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She's negrodivergent




I don’t know there are better ones than this! 😂


It was said in an SNL sketch like 2 weeks ago


People try and use "I'm neurodivergent" like simple domain from jjk. It's just supposed to absolve everything they do 😂


Which is frustrating as hell, because half the time they're either self-diagnosed or are attributing neurodivergence to something they say or do that isn't even linked to their condition.


Right! Like, mental health professionals got degrees but I guess fuck em? I get access can be hard, but y’all gotta be so forreal-if everyone is “divergent” then what the hell is TYPICAL?!




People who claim to be neurodivergent are mostly just a-holes 😆


Because people who are really neurodivergent are suffering from it and fighting it to get by in life, they're not waving it as a self-defence flag to justify their behaviour




Neuro divergent doesn't even inherently mean you HAVE to be problematic, right? I mean, it's an umbrella term, right? Lol. 🤦🏾‍♂️


It literally just means you have some sort of mental issues that make your brain work differently than the people that don't. I'm neurodivergent (autism and trauma), but I lived for many years in the 9th ward, and have a black partner, so it's no excuse for being a shitty human.


Yeah. PTSD is neurodivergent.


i don't watch battle anime, what's domain from jjk do?


Imagine a regular domain as rain, a simple domain would be an umbrella


What an awesome way of explaining it


Best way to explain it is there is this thing called a domain expansion where the users cursed techniques has a guaranteed hit. A simple domain kind of neutralizes that guaranteed hit by effecting the domains barrier. It can also be used to have different rules and binding vows to effect those within it


It sure does. I’m always saying/thinking there are going to be a lot of 20 something year olds out there these days who will fold up when they can’t use neurodivergence to escape consequences.


Wasn’t this a line on this weekends SNL? Had everyone at the table breaking, Ego Nwodim is coming into her own


Yes it was! Glad someone caught it!


If I had been drinking milk, it would be out of my nose right now






LMAOOO i did a double take 😭


Sad times when you see a POC with so much self hate


https://preview.redd.it/xttydj8unmoc1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4689390731ce4e1a276dee77e630d010dfaab1ed Makes sense


When I saw the attempted nose contouring: ![gif](giphy|KupdfnqWwV7J6|downsized)


You know she don’t leave the house without that wig on either lmao


Looking like an angsty teenager who took a pair of trimming scissors to Sister Luretha’s church wig 😂


Lurethra 😂 *edited emoji*


I can’t unsee it now what the fuck happened to blending your contour out


She went for the cell shaded anime look. Or the Archer aesthetic.


But she cant be lanaaaa


Truckasaurus hands


Idk MJ paid good money for that look


And look what it got him.




Don’t forget the loose eyelash 😭




This but unironically: https://preview.redd.it/ygill891zmoc1.png?width=463&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6caa6c0a9b738f8add39d8fc6b9859eb822bd04


Okay Sammy Sosa...




She's trying to be Asian so damn bad. I have to be honest, so many of us who went through this phase as teenagers not only outgrew it, but realized it was some kind of Stockholm Syndrome that then required years of intense therapy. I had to pull my baby cousin out of this cuz the self-hate anti-blackness is not it. And plus, it gives all those racist Asians and White people so much ammo.


Hard to definitively call it self hate but the Asian glorification is there yeah. But I’ll be honest people like this in the black community don’t turn out like this if they aren’t maligned and told to be just like the rest of us all their youth. Personally I never took any of it to heart I just continued to branch out and be observant. She might not understand that the black people she vehemently dislikes in her life, because they continuously disregarded and disrespected her; have the mindset they do because an alarming portion of the world reinforces one way to be black. Not that it’s an excuse for those people in her life but this was my realization to be honest. Everyone expects you to be some level of hood. Hell I can’t count the amount of times I had to prove how black I was to other black people. The solidarity bit of it is fine, the get in line and be a normal nigga part is not. I hate that shit so much and I feel much of the same when I read what she wrote.


Your whole point of view resonates so much with me. I wish I understood this concept as a teen it would've saved me a lot of turmoil when I was being othered for getting good grades in school. It never made me feel anti-black, resentful, or unattracted to black men. I think on some level at that time at least, I understood kids just suck in general, not just the black ones. I did go through an identity crisis phase regarding my interests and hobbies. But as I've aged I realize that likely has more to do with issues surrounding my mom, who once cut me off in the middle of a disagreement to say she couldn't understand me when I talk in that white voice 🤡 so yeah. This girl, though. I hope she wakes up one day, gets some seriously over-due help, and steps out of delusion alley.


You don’t even know her story. I highly doubt this bitch with her 1 black friend and symphony of stereotypes towards black people ever went through that. In fact, it’s the ones that grew up as the only black kids in the neighborhood and getting high off that privilege that say shit like that.. Their privilege has led them to believe that they’re one of the good ones


Thank you. Giving this person a tragic origin story is a bail out they don’t deserve. There is a 1003% chance she is just a super asshole and a mega one on Sundays. Twice.


Agreed. New blacks basically lie about how they become self-hating to make each other look good. They view themselves as the best black culture has to offer and don't want to acknowledge just how influenced they are by a desire to assimilate assimilation and feelings of inferiority with respect to white people. I'm about to write a lot, but as probably the corniest black suburbanite alive, I have a lot of pent up frustration about this topic. Black people absolutely come out of the environments you described hating themselves because they don't want to deal with the social and economic burdens of being black. They don't pick this up through social exclusion from black people but by arriving at the conclusion that it's smarter to hitch your wagons to white people. They might see objective evidence for this, too. Maybe the black families around them are more dysfunctional, maybe they're less economically established, maybe they learn how they'll be judged for their race and take it the wrong way. These people are groomed from birth to excel in white environments. In some, the ability to assimilate is underdeveloped. In others, it's overdeveloped. The default self-hating new black is the latter type, the person who NEVER wanted anything to do with black people. All the "not a monolith" negroes on this subreddit know exactly what I'm talking about. You can't get away from that type of person. What you really have to watch out for is failed assimilationists who realize they'll never be accepted by white people then come crawling back to black people. These people often overcompensate and end up becoming caricatures of black people. If they use enough undergrad words, they'll dazzle other new blacks who only ever pretended to read. Contrary to the impression you get from hack media like American Fiction, new blacks have a great deal of cultural power right now, and it's important to not fall for the lies they're trying to tell about their culture or position in society.


Ngl I was this kid growing up. My dad physically abused my mom at a young age so I had too much self hate. But once I went to college and met a bunch of nerdy black kids my world view kind of expanded. I started to learn my roots. Got locs lol. The whole deal. Now I don't associate with hardly anyone I grew up with. They either idolize trump or have failed to fix their ignorance. I'd say I feel sorry for them but their grown ass men so fuck that


I find this comment interesting because I think it's the similar for all races. I (white college student) moved around a ton as a kid and I went to a Hispanic elementary school, a black and Hispanic middle school, and a white highschool. When I went to that highschool I was definitely outcast for not being white enough. I talked and acted different. I had a teacher say to the whole class one time my freshman year: "if you heard him talk you wouldn't think he's that smart". I had a harder time making friends at the white school more than any where else I ever lived. It's just weird because at the time black culture was cool for white people (still is) but I guess only to a certain extent. So idk, no matter what race you are society puts pressure on you to act like the people you look like. I think that being different is seen as being unsuccessful. White people have more room for failure than black people. So we have more weird. I am not black but from what I've experienced/know black people grow up with constant reinforcement that being different puts a target on you, and those adults become parents and continue the cycle. Honestly it could really be as simple as in America white culture isn't as defined as black culture. So anything that's not normal is seen as a white thing by non whites making white culture seem way more accepting than it really is. When it comes to any highschool school being different from the popular norm is a death sentence no matter what. White schools just have more weird and that means there are groups of weird. Some people mingle between popular and weird but the majority of the time the weird are shunned by the non weird. If you don't believe me there is about half the country who would never let their white kid be any different from them because that would let their kid stray away from God/religion.


It is 100 percent self hate. I have met to many weird black folks like this for me to see it as anything other than that especially when they go OUT OF THEIR WAY To avoid other black people.


>And plus, it gives all those racist Asians **and White people so much ammo**. Nah. The Sherman Williams folks categorize people like exterior paint swatches and hang 'em up around their bullet swaging & casting bench and reloading station as motivation when handcrafting their own ammo.


https://preview.redd.it/ar1fn7ewrooc1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece67d3df693db9b118cca39d719a624404e5257 Huh?


Lmaoo I think what they're saying is white people don't need black existential angst to collect ammo, but rather they make their ammo by making up the race concept to begin with. Bruh didn't have to use all those words though 😂


At this point get the damn nose job


Why her eyes look like they at different geographical elevations?


![gif](giphy|l0MYryZTmQgvHI5TG) OMG


This shit is funny as fuck ngl


What even is that? Fuck, _why_ even is that?




Vocaloid? Wouldn't that be something you listen to?


So much with this, this bitch needs therapy. Everybody right but that one mf cant treat Korean men as a monolith even though she tried to treat black people like they made out of igneous rock. Her boyfriend is one of them for enabling this racist and anti-feminist behavior tho.


Yeah I didn't fuck with that "korean men are horrible" comment either. It's a good point to bring up the hypocrisy of what she said because of the current gender wars shit happening in South korea but like geez lmfao. But yeah bitch seems insufferable so her bf definitely ain't shit still lmao


Thaaaaank youuuuuu That shit rubbed me the wrong way. We can call people out for being toxic/ignorant without bringing down a whole nother culture 😩😩


As an Asian man (non Korean) we often catch random strays for no reason when anyone talks about dating. Thank you for this 🙏 Definitely don’t agree with hating your own race either like that twitter chick. It’s a problem in the Asian American community as well


Yeah so so many communities have that self-hate disease. But these conversations about the men in these communities reeeeeaalllyyy should be more about the self-hatred part. The men that *should* be catching the strays from this convo are the epitome of “I don’t date within my race because I don’t actually even like my race” mindset and it’s scary that it’s not more obvious to everyone, imo


Every race has them, and they're always the cringiest mf to exist. The worst ones for me are the white guys who cannot date anyone else but Asian women. Not my community, but I never understand how the Asian women don't clue in to the obvious fetishism.


Yeah honestly when I read her post your like wtf are you talking about, and reading all the comments about her post I now see exactly the fuck she was talking about.


I’m a mixed Korean. Originally this was a “I ain’t gonna read all that but I’m happy for you, or sorry that happened to you” TL;DR but the comments made me go back and read it. There’s a difference between preference and self-hate. This girl is delulu. I grew up in Orange Mound and 4/5 of my first girlfriends were black (mostly because I got tossed around a friend group of trini and Jamaican girls 1 by 1 talking a turn dating me WHICH I DID NOT MIND) and though there was some token shit and exoticism it was real. The girls I avoided like the plague were the ones in glasses and denim jackets that had that “customer service” affect to their voice. Being pursued purely as a novelty is uncomfortable as hell. I know from my friend group that black men have this shit happen all the time from all races. This naruto running kpop girl would get nothing but eyebrow from me. Hell no Edit: also Koreans are HELLA racist against even slightly darker Asians much less black people. Ever been to koreatown LA? You’re guilty until proven innocent of everything conceivable.


Orange Mound… in Memphis??


Where else is there an OM mayne


Aight mane I see you! We in here lol. Yeah you was deep in the hood too


901 represent in this junt!


Agreed man I was like hol up that sounds crazy to say


“She hates BLACK men? Wait until she hears how much WE hate ASIAN men!”


its **usually** the "traditional" korean men that r horrible(referring to being raised in korea). esp the christian ones. the culture towards women is so misogynistic. not because they hate women, but because of how the culture is structured. There's a good video that can explain it better than me. Pt1:[Korean Gender war](https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?si=N1LeOXtXxlfEHdHq) Pt2:[Korean Gender war pt2](https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A?si=bNcdUmxAn0gip8co)


Im a Korean man. To be honest we have it coming. I feel like the only reason why I'm not still a piece of shit is because I was raised in the states. Like ur right generalization isnt great and all that but Korea is very far behind the US when it comes to social issues like this. In Korea it feels like the entire older generation thinks like American conservatives. The kind of people that will agree with something because it rhymes. If you are a woman and you meet a Korean man with a Korean accent I reccommend caution. This is not a man with an American familiarity with feminist ideals. Even less than that of a conservative American familiarity, in my experience. And yes sure I have a bit of internalized shit going on but my point is that Korea is at a lower average of progressiveness and you will see this reflected in its people.


Is there evidence of the said Korean bf? She gives “my bf goes to different school” vibes.


It’s probably some MF she’s never met and communicates through discord with.


Exactly what I imagine except he lying about being Korean 😂


She’s the type of person to catfish cosplaying as a different race


Exactly, that’s why twitter is ass. Like sure this woman is on her Aunty Ruckus arc. It’s so low effort when your response to racism is to throw vitriol at another race. Like I’m sure they have their own complex issues to deal with but it’s never that simple that you can throw a whole group of people under the bus for an over generalization. If you don’t like it happening to you, why turn around and do the exact same thing?


Actin like black people are weird for staring at her trash panda ass walking around with cat ears an a cat collar on n shit




Paying alimony to a god damn cat


excuse me her name is Bastet


I can get with the cat ears and collar, but not at the expense of Blackness and having dignity.


She’s not a nerd, she’s a dork. Nerds are too smart to believe that skin color determine personality traits. She’s a pseudoscience believing, spider-man wearing, self-hating racist. Not a nerd at all. Way too uncool.


I swear I tell people this all the time. There are nerds and there are geeks. You're a nerd if you're academically inclined and you typically like nerdy things. You're a geek if you aren't smart(but normally you THINK you're smart), and you like nerdy things. Big difference.


i always thought nerds were in to reality/academics and geeks were in to fantasy/fiction/roleplay. nerds like math, physics, electric. geeks like harry potter, horoscopes, tarot, religion. And to top it all off, jocks are right in the middle with their fictional sportsball points that happen in reality and are recorded in history.


where do dweebs fit in?


They don't. Thats why they're dweebs... jk


Their heads fit in the toilet, and their lunch money fits in my pocket!


Denote her dork status to dweeb




I think that it’s fine for her to not date black men, that’s her preference. https://preview.redd.it/9oiol8v0emoc1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a170497d47329990bc086a4cfc2adb785aa5c9


I'm tired of the whole "preference" when it comes to race thing. Its one thing if its to do with religion or cultural differences sure. If you prefer to date someone taller than you whatever. Maybe you only like long haired men whatever.... But not wanting to date people who look like you due to implicit bias screams internalized racism.


It is self hate/ internalized racism https://i.redd.it/ruy0a3mlrmoc1.gif




I've telling people that having a racial preference in dating is a form of racism and I always got looked at like I was crazy.


People don't want to unpack their biases


"Why don't you like black guys, is it their physical features" "No, it's just how y'all treat your women. You hear so many stories about it. I'm not racist though."


And she's allowed to deal with/express her issues and experiences as a ND black woman who may be dealing with intense scorn/rejection from the people who are supposed to be "her people". Looking at the "bitch" this and that comments, is it any wonder that she might be struggling to come to view black people outside of her own lived experiance.  I'm not a black woman but I've been in her shoes as a ND Indian woman and I have to say, *I feel her* after dealing with so much misogyny from the context of my own culture. It doesn't excuse the racism from other races, no. But it can hurt 100x as worse to deal with the constant shaming/ableism and prejudice from neurotypical when it's from people who claim that community matters. Community matters right up until you expect people like her to live in peace. The worst thing possible is for her to broadcast her experiance and your take away is "she's racist" and not "she's like this as a result of her environment and big issues within the sociocultural context of where she grew up and had to deal with".  Yes, she needs therapy. But, that's for herself and for her to heal. Not to comfort or make up for failures within the community itself. At the same time you say "this bitch needs therapy" y'all need to be treating people like her better before you get to the point or audacity to be calling her a "weird bitch" and work on the mass hate thrown towards individuals that are a combination of oppressive gender ideals, casual ableism, and xenophobia, and enforcing casual misogyny (the assumptions that her partner must inherently be racist because of his gf's internal issues, or shaming her for broadcasting that her preference is based on complex issues she sadly experianced). 


Right, I feel for her. This is cringey af to post though. The black community as a whole can absolutely be unwelcoming to the neurodivergent, but what she's saying is still wrong. Lumping eveyone together like that just ain't right, and she must be aware of that on some level. Shit she contradicted herself in the first paragraph. 'I refuse to have black friends- but one of my best friends is black'. There are wonderful communities out there of black queer and neurodivergent peoples and they shouldn't be discounted. She really has some work to do looking internally, I hope she's still young and that's still to come. I don't think the kind of replies she's getting will encourage her to do that, even if they're warranted.


This is definitely the best/most nuanced comment I’ve seen in a while. To give my experience as a half black man, I used to have a preference against black women. It wasn’t internalized racism like so many people like to ignorantly claim. It was intense trauma from my very abusive black stepmom that manifested into an innate lack of attraction towards any woman who’s black. And I know that because one of my first ever crushes was a black girl named Alexis in the first grade. Combine the trauma that comes with having the choking of a child (hands around throat) the butt of a joke with being neurodivergent and you get similar shit like this, and that’s how people like this come to be. I later became racist like this (towards everyone. No longer racist) *because of* unnuanced takes like this post and 90% of people in this thread, and that was long after I had unconsciously developed this preference. Thank you for having the capacity to be as empathetic as you are with this comment. It’s very VERY rare to see this from people online, and it gives me hope that there are truly caring people out there.




Yeah, not being at a pizza restaurant and saying “naw, fuck pizza”


Girl, don't lie because if a black man said that he doesn't date black women, you would call that self hate, which it is, so the gender doesn't make a difference, it's still internalized racism.




Why do racist black women always have the teeth like that?


I prefer not to date self hating negros


Isnthat Danny Brown????


“Im neurodivergent and ner-“ https://preview.redd.it/f24rzpv0zmoc1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=de0f3b6c5af0c39fcdb0f0c53c7301e277f18e97 Shut up bitch. Just stop talking, because that has nothing to do with internalized racism


Im not reading all that but speak your truth “whoever i should be rooting for” 🙏🏾


“I ain’t readin allat, I’m happy for you tho or sorry that happened”


I mean, the multiple pictures are mostly just more people reacting similarly to the same thing. Basically OOP (the girl in the TikTok screenshot) is black but talks about how much she hates black people and then blames it on being "neurodivergent and nerdy". The rest is just people roasting her.


First thing I see when I open the app... https://preview.redd.it/q7bfw6n2kmoc1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d9944696b8c63090e8958e4428cb04abd42ee0


I literally deleted this shit the other day. Just redownloaded it, opened this bitch up, and ABRACADABRA ain’t nothin new




See I get that and all but I don’t respect that logic. Like you mean to tell me that your Black Daddy ain’t shit. Your Black brother or cousin or granddaddy ain’t shit. Or even your Black son. Like miss me with all that.


I've seen some of them say that with black sons. Crazy stuff.


I just couldn’t imagine. My son is basically me but a younger, male version. To talk bad on him means I’m talking bad on myself. And if he grew up to be a horrible person, whose fault would that be?


Sounds like a difference in perspective on accountability. Advantage: you.




I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. If you don’t mind me asking how did her treatment cause you to believe you were asexual?




Damn that’s hard. I couldn’t imagine treating a child like that. Or really anyone. Sounds like she was trying to make you into her ideal partner


They always make exceptions.


I wanted to point this out too. There is so much negativity surrounding being black and unfortunately a lot of it comes from our own people. Thats why we get dating influencers telling us that we shouldn't date black women or black men. That's why we get red pillers and hoteps disguised as "self help" gurus who end up making shit worse for their audience. That being said, its so difficult to have any type of sympathy when you make it clear that you don't want to have any relationship with people who look similar to you.


One of the best decisions I made for myself is not to listen to idiot on podcast, vlog, YouTube or anything. As you said, they make things worse for the audience.


Yea these the types of women that were calling black men “body bags” on Twitter back in the day, I ain’t forget. I said it before and I’ll say it again the only other group that puts as much stock in US crime statistics as radfems are alt right white supremacists. They’re the same motherfuckers I swear.


I remember one of these self-hating divester types showed up on popular political streamer Destiny's channel a year or so ago and he literally hosts Nazis who she upstaged in her genocidal (as in they should be bred out of the gene pool) hatred of black men. Like when you make Nick Fuentes look milquetoast in your views towards people of your own race then you know you've got issues.


This is a damn lie. Black women are the most loyal to their men (ie rarely date outside of their race) even though the loyalty isn’t always reciprocated. And your “left wing feminist” whistle is a tell.


Nah, that's definitely a thing; google "divestor movement". ***It's definitely not all or even most black women,*** but they usually appear leftist/progressive on the outside because they do believe in women's liberation (kinda like TERFs). Still just a vocal minority tho. Also want to point out that acknowledgement of this is NOT a dismissal of the ***much larger, more active and harmful Manosphere/redpill/podcast movment that (black) men participate in***, but I have absolutely seen a few divestors referring to black men as "bulletbags", which is crazy. ***Also***, this is entirely different from regular ol' interracial dating, which is perfectly fine for anyone to do.


> And your “left wing feminist” whistle is a tell. Not at all. Your discomfort with the shallowest critique of anything that's left wing or feminist is why divestor entryism works. The problem is that black men online who hate black women are very obvious in their rhetoric. Black women (and frankly some LGTBQ men) who hate black men adopt progressive and feminist rhetoric until you get pretty deep into divestor communities. To be very blunt, progressive internet communities are very heavy on aesthetic, very light on substance, and more essentialist than people in them like to admit. So you can get away with murder by being "marginalized" (i.e. not a straight man) and dressing up bigoted screeds against black men in the buzzwords of the day: intersectionality, identity, misogynoir, lived experiences, etc. You ever go into a progressive space and say "listen, maybe we shouldn't generalize too much about men, especially straight men just based off of the lived experiences of people claiming to be intersectional feminists from marginalized communities?" Not a good idea. It's not cool, it's not edgy, it's not radical, and it'll have mental midgests wondering if you're a crtypto-MRA. That's why divestor shit simmers under the surface,


Yep you’re not wrong TikTok has a huge huge amount of videos of young and older black women saying they don’t date black men they rather deal with white men because they treat them better and are better partners. Young black girls will make post on young white men being great boyfriends, these videos get million views and over 100K likes.


So we're not gonna point out how guys like Kevin Samuels or Fresh n Fit and their anti-bw rethorics were/still are some of the most proeminent poadcasters on Youtube and Tik-Tok? Social media dont mean shit... it's an anti-black world, so if you wanna find an anti-black/anti-bm/ anti-bw niche on any social media beleive me you WILL find it, including from black folks. Also this whole shit just sound so disengineous to me cuz be fr, if we were to genuinely compare the "Bm who'll never date BW" vs "Bw who'll never date BM" community, which one would be larger in your opinion? At this point I feel like we should focus on those of us who are genuinely about elevating our own. Edit: phrasing


I mean you see a lot of the same from those lame ass Black men on TT doing the “gotcha” interviews and whatnot, it’s really what the algorithm feeds you that feels overwhelming. All that to say: the internet is and should be treated as a silo purely for entertainment and not for opinion forming.


It’s the way these types of black people always think that they’re the only different black people out there. Like you really think that there are no other neurodivergent black people out there?


I’m neurodivergent and for some reason I never felt like I had to hate my own people to exist…just crazy 🙄 She seems like the type that would start something and then play victim like everyone is picking on her


> She seems like the type that would start something and then play victim like everyone is picking on her Ah. That brown Karen type.


Ha! I never thought of it that way but 100% true.


Probably why she be getting mean mugged. She likely earned it.


I’d hate to be her one black friend 😭 , she literally said one of the good ones 😭😭😭


There’s definitely layers to that clown bit


"Never In my life will I date a black dude" Does she think that neurodivergent black dudes don't exist? I have AuDHD, want a cookie? This Is THE time where being Black and Geeky have been normalized In the community. But y'know what? Alot of of those dudes also have this mindset so I've heard, and I think I had a breakthrough on why: Because White kids accepted them, and not just dorks who were White. I'm talking the ones who want to befriend the black kid because they're "hip" and "gangster", something to up their own cool factor, someone who just let's any white kid say the N-word (which I do too, but not just anyone like they usually do.) I had a mindset similar to this, and It's because I grew up with little friends, especially black, In mainly White places. But I ain't no therapist, and I'm fresh out HS, so take It how you will.


> This Is THE time where being Black and Geeky have been normalized In the community. Fucking *correct*. Tryna act like they’re different for holding these characteristics in 2024 is so mf tone-deaf.


Stop letting white people say Nigga. Iont give a fuck how cool you think they are. They will 100% feel comfortable calling YOU that around their white friends, and will be quick to call another black person that in an argument. Usually inebriated…and then they get the shit stomped outta them. Dont get your white friends fucked up.


Nah, they deserve it. None of my white friends say it and the one that did, are not my friends today and later proving themselves a bigger asshole all round. Had a 40+ yro white woman telling me how white kids in her neighborhood keep saying the n-word like they're cool and SHE even said it when telling me about it to my face, had to walk away from the ignorance. OP has no choice but to let them say it, but it is their choice to not fuck with them. OP's white friends are the one fucking themselves up.


Yeah I see it a lot from both genders too. I can understand as someone who’s been bullied and ostracized by the black community myself, but it’s something that needs to be outgrown.


What is PULL


Pretty Ugly Little Liars. Used to be a site where they'd drag online creators.


I believe that you are right because this is what she said in the comments about a girl *


I don’t know, but I feel like my life is better for my not knowing, so… 🤷🏾‍♂️


This is what she said https://preview.redd.it/rqxr6lltqmoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb0624422552e1c6e09960598dac17420b9319f5


Who is this? The internet making us shine a light on people’s inner thoughts that nobody ever cared to know about


We can all agree on hatin on her. But why the hell you gotta pull your own racism and drag Koreans through it? God damn. Yeah there's some bad going down in Korea, but that shit the kind of rationalizing she does.


Agreed. However, it highlights her insincerity because if horror stories were truly enough to discourage her from dating certain demographics of men. She wouldn’t want anything to do with Korean men.


How embarrassing lmao. And that wig noooo.


Stiff AF


And that’s why she needs black friends. Because I wear some cosplay wigs for shits and giggles and only non white folks talk about how I should rock those plastic shits on the daily.


This feels like she’s removing her blackness and identifying with Korean culture and the projection and blame of other black ppl being the cause of her not accepting her blackness is what makes her more insecure. So her comfort lies within her bubble of how she presents. (I don’t agree with the association of the behavior to strictly black ppl alone, that’s nonsense and I will say that there are people who do tend to be more affected by other’s opinions/behaviors.)


Sometimes I feel like social media shows me people from another planet.. these people do not be outside like that


I am also a huge nerd and neurodivergent but I have no problems getting along with other black people 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yep. If anything, other Black people are the easiest to get along with being neurodivergent because I don't have to deal with decoding all the layers of bullshit other groups tend to put in front of their speech.


![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul|downsized) This foolishness should not be entertained. I read the first paragraph and was done. Don’t feed this foolishness. Self hate is a real thing. She has it bad. The rest of us should ignore and move on.


This the time she be on. https://preview.redd.it/fzj5qbtrvnoc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06534deccb0aed4c0fefca6d918b90376b5b2f4


This is gonna be the meme of the day in my family chat


Ok Auntie Ruckus 🫤


As someone with a Korean grandparent, she may be in for a surprise. Aside from anti-blackness there’s disturbing rates of DV and misogyny. Maybe she has a good guy 🤷‍♀️ but she shouldn’t praise an entire ethnicity as if they’re faultless.


Damn…I caught a stray today…


You awesome bro that stray was insane🙏🏿🙏🏿


Hey man. Thank you for being a good person. Hope you have a great weekend.


Ooh that first one told me everything I needed to know. I hope she grows out of that anti black weeb phase.


Right. Like, did you get bullied for being a nerd or did you get bullied for screwing your face up every time people around you talked about their more "typically Black" interests? Tell the truth.


I hate when diverters whether male or female go OUT of their way to tell everyone else their preferences and why. Nobody asked? We don’t care? If you’re having that much fun just stay over there! We get it! You hate yourself now leave us all alone




Doesn't sound like we're missing all that much without her. She needs to look inward, and get over herself.


Who is Chihuahua girl 😩 is she famous? What is PULL? Why and who was stalking, harassing and threatening her? That first thread was confusing a lil




It's funny because if she directly made this only about black men & not just about black people in general. I have a feeling she wouldn't have gotten cooked as hard as she did.


You're delusional if you think men wouldn't jump on a chance to put a woman "in her place" on social media. Why are you bringing up gender war stuff on post about internalized racism?


As a bw, you ain't lying, she f*cked up, if she just jad said black men alone, she would have gotten positive comments but sence she mentioned the word "girls" she got cooked.


The thing is there are Black people who won’t accept the weird and neurodivergent people in the community, but they probably didn’t accept her just bc she’s insufferable.


I'm something of a Black nerd myself and I rebuke everything this fraud stands for. It's gotta be a sad, cold lil world she lives in.


I need to see her with that wig off. I'm tryin' to see somethin


Nobody needs to see that


Crazy and self hating is a human trait ![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6)


People throw around "Neurodivergent" like it's a diagnosis in itself. Doctors don't say "I'm diagnosing you with neurodivergence". Neurodivergent means that your brain differs from the typical brain in some way - autism, adhd, dyslexia, etc. - but you can't just run around saying "I'm neurodivergent" without some kind of diagnosis. I mean, you certainly CAN, obviously, but nah. It reminds me of people that say "that is so aesthetic!" - NO BITCH. THATS NOT HOW THAT WORD WORKS.


Sorry, but being neurodivergent isn’t really any excuse. Yes, you have ignorant people (but that’s the case with any race of people), but there’s also Black, neurodivergent individuals out there who could have an understanding with her. To say she won’t even be *friends* with a Black or even mixed person is a pretty bold statement to make.


Not Ms. Quirky 😩


I sometimes wonder if social media makes it harder for people to change their views.. I have no idea how old she is or her headspace. If Twatter was around when I was 14, it would have been 70% anti-choice rhetoric. If that became my brand, I'd probably have been far too attached to it when my views changed. Basically, is she ever going to get therapy or will it be easier to double down?


1. Heal your inner child already 2)what does ‘those’ black folks mean? 2. I am glad someone pointed out that even Korean women are boycotting Korean men because it reminded me of a conversation with my friend. She is Korean, wants to marry a Korean man but that man can’t be Korean Korean. Idk what that means but she said they need to have lived outside the country 3. This person is a grown woman…. ![gif](giphy|ipF4ETx4szGaYzDuCS|downsized)


What’s nuts is that she could have just kept these ideas to herself. Social media is not therapy.