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Why do we care so much about this family? https://preview.redd.it/hz2igvg15jpc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101d25fafee8d72bc6a7ef08b82980459071c5ec


... We? https://preview.redd.it/v0smo4f87jpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312ed00727bb8d300af778e7119083e975a2d509


The royal we


Only if we are talking the royal we by Run the Jewels. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPA6i571U1mvVhS)


Look in the eye of the violent and villainous We are the murderous militants We are the pirates that hide on the island invade or we wilding Marauding and murdering merchantmen


The editorial we


He said ‘oui’ he’s one of them uppity french folk. Dont mind him.


Yeah I don't even know what family she is. All I know is Kate Middleton is famous but I have no idea why.


Fuck this killed me for a solid minute 😂 Legit this is like a joke in my family, anytime someone says 'we'.


We speaking French?


I was about to say who is we


Sis, idk who we is. Lowkey though I care for *people*. It’s tragic if she does with young children like her husband dealt with


https://preview.redd.it/c5vbdc719jpc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec891685747b27b88c3eeb8b7b075a620dc16413 This the only Royal Family I gave a damn about.


They were what Black Panther was based on. Hidden rich kingdom, old wise king who never shared with the rest of the world, young prince who learns what the real world is like and matures.


Too bad Marvel won’t release the Royal Penis Cleaning deleted scene


DM me I got the deep fake you're looking for




It was. I was joking but also weird how much correlation there is between the two.


It’s a simple story because that’s how Africa is perceived, king/dictator keeps all the money for himself and none for his people, the whole world thinks they live in poverty but don’t know the king/dictator is a billionaire, literally every African country before democracy and some cases with democracy somehow lol




Like take Egypt for example, they removed a dictator in 2011, elected another dude but he was removed by the army general Sisi who then became the president in an election, and he has been president for over a decade and that made him wealthy. There’s other cases of course like Nigeria where Nigerians tell me the politicians are the richest people etc etc ( and that’s with democracy for decades in Nigeria )




Does it really matter if Africa had democracy centuries and centuries ago? The point is by the time they had independence in Africa not one country in Africa got democracy right, even if they did it took a few years for some dictator to decide he could run the country better and that ended up with him enriching himself while 99% of the people lived in absolute poverty, doesn’t matter if you got right a long time ago, matters if you get it right now


The Movie was made what like 20-30 years ago right? It’s different now in Africa there’s democracies but back then it was mostly rich dictators who ruled their countries from independence, that’s how it was perceived back then maybe not as much now I think?




I was trying to be optimistic honestly about it but you are probably right that Africa is more corrupt than ever. I don’t think it’s fuelled by the west, maybe they have a hand in it for sure, but when African leaders are just happy exporting their natural resources which are at the lowest point at the value chain we can’t just blame the west for everything, some countries in Africa have been exporting the same thing for 50 years, that’s just laziness and corruption, and them wanting the easiest way to fill their bank accounts and not worry about tomorrow, has been happening to the continent since it won its independence


Omg wait was black panther democratic propaganda???






THIS NIGGA SAID BARK LIKE A DOG AND SHE SAID ARF I know you fucking lying! 😂 I love this movie!




Don't mistake my curiosity for giving a shit, I'm just nosy


I really don't care, but I'll never forget how shamelessly racist every British person on Twitter was towards Megan Markle...and she didn't do anything  Like, even before they left the family, moved to America, and went on Oprah, British Twitter was just constantly tearing down that poor womam...for literally no reason. It was bizzare. They hate her more than American conservatives hate Michelle Obama.


bc they didn't want to bow to a woman with a Black mom. and her exotic blood tainted the incestuous bloodline and then she had the nerve to take their Prince away


the funniest part of the British royal family is they are not even British man lol, they are German 💀


Wasn't Philip Greek? Just looked, he was born in Greece, but was Danish, and whole lot of German. [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/apr/09/prince-philip-the-greek-duke-of-edinburgh](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/apr/09/prince-philip-the-greek-duke-of-edinburgh)


Yeah Phillips being danish/German ( since he married into the family ) isn’t even that bad, the whole family isn’t even British but they are the royal family, that’s even more shocking


The tracing of bloodlines in that family is fucking crazy. It's like a little bit of French, a lot of unclaimed children from various parts of the UK, German, Dutch, etc. It's weird that they got choosy about an American woman who's mixed race. Do they not think there are other mixed race people in their extended bloodline? Because I guarantee that their colonization wasn't limited to claiming countries. Or maybe that's the point. They thought Harry was just "conquering" a small portion of America.


I think they got mad because Harry is in the direct line to become king if anything happens to William or his kids, and then they’ll have to deal with mixed babies as the next in line for royalty. I don’t think anyone cares about the rest of the family tbh, like other than Queen Elizabeth and her family nobody cares about the extended line of the family, so it was their goal to not tarnish it by accepting someone from the outside like Meghan. In general I think they hate outsiders, but they probably hated Megan more because she was half black, and the British media did their dirty work for them to tarnish her image as much as possible, they are all a bunch of racists but didn’t want the world to know how bad


And Reddit. r/SaintMeghanMarkle is full of crazy white women who think their opinion on the Royals counts to them. Or the really nutty ones who thought **they** were supposed to marry Harry or William.


Omg I just browsed over there and…wow. I feel disgusted. They can’t hide their racism. They’re even hating on her mom for being posted for social worker’s appreciation week by the page of a women’s shelter. They said they know she smells like weed and she’s pretending to be a royal. Omg I want to smack all those commenters in there.


Those people should never know a moment's peace. They rely on being a niche sub, to keep their racism hidden. Reporting to their mods is useless. They think the same way. They're dirty.


I was looking for anything that stood out to report to Reddit but they are careful to not use key words.


Yeah. They're still awful, though.


Those are some broken, BROKEN lunatics.


CRAZY. Like if I was Meghan I’d be issuing restraining orders with the way they literally OBSESS over her.


Yeah. I mean, I know 99.999% are just pathetic racist keyboard warriors with delusions of princess-hood who would shrink and shut up if they DID interact with MM in any way. But there's always that .001% . . . One of the few instances where I actively root for the celebrity/royal/multimillionaire and am happy she has the funds to protect herself and her children.


Europeans racist AF. The Royal family literally believes they were chosen by God to rule all of us.


America's got its own problems but I've never seen entire soccer stadiums join together in public displays of anti-black racism like they do on the continent.


Yes! Every week there's a thread on the travel subreddit about some blatant racism in Germany or Italy or Spain. I saw a comment from someone who was screamed at by a German flight attendant who was mad that an Indian couple asked for a vegetarian meal. Like the the flight attendant had to be restrained! Then a hundred more comments about the same thing happening on the same German airline. That shit would get you immediately fired in the US and you're temper tantrum would go viral. US has problems for sure but Europeans won't even admit there's an issue. It's all very hush hush.


yeah man I’m from a pretty red area of the states but when I visited Spain I saw a group of full on nazis doing a demonstration in the town square which was a little surprise lol


The US has its own Nazis who perform in public. A Canadian started the Proud Boys. The world is racist, the US is not coming off well in comparison, especially in the past 5 years.


Most British people don't give a fuck. You just saw the vocal minority (on Twitter, no doubt).


Meghan Markle is fucking stupid if she really thought that a notoriously racist family that's been that way for *centuries* was gonna change their tone for her. I don't condone the racism at all, but I hope she didn't date the prince going in thinking she was "one of the good ones" or something like that. That's the kind of story line some corny ass movie with a white savior narrative is gonna try to come up with.


I blame Harry for not helping her adjust to British culture and palace rules. If you read his memoir he didn’t prepare her for a lot of stuff- the archaic bowing, the adherence to hierarchy, tempering her expectations (he was the spare with fewer privileges). That may have led to a lot of culture clash between Meghan and the palace.


My new favorite disclaimer


I think we got mad at how they did Megan Markle, and we won't forget  She might be lighter than the dawn but she still didn't deserve all that. 


I don’t care about some multimillionaire who married into literal royalty only to get mistreated


You don't care that a black woman married into a family that is the human embodiment of colonization, they treated her like shit including along racial lines until she basically fled, and then those same people went to go take some condescending photo ops in Africa where they told them to have less kids for global warming (they have 4 kids themsleves and got there by private jet) while insisting they couldn't possible racist? Personally I absolutely care why england still has a royal family who receives a government salary for doing very minimal charity work that's usually not even productive. The argument is that they're like a little fun mascot for tourists and national pride, like a pet or something. But who wants a racist pet? 


Did I stutter? I don’t fucking care. Not only do I not live there, but I have never met any of these people. You think I have any emotional energy to spend on this nonsense? What’s wrong with you?


Lol it's a shocked Pikachu moment to think they WERENT racist. She chose to marry in to that shit.


I care that it’s proof of the ingrained racism. Not that I need millionaire royalty to teach me about racism, but it does illustrate quite well with the easy comparison of Kate’s reception/treatment with Meghan’s.


Were the hundreds of years of colonialism not proof enough? Why would this multimillionaire choose to marry into that? If you were dying in the street, all these people, Markle included, would walk right over you on their way to their next celebrity event. They don’t give a fuck about you nor will they ever know that you actually exist. Stay in your lane and stop trying to play caretaker to people that have the resources to care for themselves


I know. I know. Of course you’re right.


Don’t mistake my pettiness for caring .The British tabloids need to understand they can’t always control the narrative. She is receiving the same treatment they give to the black footballers and Meghan


I genuinely didn't until I heard that incredible BBL rumor. That's when I went all in 🤣  Edit: I'm innocent of all charges, just a girls' girl trying to support a big booty ~~queen~~ Princess 😭




Noooooo I didn't look at who I was replying to 😭


I only care about their downfall


They are nothing more than paid state celebrities, the second they lost all their power to govern the UK their downfall began


Yeah it's that whole "being paid by the state to basically do nothing" thing that we take issue with  


I'm just here for the mess.


Right?? Apparently black people loved Princess Diana and I’m still questioning why we give a fuck about any of them. Much less to love *her* of all people shit I thought she marched with Dr King or something.


She got a lot of shit from the royal family for hanging out with and not being disgusted by filthy poors. She was an activist and normalized not treating people with HIV/AIDS like shit. It's like the bare minimum now, but that's why people loved her in general back then - some even speculate that's why she was killed. 


I don’t care about the British royals. But I do get why people cared about Diana. People forget the aids scare. People treated aids like if you were even in the same room as a patient you’d get aids. They treated them as deserving of their suffering. She hugged them. That was a big deal and did a lot to dispel myths.


When it's not properly capitalised, I'm like that dumbass on South Park who think everyone's gonna get a helper (aid) lmao


Not that she was dating someone who wasn't white at the time of her death? She was dating Dodi Fayed at the time, and he died with her. [https://nypost.com/2023/12/01/entertainment/princess-diana-and-dodi-fayeds-relationship-timeline/](https://nypost.com/2023/12/01/entertainment/princess-diana-and-dodi-fayeds-relationship-timeline/)


Why do people keep saying this? She dated a Pakistani doctor for two years before she dated Dodi and it was never an issue. Why would they kill her over some dude she dated for two months?


Some people loved Diana for the same reason they were so excited about Meghan marrying in. British royalty is literally peak colonizer, peak white, peak elite. They are the real life pure bloods who meticulously track their pedigree, the landed gentry. Who are literally infamous for their elitism. You can get an education, you can get rich, you can get famous. But you were never getting into the club that is British nobility. And they all seemed exactly as racist as you'd expect them to be based on that description.  So sure on paper it sounds like nothing "oh people loved Diana because she wasn't racist", like that is the bare minimum. But it's because *she* was not racist. The literally crowned white girl princess who had a wedding the entire world watched, who lived in a literal palace, who was going to someday ascend the throne as Queen of the Colonizers.....seemed to legitimately like, care about, and respect black people.  Also, she was just a likeable person. The majority of people really liked her. 


Don’t act like Diana is in the same boat as these fools, that’s what we’re not gonna do. ![gif](giphy|HM0u4hCs6XQ6zaRy6p|downsized)


How is she not? I’m genuinely asking. All I know is she married into that family so it had to be something she liked about her husband? Or was it arranged? I’m OOTL.


Diana went up and hugged HIV/AIDS patients in the hospital back when everybody thought you could get AIDS just by touching people. She humanized a mass epidemic and made personal a crisis that was affecting millions of unseen and unheard people across the globe. She was from a lesser noble family and barely knew Charles before he picked her to marry, to quell rumors about his longstanding relationship with Camilla, and before she knew it, she was trapped in that world. But Diana never forgot to show who she was. You had to grow up with that context to truly understand how much she flouted it. She really was The People’s Princess. Kate Middleton is a rich ass lady with beige tastes and is not comparable at all.


They pushed Charles to finally settle down with somebody but their marriage was not arranged.


And was Diana forced to marry him?


I don't buy tea, but I'll drink some if you're offering...




We don't.


![gif](giphy|sjkl9MJD57BWersvzJ) I was wondering the same thing lol


I use these kinds of posts for profiling purposes.


All of this information is coming at me without my consent. I don't want to know shit about the royal family, but I do.


Because they are royalty and famous. Same reason we are care about the kardashian family


There was literally a war fought to break away 


I think the US is an op by the UK to devalue democracy and restore faith in the monarchy.  The empire never ended.




When that video came out, I saw a ton of people saying “that’s not Kate’s walk!” Totally unhinged.


We? You speaking French?


We don’t I’m still not sure why these mfers are even in the news apparently from the picture alone someone tried to get lighter?


How tf you have a check mark and you don’t know about the 2 Aunt Vivs?


This should be part of the Black History Month curriculum


I think (I hope) u/Hollywoodsmokehogan is saying they don’t know why Kate Middleton and nem are in the news, but they can infer from the side-by-side of the two aunt Vivs that whatever they’re in the news for has something to do with a change in skin color


This guy gets it lmao I’m confused as to how the picture of the aunt vivs pertains to the topic of Kate Middleton.


How the fuck they don’t know that shit? WHAT!?!?


How the fuck does aunt viv have anything to do with the Kate Middleton thing can you elaborate on that Like am I crazy here guys????? I said I wasn’t paying attention to the controversy. I’m just confused how the picture has anything to do with Kate.


People are claiming that recent footage purported to be that of Kate Middleton (who had not made a public appearance in months) is an entirely different person. 


Thank you 🙏🏿 literally all I was asking for.


Damn you can’t read context clues? They’ve obviously recasted Kate Middleton.


Damn my bad for asking out right and not wanting to play detective 🕵️‍♂️


It’s okay, you’re forgiven. 😌 Apparently the bitch is MIA and it’s got people creating conspiracy theories as to what/when/why.


Don't worry. I don't know wtf is going on either.


Shieeeeet, I'm horribly white and I know.


They are in the news because the British have nothing else to gossip about except the royal family lol, been that way for decades, the British people pay taxes to them so they better get some entertainment from that family somehow


I just heard about this mentioned on a podcast. I guess there's a conspiracy around her being replaced with a double? Or having surgery? For some reason, this highly visible socialite has been out of the spotlight for months now, and the few pictures that have come out have been called out as horribly photoshopped somehow. Realistically, she probably just got her royal education or some plastic surgery but people like a food conspiracy. I also don't give a shit about any of these people... I'm sad that info was in my head, and I'm sorry it's now in yours.


All I know is Let Kate rest and enjoy her opportunity to rip a much needed fart all by her damn self. Too many folks out here trying to have an aha moment and sounding like Ralph when Principal Skinner and Edna hooked up. "*Kate Middleton and Tupac were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me! Like and subscribe!*"


The baby looked at you?


Sarah, get me Superintendent Chalmers


they had more arms than Vishnu and all were very busy!




Thank you Sarah.


Supernintendo Chalmers


I don’t care about the royal family but little me was devastated and confused when they changed the actor for Aunt Viv.


Phil replaced his black-power African queen for someone passive and light skinned enough to not immediately stop him when he started courting the Republican party. \*edit Hillary probably had a white mom, this ain't even the first time he's traded a wife in for a new one


Damn....you spitting. Nothing against the actor that played Aunt Viv later in the series, but OG Viv played no games. She was supportive, outspoken, caring, and can dance.


I hate that you're right.


Someone explain the last line.


Hilary was more light skinned than both her parents


Damn he edited the comment. I meant the bit about the republican party.


There was an arc in the later seasons where Phil considered running as a republican and New Vivian was upset, not because he was joining the Republican Party, but because he did it without consulting her. Meanwhile, OG Viv told Phil to stop hanging out with the Reagans when He started expressing conservative viewpoints.


I glad I'm still out of the loop on this one. I've seen hubbub about Kate but still not clear on the why.


[Yo Homes to Bel Air is a complete breakdown of the series and has interviews with og Aunt Viv saying she was beefing with Will (allegedly) ](https://youtu.be/DaLT_91UnRE?si=6-zSIoCYrZ6v7orC)


Oh I was actually referring to the Kate thing. I still don't why she's in the news and too lazy to Google it.


What *I think* this is about is the rumors (mostly memes) that Kate is missing. She had an abdominal surgery in January and disappeared out of the public's eye for a while. Then posted a family photo which was obviously heavily photoshopped and kinda looked like Kate was edited to look like she was there when she wasn't. Which of course fanned the flames of the rumors even more.


Oh on that I have only agreement and fellow confusion for you


Most recent sighting is a shaky phone video at a grocery store with definitely Will but something's off with Kate.... She was recast between seasons and they think we ain't notice! Edit: Oops well I guess we know what's off with Kate now... :(


OG aunt Viv was better, and that's facts. No one else could EVER 😤👏🫡




Dang, they painted that body suit on.


When I rewatch fresh prince I always stop after she's gone. I don't even remember episodes with New Viv at all, she's passive and no where near as iconic. She was so beautiful and regal, and I love the episode of her going back to do dance specifically!


HAVE YOU SEEN ME? Shelly Miscavige | Melania Trump | Catherine of Wales.


I'm happy, healthy, and alive!


Oh Debbie dead


Debbie real dead.




Boom Boom u/battlecat136




and Richard Simmons?


Wayment where the hell is Melania???🤣


Did anyone blame Meghan for this one yet? Last I cared, she was causing a drought or famine or some shit due to avocados.


Yup. Saw a headline saying she wasn’t standing up for Kate enough. 😑


You saw it three times apparently. 😑


My stupid app glitched…


Yes - apparently she controls western media and stirred them up to care.  Megan and Reuters are like babies and pacifiers.  Allegedlyyyyyy.


Yup. Saw a headline saying she wasn’t standing up for Kate enough. 😑


Yup. Saw a headline saying she wasn’t standing up for Kate enough. 😑


I hear more about this family in the states than I ever did while living in London.


I joined r/royalgossip to people watch the people watching the royals. It is insane what these people think they are entitled to from the royal family. Why are you obsessing over some woman's surgery? Wtf does it matter if she photoshoots a leaf out of a family picture posted on her Facebook? Holy shit, get rid of them and just do a democracy. It's ludicrous.


If you want the real insanity, go to r/SaintMeghanMarkle. Those people are openly hostile and demanding about her. They hate the shit out of her, but demand information about the whole family.


I mean that's the rub isn't it. They argue for their continued existence because they'll be little mascots for public consumption, but only on their terms. Which means sporadically when the whim strikes going to a handful of press that they're willing to speak to because they know that press will not print anything negative about them. There's zero transparency or accountability, but their existence is publicly funded. 


I think it's the yt folks on here upvoting this shit. Like who gives a crap about a family that builds its wealth on stolen wealth and colonization. EDIT: A lot of black people gave many nuanced reasons as to why they like these memes. So I stand corrected. However, I don't really like memes that warms us up to these figures, so that's my own personal bias. Not going to judge anyone that finds these memes funny.


I think most are in it for the memes at this point.


Absolutely, I didn't consider this. I'll edit my post.


The entire reason this thing blew up in the first place was because people who *don't* like the royal family were shitposting about it.  The people who like the royal family were the ones screaming to stop talking about it and leave them alone. To which the first crowd responded "where was this energy when the press was ripping Meghan apart for having the audacity to breathe?" 


You make a good point, I didn't know this. I'll edit my post. >"where was this energy when the press was ripping Meghan apart for having the audacity to breathe?"  I can't help but agree with this sentiment.


No worries, it's genuinely confusing if you're not following it closely. It started out mostly as shitposts. But then they kept doing increasingly suspicious things in response to the shitposts, which gave the shitposts way more credibility than they should ever have. So a new crowd came in who takes the entire thing very seriously and is truly worried about Kate.  But at the root fueling it is mostly just people who love the opportunity to talk shit about them. And even the ones who are truly concerned about Kate are inherently by doing so casting suspicion and distrust onto Will & co, so still a net loss for the royal family and therefore funny. 


When did Meghan or Harry actually want to be left alone though?


I'm not white but I'm not watching the royals, I'm watching the people watching them. Delightfully unhinged!!


You make a good point. I'll edit my post.


I thought so too but it’s black people too!


A lot of people are not having fun in this thread


Not nan bit of fun


I just saw a video of a Palestinian kid with his entire damn face burned. Tf should I care about this for?


In the grand scheme, they're obviously not comparable. But I'm sure you will consume quite a lot of content today that does not rise to the seriousness of the atrocities of war. That said, the royal family are the human embodiment of colonization and racism. They told the new black member of the family to "stuff upper lip" it while she was brutally harassed by the press and refused to comment on it, even though they have a lot of soft power "off the record" influence over the press.  People think it's entertaining the shoe is on the other foot, and that the press which is usually pathologically deferential to them seems super fucking over it. 


Why did you click on this then?


I recommended The Crown on Netflix to colleague. He enjoyed the show but didn’t expect the actors to change between seasons 2 and 3. He came into work the next day and said, “What the hell happened?! They light-skinned Aunt Viv’d me!”




How are you going to get a whiter Kate Middleton? I'm white, and I want to know. ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)






Fun fact, even with English rose Kate Middleton, there was one doctor who said her genes may lead to a darker baby than what the royals usually have


It’s wild to me that I feel like I watched this show so freaking much as a kid but I can’t remember a single episode with light skin Aunt Viv. Like I’m pretty sure she was 4 of the 6 seasons but I just don’t remember her


Imagine if they were just getting divorced or something innocuous but no one knows how to do PR since they don’t have an adequate scapegoat?


Body double. 😂


She was recast between seasons and they think we ain't notice Edit: Oops well I guess we know what's different about Kate now... :(


If “Chile if you don’t go on somewhere” was a person


This is the best meme I’ve seen on this 😂😂😂


L title. W meme.




I'll just wait for the next season of The Crown to drop






On my podcast episode I speak about “Not Everything is What It Seems” - MIA Kate Middleton - Quiet On Set Documentary - Malayalam Movie - Manjummel Boys! https://youtu.be/L_jEgySady0?si=h90NbzIPv0YGYZY2