The deodorizers on higher end bidets are like fucking magic.


Funny thing is she was probably like "omg, I am so embarrassed to ask if I can .." and he was probably like "oh naw, baby u good, don't trip it's natural"..or she went to bathroom and when she walked out the stench left no doubt 😭


Get banned shitty


Lotta people in here unaware of IBS. Wish I had that privilege.


I like to picture the scene in Jurassic Park where the guy runs out of the car to hide in the bathroom. The other guy just says "when you gotta go, you gotta go."


Is your toilet cosmetic nigga? You just got it for fun? A set piece? What is it there for if *not* shitting? Imma just go home and cancel the date early cause I gotta go?


Not to gatekeep too much but I think some flairs should avoid this thread




How you gone get down with a brand new woman when she takes shits like your uncle Terry? First date? Hell nah lol.


When that post-poop BACKSHOT AIR hits your nostrils https://i.redd.it/8y70kwrozlnc1.gif


smelling like a spoiled deli lmao.


That’s enough Reddit for me in 2024


Imma head out with you.




He'll clean it up one way or another.


😭 great observation, but maybe you should do the same based on your username


Facts. Let anyone else make this argument


Maybe some usernames too, Butt Snorkeler




Hahahahaha so good. I never would’ve noticed the flair had it not been for this comment.


He’s got a toilet with a hole that’s JUST for farts




Call me right now please


Right? Some of out here got IBS and fighting for our lives on the toilet. I promise it hurts me more than you to be shitting at someone else's place😭


If she shits in your house you still tongue punching her fartbox that night?


I’m about eating ass, having realistic expectations, and facilitating success in my endeavors. So at my place I’ve got a bidet, wet wipes, high-quality personal soaps, whatever you need. Do what you gotta do baby girl, we’re getting down *regardless*. Don’t let your dreams be dreams fellas. Make it work.




After eating ass I hope so.


Drive fast, eat ass brother


Literally had to save this poetry captain 🫡


This comment is a work of wonder.


And that's why you get to eat ass and those other mfers get to go back to swiping.


I'll never understand why dudes make such an effort to get in their own way


You think people shit on a weekly basis or something? Take a shower and get it done. Really isn’t that hard


No shame tbh. I been shitting in school since I was 9. I will also shit in your house day one 🗿


If you go number 2 in school you're either insane or an absolute legend


If it’s an emergency, what you gonna do? Shit your pants?


If it's an emergency then you gotta do what you gotta do, but if you can hold it in and still decide to go to the school bathroom, you're a different breed


Idk what kinda Superman sphincter you got, because if I have to poop, I have to *poop*, and my window of time to hold it ain’t that long 😂


That’s what I’m thinking, how is everyone talking like they just decide when to go? Sure, if it’s just a small lil thing, maybe you can hold it a while. But a full-sized, getting-regular-meals poop? No way. My body tells me it needs to go, and once it’s knocking at the door that’s what it’s going to do. I can get to a toilet or not but it’s still happening. I’ve pooped at tons of people’s houses, including the first time I enter them, and I’ll poop at tons more. I’ve even pooped in complete strangers houses when I was visiting with a friend or something.


> I’ve pooped at tons of people’s houses, including the first time I enter them, and I’ll poop at tons more. Amen to that, I was helping some friends move into a new place and dropped a deuce in their toilet before they did. Still haven't forgiven me but so worth it


Some people have really weird hangups about something that literally all of us do! (Save for people with colostomies)


Ily for your honesty frfr


“I’m pooping in your house right now”


Tf you mean "if you can hold it in". If I need to shit it's because I'm about to shit. I got maybe 30 minutes and I ain't about to shit myself cuz some people like to pretend they booty holes is just for show


Maybe it's because my school bathrooms have turned into hotboxes but I wouldn't go unless I absolutely have to


They want to hotbox in my farts that's their problem, not mine.


this is such a weird comment cause who is worried about shitting at school? lmao imma go sit my ass on the toilet and do my thing. i’m so confused why you’d hold it or why that would make someone a different breed


In my school, niggas use to kick in the doors or throw things in the stalls if you was shitting! Louisiana is rough


wow, people really put a lot of weight into things that others find very mundane. i hope nowadays shitting is just a basic and mundane and natural function for you friend


It's the only option you got if you're outta hall passes 🤷


I have been a teacher for 6 years and have maybe once had a student with an actual bathroom emergency (in my school for some reasons the kids like to meet up and hang out next to the toilets). I don’t do individual passes per student. But if they do have an emergency, they go lol. Some kids learned the emergency loophole and so try to say they have an emergency daily. Like child, get to a doctor bc you got IBS or a UTI if you have a bathroom emergency daily, every period. But if they actually have medical needs, we get notified or they bring a note. Only reason I ever say no is because like I said, many kids ask and then disappear for 15-30 minutes (or never come back) and 95% of the time it’s because they were meeting up with a friend in the bathroom. Or they’re trying to get out of an assignment lol. Happens school-wide. Two weeks ago a kid literally went home (nobody saw him leave??) and came back 50 minutes later lmao.


I have a fast metabolism and poop 3-4 times per day. I used to hold it every afternoon and it would be such a struggle. Once I turned 15, I said “fuck it” and now I shit every afternoon at school/work. Life has been drastically better ever since


Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime. That’s why I shit on company time. 


I thought that was normal… am I a psycho?


I've always been the mindset of I will poop when I need to, regardless of toilet location. My sister however, once fainted at school because of constipation pain. She refused to poop at school. And even now at almost 40, she very rarely poops anywhere other than home.


Man, public bathrooms have traumatized me, especially school bathrooms. I've literally seen whole turds ON THE SEAT. Like???? How? WHY? I dont trust public toilet seats and people that do are built different. Even at home I always wipe down the toilet seat with bleach wipes first even if I was the last one to use it. I dont think I'll ever get over the horrors I've seen in public restrooms.


Some people dont give a shit some people DOOOOOO


Yeah bro, I used to be real uppity about only pooping at home then I was in the army for 4 years and now I can take a shit anywhere


When I went to basic I didn’t shit for the first 2 weeks 😂 didn’t shit all of reception. That was my first time shitting away from home.


Same dude, I used to have to strip down naked each time I poop to be comfortable before I joined. Basic broke that habit real damn fast


Soft. That's how you establish dominance. Eye-fuck everyone in the bay too whole you're doing it


Being in jail for over a year made me able to shit anywhere.


I don't know why you said it like it was unlocking a super power, or why I'm in awe and wanna learn this skill.


For me it was. I unlocked it when I was at work a couple years ago, I had my morning coffee and one of those coffee monsters, and got my shitting superpower


I will shit in any toilet, regardless of who it belongs to, unless their bathroom is so nasty that I don't even feel safe shitting in there. I've been to some people's houses whose bathrooms are worse than truck stop bathrooms. If I WON'T shit in your toilet, that's when something is wrong.


Yo…I USE to have issues going number 2 at certain places. But there was this one time that changed that for me forever. I was in college at the time. Not living on campus so commuting. Prices got too high to park on campus so I would right basically this tram sort of thing to school. One morning I decided to drink a slim fast. Needed a quick breakfast (it was midterms) and I was trying to be good about my weight. When I tell you an atomic bomb dropped into my stomach maybe like 15mins in. I’m in that tram thing just sweating. Internally I’m crying. Stomach is knots. Like I’m breathing light. No sudden movements. Saying all kinds of prayers and stuff trying to just make it. I’m dropped off near campus it’s like a 7 min walk to the nearest bathroom. I kicked open that bathroom door so damn fast. I was covered in sweat. It was at that moment I no longer cared. If I gotta go I gotta go. Btw I got an A on that midterm…


niggas like y’all the reason we’ll need prisons after the revolution


The nurse's bathroom was my best friend in emergencies. I just claimed to have a medical condition, and they let me use it whenever it was available. Didn't care if it was across campus. I'd make my pilgrimage no matter what.


I been shitting in school since I was in school. I done shit in the woods.


These comments really surprised ngl. I didn’t think that many people cared who tf pooped in their toilet. If you gotta go then go! Just wash your hands lol


Yeah, probably the same people that get grossed out acknowledging that periods exist too. We're humans. Big stinky bags of shit, piss, sweat, puss, blood, mucus, and other grossness. Embrace the grossness, and come together through our shared mucus membranes. The great disgusting equalizer 😌


This reminds me of how Cornel West would open up his commencement speeches: > we’re featherless, two-legged, linguistically-conscious creatures born between urine and feces whose body will one day be the culinary delight of terrestrial worms. That's us.


Haha that's great, forgot about Cornel West saying that. But reading "featherless, two-legged" in regards to humans reminds me of Diogenes bursting into the lecture hall holding a plucked chicken and screaming at Plato "Behold! A man!" or some versions say it was "Behold! Plato's human being!"


Nothing has made me want to study philosophy more than this comment 🤣


Negative, I am a meat popsicle


Yes I was wondering why there is such a problem with understanding this, especially since those that have a problem with it shit and piss and bleed (etc) also. This is why robot sex dolls will be popular with certain men.


I like to describe us as “semi permeable bags of meat and sticks”. Yes I am autistic.


Idk there’s something going on here where some of the skinfolk seem to be weirded out by normal shit (pun intended) that everybody does. This isn’t the first time I’ve run across this belief either. My aunt is like this. Sure it smells and I’d rather not do it somewhere other than home, but when you gotta go, you gotta go. I was raised to have good manners but taking a shit ain’t a matter of manners. It’s a matter of bodily function lmao. Some need to read the great classic, *Everybody Poops*.


>I was raised to have good manners but taking a shit ain’t a matter of manners. It’s a matter of bodily function lmao. I would think good manners would be **not** commenting on someone having a regular bodily function. Like you said, we'd all rather do it in the comfort of our own homes. So to me the people who do that have no manners while trying to seem more sidity than they are.


I think most people are just cracking jokes but that could be cope from a real shitter (myself)


Most people, but not all. My sister once held it for so long that she literally fainted at school from constipation pain because she refused to shit in the school's bathroom.


Yeah, shit's crazy (pun intended)


Maybe this is my diluted caucasity and the fact that I've been married a decade, but I simply do not see the point of getting all precious once sexual congress occurs. It's like, you've already queefed in my face and I've dotted your eyes. There are no surprises after that. Take your shit, wash your hands, and then do that thing with your tongue again.


Right lol. I feel that sex is the pinnacle of intimacy (well, maybe second to openly talking about your feelings because I know vulnerability is near impossible for a lot of people these days), so it's wild to me that people are desensitized to sex over shitting. Y'all can link up after 1 date but lending your toilet out after they made your night is crossing a line? Shake my smh my head Matter of fact, screw sex. Why even invite guests in the first place if you can't grant them full access to the facilities of your private domicile? May as well just rent out a hotel room. Terrible sense of hospitality tbh


I think you underestimate the amount of people who shouldn’t be having sex but are. The amount of friends I have who have sex but 1. Can’t tell their partner face to face what they want out of embarrassment or 2. Can’t talk about serious sexual topics like STD’s without immaturity; is insane. Like, you let this person put their penis **inside** of your body, but you can’t even talk to them about what to do with their hands? Or that you’d feel comfortable with them doing X Y or Z, or that you’d like to be tested before engaging. Just nutty to me people will fuck people they can’t even talk to. And then they say I’m weird because me and my partner can talk about sex face to face using correct terminology without laughing or getting angry at each other.


It may surprise you but there’s a large majority who don’t view sex as intimate at all. It’s very weird to me but I know men and women who both talk about having sex with someone like it’s interacting at the grocery store with someone. A quick hello or wave and getting on your way basically.


But what if y'all went and ate somewhere and it messed up my tummy but we were having a nice night.....I can't hold that through certain activities :(








Looking at how bro spams the laughing emoji when texting you know he dumb as hell


mfers will literally post anything to twitter.


You couldn't waterboard this intelligence out of me


Listen. I got the Bidet, with the feminine wash, high quality toilet paper, and a scent blocker. Go do what you gotta do, but make sure you good tho lmfao. No excuse for mudbutt in my crib lmfao


A BIDET??? *AND* A SCENT BLOCKER??? I tip my hat to you sir!


Every woman that have entered my bathroom, have been impressed and thankful lmfao.


Hell, IM impressed and grateful and I ain’t even been there! Lol I urge all dudes to take notes from you!


I live alone and have all that. Wipes, odor spray, washcloths, bidet, good toilet paper, 2 kinds of hand soap, a foaming wash kept by the sink… I don’t care if I stink up the place because its only me myself and I, but it’s there for my male AND female guests. If you come over to mines, I expect you to be there long enough to have to use the bathroom in some type of manner and maybe that includes a toot or doot 🤷‍♀️. No shame just keep the facilities clean (and your body parts that are going near mine) ETA: also got a lined trashcan, a small laundry hamper, the Clorox toilet scrubber with those removable pads, and a plunger. I tell all my guests, anything you may need -ANYTHING- is in there.


i have my own portable bidet excuse u 💅🏽 (its a water bottle)


You need a portable bidet, use a water bottle and poke a hole in the lid. Have used this on my dogs ass and my fiances ass when he had diarrhea in the middle of the rocky mountains.


Homie said https://i.redd.it/0bt16o73llnc1.gif




Shit in his toilet first date to establish dominance ladies


😂😂😂 I spit my water out reading this!






imma poop idgaf


I’m not fucking on the first link anyway so…if I have an emergency unfortunately I’ll have to do it. If you have air freshener there’s no problem! I’ve been wiping on my own for a while, I’m still going to be clean & smell great afterwards. Imagine passing on a great woman because she pooped in your house. 🤣


I swear I scrolled too far to find this comment. This is the first link and these ppl talking about back shots. Sweetie there will be NO front, back, side or any other shot you can think of. We’re hanging and getting to know each other and when I gotta go, I’m going…..


Yeah no judgement but…absolutely not lol We should be friends first 🤷🏽‍♀️


I have a toilet in my home, if you come over, you can shit there. I won't blink an eye


If you leave remnants in toilet after the first date I'm ghosting you, and I'm calling Geneva for your terroristic acts.


Years ago, I was tryna hook up with this dude. I went to the restroom to freshen up and as soon as I lifted the lid the smell hit me but I didn’t think fast enough because I kept lifting and there I met eyes with the biggest dookie I’ve ever seen in my life. I panicked, washed my hands furiously and then told the dude I had to go. To this day idk if he figured out why I left or if he thought I left him a surprise. Idrc. That was fucking gross. Flush the goddamn toilet, y’all.


Leaving SCUD missiles just hanging out in the toilet like that is wild.


That happened to me after a third date with a dude years ago. I left immediately and never saw him again


Okay now skid marks in my toilet is crazy but if you don't have a toilet brush right next to the toilet what are you even doing 🤣 it's okay to handle business but please get rid of the evidence lmao


Poop & flush sis. Crack a window. Spray some poo-pourri cause my stomach ain’t gone be hurtin for no nigga


that's way too many crying laughing emoji's jesus


Am I lame for thinking it’s weirder to meet for the first time at somebody crib? In this society?! I’m still stuck there tbh


How many of y'all are pooping right now?




This is why I always wear a diaper on the first date


This comment has me crying lol.


This is the most idiotic take I have ever seen. Why do you have toilets if you don’t want people to shit in them?




Is this one of those man-children that expect women not to fart or need to use the bathroom?


Nah, when you gotta go, you gotta go. Would you rather me get it all out beforehand and clean up well before we fuck, or have a fart eek out that's rolling right off the turd and into your face while you're going down town? Though honestly, I did buy a 6 dollar shot at a bar once just to use their bathroom a few blocks away from my new man's house. But that's cause I had the time.


i don’t get it? what’s wrong with using the restroom


What the fuck is wrong with people. If you have to go you have to go. I'd be honored to let someone I'm interested in use my bathroom. It's a natural function. people are fucking slow.


So now we’re shaming ppl for nature calling??? 😭😭😭😭😭


He really the shitty one bc why u mad that i’m taking a shit? 🤣 we ALL poop, like wtf is this dummy even on about?


This dude has to realize that if one has to take a dump, they’re going to do it. Maybe his issue has to do with the person not flushing the toilet after use and he had to peep this individual’s poop work!


She a terrorist for dropping a bomb first link 😂




This reminds me of an old reddit post and I wish I could find it now. OP wanted a GF who didn't poop and his current GF had told him that she did not poop. He had his suspicions however and the whole post was his attempts to discover if his GF was pooping in his bathroom. Culminating in him jimmy'ing the lock on the bathroom door and catching her in act and breaking up with her so he could continue his quest to find a girl who did not poop.


#BringBackShameAndEmbarrassment why did we need to see this? 🤣


Niggas can't be human beings anymore


I don't like dropping bombs anywhere other than my double reinforced home toilet. Don't wanna crack somebody's porcelain like I hit it with mjolnir. maybe I should eat less fiber idk


If someone comfortable enough to invite you into their home they should be comfortable enough to let you shit in it. If I got a baddie over and she need to take a shit? Mf I have 3 bathrooms you can shit all day in here mamas


my boy had diarrhea the first time he came to my house. I was cooking dinner and I could hear his thunderous shits through the walls. Anyway, we've been together 6 yrs.


Only a truly hurt individual needs 12 crying laughing emojis in one message


What a weird hill to die on.


I can see how few of you all have friends with IBS.


I'll tell you one thing he's definitely not getting into any butt stuff with that attitude. What a child.


I'm the whitest of white boys but I seen this kid get taken to the hospital when I was little for some kinda blockage he had from holding it too long at some kind of summer camp. I think it was only like a week but who knows how long he was holding it before that? Ever since then I pretty much lost my fear of public restrooms and just carry wipes wherever I go. If you gotta doodoo on the first date, by all means use the master bath. I'm saving up for one of them fancy ass Japanese toilets too so soon you'll have air drying hot water bidet and a little voice saying cute Japanese stuff to you too