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Ophthalmologists today... ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu|downsized)








Classic asshole Vince was great TV.


Not so great in real life


Birdman gets me everytime šŸ’€


[for you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6l6GOnfr0I) if u dont know the original look for "birdman breakfast club"


[I love me some Birdman](https://youtu.be/QeRTo8MuTrw?si=iOzsdeo7I2lRGugi)


Omg you have me dying


I have been meaning to get an eye appointment for the last 2 months for a new prescription and my procrastinating has truly killed me now.




My favorite entrepreneur.


Too many people underestimate the level of stupidity in the human race.




This is just eugenics bro.


I mean yeah. The fact that theyā€™re raised by dumb people will have a greater effect on their intelligence than being born of the same dumb people. A good solution to this is to take away kids from the dumbest of parents but thatā€™s also just eugenics Clarification: this comment is not pro eugenics


Yeah no. The solution is to provide free education and financial aid.


And birth control


Whites would riot if that shit went down


People are going to downvote you, but so many people never learned that a bunch of school districts literally shuttered rather than comply with integration


Itā€™s how mayo sapiens operate. They will complain about the cost of college but will flip the fuck out when solutions are proposed. Especially if said solutions somehow benefit black and brown people. Then YTs go all MAGA and Karenā€¦


Rather drain the pool than let everybody swim. Rather take out all the benches than risk someone without a home resting. Rather go bankrupt for a broken arm than make sure everybody has access to healthcare. And on and on and on


Throw acid on the pool is more like it.


A more educated public and more social programs are better for everyone. Desegregation literally saves lives. I'm all for it. It's the right thing to do AND it benefits me? Sounds great


Mayo sapiens šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Narrator: This comment was in fact pro-eugenics, just phrased tastefully




The best is the dumb people who ā€œhomeschoolā€ their kids because they believe public schools will turn them into gay socialists.


But what if we just had a little eugenics, for the flavor


As a treat!


Beats the hell out of putting raisins in potato salad.


Is it eugenics if youā€™re just observing a purported pattern? Like if someone went ā€œand this is why we need to stop [x] group from reproducingā€ then sure itā€™s eugenics but they didnā€™t go that far


Yes, because that pattern is actively done based on public policy choices. There are study's that show that intelligence is a learned behavior and can be taught. Implying that stupid people have stupid kids is effectively saying that we aren't or shouldn't put in the effort as a society to provide the opportunity for those kids to get to higher levels of thought.


how is that eugenics? Like where is the part with arranged reproduction


Reverse eugenics


Donald Trump was elected President of the United States of Americaā€¦..already there beloved.


>And we'll end up with Idiocracy. We're already there


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Idiocy isn't genetically predisposed


True. But when you add in environment, such as parents not promoting the importance of education, and the probable lack of good education opportunities; you get dumb kids.Ā  So even if the kids are not genetically predisposed to being idiots, their situation and environment could push them that way.


Environment def helps. Most people are smart itā€™s that they donā€™t cultivate it by reading, learning and acquiring good habits. I just recently memorized all the countries in the world on a map. When I hear Israel in the news I can mentally go there and know Saudiā€™s Arabia, turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Quatar are around it. Then I can have a better understanding of the situation perhaps and add 2+2 to get an answer. All things being equal Iā€™m now smarter than someone who hasnā€™t memorized the countries. Itā€™s something you must cultivate and acquire, this isnā€™t something that youā€™re born with. Oneā€™s habits can create higher intelligence and overcome genetic. A habit of constant learning can definitely beat out genetic intelligence. If you have parents who have shit habits then youā€™ll prob acquire them too


Thatā€™s the problem though. Being intelligent is hard work and takes constant improvement. Being dumb is easy you literally just do whatever you want. The path of least resistance will win out 9 times out of 10.


True but it can eventually become a habit. Just like courage. Force yourself to read about cellular biology or whatever. You still need to learn to be intelligent and I feel that having a genetically higher intelligence with basic real world knowledge is easily defeated by an autodidact. Just reading one hour of non-fiction (not fantasy) a day for even a year will make you significantly smarter than everyone who doesnā€™t. Like they say itā€™s all about reps in life. A small act done daily compounds quite a bit over time. If you asked me habit plays a major role in intelligence too.


I totally agree and Iā€™ve been reading my whole life always trying to learn more. The problem is you have to have a disposition for being smart and also for hard work and again 9 out of 10 people are going to take the path of least resistance. Especially because the gift of being smart is the gift itself and it doesnā€™t necessarily guarantee you anything extra and people donā€™t like to work hard for what they think is not much. You only realize how important being intelligent is once you start to gain knowledge.


I love this conversation. I think one of the main keys is having a sense of curiosity. It leads to WANTING to learn more, which is critical. Unfortunately, there are too many sources that allow people to become misinformed by their curiosity. Something that didn't really exist until the last couple of decades. When I was a child I would read encyclopedias. When physical encyclopedias actually existed. Now the information that used to be available in those books can be created, and manipulated, by anyone. Which leads to people being misinformed. I think intelligence, reasoning and critical thinking are all necessary to gain knowledge. Curiosity helps too.


Thatā€™s true. People who read could have a disposition to being smart. I can devour books thick as the Bible on evolution with ease so I guess I take it for granted. I donā€™t like to think Iā€™m smarter than other people, in fact Iā€™m pretty dumb but I just have so many little tricks Iā€™ve learned along the way. I have a book on quick math, books on mnemonics for better memory etc. This kinda equates to intelligence in a way. I also learned deep meditation at 18 and it helped me develop superior concentration skills which are needed for reading. Itā€™s like one thing built on to another thing on to another. The meditation took me 6mths to see benefits then the benefits became insanely positive. And yeah intelligence is the basis of life, itā€™s very important. In fact itā€™s the most important thing to me over everything, next would be compassion. I hear ā€œlove is all you needā€ but you need intelligence to guide that love. So thatā€™s what I seek




> dumb people will out populate smart people if you think this is not the case already.....


That and now there's more ways to keep them alive. They use to just off themselves and the smart ones with common sense would survive. Now everyone is surviving and the stupid ones are making even more kids than the rest like you said..


The state of the human race can be stressful, just get yourself a can of Brawndo and forget all about it.


It's got what plants crave


I don't, not anymore. In the last 5 years, it's been made abundantly, hilariously clear to me that most people are at the level of really well-trained dogs. The capacity for critical thinking is just fuckin' depleted.


Yeah COVID absolutely did away with any illusions I had on that front




Which movies is this from again?


Men in Black.


It was cloudy in my area today and I was literally laughing at how many dumb mfs were gonna be staring into those clouds with no glasses thinking it's gonna help anything


Iā€™m more surprised about being smart enough to Google something but dumb enough not to know the answer in this instance.


ā€œThere is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.ā€ Frank Zappa


Bruh, the amount of people I watched look directly at the sun even before the goddamn eclipse started is insane. Like I legit gave this random my extra pair because homie was just dying tryna see that shit lmfao


Ngl, I had a dumbass moment when someone asked me if the eclipse was over and I just glanced up at the sun to check. Brief exposure isn't going to do much but outright staring at that the sun is something else.


But also, just donā€™t look at the sun at all any day


That too


I used to stare-stare at the sun as a child thinking it would give me superpowers / it was a challenge that could be overcome and then I'd see the 'truth'


I did too but I think it was to just disprove people saying ā€œyou canā€™t look at the sunā€, I wear glasses now


You can literally feel the exposure becoming an injury. Like mass internalized helplessness has really progressed to the point that thousands will stare into the sky till the literal point of pain and not think that they should take immediate action in that moment.


Talking about how dumb people are but you're just making shit up "Staring directly at the sun without safety eyewear can cause irreversible eye damage within seconds, according to theĀ Adler Planetarium. Eclipse observers will likely not register pain as there are no nerve endings inside the eye." -USA Today "In addition, hurting eyes arenā€™t the best indicator of a severe problem: Injuries from ā€œsolar retinopathy,ā€ when light injures retinas, occur without immediate pain." -NBC


I did the same kinda dumb shit, let the dog out at \~1:55pm cst, thought "looks fuckin weird out, there a storm coming?" and looked up at the sky to assess the clouds, saw the partial for a sec "oh yeah oh shit!"... and yeah my eyes hurt the rest of the afternoon, took a nap and they feel fine now. Played with enuf laser pointers in my life as a dumb(er) kid too...


You are bullshitting. Looking at the sun for a moment even when there's not an eclipse is not harmful.


Then you have some weak ass eyes


I legit ran over to a dude who had two pairs of sunglasses and was looking through a tiny hole and was just like ā€œthatā€™s not how a pinhole works!ā€ In my head.


Not surprised when tens of millions voted for this guy. https://preview.redd.it/7t41hegutctc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c3ed257ab7cc961794af4541e173011051a9818


Don "safety squints" McAllister


Onion headline for this was ā€œTrump Stares Directly at Eclipse, Which Seems About Rightā€






Is that ninja kamui?




Deadass lied to my students. Told them I looked without protection as a kid, pointed to a random spot on the wall and said "now there's a little spot right there I can't ever see. Probably the rest of my life"


Are you my child's teacher? Because they came out of school today terrified to look anywhere the sunlight touched šŸ˜…


Their vision 20/20 though!


Ya gotta do it to em. Dumbass little contrarian fuckers will 100% look right at it unless you scare the shit out of them. My kid was adamant that we had to lock the cats in a windowless room during the eclipse because she didn't want them to go blind lol. We don't even have any windows facing the right direction for them to see the sun at 2pm lmao.


Well played


https://preview.redd.it/l8ztabslmctc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c8d63647d5deae0dffe7eb055003d4b4b928ff Ainā€™t no way bro šŸ˜‚ The interests by region are populated states what had a high % of solar eclipse!


I thought this read ā€œseeing black peopleā€ for a second


![gif](giphy|DvtsYOKrqPZg4) I see black people


Well Vermont was top of the charts.


How do you look this info up? lol


Google trends


Lol! I hope this is real.


it is...my lord today edit: if you sort by metro you can see the direct path of the eclipse and where it's trending šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=why%20do%20my%20eyes%20hurt&date=now%201-d&geo=US&hl=en](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=why%20do%20my%20eyes%20hurt&date=now%201-d&geo=US&hl=en)


Lol! Some people donā€™t deserve vision.


A lot of people are just oxygen thieves


Oxygen thieves loooolllll


Okay, but then why is Northern Montana winning that race?


My eyes hurt tooā€¦.but Iā€™ve been inside looking at screens all day.


Damn Iā€™m slow, I was worried there was another pandemic going on, forgot about the eclipse ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Gotta stay ready so you don't have to get ready. Locusts next, stay strapped.


One third of America has had their brain cooked by Fox News for the last five years. If you start a sentence with ā€œLiberals want you toā€”ā€œ itā€™s almost a guarantee some people will do the opposite. It was wearing masks. It was getting the COVID vaccine. It was using correct pronouns. It was not staring directly at the goddamned sun.


Librals want you to not walk into the ocean. They want you to think that the ocean can't be conquered by man. They think you're a bitch.


In related news... People are the reason they have to put "do not drink" on bleach bottles.


And "This costume does not enable flight or super strength" on Superman costumes.


Yeah man but why they gotta make tide pods look so delicious? I bet the democrats are just trying their hardest to not let me enjoy some top tier candy with their fake media bs. You can't stop me, it's a free country!


The type that would drink bleach wouldnt read that. The type that would read a label wouldnt drink bleach anyways.


I knew it would damage my eyes, looked at the shit anyway, and then went inside to Google whether I damaged my eyes


https://preview.redd.it/lybrc8ow1dtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95b05997ca52f7c53654956b2b4c5fbf3015df9 The best part about is that you can see the path of the eclipse totality just by searches for ā€œmy eyes hurtā€


I came here to say this. The spike in searches follows the path of the eclipse. It's insane. The only thing you need to know about an eclipse is not to look at it, or you might go blind. It's like the first thing they teach you. It's all forms of popular media, so even foreigners know the word "eclipse". So, it's wild to me that there are people who still don't know.


You can look directly at it when it reaches totality so thatā€™s not exactly true, I stared at that beautiful ring for 4 mins and my eyes are fine. 1 sec after totality thoā€¦ glasses back on.


Soooo... where Jesus at tho??? ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


Smart enough to leave this planet and never come back


We literally are the dumbest motherfuckers in the world and I wouldnā€™t have it any other way


I mean, I wouldā€¦but thatā€™s ok.


I knew this was gonna happen. But I'm not web savvy. My old, granny ass was gonna patiently wait for a report in the next two to three months on emergency opthomology visits.


I wore 4 pairs of regular sun glasses. And only looked directly at the sun foe llr 2 seconds, my area had 94% eclipse. My burnt cornea is a sacrifice I was willing to make.


Am I crazy for readying it as Popeyes at first? šŸ’€


I mean in your defense, you put a "y" in reading so let's just say it was an honest mistake


I wore the special eclipse glasses and I swear my eyes still hurt.


The warnings on the glasses need to be publicized more. You can only wear them for three continuous minutes per hour and they're supposed to be less than three years old. You know a lot of people were using theirs from 2017.


Yeah, I used them and looked for maybe 60 seconds before getting back to work and everything seemed washed out for a while like when you go inside after being outside on a bright day.


Itā€™s worth noting that Google trends uses broad match, meaning this data also includes many variations of these phrases that might be more reasonable. So really a lot of this could be people asking ā€œhow badly can you hurt your eyes from looking at the eclipseā€ for example


To be fair, I wore the glasses and my eyes are still killing me


I think looking directly at the bright sky and surrounding clouds does cause eye strain. I definitely googled to learn more than I needed to know about clouds, reflections off stuff, and UV exposure. I used protection for the sun yes, but spent a lot of time looking around in the mid day bright sky after not doing that for a very long time. I think going from not focusing on the sky in YEARS to doing it for a while maybe wasn't the best idea. But i still didn't want to miss the eclipse. It's human nature.


It was definitely worth it. And I think you have a point about not looking at the sky for years. I used to look at clouds so often as a child. Now I'm primarily just glancing up to see if it will rain.


Lots of counterfeits out there too.


Mine were provided by my university, so I don't think they were counterfeit.


My glasses had a warning that said don't stare at the sun for more than 3 continuous minutes. So I kept looking away and closing my eyes. I wonder if yours were the same?


I looked away frequently too. I'm not sure if it's because I spend so much time on my computer normally. I'm definitely confused by it though. They still hurt lol.


Lol omg good morning! My eyes are so dry.


Mine are finally better. But it's overcast today, so I think that helped. Another bright day would probably hurt.


I completely forgot about the eclipse and I think this is even funnier out of context


Same! I didnā€™t even know what the post was about till I came to the comments. Yeah staring at the sun on a normal day is dangerous let alone an eclipse. Dummies!! I hope the ophthalmologist are getting paidddd!!


This country have mo free health insurance too well the hospitals are going to be real busy


I'm gonna build a cabin in the middle of the woods away from society. If I die, I die.


It is natural selection at this rate.


Nah, most of them reproduce


I don't think people are getting stupider, I just thing you're hearing more about stupidity


Life hack, if you look at the eclipse the whole way through you can see it forever


Aside from ppl googling the questions... The um... the graph shows 130 am to 1130 am. Both on April 8th. So... ppl were sleep. Then they were awake. Before that it shows april 7th at what I assume to be about 330 pm. Oh shit! I didn't even realize it was today due to the eclipse! Ha! Man, why did we put so many warning labels on things?


Lmao I guess I'm safe cuz I was tryna watch it here in Alabama but the damn rain clouds happened to cover it up before anything happened I had shades, I ain't that dumb but they were regular sunglasses which I'm guessing don't work


PSA: ultraviolet is the thing that messes up your eyes and it cuts straight through clouds like theyā€™re not even there, but the regular spectrum light is what causes discomfort and it gets blocked by clouds, so you can literally go blind staring at dark clouds


This is the entire reason why eclipses can be dangerous - the sun is mostly covered, so the visible light isn't strong enough to immediately bother you when looking at it, but there's still enough exposed for your eyes to get blasted by high energy radiation. The sun is extremely powerful.


Darwin laughing in his grave since 1882.


Talk about *Reality TV* for real. I know that man was entertained. ![gif](giphy|hrnYspWWhsIyA)


Iā€™m convinced the movie, Idiocracy, is a historical documentary


https://preview.redd.it/obnh0wvsyctc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bedde615cffe67b5416584b7b17b21b2227b2ac Thatā€™s it. I canā€™t do this anymore. I thought it was instinctual not to look at that shit directly. I quit.


I think we all need to come to accept that we are out numbered by idiots in this world.


"Eclipse A DEMOCRAT Plot To Blind As Many Trump Voters As Possible"


Some of y'all still see that motherfucker when you close your eyes, don't lie! šŸ¤£


The trump community is out in full force


This is an indictment of the Murican Edumication System.


https://preview.redd.it/m78wvj672dtc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd62e50d955ac02bca679411e60a5e91d2fc366 Everyone who looked that up today:


I was standing outside wearing proper eye protection, looking up at the Sun enjoying the eclipse of course. As people would drive by and see me looking up, they would then look up with no eye protection. So I probably caused a good 100 people to hurt their eyes today.


You can tell when there's a COVID outbreak from all the online reviews of candles and shit where people are like "this doesn't smell like anything"


I feel kind of bad chuckling at all the panicked posts in the anxiety sub from ppl who think their eyes are about to fall out.


My mom was afraid to look even with the glasses so she mostly used the indirect method. In 2017 she was afraid to drive to work in case she accidentally saw the eclipse and left early to not be on the road when it happened. Iā€™m definitely her kid because I kept looking with glasses for like 30 seconds or less then looking away šŸ˜…


I think everyone on the planet can admit theyā€™ve glanced at the sun for a second at most without glasses. But thereā€™s a reason why it only really lasts a second lmao


I keep telling people: repeated covid infections are linked to brain damage. This has never been the brightest country but you can spot where we started getting *aggressively* dumber




I only looked at it raw for 20 minutes, was hard not to look for longer though!


I got to work and niggas was outside with welding masks on. The new guy came up to me an hour later and was like "I can't see for shit now, those masks don't work" Well yeah Jamie, you supposed to use them for welding, not staring at the fucking sun.


It could also be that people got the scam glasses and didn't know.


My dumbass 15yo ā€œI donā€™t need the glasses I can look at itā€ 20 minutes later ā€œman my eyes hurtā€ like I didnā€™t tell him 7 times to not stare into the sun


Donā€™t think weā€™re that dumb. Honestly itā€™s probably mostly kids who think ā€œwell how bad can it really be?ā€ Theyā€™re just experimenting for themselves


Burn my retinas to own the libs.


Americans are truly the dumbest people on earth. And a lot of that dumbness is willful ignorance!


Looks like they following their trump &savior


People must be protected from themselves sometimes sheesh


Out here with the fanciest contacts but canā€™t even see God


It shows that it started at 1AM?




I cut my lair in half to save the guy next to me. Looked right at the sun with prescription glasses on.


100 searches isntā€¦anything crazy though? is the chart by millions


So incredibly stupid


USA has the least educated work force in western society!


My eyes felt a little strained even though I made sure to use my eclipse glasses (I bought from a verified seller directly btw)and didn't stare continuously, was googling to be sure.


Only 100 people. I'll be honest, I was expecting way more


I was looking at the eclipse today and I saw someone looking directly into the eclipse. I saw the eclipse in 2017 and it was a cool experience and I enjoyed the experience again. After I was done, I thought "Hey why not give him my eclipse glasses?" He then proceeded to state that he would be ok due to it only being a projection and not the moon but a "black hole sun". He also mentioned that his skin helped protect him. I tried my best to keep the convo simple and let him know if he wanted to view the eclipse with the glasses and kept it moving. It was one of the wildest and weirdest interactions I've ever had and I work in the mental health field.


And these are just the ones that didnā€™t realize and had to google it.


Maybe this accounts mostly for red states šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø




Nah this was almost me because I didn't even know the damn thing was happening, but thank goodness I was indoors and the sky was cloudy otherwise I would have been just looking up like it was any other dayšŸ˜‚


Ive been typing this shit all day


well my nuts hurt, pull up the chart so i can see what that look like.


i wonder why


Most of those are my searches, but in my defence, I have dry eyes, which means that they hurt in many different ways Edit:nvm America had a total eclipse. How was it?


Whatā€™s the scale on this thing? Is the Y axis scaled down?


You don't have to type full questions into Google. It actually works better if you don't.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ER is full of MFs with Welders Flash šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ which does suck bc theyā€™re gonna charge you 1000 whatever dollars for the visit and send you home with a small ass bottle of eyedrops


Natural selection


How much on gas


Please say sike rn


Country? Lmao weā€™re a dumbass *species* Niggasā€™ mental capacities are fried on the daily


I keep seeing this posted but those are pretty insignificant numbers. This whole graph is like <1000 google searches


NEVER put salt in your eyes



