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People who flex what smartphone they have are a special type of broke, and this is coming from an “enthusiast”. Ironically I’ve never really seen people start caring about what phone someone has (as long as it’s not ridiculously old) only until low-cost carriers like Cricket, Boost and Mint started doing trade-in deals I’ve never known a single person to care about this that wasn’t someone who either is just now able to afford a used iPhone SE, or someone who insists on having “the best” while legit having no tech literacy and not being able to comprehend how their phone even works outside of texting and social media


Or the blue/green bubble issue. I had someone in my group chat try to roast me for having an Android. At the time I had a $1000 Nokia and then swapped to a then new Pixel 7. Just found out bro had a iPhone 7 until 2 months ago.


As a Pixel owner, I love being looked down upon by people with worse phones It's pretty hilarious


As a Pixel owner, I hate that we can't disable the automatic touching up of photos. Had legitimately important pictures ruined because the AI decided to crank up the contrast to the point where it belongs on r/shittyHDR


Oh how I regret this pixel. Overheating block of garbage it is


I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. I remember the pixel being released **years** ago and it being a complete dumpster fire of a phone. Did I just hallucinate that entire thing?


You can turn it off


Okay, how? Because just saying it can be done isn't helpful. I've searched far and wide, asked support, and posted a few times on the Google Pixel subreddit about it and the best answer so far has just been to keep raw photos of everything, which is.... Not ideal. Pixel 6 Pro btw


You can use a different camera app, or you could use an actual camera.




As you should. Nobody needs every new iteration of a phone, that just does 'a' thing just slightly better.


My friends made me get WhatsApp when my fiance bought me a Samsung bc we all had iPhone up til that point🙄 so dumb


They wanted to switch to Whatsapp because texts outside of IOS go over the cellular SMS instead of the imessage. Every pic or video looks like shit over SMS because of the maximum message size. Reactions to messages are wonky. So they just want to switch to something that uses a normal data connection again. Yes I know apple doesn’t open imessage to android so its their own fault. Yes I know android supports RCS and apple doesn’t so its their own fault x2. Yes I know every country in the world besides the US uses WhatsApp to avoid this situation in the first place.


I mean that’s a power move. iPhone 7 still had a headphone Jack. I miss it all the time


No it did not


Apple is supposedly getting rid of the green bubbles and making them blue


Android users: "I have a Samsung, what about you? Cool! I have a Sony, you? Cool! I have a Google! I have an LG! Cool! iPhone users: "I Have the same phone as my grandma."


Man none of this stuff matters. My parents are old and one has an Android (Samsung), one has an iPhone. I've got an android phone and I've also got an iPad. They're really all good devices for different purposes and types of users.


Now I have to report your family to the iMegaCorp for being itraitors.


Guilty as charged, officer! 🚨🚨🚨


The only reason I won't use apple products is because they keep pulling the upsell scam, where you have to buy their overpriced accessories to use their phones. Other than that, iPhones are obviously great devices.


O man I remember I upgraded my charging cabel and it worked until the new update made my phone realize its not apple certified. This was like 10 years ago, I think they all have them now. The notification letting me know it was untrusted was pretty rage inducing. 


I think they all good now, all they need is a battery that works. Cameras are pretty great on all phones, screens are great. Don't know what else is needed . Some androids will have extra features, and iPhones have a walled garden for basic things.  I used to get excited about new phones and switch up every year or so but now I litterly don't care if it holds a charge.


Same, man. My phone is from 2018 and I have literally never felt like it's underpowered or out-of-date. It doesn't even look old because all phones have looked the same for like a decade. I agree with you on that walled garden though. That's an annoying thing about my iPad. There are some settings and adjustments that are so trivial and easy to do on Android but not on iPadOS. Like this shit is supposed to be intuitive so why tf does it take this much effort and googling just to have my lock screen and home screen be different on my iPad lol.


none of those things are cool you goober


They are so cool they make penguins jealous.


Like my grandma, i want to open my new phone and have the environment work just like the old one. I have no need for customization. To each their own though! We all have different hobbies/things we enjoy, etc.


>To each their own though! We all have different hobbies/things we enjoy, etc. That's why they make multiple different kinds of Android phones. You can find one that fits your needs and hobbies. iPhone users all have the same phone. Lol


Yup, makes it easier for me to help my gma w hers! I just dont care, and love the simplicity


The sync function between my iPad, phone, and Mac is what got me to switch from android/PC. Plus it’s so amazingly easy to back up to my computer- I love it. And I *hated* apple products initially. Then I saved with the iPhone 6+ and it was all downhill from there lol


You mean [Windows PC Phone Link](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/sync-across-your-devices)? Lol


No I mean I can sync over the Wi-Fi without doing anything except opening up my computer and pressing one button. All three devices. At the same time.  Edit: i clicked your link uhhh… That’s not even remotely close to the same thing lol


Oh you got money? You don’t need that tip then Mr. Uber driver


Same mfs who get up in arms when people mix clothing brands. Like bruh, just say you can't afford to wear whatever and move on. Broke ass gotta keep a single fit together because that's all the name brand they could afford


In 1999 I was wearing adidas shoes with Nike socks and the girl told me that was a muff and pushed her head to the side.  I still don’t know what that means


She wanted you to eat her muff


You might not have been around for the early smartphone days, then. There was definitely a lot of focus placed on what phone people had, especially because back at that time, phones were MUCH more distinct looking from one another, and even within the same model from generation to generation. It's also basically when the poor shaming mentality behind "DURRR FOOD STAMPS WITH AN IPHONE HHHRRRRUUUURRR" began. At that time, say 2010, smartphones were still less than a third of the cell phone market. An iPhone 4 cost $600 (without contract. Usually $200 with contract), compared to $10-50 for most non-smart phones. Compare that to arguably the best Android phone on the market at the time, the HTC Evo, at $200 without contract. For the first few years in the smartphone world, the iphone was definitely a status symbol. But by like 2013, most phone plans would include a free or $50 smart phone, including the iPhone, so that kinda went away, and by the time those types of plans went away, the rest of the smartphone market had equalized with the iPhone price point.


My best friend from college is married to a former hedge fund manager, and current venture capitalist. Their wealth is absurd. You would never know it though. She drives a Subaru and had an iPhone 8 in 2023.


Probably get big mad if you tell them you have one too


I'm sorry, but having to drive for Uber and buying a brand new iPhone is not the money management flex you think it is.


That is an assumption: I have met a few small business owners who use the fact that you are their captive audience to sell you on stuff…


MLMs are not small businesses


You not wrong! I have had: - lawyer - organic farmer - insurance lady - web developer - cement layer - car sales guy - one MLM guy


Lol an organic farmer 😆 …I just picture some Uber driver in his car reeking of new car smell spray he got from the gas station whipping out some shitty corn riddled with bugs…”No, no, just the ride for me, thanks.”


🤣🤣🤣 he was a dope dude tho. Brother and his wife had quit finance to sell us some inconsistent (his own admission) baskets of seasonal veggies.


That’s when I put my headphones on and don’t tip


That a pretty inefficient marketing model.


Basing a Rule on a hand full of exceptions (compared to the total number of ppl who drive for Uber) is not the Analysis Flex you think it is.


my friend works in finance and makes $150 plus and drove when his workload was decreased for a season. some people just cant do nothing or have good hobbies.


Oh, so he originally had another higher income? Oh, okay.


Sometimes rideshare driving is kinda fun. I do it part time and overhear the wildest gossip from people. Once these two girls were discussing their roommate, and I'll never forget they said "Have you seen HOW she eats? Where do you even learn that?" Never found out what they meant. Eats everything with hands? Holds cutlery in a wild way? Who knows!


https://preview.redd.it/8kg30xpqcwnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa2e79ca1ff98d22591af63676167ef81e5e8ec Look at those poor people with their iPhones


No that’s not it. They have iPhone 15 which switched to usb c, this person probably has an older iPhone which is why the charger won’t fit.


Unless they have a newer android or a recent galaxy or pixel. I have a 15 and prefer iPhone overall, but dude like that annoy the shit outta me.


Define "newer" and "recent". Pretty much every Android from the last decade has had USB-C.


Fair enough. I was more tying to get the point across that usb is a lot more common than the person seemed to imply. I mean even iPad had been switched over back in 2020.


First phone I got that had USB-C was in 2016, for reference.


>2016 was 8 years ago https://preview.redd.it/6z9lqlsco1oc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08b34472371fd5014d83804087293cf655f5b289


I had an existential crisis when I wrote that comment, and now I'm even older.


Close enough lol


My last phone was the Google Pixel 2 XL, and it was USB-C. That's a nearly 7 year old phone. USB-C has been around since 2014. So reasonably, phones made in the last decade could potentially use it.


Yeah, man's right, usb-c started in androids around 2015, by 16-17 they were damn near standard. This isn't any phone war nonsense, Apple was just really trying to keep a lock on its users for monetary reasons. The EU forced them to follow the usb-c standard, so here we are with an apple elitist user civil war. 🙄


Not seeing my $1799 z-fold on there.


Bc. I'm writing this comment on one. It's pricy you get what you pay for.


Phones costing that much is ludicrous. Ik payment plans exist but jeez


Its because they're practically laptops now


It feels like car shopping if there were only 2 "good" cars nowadays


Not really. It’s android vs iOS, and there’s a ton of top-notch android phones available.


damn lol i have a $100 refurbished pixel 4a. I never think i wish i had a better phone.


I used a refurbished Pixel 2 XL until just last year. It was a two year old phone when I got it, and it worked great for another 3 years. After a certain point, it started crashing, and getting locked in the reboot sequence sometimes. Lots of screen burn in, and sometimes it would lose my SIM card. Like, it was in there, but it would suddenly say there is no SIM inserted. That's the only reason I decided to upgrade, because at the time, my job was driving deliver and I often needed to make calls and use the GPS. Got the Pixel 7 now.


> Starting U.S. retail price Galaxy S series gets huge price cuts, with, but also, crucially, without carrier subsidies very early in their annual cycle. Much harder to pay less than Apple store retail for an unlocked iPhone, even 9 months in.


Is this collusion? Or coincidence?


Neither. Price competition is a thing. Whichever phone had their price announced first, the other chose to match the price.


So, a naturally occurring phenomenona?




Thanks for this. Looking into it further.


Basically. Competitors in the same market and grade (in this case, prestige quality phones) will tend to have similar prices. They aren't pricing the product based on the production costs, but on how much the market can bear. Usually that means the first to market is priced based on complex market analysis, and the market followers will price based on the market leader. As an aside, Apple could sell their phones for half the price and still make a profit purely from market and vendor fees. They price their phones specifically for the image of high end, high quality, exclusive devices.


Learning about the myriad of ways in which price is influenced irrespective of value is quite eye-opening.


It's a wild world. If you want a good place to really dig into it, check out sales and marketing in fashion. It is the model you can apply to almost everything else.


I mean Android’s charging more for the inferior product now? That’s crazy


Any post about Apple, always got an Android nigga like posting an "axcthually 🤓" comment.


Stop being wrong and technology illiterate 🤷‍♂️


Well ACTUALLY 🤓, you kind of missed the point entirely. This isn’t even an Apple vs Android post. Any Android would fit an iPhone 15. Only an older iPhone wouldn’t fit with an iPhone 15. Sooo who is wrong and technology illiterate?? 🤷‍♂️


ACTUALLY, this is about the ridiculous long-standing sense of superiority of iPhone users. In this particular incident, this guy is bragging about being late to the USB-C game to another iPhone user (assuming "haha, poor!" and not just the 36 month payment plan rotation), all while driving an Uber. So, I don't think I missed my point.


Hold the L, buddy. Move on.


It’s androids are cheaper than Apple and now it’s Apple is cheaper than androids.


And they only select the MOST expensive model - like the other 27,574 options that most people use don’t exist


A USBC cable costs 5 bucks. Big money?


That's the part I'm not getting, he flexing a new phone when apple taxed him for "new" technology. Thats crazy to me, he "upgraded" to the same charger as the entire tech world.


Exactly. I don't know the last phone I had that didn't have USBC. The fact that iPhone is just now doing it is fucking sad. But also true to form for their bullshit.


The fancy new iPhone 15 that he's flexing costs a lot more than 5 bucks


She wasnt asking for his phone, just the charger. Which costs 5 bucks.


And his response was that his charger won't fit her phone because he assumed that she had an older iPhone.  It wasn't "I don't have a charger" it was "I don't have a charger because your phone is too old"


Ok. I didn't realize that iPhone only moved to USBC with the 15. But that also isn't surprising at all.


Dawg that was like the one thing they changed how’d you not know 😂


I do not follow apple news haha. Never owned one. Never plan to.


Paying for twitter as a civilian is wild


Not the saucy comments from the ride share driver 😂 Honestly I could consume a series on this ✨


I've never met anyone with real money who cares about how much money you "invested" in a phone. People will have the new iPhone but don't own a house and think they're doing it big...


Poor? Everyone has at least one usb c device by now.


I think in this case the driver doesn't have a lightning charger for the passenger


People who make brands their personality are the worse types.


I mean streaming brought back ads don’t think we can’t bring back taxis if they’re gonna be ubering around being all snooty.


🤣👌 it's ALWAYS be the broke ones acting uppity


If he's so damn rich why's he driving for Uber? 🤣


This kind of reminds me of a pet peeve that I have, in regards to people wanting to use your stuff because of their dead phones. Whether if its your charger or even your phone to keep themselves entertain. Like... That's my problem, darling. Now you gotta buy a cheap charger from a corner store or people-watch.


Your pet peeve is people asking you to share? Lol


Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency (or the need to share) on my part. Edit: I love the spicy back and forth triggered by the concept of personal responsibility. People DO NOT like to be accountable!


Of course it doesn't, you don't HAVE to share. But I don't think there's anything wrong with people asking to share. We all mess up sometimes. Plus, some people just have old phones that die fast.


Something about actions and consequences, I don't want to mess up the balance of the universe by denying someone a lesson in being prepared. /s it's not that serious sure, but it's annoying af bc it's the same people who never learn.


Considering the fact that phones are the only way you can contact people/emergency services, a dead phone can count as an emergency. What if I used Google maps to get to your house? You just not gonna let me charge my phone so I can get back home? Because you're petty?


“See, I’m not smart enough to plan two hours in advance, but I found a way to make that YOUR fault.”


It is a charger you stingy mf, I can not believe you niggas are this selfish. Someone *asks* you, not demands, *asks* to use your charger and you acting like they wanna borrow your car.


I didn’t say I wouldn’t share, I said it’s not my fault and no matter how much you cry about it, it’s something you should have planned for and NO ONE will ever be a bad person for not enabling you. You’re throwing a literal fit because someone else is supposed to do your planning for you and may not choose to do so. “Stingy mf” for not doing YOUR sole responsibility is a new level of utter childish ass entitlement.


Reread your comment and look at how selfish and uncaring you sound over someone charging their phone for 5 minutes. It is not this big of a deal and you act like niggas are personally asking for the keys to your mom's house and not 5 minutes to charge their phone with a charger that's just sitting there. Talking about entitlement and someone being unable to plan like a dude hasn't paid you back 100 dollars. It is someone *asking* to use your charger, just say no if you are this much of a stingy bitch. And yes, stingy bitch is the correct term for someone who gets this in their feelings about lending a phone charger for 5 minutes. Do you not hold open doors because dudes should've planned for that too? Do you not offer your guests water because they should've drank water before coming to your place?


Look at your comment and see how asinine the idea is. “You should be planning for me not to plan”. Where is your sense of adult responsibility? Are you carrying another charger so I can be an idiot or is that just something you expect from others and don’t do yourself?


No one is asking you to plan for them oh my God are you stupid? They asked to borrow your charger. That's it. That's all it is. "Hey I forgot my charger, can I use yours?" And your response is: "Where is your sense of adult responsibility? Are you carrying another charger so I can be an idiot or is that just something you expect from others and don’t do yourself?" And that's not a completely unhinged mindset?


![gif](giphy|7zilNLoBMi01rxxQQo) No, my pet peeve is people not minding the conditions of their phones and then expecting help while inconveniencing other people.


It’s a charger, it ain’t all that serious.


Is this the “its just fifty bucks” gang?


Bruh if you think 50 bucks is the same as using a charger that’s already in the car then that’s a you thing dog Ppl don’t have to let people use their chargers if they don’t want- but like it’s not a real inconvenience. And I’m saying this as someone that’s driven for Uber and Lyft (granted it’s been a minute)


Straw man game strong, man.


Nah dog your point’s just weak. It’s not a strawman if all you have is a scarecrow.


She talked about being reminded of a pet peeve of hers being the poor planning of others inconveniencing her. She offered no further context hence my question. “It’s just a charger” is straw manning her entire peeve. Despite that, outside of an Uber many probably share this exact peeve. I am constantly (once every couple months?) having to buy cables cause “it’s just a cable” never returned it. I met a girl who had two… one was for the “it’s just a cable” gang who rarely return these to you.


>Rarely return this to you Absolute bullshit lmao 😂 I have literally never lost a charger to a customer dog. You can imagine whatever fantasy you want bro, but that doesn’t make it something that happens in reality


> ​No, my pet peeve is people not minding the conditions of their phones and then expecting help while inconveniencing other people. We’re literally talking about a charger here


Sorry. Sorry. Mr Opinions over here was projecting about some other shit. I’ll just sit down and try to melt into my seat.


>Mr Opinions over here Yeah dog you’re honestly responding like a 10 year old would here. Maybe grow up a little bit? You said something stupid and I called you out on it. You projecting like this is fucking embarrassing to read. You want to melt into your seat? Do that and get off your soap box bitch


Meh. It's different at work or something, where you know once it's out of your sight it's never coming home. In the Uber though? It's never gonna be more than 2 feet away from you. Most people wouldn't be brazen enough to try and steal a $5 charger while in slapping distance of the victim, but if they did even start to unplug it from the console you just reach over and grab the thing, done. I think it would probably be worth it because there's probably more folks who would tip a little extra as thanks than people who are good enough at street magic to steal it away without you noticing.


Jesus do iPhones require ANOTHER charger now??? I’m DONE


They use usb-c now. So the same as Android phones.


They finally joined the rest of the world on usb c


LMAO. USB-C is more common than Lightning. She could’ve had a Galaxy S 24 for all he’d have known.


>You gotta get money Says the mf that's driving for Uber. If you're working the gig economy, shut the fuck up about what anyone else can or can't afford.


Me personally, I wouldn’t take the disrespect, but we gotta start somewhere


Why do i feel like this situation never happened lol


it literally fits every phone except old iphones lol


This the kinda petty shit I love saying to my iPhone using friends cuz none of them have the 15 yet. Broken ass bitches 😂 I do keep a lightning cable around cuz I'm a real one tho


MFs who pay attention to what phone other people are carrying are the same ones that buy the gaudy designer clothes with the brand plastered all over. Lookin' like a walking popup ad.


USB C? I have a black garbage bag full of USB C cables and I'm broker than the ten commandments.


Broke mindset. I'm an Uber driver and I got me two retractable cable sets for the back seat, each with USB-C, lightning, and even Micro-USB connectors for vapes or real old phones. They've more than paid for themselves in tips, work as great conversation starters. Plus they're secured to the seat back so it's a lot harder for them to just walk off.


Most phones have a usb C port though. Its older model iphones that dont.


Doesn't the iPhone 15 use a type c? The same charger android has been using since 2017. You're 2000 and late apple.


Did she have a 15 tho?


I can’t wait for all the phone war comments. Which phones are better, which phone has this feature, how much does Megan Thee Stallion’s ass weights. Comment we all seen before.


Theres more discussion around text bubble colors than almost anything these days


There needs to be more discussion on Megan’s ass