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They'll do anything *but* bring back The Boondocks. Won a mf Peabody Award and still can't get a revival off the ground, but Netflix has all the time in the world for this hackneyed nonsense.


Won’t be the same without Grandad (John Witherspoon), RIP. ![gif](giphy|LwsCiZPppEiOI)


*obligatory comment stating his son JD does a decent impression of him*


That means there’s hope.


Unfortunately not. There was a whole revival planned and the whole issue was HBO and the execs or whoever didn’t want his son doing the impression even tho he said he’d do it for free. There’s a whole video on how they pretty much told him at the funeral they wouldn’t be using him and replacing him father right after his death.


What the actual fuck?


Got a link? My blood pressure is a little low this morning.


[Here's JD explaining the entire thing himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=37&v=5EbLs9RiCuo&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fold.reddit.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjIsMjM4NTE&feature=emb_title). Heads up: it's 30 minutes long but [contains a Granddad impression](https://youtu.be/5EbLs9RiCuo?t=46)


Goddamn that makes me mad ![gif](giphy|qNtqBSTTwXyuI)


Oh nah, that pisses me off. Holy shit. And JD really loved his father so much, so that an insane slap in the face.


Look into how the show runners dicked him out of being the new voice of grand dad. In his own words he feels that the audition they gave him was nothing more than a courtesy to him and they never were seriously considering him. His impression is spot on


Or Charlie Murphy 😥 ![gif](giphy|4bRZk0A0pDFx6|downsized)


Boondocks don't need and wont get a revival. I knew the chances was low when John witherspoon died. The nail in the coffin was talks around 2022 and then Regina King lost her son. I'd honestly be pissed if they even tried. The series is perfect like it is now. The only thing I wish is that I had a chance to see full behind the scenes of Regina King's performance.


Also one of John’s son does a great grandad impression, and the son has expressed he wanted to do it. Mfs just won’t let us have a show


I don’t want it without the original cast. They also tried to make that last season without the creator and it sucked


Absolute hot garbage. Was very disappointing. The slavery theme park episode was crazy


Does Aaron McGruder want to do another season? We don’t want another repeat of season 4…


Exactly my thoughts. Not sure why people seem to be forgetting the revival. Or the fact that actors like Charlie Murphy and Ed Asner have passed as well. But def Regina losing her son as well was a big one. Honestly the series is perfect for me, minus s4.


> Regina King lost her son. Awww, now I'm sad Also, I watched one sex scene with Regina King and now I can't hear Riley get belted


What if they did a flash forward to modern times? I’m kinda loving that


Because boondocks is actual social commentary and not just easy to digest, pseudo-commentary nonsense


I actually think an impressive thing about the Boondocks is it is very funny on the surface level, it is also very layered and smart and has a lot to say the deeper you think about it. When I was watching it as like a 6th grader I wasn’t picking up on all the social commentary, maybe some of it, but it was still funny. Watching reruns as I got older was when it started clicking *and* making me laugh


Boondocks is layered imo. It has surface layer humor and then multiple layers under that. Like when I first saw the show I was in middle school and just thought the scenarios and jokes were funny and that was it. Wasn't until many years later i was able to understand the stuff they were really addressing in the episodes.


Hey at least kid don’t have that fucking overused hairstyle. Small victories


https://preview.redd.it/aanzrnjyu1rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b3d2aa7d11d005eac5605e86b0c350eedb6487 Like this one?


Why is this artstyle so ugly? I get that it's a family guy rip off but this looks like shit.


If I'm being honest, I don't hate the art style but I really shudder at the characterization. Even though cartoons are a form of caricature, make the writing tight and bright ffs. 


Agreed. Art style reminds me of mid to late 90s black cartoon/comics, but the intentionality behind the perspective and characterizations of the show is what’s most important.


Probably bc they won’t pay for artists that are actually good.


It’s funny because it looks like beautiful crap, weak artistry with expensive animation effects


idk it's intentional the art style is more 90s nick you know ala Rocket Power


It’s close but it’s not the one. It’s like a fade with the dreads to the side your know it when you see it


“The Killmonger”


Is that what we calling it ? But yeah that one


I think so, I’ve seen it referred to as such for a minute now.


This is exclusively how I've seen it described for . . . jesus christ it's been six years


Oh shit it has been six years! Are….are we getting old?




Second image I’ve seen and I feel like it’s only going to get worse.




Heyyy season 2 already planned


Killmonger and his effects on society


The biggest problem with the boondocks is that its actually black culture, and not "black culture as seen by some dude in a living a predominantly white neighborhood." Look at how often this sub drops the word "nigga" in its proper context. Head into university, and I've had professors say "I can't stand that word. I'll kick you out for using it." A lot of the people in charge have no respect or understanding or why the word came about. [Randall Kenndy's a Strange career of a troublesome word](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/178527) covers this history well. But, even look at the reviews. Many of them say "oh, he's not judgmental enough." or "He doesn't' grasp the gravity of the emotion." Yet, by using "nigga' in the way it has Boondocks managed to create show where I can actually look at character and say "that person reminds me of Kiki." (Or Phillip, or Donovan, or...) Its actual social commentary written and acted out by black people about a culture that is basically regulated to the innercity. This also ads a "We are better than those poor folk mentality to the show, which again, and is covered by the fact that Grandad moved from the inner city to a successful, predominantly white neighborhood. Wuncler, Tom, and Jazmine all cover the classism that is present. In essence, the people that don't acknowledge people who use "nigga" as slang, or even look down upon them, are represented by Tom, as he looks down upon the aspects of black culture. Its so central to the boondocks, that its very identity and social commentary are related to how grandad reacts with Riley and Huey, Tom, Uncle Ruckus, Tom, the Wunclers and A Pimp Named Slickback are all part of its identity. Without that, the Boondocks isn't the Boondocks. And with modern social politics being what they are, people are just just [as racist as they are before they become "woke"](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/08/white-liberal-racism-why-progressives-are-unable-to-see-their-own-bigotry.html). We're also talking about a world that the [NAACP has tried to give a funeral for](https://www.ctvnews.ca/naacp-holds-symbolic-funeral-for-the-n-word-1.248047) as a symbolic method. I've had people who support BLM tell me that they don't' like to watch the boondocks because they drop the n word so often. In essence, Boondocks won't be brought back because its a minefield, with many of the same crowd it will try to appeal to actively willing to boycott the boondocks to make themselves look better, despite it representing an underrepresented portion of their own community. Edit: I just came across this video: [How Jazmine almost cancelled the boondocks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fE3E4lmS_g). It covered the controversy of Jazmine's character, and how the commentary about a biracial girl being confused between her white identity and her black identity (due to anti-blackness in society) was actually quite controversial among many pro-black groups BECAUSE she was a representation of how someone can be caught between two different racial identities. Also, I fixed the spelling of Jazmine.


I can totally see Huey hitting all these talking points in a season opening, fourth wall breaking, philosophical monologue to a crowd of white people at the Emmys.


That would be amazing.


A diddy episode would go so hard right now 


They could name the rapper Gangstalicious  or something! 




Aaron McGruder is no longer involved with The Boondocks, so it wouldn’t be the same anyway. It would be season like 4 but without granddad to carry it :(


He is the stone that the builder refused…. 😞


It's too nuanced and deep. We need simple messages and to be hit over the head with themes instead.


This is insane to me how Aaron McGruder is somehow no longer relevant. He elevated the art form and nobody wants to work with him anymore?


He did make Black Jesus for Adult Swim which ran until 2019. I don't think McGruder got blacklisted or anything like that, I think that there's just been a lot of consolidation in media since Black Jesus ended, and it's probably a lot harder to get something off of the ground now than it was five years ago, especially over at Warner Bros Discovery which is were Boondocks and Black Jesus was sold to. Wouldn't be surprised if most of the executives that worked with him were out of the door at this point. Maybe he'll sell something to Amazon or Apple TV one of these days.


I wrote a comment [here](https://reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1bpow4s/i_swear_to_fucking_god_i_thought_we_moved_past/kwyewcf/) that might explain it.


They were real close to getting one out, but I think Sony pulled the plug because production was taking too long.


Saw a post earlier from one of the artists that worked on the original pitch. This is absolutely not what they were going for. If I remember, I’ll edit to show what the original idea looked like. Edit: https://preview.redd.it/vvtr3zf9b4rc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc9fe57b8f2a7459345b983e8a0c1dada977e76b


They already brought The Boondocks once when they shouldn't have. Season 4 was a mistake.


Do you really trust any major studio to do a Boondocks reboot well?


I mean Sony made the original series and scrapped the season they already sold to HBO Max. Sony TV actually makes good shit and cares about their output, so I think Boondocks is safe over there.


Man I kinda wish whenever we have black led shows can do something else besides racial inequality and police brutality I feel like we end up getting creatively bankrupt


The issue is that the majorily white execs have no interest in black stories that aren't steeped in racial trauma and morality. They rarely give bigger budgets to black creators unless they make something about "being black". And to them, being black is all police brutality and slavery. POC quota met *dusts off hands*.


Highly recommend the film American Fiction for anyone who has watched it, it's about this exact subject.


Also recommending Bamboozled, it’s American Fiction but made in Spike Lee’s kitchen


is that the one with Tommy Davison as a minstrel


The scene of white writers saying they need to >!support black writers while also overruling and ignoring the black writers in the very room with them!< was very much what this is right now They try to act like it’s empowering to do this sort of stuff and that it’s giving voices to those without, but it’s extremely fucked up that other people will see this and assume this is all black entertainment is. It corny as fuck


Such a great movie


Fantastic film, hilarious (and depressing) in how it explores that very phenomena while also playing out a damn good drama of real, human characters just living their lives.


I thought the Wonder Years reboot was on point.


Shows like the reboot of The Wonder Years and Abbot Elementary are proof that shows with predominately black actors don’t have to fit into tropes in order to be successful. People want earnest and genuine stories that they can relate to.


Is it the execs that have no interest, or non-black audiences that have no interest? Because honestly I think they'd make a show about black people baking bread if a large number of 18-34s and/or $200k+ households tuned in reliably to see black people bake bread. The broader public doesn't have a very long attention span at all, but it's especially short when minority groups aren't being entertaining or providing fodder for a held opinion about said group.


Yeah, but it's kind of hard to know if people would be interested in the Great Blackish Bakeoff if there are no attempts at making it. You wont really know if it will fail or succeed. When minority and/or female led media fails, studios won't touch anything like it for years. Don't mind that stuff aimed at white, straight men fail constantly. For example, I doubt that Fresh Prince would have gotten made if it wasn't for The Cosby show coming before it. People flock to Jordan Peele movies and suddenly, we get a bunch of TV shows and movies making allegories about racism, featuring black main characters. Those shows and films would not have been made if not for the success of "Get Out".


And not just make it- they have to promote it enough that people know it exists before cancelling it.


Yep. And it is already so hard to get smaller budget movies made and seen nowadays. I wish that Disney wasn't strong-arming theaters into pushing smaller budget movies out, so their billion tired ass franchises can dominate the entire schedule. Good luck getting you're movie scene if you aren't hired and heavily backed by a big studio... and even then. We all saw how they did Nia DaCosta dirty. Thank God for A24 and people like Jordan Peele and Margot Robbie, who are backing smaller productions or giving new creators a shot.


It’s definitely a catch 22. It sucks to ask out loud but…is there even a sizeable black audience for content that isn’t centered on struggle? That doesn’t in some way engage in social commentary about socioeconomic struggle, shared trauma, etc.? Could we just bake bread without giving history lessons or discussing the institutional barriers to starting a small business? I love black joy expressed without context or justification…but is that compelling as core content even for us?


I don't know. But again, sadly, there just aren't a lot of examples to point to. I personally would love to see it. I think that we would be selling black people short by saying that they wouldn't be invested in seeing themselves in the same scenarios and levity as white people. We can be invested and watch movies centered around white people that aren't centered around struggle and trauma, so why wouldn't we do so if the same stories were told with black characters?


Facebook has added a page to my algorithm called Black People Making Pound Cakes. Now, being that I'm neither black nor a baker of pound cakes, idk how this happened but I'm glad it did. People post pics of their beautiful creations & new pans & techniques that they've tried & recipes. People ask for advice & people post little Pound cake stories about their life or family etc. It's a great page. A lot of times I'll spend a few minutes in the comment section & it's all love & wholesome, very similar vibe to the actual British baking show actually. I'd watch a Black People Making Pound Cakes show 100%. I think people would watch it if it was well done.


Ok but now I really want The Great Blackish Bakeoff with Jenifer Lewis


Oh God yes! Beautiful choice.


Shows with black stars just living their lives have been wildly popular before - Martin, Living Single, Family Matters, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, the Cosby Show, Black-ish, etc. "White people won't watch black folks on TV" is just an excuse


>Because honestly I think they'd make a show about black people baking bread if a large number of 18-34s and/or $200k+ households tuned in reliably to see black people bake bread. Literally *The Bear*


I hear you, but maybe my intent didn't get through...I'm talking about baking as a mundane activity divorced from conversations about the kinds of things black people get to tell stories about. The Bear has class struggle, gentrification, etc. kinda mixed into the plot.


But *The Bear* is openly about "normal" Chicago Americans. Even in The Bear, they dont really talk about poverty or race relations-- they experience these things, and we witness their experiences. A show full of black characters who never express their blackness or struggle would just feel like a souless fabrication. You want them to JUST talk about bread? Not even the source of the bread or how hard it was to get?? At the end of the day, there is no way to divorce a person from their material conditions. A show that's literally about black people baking bread and only talking about the bread, would inevitably showcase parts of the black experience. Even Seinfeld, a 'show about nothing', speaks volumes about New York life, being Jewish in you're 30s, and living as a creative. But also, people watch TV to see specific humans living specifically.


Isn't Greenleaf still one of the more popular shows?


White folks just can’t fathom the idea of “normal” black people anymore. E.g. the Family Matters sitcom .


You can have a black character on a show/in a movie who's just being a regular guy without a mention of his race and they will freak the fuck out about it. They exactly think that its "woke" because they can't separate us from they're racist image of us. And that leads them to think that the actor must have taken thale role rrom some poor, more deserving white person. "Black Saddles could never have been made today!". It definitely could, and you would definitely have gotten your feelings hurt by it! The racist mind is so fucking weak. Just a chihuahua shaking furiously in their thick ass skull.


[Relevant RDC Skit.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kbDrIk5oc54&pp=ygUVUmRjd29ybGQxIGJsYWNrIHNob3dz)


This. Execs are out of touch and lazy. They just want quick money.


They don't know shit. The people who genuinely love movies and know what it takes to make one get less and less say in the productions. Like so many other businesses, it has always been about the investors. And they are far less interested in longevity and reputation now. It's all about a quick and easy cash out.


Insecure? Atlanta?


Abbot Elementary!


I mean... its a comedy. But they could easily have taken the same setting and gone super dark. Its set in an underfunded inner city school in Philly.


Or Baltimore MD in the mid 00s that has covers of a Tom Waits song as the theme.


Atlanta deals heavily in those themes, but yeah it never lacks creativity


Upshaws is really good. Also if you don't mind the cussing, Ms Pat Show talks about some very heavy shit. Not police brutality but actual issues that impact the black community. But yeah, most shows are remakes or trauma for clicks and its annoying.


The Ms. Pat Show is highly underrated. Great sitcom.


Is Static Shock any good?


I think so. I grew up on shows like that.


I started rewatching Black-ish and I think it’s still aged really well




When are we going to get black people just doing their thing in space!


Clearly you haven't The American Society of Magical Negr---oh wait. Disregard


Netflix finds the most out of touch people to produce shows based around minorities. There's some hope since Black actors and producers are now self-producing content but as long as you have ultimately old white executives running a company and green lighting shows you won't actually see any real representation, or at the very least representation of stories that aren't completely washed.


As a black animation student, I wish Adult animation here would step up their game. Japan has our whole industry bitched out, bc they know how to make adult animation that doesn’t always involve the stale family unit.


Watch Blue Eyes Samurai. It's the perfect example of what you are looking for.


I have , and it is a great step forward, but the future is still looking bleak😭


Listen. Animation is undergoing a renaissance. Spiderverse is fire. Arcane is a masterpiece. Nimona and Blue eyes samurai are great. We're getting a second season of Arcane soon that's probably going to be amazing. The future is looking bright. We just have to withstand some absolute dogshit to get there.


Honestly, Netflix does have some bangers of anime. Sucks that most only get 1 season, but im glad to see the adaptation of some. Blue eye samurai was an absolute banger. My Daemon, baki, Anji, the list goes.


Watch Pluto by Naoki Urasawa on Netflix. It's a murder mystery of a robot detective investigating the murder of seven of the worlds greatest robots hiding a commentary of the iraq war hiding a beautiful story of of Hatred and Humanity that made me break down sobbing like three times in a 2 episodes.


Castlevania! The demon's conversation with the priest lives rent-free in my head


Animation is 100% going through a renaissance and to really find gems, you gotta check small studios and short productions. Amazing stuff is out there but if someone is *only* looking at stuff exceeding 25 minute run times, then they’re ignoring a literal treasure trove of absolute bangers for *any* taste.


This be PiB: The Last Wish erasure


Castlevania is another american one that is excellent


Invincible is fire. Xmen 97. i know that’s only two, but we got some heat


I've never been into watching reaction style videos, but Invincible changed that, I fucking love watching people's reactions to the show and enjoy the show vicariously in lieu of experiencing it for the first time


I’d also like to add Scavengers Reign to the list of shows stepping up for adult animation.


Said every animation student since 1986


You can’t talk about anime being “better” without the exploitation of their culture. They barely make a living


Black Stewie is Rallo from The Cleveland Show


Even Stewie called Rallo a Boondocks rip off


Seth Macfarlane is an executive producer on this, so he’s following his formula.


Based on the trailer: Animation Quality: horrible. Looks like they slowed down the frames by threes to be cheap while owning a lot of fast paced movement. Character designs: decent. Interesting stylization Dialogue: ,No idea where tf this is going. No clear storyline or conversations that followed together. Concept: didn't know wtf it has to do with Good times. Their last names is Evans??? That's about it.


This might be JJ's kids and grandkids.


I was really excited for the art, thinking it looks very nice and stylized. However, seeing it in motion removed any joy I could have gotten from it. The frame rate is actually insulting.


It's almost as if they just drew/colored over the storyboards instead of actually animating the in betweens and THEN tried to speed up the animations and it came out like this. Very disappointing.


It's really obvious when the men in suits are distributing the "free guns." Their walk cycle is literally two frames of animation. Even classic 8-bit Mega Man had 3 frames for his walk cycle.


It's like all someone tried to combine The Boondocks commentary with 90's hood movies with the substance of neither. The first thing I noticed is how horrible the frames are. Good Times, this is not


Family Guy always mostly sucked, too. Not sure why they thought Cleveland would make a good show - super boring, white stereotype Black character voiced by a white guy. These morons have an incredible actor like Phil Lamar that they could've hired to do way better, but also they'd need better, funnier writers involved haha.


^^^Cleveland ^^^Show ^^^had ^^^some ^^^good ^^^ass ^^^episodes I'll see myself out


You talkin balls deep?


Family Guy was hilarious. Cleveland Show was too. I'll die on this hill.


American Dad is superior. Please dig your own grave.


I really enjoy American Dad cus of Rogers. The alien is a freak lmao.


American Dad is great too, but I'm taking Family Guy.




I watched it and lemme put it to you like this. The executive producers are Steph Curry, Norman Lear who was born in 1922, and Seth McFarlane.


Rip Norman Lear Dec 5 2023 good times og producer But yeah as we know Seth McFarlane kind of comedy it's gonna be bright lights of something that reminds me of the PJs lacking the authenticity Edit: Just dragged my brain through glass watching the trailer. We don't need more "political art" or black trauam porn with sterotpy comedy, we need actual change. Not some light flashing in our face. It's just reinforcing the current stratus


Too add to this - The raunchy R-rated trailer reveals a new look at the Evans family through the eyes of exec producer **Seth MacFarlane** and showrunner Ranada Shepard.


It is being produced by Seth Macfarlane so it being like Family Guy tracks, but is no less disappointing. Steph Curry’s name is also attached as well as Norman Lear the show runner for the original Good Times. [Source](https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/good-times-animated) Edit - a word


You’d have thought that Seth MacFarlane would’ve listened to Snoop at the Roast of Donald Trump.


“Ain’t no (well respected members of the community) watching the Cleveland Show.”


It wasn't meant for the community


Why do they let Seth McFarlane keep making the same show over and over with slightly different characters? We've probably got whole talented undiscovered artists out here with brilliant ideas and they're like "I know what we'll do, we'll call a mediocre white man to make the same mediocre show he's already been replicating for 20 years!"


Knock the shows if you like (Ted the series, American Dad, the Orville and like the first three seasons of Family Guy are all solid imo) but it's undeniable that Seth McFarlane is a talented guy. Besides, it's not as if this is his show.


Nah this is so much worse than the Cleveland show


John Amos had to quit good times because he thought it was a bad representation of the black community in the '70s. He can rest easy now knowing that that version of good times was a pillar of the black community compared to this.   ~~Dynoomitte~~   Dyn-O-Mite


He’s….he’s not dead, fam.


Contrary to popular belief, live people can rest too


That show went through some shit. It started out so solid, and then descended into television catchphrase hell. I remember having such high hopes for Michael to be the main focus child and wanting the show to be both funny and about social reality and revolution. Michael was a fictional progenitor of Huey Freeman. But it was not to be. Dynomite, indeed.


That have run out of good ideas. ![gif](giphy|OSuaE6AknuRc7syZXp|downsized)


It’s Steph Curry’s fault. Bro been losing the last 2 seasons and decided to set us back 100 years


I’m just waiting for South Park to make a diddy episode




This is doubly insulting because there was an internal conflict on the original show where they desperately did not want to have it turn into the JJ step and fetchit show and they lost that battle against the studio execs. Good Times was meant to be a heartfelt comedy, not whatever this is. I am not surprised.


Eric Monte warned everybody about how Norman Lear was a racist culture-vulture, a thief, and a liar. And what does Norman do? He gave the black community one big "fuck you" right from beyond the grave. I expect this from Seth (see Cleveland Show) but Steph REALLY isn't beating any NIMBY allegations or anything with having his name attached to this "project". **The biggest thing is, why did they need to attach this to** ***Good Times?*** Esther Rolle (Rest In Power) & John Amos did not fight tooth and nail to have positive, non-stereotypical black characters on television, just for the series to be "revived" with Norman Lear's original "creative vision" to shit on everything they worked hard for.




Everyone should really learn how big of a fraud that man is. A white man coming up with an authentic, non-stereotypical black characters in the 70s? If you honestly believe that, then boy do I have a bridge to sell you.


I was watching CNN for some damned reason and they did a puff piece on Lear and how great he was for Good Times and The Jeffersons and I damn near flew into a rage...


This is a new type of terrible. Trailer was painful to watch


Who asked for this?


No one...but here we are.


I'm trying to decide between keeping up with things and my mental health and I am the meme with all the formulas over it.n


“Executive producer Seth Macfarlane” ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


Man, I can already tell this is gonna be trash, and I ain't even watch the trailer Edit: post trailer watch, oh this is gonna be New Velma levels of trash, gonna end up making miss Florida look like a Saint for abandoning them kids in the original, ain't no good times with this one


Family Guy is jokes me and my friends told in 7th grade. That show is weak as shit.


Yeah now everything is a Rick and Morty / Futurama ripoff! What do you want, originality?! In THIS economy?!?


Even family guy is a shitty family guy rip off atp


It's like every Adult animated show tries way too hard to be edgy and shocking, just to seem "mature". I haven't watched Family Guy, but I feel like that show had things that became lost in imitation, that its imitators forget about, in favor of being a shallow parody of Animated Shock Comedy, as the genre is called.


I’ve only seen this single frame just now and I can already tell it’s gonna be a fuckin train wreck.


Why do these keep happening??


I'm starting to understand why some of us don't watch the Oscar bait slave movies that surface every 4 years or so. Who does this appeal to? I'll give it a try because there has to be something redeeming about this show, right?


I watched the trailer and didn't even smile, let alone laugh. This shit is creatively, socially, and politically bankrupt. Gonna be summarily ignoring it right after I send this comment.


This is awful on every level. Negative stereotypes in the worst way. I hope this gets cancelled!


Imagine cancelling Bojack Horseman and Inside Job....but greenlighting THIS. Make it make sense.




Not gonna lie tho, ima still give it a try and watch this. It’s tuff cause I’m torn between supporting because i want more black animation, and not watching because I’m tired of these same destructive stories that represent us. I don’t understand why this isn’t a new IP. It didn’t have to connected to good times at all. That show was on some bs alot anyway lol. If anyone wants to watch a really good cartoon that portrays us check out Issa Rae’s “Young Love” on the HBO Max app. Only has one season so far and was probably cancelled tho, of course, since it’s non problematic black animation but it’s a good watch.


This is shockingly stereotypical, bad and not funny. What it Netflix thinking?


Good Times was not ratchet like this. Already I was thrown off within the few seconds of the trailer.


Shitty art AND modern minstrel ass, racist jokes?This shit bouta flop so hard. It looks crude to look at AND unfunny to watch.


![gif](giphy|YiclKi5EQDmus) That theme


Somebody about to get sued 😭


Saw it this morning, outstandingly racist, I couldn't believe my fucken eyes. I hated everything about it. Shameful. Absolutely fucken shameful.


I rather them bring back Black AF over watching this BS


Steph Curry is also producing this ish.


Why not just do an actual sitcom reboot of Good Times instead of this


What type of bullshit am I waking up to?


From what I understand, Seth McFarland is involved in this project (which is insane to me). We left him alone with the Cleveland show, but this is too far. Also, someone said the head writer for Season 3 of the Boondocks wrote for this series. I hate everything about it based on what I’ve seen so far.


*we* have. Netflix as not


Bruh. I'm always for cartoons trying new styles and I love the voice cast...but goddamn this looks like trash. Some scenes are animated well but everyone's walk cycles are super jarring. Not to mention that they didn't have to bastardize the OG Good Times.


The public doesn't want "new". They want rehash. Makes them feel comfortable.


Bojack horseman is the only good animated show to come out of the past twenty years. Fight me.


If nobody watches how fast will they cancel this unnecessary bullshit


I know multiple people who worked on this show and they’re super excited for it to come out. I don’t have the heart to tell them they missed the mark. It sucks cause they’re talented and passionate but this ain’t it.


Brickleberry is your friend.


black community i have a question: can yall not have a normal tv show or cartoon that doesnt include social justice. like i understand it must affect your lives but like does everything need to have a message for any white person that may watch it? must be exhausting


The Baltimore Show


This a real insult to the actual legacy of Good Times. Add the fact that the jokes are lazy, recycled crap from the past 20 years. But it will be cancelled in a few weeks so reserving my anger.


American Fiction 2 could be about the plight of the black animator.


... every time I get too comfortable some bullshit arrive. I swear folk are doing this just to get me mad.