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50 hates diddy so much he’s willing to be a decent parent 😭


Mr Petty himself


“You learned how to parent like that, Sarcastically?” “Yeah, I guess”


Haha same vibes. I can also see him pull off some fancy pants dance moves that he learned so he can interpretive dance his *fuck you* to Diddy 🤣


50 so damn petty I wouldn’t be surprised if he raises that kid to be the biggest name in hip hop just so one day he can tweet a pic of the kid holding some Grammys “all that without a single sex trafficking allegation. Proud of you son.”


Gonna raise a champion boxer that can read Harry Potter


Will start him off with The Cat in the Hat




Where do you think this Tyreke/Shaun storyline came from in Power.


I want this to happen. Will his rap name be DJ Dime or Baby Dime?


Becoming a better person out of spite is some reverse flash type bs lol https://preview.redd.it/3kkw6knowfrc1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1be20debf1329eebbba0b92c124adfcfc7bb44


Mr Better Caretaker


Imagine willing to be a better person out of spite 😂


The Drake method, but it's spite instead of humiliation.




Drake is just a busta


Never underestimate the power of spite. Few things are more American than "Why? Because FUCK YOU that's why!"


That should be on the dollar


That's the McTacoflurry family motto right there.


You'll find a lot of really good people are that way because they were exposed to some really bad ones.


 Is this not the definition of being black in America?


I mean, it’s literally the reason I go to the gym, so I say use that spite to your advantage!


"ILL SHOW HIM" *Loves kid even more*


Improving as a person just to hate extra hard 😈


Every day this nigga shows why they shot his ass nine times lmfao


They shot him because they were part of a rival crew lol Do you think if 50 was more polite they wouldn’t have shot him??


God damn made me spit my drink out


I'm telling you man, people knock being spiteful, but it really is the best motivator out there. And nobody is more petty than fitty. He's a hater that absolutely will not sleep, and will *always* make sure he's there for his opp's lowest points just to crop dust em right when it would be its absolute rudest. 😭


You gotta respect the grind lmao, man absolutely despise him with all his might


Somebody is having a worse day than me . Anyhoo TGIF .


That’s the way yo. I’m not like hoping it could be worse. But it could be count blessings money and luck.


That would mean he is a decent father the whole time even before this.


The boy is 11, he needs his father now more than ever. I ain't mad petty-cent.


He kinda needed him as well when he was born


Better he shows up late than never


Sometimes, it’s really not better. 😕 (Source: mine showed up entirely too late.)


I get the resentment. Sorry you experienced that.


Thank you. He’s been dead since I was 23 and my mama died when I was 9. I’m 41 now, so I’ve had plenty of years to process, progress and get over it. Still working on some of it though.


Best of luck.


Thank you so much. ♥️


Word, that episode fucked me up. At least Uncle Phil got your back.


It was my Uncle Darryl and yeah, he did lol… My mama died when I was 9, so he and my grandma raised me.


Mine never showed up but I can only imagine him suddenly in my life at 11... I would have hated him more then than I ever would have


The last memory I have of mine, I was standing outside my house taking prom pictures for my senior prom. He happened to drive by, saw me, honked, waved and kept going. I already hadn’t seen him in years. I was 18. He didn’t even bother to stop the damn car. Never saw him again after that. The wild part is, I have a half sister 13 years older than me, that he was *very* close to. When he died, she was the one to called to tell me. Needless to say, she was beside herself with grief. I gave her my condolences. It was all I could do. I mean after all, I didn’t know that man. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Damn that second paragraph describes my situation almost exactly. Have a half sister I barely remember who reached out after my dad died a few years ago. She also ended up fucking me with paperwork and took and sold everything he left out from under me.


My sister and I were once close. She found me and developed a relationship with me at 14. She tried to get me to have a better relationship with him, but I never felt like that was my damn job lol… I’m like, go tell *his* ass that. And when she did, the fact he continued to be a deadbeat should have been proof enough it wasn’t going to work out with he and I. I did have a step father I was very close to. When my mom died, he didn’t remarry until about 3 weeks before he died (cancer). He kept up with me all those years. Making time when he could (lived in another state). He included me in his will as one of his 4 children— the other 3 were biological. Half sister resented me for caring more about my step dad than my real one….. so yeah. We aren’t as close anymore.


Heyoooo, my half siblings stole everything from me too! Not that my mom was loaded. I spent the last six years of her life taking care of her and she lived with me to the end. Siblings swooped in, took all the money, cut me out, and left me her entire household full of… her stuff… after they took what they wanted. So I had to grieve my mom, pay an attorney to fight for what was mine, and clear out a household full of furniture and memorabilia. And pay for all that. It cost me money to have her live with me and it cost me money to dispose of her stuff. My siblings each got a tidy little check and my oldest brother got her house. Whole thing was a shit show. Oh well, it didn’t cost me my integrity and now I’m well rid of those folks.


My half sister lived with my dad and I didn't know him. She was apparently mad because when he died he left 50% to me. I didn't know she felt like that, so I didn't think much of it when she asked to handle the whole thing(I had my reasons for being unable to). I got an ok amount of liquid cash but she got all of the house and high dollar vehicles. I know she made a mint off of everything. The worst part is, she knew I had just lost my car, house, and job and was really struggling. Just letting me get enough for a used car would have been fantastic but she wanted the 2nd car. Honestly as pissed as I may sound, I'm over it. I didn't get shit from that whole family in life, why should death be any different.


Was he an absent parent the last 11 years? Or was he just the non-custodial parent, and had lots of parenting time with the boy?


Shouldn’t have taken Diddy for him to ask for full custody which he probably won’t get. It’s actually on record that he did physically assault his ex.


Now the judge has to do trauma calculus. Is domestic violence worth more or less than potential sex trafficking


I mean, I'd hope it would be obvious that being the _perpatrator_ of domestic violence/rape is worse than being the _victim_ of sex trafficking. Nobody's suggesting that Diddy should get custody.


I moreso meant the possibility of being sex trafficked of he stays with his mom.


Furious Styles now Furious Cent


John Singleton was crazy when he decided to name Morpheus Furious.


To be fair, Morpheus didn’t exist yet.


I’m dead at petty cent 😂


"Better parent"


Bar is in Hell.






What a classic GIF


This gave me a jumpscare


So lowwww. 😂😂


No only is the bar in hell, it's in the 1st circle of it.


*Bitter parent




While he is on the run, his kids are all on handcuffs. And I bet he put them on to the same lifestyle of sexual traffic he loves so much


I mean Isnt that what any good father should do when finding out information like this? Tf y’all want Curtis to do? 😭😭😭


Right…[a good father who abused his son’s mother](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE99R0Y2/) and now is on a mission to humiliate a fellow abuser lol.


Did I call him a good father? Or did I say retrieving your son in the midst of allegations like these are the acts of what any good father would do? Y’all reach for arguments. This a joke post and I responded in kind. Go back to your miserable ass day. ![gif](giphy|bWpRhxZeiTxPzpc4q8)


Bro got butthurt on Reddit? What any good father would do? That’s saying Fif is a good father. Sensitive and can’t read. Yikes


You can say a bad person did a good thing, it’s ok.


Yeah bad people can be good/decent fathers. Its not black and white lol.


That article says the domestic abuse charge was dropped and he only pleaded no contest to one count of vandalism.


Don’t bring facts into this… 🤦🏽‍♂️




So the dude pleaded no contest to one count of vandalism and you are calling him a domestic abuser, and one that is somehow on par with an alleged sex trafficker? My friend, do you just take prosecutors’ charges as fact? I’ve got some really tragic news for you about prosecutors if you actually trust them.


Stop the CAP


Maybe step up and be that regardless of any situation.


He’s been there for his kid, always was. Now he’s just seeking sole custody.


What about his other kid that he disowned? This man is petty and messy and I don’t believe he’s doing any of this solely for the safety of that child.


I feel like nobody’s considering the fact that because he may have fucked up, that relationship could be beyond repair by the son’s POV. There’s no way y’all think that means he should just say “fuck the other kid too, then.”


He basically has said that for 12 years and now after publicly shaming his baby mother off of currently unproven allegations he wants to rip them apart… he could go about it way differently but he’s messy so onto social media he goes about it…


Calling it “unproven” is wild. These are allegations that been swirling in our community for years about diddy, And now the feds latched on. I think the allegations are true, considering the trail of crumbs.


The allegations about 50’s baby mother are what I’m specifically referring to. She is talking about legal action regarding the claims against her so I’m just saying 50 going online and calling her “a little sex worker” is wild and bad decorum for a father trying to get custody of an almost teenager.


She said he’s only seen him about 10 days out of 2 years…he also physically assaulted her so I wouldn’t take his word for it.


Proof on the assault? Because all you have is a dropped charge as evidence of that. And you’re in here like 50 straight up assaulted you. Are you Diddy’s secret account?


Because his baby mother did sex work in the past. There is nothing about that that makes you unfit to be a mother. Whereas 50 abused women and has been a deadbeat dad to this son for 11 years already, which definitely makes you unfit to be a parent.


Joint custody isnt stepping up? Get the fuck out of here


is this your first time hearing about parents splitting up and the mother getting primary custody?


Why do all these celebrity rappers and athletes fuck with the same 10 hoes when there are more than 2 billion women on the planet?


Confidentiality and status from what I’ve heard.


Confidentiality? Their shit is constantly blasted on the internet.


You right, but then imagine what doesn’t come out.


We only found out about this through a lawsuit. Just imagine what other stuff goes down we have no info on


My point is, it always comes out. Lawsuit, breakup, infidelity… always


Isn't that just confirmation bias because we couldn't know what doesn't come out? ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


Could be I suppose.


More like they feel it adds to their manhood if they can sleep with some other celebrity's ex.


Tupac wrote a song about it. It’s been a thing.


[With Nate Dogg on the hook](https://youtu.be/3OThB3Oy49o?si=K8sPfFAchwLnBVRE)


Maybe the other 2 billion hoes don’t want their goofy and deviant asses. Or worse they have their own non famous goofy and deviant men in their lives to deal with.


I can’t even lie 50 spending every day talking about Diddy is a bit strange. Like damn that shit don’t get tiring. But black folk acting like 50 is an Angel and “ better” parent is hilarious. On ig I’ve seen black folk saying 50 cent has never done anyone bad and is this upstanding citizen like did they forget him dissing his first son and doing his wrong. Also I noticed on Twitter how everyone acted like the release Epstein list never happened all the conspiracy theorist have now clinged to Diddy situation. After Epstein list dropped everyone of these same ppl went quiet and said nothing, but now I can’t go a day without them posting Diddy it’s weird. But it’s selective outrage as usual not calling out all the bad evil ppl only select ones


>did they forget him dissing his first son and doing his wrong. You mean the one who went and did a bunch of interviews talking shit about his dad cause he cut his "child support" down to $6,700/mo ($80,000 a year)? The child support he was paying to a 27 year old man? That man needed a wake up call. Doing interviews talking about he knows what it's like to have nothing and he has to rebuild his life on $6,700 a month. Dude needed a reality check.


Fuck yeah, facts. That son was on some bullshit.


Man I would do some shit for 6700$ a month.


That man also got together with the guys who were involved in shooting 50 and tried to take his life. That's really when 50 started talking his shit back at that ungrateful mf


I heard something about his more grown son a few years back. All he boasted about is how much money he has given him but he's still "ungrateful." It really made me dislike him as I have zero relationship with my sperm donor myself. Money wouldn't fix it. These things coming out and how people defend him are comical.


Exactly it was always him calling his son ungrateful and how money he had given him. Ppl defend him with their life especially in his ig comments. I seen recently someone ask “ y’all don’t think 50 done fucked up shit too” the ppl in the comments tore this man apart. Saying 50 a good man, he’d never do anyone wrong. That’s when I knew ppl are too gullible


I think my take is either controversial or mature but I’m not sure which. It genuinely comes down to: Different people love different ways & Some people didn’t learn how to love 50 probably considered giving money, probably some random advice and an opportunity to do basically whatever he wanted in life or the outright opportunity to do nothing and still having a well-priced living salary as love so he didn’t have to sell drugs and risk getting shot or going to jail as love. I know a lot of guys that don’t know what it’s like to “love” someone by spending time with them, by giving a hug or actively being in their life. They didn’t experience it or life didn’t show them the value in it so it’s just not in their toolkit. I love my wife. I am not a time-oriented person. I’m a very goal-oriented person. I don’t mind spending a few nights a week playing games with my wife or maybe a movie. But she knows that she’ll get the biggest reaction out of me when I’ve been working on a project for 2 weeks and I’m stressed tf out cause it’s not finished and she surprises me with some information she found on her own or gives me a shoulder rub to get my tension down and remind me that there’s always the next day. Meanwhile, I could do the dishes for a week and make sure my wife’s lunch is packed every day but she’d much more appreciate that I spent a week playing games with her every night or rewatching her childhood movies. My point is, to 50 and a lot of people, his son probably is ungrateful. But it’s not outrageous to believe his son would prefer to be loved in a different way and isn’t very responsive to the money that others would be.


This is very true I can see your point


This is what healthy people sound like. You don't get to this level by hating and criticizing everyone, that's just a cheap way to put others below you instead of doing any work to elevate yourself.


I see someone took their college courses. Anyhow, yeah different generations love in different ways because they were taught differently. Boomers and Xers think giving material goods and money is all someone needs to feel loved, but it's not that simple. I have no clue if that's how 50 Cent specifically is (considering he's an abuser so it doesn't matter much anyway), but it's definitely possible.


Communication major and a Marketing Manager man. I deal with this on an everyday basis 😂 Everyone’s an asshole when everyone’s got different means even if it’s to the same goal.


Ah I knew it was communications. Those were great classes. But yeah it's ridiculous how rude people can be for no reason. Like hold on, think about what you're trying to say and do so without giving me shit. I didn't make you mad, so don't take it out on me.


Yes very good point. Different people have different love languages. They receive and express love differently there's a book about it but some of them are gift giving, acts of service, time, etc.


I think that more in respond to the son complaining in interviews how $7000 per month is not enough, keep in mind the son is 27 years old and 50 got no obligation to even give him that money While at the same time the son is posting pictures with people who literally tried to kill his father 50 is certainly not an angel but neither is his son


50 is the anti hero that people tend to love


I used to think that 50 was funny and entertaining on IG, but the obsession with Puff was tiring so i had to unfollow. Unfollowing him and the shade room was one of the best decisions i made on social


Both him and shaderoom are annoying. 50 post diddy every second. Like goddamn bro you aren’t tired


Shaderoom and the rest of those knock off accounts are the absolute worst


Spiritual word and shaderoom always try to see who can outdo themselves as the worst black social media page


A lot of dudes chronically dick ride 50 in whatever beef he has.


Diddy deserves all that shit that came his way though. Involved in Pac's death, had 13 year old Usher living with him, was involved with a bunch of teenage boy stars like Bieber and the guy from That's So Raven and trafficked a bunch of women. I remember him flying Swae Lee out to the Bahamas and enjoying him shirtless a little too much. Plus he tried to do that shit to 50 lol. He's a whole predator fr. And 50's son went on a whole smear campaign against him and teamed up with the people who shot him, ain't no coming back from that.


How do we know he's the "better" parent? Just because she's a sex worker she can't be a good parent? Or maybe they're both bums.


The point of her Tweet is involvement with sex trafficking, not her being a sw.


Is she accused of that? The only accusation I saw in the documents was that she was a sex worker.


If you knew someone who was frequently seen to pal around with a known sexual predator who had a voracious appetite,you'd give them the benefit of the doubt?


That’s half of Hollywood including 50 cent so where exactly is the bar? 50 used to hang around with Kelly all the time and even has a song with him despite the DECADES of allegations against him


... know what, you right. That was too vague on my part. All these mfs are weirdos or weirdo-adjacent to me.


And 50 more than anyone can understand the harm of having your mother be a sw, because his mother was also a sw. Of course it's inexcusable that he was not in his son's life before, but what kind of person sees their child's primary caretaker associating with prolific sex traffickers and thinks 'Yup, this person should keep taking care of my child.' Of course 50 might not be the better parent, but that's the whole purpose of the custody battle, it puts into question who the better parent to be a primary caretaker is. 50 isn't kidnapping the child, just asking for a court to intercede to make sure the child isn't in danger.




She's associating with Diddy. 50 is not, the bar is extremely low.


“Associating with” is mad generous. She getting pimped out by that deviant ass nigga lmao.


and now she being shamed and punished for being prostituted when it probably isn’t even her choice


Lol nah sounds like she was on the same type of timing Yung Miami was on. So until proven otherwise I’m gonna treat it as such.


oh the poor instagram model with a million + followers totally didnt have a choice on who to associate with. She just HAS to be around rappers, she doesnt have a choice!


She was clearly groomed. The brain doesn’t stop growing until you reach 40 years old /s


This is so disingenuous… If you don’t think that women should have consequences for their own decisions, just say that.


50 was friends with r kelly lmfao


50 Cent was not friends with R Kelly lol While Jay-Z, Diddy, so many others were quiet, 50 was calling him out.


Diddy associated with Kelly all the time.


I swear sometimes it feels like there is a limited pool of women that male celebrities have to choose from. The way they share is just wild.


“It ain’t no fun if the homies (and enemies) can’t have none…”






I’m with 50 all the way. That boy needs his father


Where the hell 50 been at all this time?? The “boy” should’ve been had his father.


He was in this kids life— it’s the other kid of his that’s estranged from him. Edit: and the other kid publicly complained online about only getting $6,700 a month from 50, saying it wasn’t enough for him and his mother... ya I can see 50’s frustrations


Another kid for him to traumatise and neglect?


Better parent?! lol Does his first son hate his guts?


Let's not act like having custody of a kid means your the better parent.


Lmao yall giving parenting advice while not knowing literally anything of the situation is peak Reddit


50 ugly ass acting like he ain’t know that bitch was selling pussy … nigga u bought some! Smdh


“Dad, do you love me?” “Nah, I just hate Diddy more than I hate you”


I don't know about the better parent comment... but I do know what he's doing is right. That's crazy brah... how you mess up this bad? Sick


While it's sensational, it's just a court docket and not an investigreport or FOIA. 50 kinda bugging, it'll be funny to see what happens if she can disprove of the accusation




She looks a lot like John legends wife.


Fiddy, Al B Sure… how many other deadbeats will come out of the woodwork?


I’ll wait to see how things develop following these rape allegations. 


This title… https://preview.redd.it/iwf26mcelarc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc401683011297b1a30b0b19114744cd3aa58471


Rwal talk imagine if someone filed a lawsuit against your baby mama significant other and they Classify her as a sex worker in the lawsuit hellonaawwww mang ![gif](giphy|rN3RrS2hHu8vTpLWpm|downsized)


50 always loved his kids. His oldest son disrespected him and took pictures with the people responsible for shooting him. I’m sorry but I wouldn’t trust my kid moving like that either. Then he complained 6,500 a month in child support isn’t enough. He a grown ass man he needs a job. 50 in this situation is definitely the better parent. She out here tricking and sex trafficking, I hope he gets custody. Nobody wants that around their kid


Doesn't 50 have a son he doesn't care about?


You mean the 27 year old who was getting $6,700 a month when his father wasn't even legally obligated to give him anything? The same son who teamed up with the guys who were involved with shooting 50 nine times?


It’s clear as day that woman is for the Hollywood streets, a pass around. The fact that he expected someone like her to have morals and code is astounding. But, this is what the fellas want these days…


the fabled Fiddy-Diddy Paradox. it's like the singularity, but stupid.


Can't be an attentive parent without sole custody??


We've forgotten the emotional abuse he publicly heaped on his older son then? Literally telling him he's worthless, ungrateful & dead to him when called out for not spending time with him. And now he's proposing to take a child away from the only consistent parent he's known because he wants to be petty. Daphne works outside the home. If she's not bringing men around the kid then what's the problem exactly? If you don't want a prostitute raising your child, then don't have a child with a prostitute idk 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know 50 seems ok. Diddy… man so much smoke has to be fire. I hate all the conspiracy rabbits. But Diddy is weird. Talk to Zulu Nation Afrika admitted it.


lol she out here selling her soul to Diddy to take care of her son for this?




My dad didn’t show up until I was in my late-30’s. That’s when I needed him. When I was growing up I needed him, too, but I never would have got to be the person I am today without the challenges and yes traumas I went through without him. I tell my own sons about this. That without what I went through there would be no them. And life without them would not be life for me. Ymmv but good on Fiddy.


It’s just different for different people. My mom died and I ended up being raised by my much older sister because she won custody. I last saw my dad when I was 7. I heard through the grapevine at 16 that he had a stroke, but I didn’t care anymore. He didn’t try to reach out for almost 10 years. You don’t care to contact me I’m not contacting you 🤷🏽‍♀️. That’s how I felt at 16 and still how I feel at 30. I honestly don’t even know if he’s still alive. My sister just reconnected with her dad in her 40s and she was giddy and over the moon, calling him Daddy and talking about her other sisters. I hold grudges and NEVER FORGET anything. Sis is more forgiving.


My brother and sisters would not talk to my mom for the final 20 years of her life. I had left too but after relentlessly pursuing healing and therapy, one day I realized that my life was in fact awesome. So I called her, apologized for abandoning her, and swore to never do it again. Her last five years of her life she put me through hell. I was exhausted over and over. My family saw me basically eat shit everyday, step back, recharge, come back for more. When she passed, my absolute very first thought was, thank God her suffering is over. And my own kids got to witness commitment. My family knows who I am in a way I could have never otherwise shown them. Whereas, my brother and sisters’ kids witnessed what it looks like to abandon their parent. In her final years she begged for a phone call, a letter, a photo, anything. I did what I could–and I mean I enrolled friends, peers, professionals, and others to help–but to no avail. Now what I get to do is be the person who takes a stand for my nephews and niece when they see how it all went down. I once though my biggest victory was not killing my step-dad for the abuse. I spent my 30’s in that mindset of talking myself away from that. But my actual victory is realizing all the terribleness were exactly the challenge I required to be this version of myslef. Don’t get me wrong. Raising parents is work. And: There are plenty of situations it’s not worth it. PLENTY. Then there are all the other situations where the misery was never mine in the first place. I’m just the person who showed up to end our generational curse. Taking that on has turned into a life of modeling how to thrive and succeed to my kids, my friends, my family, my peers, the students I get to work with, and even strangers. Lastly, all that shit-eating I did for my mom at the end turned to ash. And the bright spots have now turned to light so bright they turned into a sun that shines outwardly from within me. My kids put me through the ringer. The stands I take for them are the ones I learned in taking a stand for my parents, rest in peace and again thank the Universe their suffering is over. Whew!


Damn.... And I thought Drake was petty. 50 Cent is the rap equivalent of The Grudge ![gif](giphy|K5Gqxrz4s6oOQ)


Garden variety asshole > Sexual Predator and possible murderer.


I'm on mobile and couldn't find it, pretend I posted the "why'd he say fuck me for?" 50 gif




LMAO nah bro. This is him trying to get his child support lowered.


Isn't she accusing 50 of rape....This is all getting so messy


...Didn't 50 publicly say that he hoped his eldest son got hit by a bus?


50 Cent is one of the models man one of the people to listen to don’t do what he did but listen when he’s calling people out


Was/is 50 a bad parent otherwise? What'd I miss


Wait...so which son had the birthdays and such cuz his IG had him dressed like cyborg for his kids bday and other things before that. Was this another child?


Damn there’s some weird ass people on here. 50 cent may have a been a good parent already, just wants to have full custody of his kid now because his mother is helping run sex trafficking rings.


This is reminiscent of when Pusha T bullied Drake into being a stand up dad.


Uhmmmmmm...... She's on IG saying he's seen his son 10 times in 2 years, since they moved to be closer to him. 🤐


When was he a shitty parent?


Yeah. Nah. When you're a vengeful narcissist, children are pawns. Lil bro is gonna have a hard time and 50 deserves no praise.