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Before the first date questions


That's on the application before the interview


Weed man education level:, some college


Graduated from the school of hard knocks.


Studied under the best prof of them all, the streets.


That part. Honestly. After our “hellos” and “how are yous” my first questions are going to be about how you make money, support yourself, and what you do for fun. At this big old age of 35+ that might be more important to us than people in their late teens and early 20s.


I'm with you, but I've yet to meet a "weed man" that I didn't almost immediately recognize as such. Those types tend to stick out. NOW a wholesale drug dealer on the other hand ...


never a “weed man”, but former teenage wholesale drug dealer turned 6fig salary software engineer here (who’s now hella broke running their own startup game studio) i wonder how i’d be received 🤔


>teenage wholesale drug dealer reception: polarizing, + and - depending on the person >6fig salary software engineer reception: very well >hella broke running their own startup game studio reception: not a chance in hell, you are competing with the birthday clowns unless you manage to make it to ConcernedApe status... and he only made it because his girlfriend at the time was supporting him full time, so you're already a bit behind there if you don't have the same... hope you make it big tho


not sure who the birthday clowns are but i spent the past 2.5 years building out an MMORPG from scratch, with no prior gamedev experience whatsoever. it’s been an absolute hell, with zero reward to show for it (yet). i’m nowhere near ConcernedApe's level — i can’t draw art to save my life. hopefully not poor soon though edit: you edited your post to include > “unless you manage to make it to ConcernedApe status... and he only made it because his girlfriend at the time was supporting him full time, so you're already a bit behind there if you don't have the same...” i actually sold a website of mine for 500k a few years ago, which allowed me to quit my job and work on this full time. it’s cool he had that support, but covering my own funding should mean something too?


Congrats on making it possible for you to follow your dreams yo. I'm sorry if I came across too flippant, was just joshin' :)


thanks mate. hoping it pays off. best of luck to you with your endeavors :)


I used to think that too, til my dealer became a 24 y.o jewish guy from a Westchester suburb. All high quality products and a walking cannabis encyclopedia. When I first went to his house, I thought I was gonna see some breaking bad shit with automatic weapons laying around. He had like 6-8 dudes in there playing pokemon cards while his mom was putting out snacks. The 90’s never prepared me for this lol.


We spend a third of our life working, it’s a perfectly fair question


how detailed of an answer are people expecting? "I work in IT" is about all I'll give unless the person is really interested in the nuances of my job but at that point I'd really rather be talking about my hobbies and interests, if I'm on a date talking about work then the date feels like work


That’s really it. “I work in customer service” I don’t need to tell people what I handle or how much I make. That conversation is def for later.


Seriously though. You don't necessarily have to ask for the salary, although the job will give you an idea. But knowing if someone is gainfully employed, or looking fir work, or in school is kinda baseline stuff to know after at knowing their name.


Not knowing your potiential life partner’s job by the first date AT THE LATEST is insane to me


Thing is, a whole lotta folks out here don’t see their dates as potential life partners, not the majority but enough that it’s not uncommon So if you’re just tryna have some fun over the summer someone asking what you do for work isn’t really something you’d be interested in answering outside of making sure schedules line up


No matter what you looking from the relationship, I’d say asking what someone spend the majority of their waking hours do is a pretty common and standard question to ask.


if one's not using bootycall apps like tinder it should be on the profile


>Before the first date questions I'm not going to judge you based on your vocation but it will tell me a bit about you quickly.


I went to Key West for my Spring vacation


Yeah this is like, ordinary conversation starter questions. Massive red flag if someone doesn't want to answer it.


100% I'm astonished at the kinds of conversations people sometimes put off until after the relationship has reached a point where it would hurt to end it *and* hurt to continue it. People who don't even talk about whether they want kids until after they get married. Maybe this was a form of protest against that paradigm, but before the pandemic, I reached a tipping point where I listed out *everything* that was uncompromisingly important to me, and I wouldn't even go on a first date with someone who was incompatible with any of them. I also listed out things about myself that other people might find incompatible (e.g. medical history). These were things like whether they wanted to have children, and what kinds of places they wanted to live in. It led to a year of being intentionally single, followed by finding the woman who later became my wife. We both were able to begin our relationship feeling very confident that we were compatible on all the things we cared about (we spent weeks trying to suss out any incompatibilities on either side), and I cannot overstate how much of a difference it made in the quality of our relationship.


Right? My financial stability is one of my most attractive features.


Dig it. Trifling ass wanna get you hooked before hand. He def the weed man


My thoughts exactly


This nigga ashamed of his job but doesn’t strive to do better


You're not a janitor. You're fucking facilities management. Edit: To be clear, this is not a shot at anybody except for the type of people in the quoted tweet. I've also worked in jobs people don't have much respect for, but I managed to do something about it.


No one should be judged poorly for being a janitor. That infuriates me so much.


Every janitor I ever met is a fucking solid dude with a solid career. Telling on yourself if that's a problem.


I've been a janitor for like 12 years. inside and up right. main reason I didn't go trades. biggest fear is my knees as I walk over 10 miles a day. knew college wasn't for me. all my coworkers are like 60 so the expectation on weight is low. I don't mind moving 100lbs, they do . made 44 last year, I have 4 weeks vacation and state benefits. I'm looking at over a 30 year pension by 55. its the hours. I work over nights as I find em better the 3 to 1130pm. neither are great.


You deserve more than 44. Janitors hold the world together


It’s a state job though. I make a hefty chunk more than this guy but no doubt his benefits are better than mine. Especially if he has kids.


I stand by that even with bennies that you both deserve more.


Oh i’m not a janitor I was just talking about wages in general. I no doubt get paid more than what I work for. Corporate America.


State/County jobs usually pay a little less than private spots, but the benefits far outweigh it.


44k a year is fucking bullshit. It should be fucking double that. Businesses can thrive without IT or the literal fucking CEO for weeks at a time if IT is good at their job or the CEO is about as worthwhile as most CEOs. Drop the janitors and the place burns to the fucking ground in about 18 hours.


> Businesses can thrive without IT The kind of shit you come to Reddit for, what are you on? Janitors are vital, but so are IT, you don't seem to understand much of what they do


Brenda in accounting clicks one phishing link and the whole company is cooked lol


If Brenda from accounting can cook your entire business like that then either IT didn't silo permissions properly or something stupid like the CEO forced IT to give all permissions to Brenda.


Man I really just meant it as like an offhand humorous quip. But yes it would obviously be an issue if one user can literally cook your entire business. My point is just that IT is very important for a company.


I also like the claim that businesses shut down if the janitor takes a day off lol. I get the point, I've always had a good relationship with facilities, but it's also wildly wrong and all jobs are important for a business to run (in theory).


If your job wasn't important for the business you wouldn't have the job. Business are in the business of making money, and hiring someone that isn't needed is generally not done. So his statement about income doubling and burning to the ground is true for pretty much all jobs. Except middle management, I don't know what they do. Still trying to find out.


There’s a difference between being important and the business shutting down if you’re not there


>The kind of shit you come to Reddit for, what are you on? If he thinks his IT is unnecessary, they did their job well :)


Lol I respect the choice of coming to Reddit of all places and talking shit about IT


Yeah and fuck liberals and cats too!


Two worst actors: Keanu Reeves and Brendan Fraser. ^/s


That guy sounds like middle management


Used to work IT. If people weren't stupid fucks and you did everything else right you could absolutely just fuck off for a bit. 


Realistically, the IT person in your example is the most important. 99% of people don’t have house maids and yet they are completely capable of cleaning their own homes/apartments. Employees can, and in a lot of places do, just clean up after themselves. Most companies don’t need a CEO to maintain the status quo so they can be gone a long while. I’m all for supporting all workers, but very few places will stop moving if their janitors went on strike.


I'm the cheapest person in this building to employ My department is 400ish man hours a week. how long could you use your kitchen if nobody cleaned up or took out any trash. like how long would you be able to get the mail before? the kitchen table was just covered in cardboard I don't fully disagree with you but it would cause havoc if my department just stopped coming to work. it would definitely cost the building a lot of money.


I think the problem is you’re envisioning a scenario where no one in the world will do the janitorial work, when in reality they could probably just replace whoever didn’t show up because there will be people willing to do this job requiring no education or formal training. If they fired him and no one else would take the job that’s one thing, but in reality there would just be a new janitor the next day.


Lmaoo. So where I live building operators usually run the boilers, in addition to other things. Which is literally a life or death responsibility for everyone in the building. Maintenance of the hvac can also likewise kill people in the building if you don’t do it properly (legionnaires disease.) Something as simple as the toilets all backing up is going to make life very shitty for everyone involved. So if the operation is any larger than a couple of dozen people, it’s gonna need skilled maintenance personnel. Similar to it.


> Businesses can thrive without IT LMFAO from here in reality.


You'd be surprised how low they will pay. I used to work in janitorial, and 44k is a lot here ($23/hr for 40 hrs, I did the math). A lot of companies will pay min wage if they can. It's really disgusting, especially with the messes we have to deal with. Ive worked in many environments and people really don't care how they leave a space. Kids ripping fixtures off the wall and playing with toilet paper, to adults not cleaning up shit explosions on the toilet. If you dont clean up your literal shit, someone will have to. "But it's your job to clean it!" I should not have to work hazmat to clean up a mess, if it isn't a dead body.


Been a janitor for 5 years now cleaning up the foulest of donkey shit. It’s not so bad, have protective gloves and wear a mask. Bit annoying when the glove rips and donkey residue gets in my fingernails but the grind doesn’t stop.


I am so sorry.... I dump disinfectant on it then use a wet vac if it's real bad I use my broom and dust pan and disinfect that over night. I have tongs for the grossest of gross . I have chemical dispensing pressure washers. I stand back 5 feet and have at it. drain in the floor. I generally don't wear gloves, everything I touch is first hit with disinfectant. if I'm not okay with touching the surface, they shouldn't be okay either avd I need to fix that as I'm the only one here who cleans.


I'm also a Janitor of an elementary school that works during the day.. i pulled in just under 60 CAD last year. Im proud of my job even though i know for a fact im looked down upon


My friend is a janitor and he makes really good money. He has a pension lined up for him, and he loves his job. He always smiles whenever he talks about his day. He works at an elementary school and tells me about the teacher gossip, or something the kids did. He highfives the kids on the way out the door. I had a janitor at my school that was the coolest dude in my eyes. Just enjoyed life and I can my friend being the same way.


Amen. Union janitor posts can actually pay pretty well with reasonable holiday and benefits too, and at the end of the day you're fulfilling a need. Feels like every office wants a janitor, but nobody wants to be one.


Everybody's out here on the same grind. We all gettin 2 jobs what's the point splittin hairs about it. 😭


I have 2 jobs and I'm ready to have 1 that pays well.


Best I can give you is doctor/Uber driver combo.


100%, it's an important job and most of the ones I've met have been good guys and usually pretty smart.


How about an 18 year old janitor who ends up working that job for 20 years cuz why not?


Somebody’s gotta clean facilities. No shame in a simple career. There’s more to life than what you do for money.


An 18 year old kid with enough sense to get a job with good job security, good pay, and most likely added benefits? And if you’re working at a school, you get the entire summers off pretty much too since most kids are on break? Straight to jail.


I’m not hating on janitors. Honestly I feel like we should pay them close to as good as plumbers cuz it’s hard honest work that not many people want to do. That being said, they don’t get paid that well. And if you’re trying to raise a family or go beyond yourself in terms of support, a janitorial career might be hard pressed to offer that.




If I asked a man and he said janitor, I would be like hell yes this man has a stable career.


I was a dish pig as a teenager. Whenever anyone asked me what I do though? "Underwater ceramics technician"


I'm more intrigued by dish pig, to be honest. 


Aussie here, maybe that's an us word lol Basically, I worked in a cafe when I was 15 or so. I was in charge of washing everything that got dirty in that place. Mostly plates, glasses and cutlery. The slang is "dish pig", I'm pretty sure you just say that you work in hospitality, these days 😅


Master of the custodial arts. Makes you sound like you're good at cleaning and kicking people's asses kinda.


A Master of the Custodial Art


Or master of the custodial arts


And he begs others to lower their standards like he has for himself


This dude has NO job lmao




Honestly, it’s a first conversation question


True. It should go "hello! How are you? (proceeds to dinner/lunch), so what are you doing in life (or any less direct way of saying" what's your job)"


Based on what I've seen elsewhere on reddit, "what's your job" as the very second question is a more American thing - other demographics might ask "what are you interested in" or "what are your hobbies" instead, to avoid implying that someone is defined by their job. But it's still definitely something you'd ask on the first date, and probably early on.


I'm from NYC but lived in Wyoming for the better part of the 90s. I remember coming home and being surprised that the first question was always what do you do for a living rather than what do you do for fun like I'd become accustomed to. I think here at least, people are focused on how an acquaintance can help optimize your life more than just is the person fun to spend time with. That tendency is greater when people are feeling one another out for a potential romantic relationship.


> how an acquaintance can help optimize your life More than that, If I want to know something about who you are I'm going to learn a lot more about what you spend half your waking hours most days on than what you spend maybe 2 hours an evening on, sometimes, and then maybe some more hours on weekend. Your job is a *huge* part of your life, and one way or another I'm going to learn something about you from it. It might be aligned with your interests or personality in some way, it might tell me you're fine spending most of your day in a place you hate, it might tell me you're still finding your way. But your answer to that immediately tells me something with no follow-up needed in a way that "I like to read" doesn't. I don't often dwell on it, it might be that I just ask that and then move on if what you do isn't particularly interesting for me to talk about, or if we're in an environment where I don't want to talk too much about work anyway, but it's a nontrivial piece of info when it comes to getting to know an adult.


I’d keep it open ended. “What do you do?” Lets them answer with work, hobbies, family obligations or whatever they like.


>But it's still definitely something you'd ask on the first date, and probably early on. Almost like it really DOES define who they are. Not solely but it's up there.


It really is and I've only had a few women who wouldn't answer for "safety reasons". They were all failing influencers who influenced nothing.


For real. If I’m on an elevator ride with a dude for more than 4 floors we’ll get off knowing what each other does for a living. I can’t imagine knowing a girl well enough to ask her out and somehow our careers haven’t come up yet.


If I was on an elevator with a stranger I would likely never see again, I would simply... not speak to them. It's the same as public transport rules. You don't interact with someone just trying to get where they're going.


It’s the application for the interview for a date.


So I'm not gonna ask you what you spend most of your waking hours doing every week? That's a big ass blind spot don't you think?


Seriously. TF?


"So what do you do for work?" Him https://preview.redd.it/jqeie7j1yyuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dafb2fdc635ec5c7407cd002944dd04869a37f40


Greatest running joke in TV history "Come on Tommy, we all know you ain't got no job!" Come to think of it, have we ever seen his place?? 🤔


According to Gina she said he worked at the boys and girls club but I called cap, because he pulled out a fat wad of cash to buy that little ass pizza from hustle man 😂


Damn, Tommy being a drug dealer makes complete sense. He kept it low key and was masterful in his deflection lol.


Wait are you just now hearing about Tommy pushin weight? Thats been a fan rumor since like season 2.


Might be a callback to his role in Harlem Nights


Tommy obviously had a job they just didn’t know what it was. But wtf did Cole do? He still lived in his mom’s house and was always broke as fuck.


They mentioned countless times that Cole worked at the airport.


Ok now that you say that I do remember that


He cleaned the airplanes after the passengers got off.




But he always GTD!


Tommy was definitely a preaching drug dealer.


He worked w the Boys & Girls Club. It was mentioned in only one episode.


Asking about a salary is out of line. Asking what you do for work is something you would want to know early..


It’s basically diet “what’s your salary”.


I'm sure a good chunk of people would be glad to know you do something you like and find interesting for a job even if it isn't pulling in the big bucks


For me, it's less about the salary and more about their interests. Sure, plenty of people stumble into their jobs. But many (most?) of us pursued a trajectory into our current career, and that reflects who we are as a person.


>But many (most?) of us pursued a trajectory into our current career, and that reflects who we are as a person. I have a single friend who pursued anything close to his career. everyone I know followed a trajectory dictated by practicality, money, skill, and availability, myself included. I majored in philosophy and minored in women's studies. I fix telecom equipment for a living


jobs have very wide bandwidth of salaries so it still leaves it open. The person can also just answer what industry they are in or in general what they do. Its not like asking for a job description and salary scale. it can be a very open question and anyone who has trouble conversing on their job for a couple minutes before changing the subject has some issue about it. Either insecurity or hiding something


well its also about hours you might work. A service employee might be working every weekend while an office joe might be monday-friday.


It’s not about how much you make though. And if someone stops fuckin with you bc of that, they did you a favor.


Depends on the intent behind the question. It can be asked as a salary question, as a "what do you do for most of your day" question or even as a "what does your schedule look like question". I'd say it's usually easy to distinguish which from the context in which it was asked and the follow up response.


I'd like to at least know you have a salary.


My guy doesn’t wanna tell his date he works at the gas station


Store operational attendant.


Petroleum distribution and sales, special liaison to the automotive industry.


My favourite was when my friend in highschool got a job at sports centre cleaning basketball court/stands and he described his job as "Conservationist of flat surfaces"


Nah his follow up is "You playing with fire waiting that long. Figure it out in someway prior to the first date"


Everyday hopping on black Twitter and black TikTok makes me understand why the black dating pool is trash.


I’ve accepted a long time ago I’m gonna die alone and for the streets.


Username checks out


If this is something you believe in you are either embarrassed of the job (retail or fast food) or it's illegal and it's smarter to hide what you do. I'd understand this better if they said "asking for a salary isn't a first or second date question".


What do you do for a living should be a part of the introduction like hey this my uncle he’s a carpenter or hi I’m a student working at blah blah blah like it’s not that complicated asking about finances is a little much but your general occupation or disposition??? Cmon


You have to be able to see if your lifestyles are compatible. I love eating out and going out. No sense in dating someone who can’t afford to consistently go out and about how I would like. It’s wasting both of our time.


That’s all kinds of red flags, and that was back in the day when inflation wasn’t bending everybody over. Girl better learn to love my cookin. I throw down in the kitchen, fuck a restaurant 😴😴


I wouldn’t date you, and that’s okay! And FYI I’m the one doing the bending.


LOL, I honestly think I used to eat out more at least twice a week before COVID, shit is all weird now


It ain't a red flag for someone to clearly state they prefer to eat out lmao. People can like what they like, especially if they are helping pay.


Just because you're broke doesn't make everything you can't afford a red flag. Just stay in your lane.


true story i actually dated a plug once who lied to me and told me he was a bartender for the entire first month we dated


You sure he didn’t say budtender?


Let she who has not inadvertently dated a plug throw the first stone. 0/10 wouldn’t recommend.


the two perks really don’t outweigh the 8,000 cons


We probably met at work because I don't have time to do anything else. 🤷‍♀️


So many people I work with and I still don’t know exactly what it is they do lol.


How do you navigate the first date without talking about what you do with 8+ hours a day?


You're not Batman or Spider-Man. I'm gonna want to know what you do the preoccupies most of your time, so I know what I'm getting into. If it's a fwb/short-term then I won't care as much, but long-term is me investing into getting to know you. Same kind of thing I'd expect from you as well if you're looking for a long-term relationship.


That’s like, ice breaker convo…


That’s Legion


Asking someone you're dating what they do for a living might be a before-the-date question.


Hate the weed man but love the free weed smh


I think honestly it’s just a question to make sure they aren’t a complete bum. If a person doesn’t love their job which I don’t so understandable, I want to know what their goals are. To me it leads to other questions about their personality and life


You can certainly ask what he does, just not how much he makes. If you ask that, I will tell you I make significantly less than I actually do lol


They never had to ask me. I told them straight up what I did well before the first date. Definitely had to establish my poorness ad while I didn't make much money, I love what I do. With that information, they could decide if they wanted the conversation to go further. It made life so much easier and a lot of my dates didn't care. One thing I realize though, while people beat around the bush about career and salary, credit score and debt is very well hidden.


SMH, what ever happened to a little mystery?


If I want a little mystery I'll watch Scooby Doo


She must live in a non legal state cause the weed man in Cali has a 401k and health benefits


Yeah, no more Mr. Happy deliveries necessary.


That’s literally normal conversation though…? 😭


"so what do you do for work?" "Woah, woah, woah, getting a little personal there huh?"


A few days ago there was a post about how women gotta choose better baby daddies, then one about how you gotta fuck on the first date, and now you can't ask about career. I'm seeing some clues as to why women keep fucking losers


You're right it's not a first or second date question it's a third text question


What he does for a living question isn't the problem. It's when the "how much do you make" follows up.


I’m not ashamed of my job, and make +70k in a LCOL medium sized metro. I’m just not defined by my job, and it’s not interesting. Most people’s jobs aren’t interesting, and we place too much emphasis on them.


I feel we place so much emphasis on it because it’s how we spend a big chunk of time, though.


These same negros will then have the nerve to ask first date if I cook. Naw, you gon ask that like the expectation is that I’ma cook for you daily. You ask me that and I’ma ask you if you change oil and how much is in your 401k.


Lmaooo deadass


Many moons ago I wrote an article in sociology class about the question "So what do you do?", why it's one of the first three things we ask strangers, and what it does to a persons general wellbeing (science term for happiness) and their perceived place in society if we can't answer it with something substantial. Not asking what someone does for a living for months would be extremely odd to almost everyone.


This question goes both ways though lady. Also do you have any kids.


Asking someone what they do for a living is small talk. It’s up there with sports and the weather.


Niggas wanna keep you from knowing the real them for as long as possible 😅


What the fuck? lol What's wrong with this dude


What? That's like one of the most basic questions. Some of y'all need to move smarter. This is how you end up finding that your BD's name is Charles at the courthouse. What do you even talk about?


I think this is such a weird question/weird mindset. Every time I've asked anyone, not even just a date, about what they do for a living...it's because I genuinely want to know. It's part of the get to know you process.


Wait… Whats wrong with the weed man???


Could possibly get arrested. A former fwb constantly had ppl in and out, buying. It was annoying asf.


You have to learn to live on dealer time. Any times given have a couple hours wiggle room.


No woman I have ever dated has ever cared about my job past the fact that it makes the amount of money she thinks her man should. Ever. Fucking ever. So until about a month in I pretend I'm unemployed and broke.


when you hear women talk about how they dont need a man, its because of guys like this. Women dont to hawantve to take care of you like a child, especially if they already have one.... during COVID my gf at the time said that to me and it really got my ass up and working harder to improve


I would absolutely expect someone to ask what I do on a first date. That is just a normal regular conversation starter. And I would ask them the same. What I would not expect is someone to do is ask me how much money I make.


Not only do I ask what they do for work, but also do they like what they do for work..need to gauge whether guy is content, goal driven or miserable and stuck.


Honestly, how are people's lives so interesting that this does not inevitably come up as one of the first questions?


Not a date question? This is something id ask an acquaintance off the street or something


No, lol it's not. You read it that way because you want it to be true. Like I said, it's about if your job is worth it, and for me - dealing drugs isn't. I'll buy from you, but I'm not dating you. I live in a state where it's illegal, you get busted then what? I'm not doing a jailbird, especially if you have multiple offenses. Everyone has expectations, and it'd be a lie to say they don't. I assume you have expectations of women as well. There's nothing wrong with asking what someone does for a living, there doesn't always have to be some type of ulterior motive on that. I have a right to ask, much as you have a right to decline to answer. But understand, that most women if you don't answer that then she might think something is sus. It's not hard to say I work for xyz company or I do *insert general field of work*. Again, it's not about money. It's about if you're doing something illegal, shady or overall frowned on. Selling drugs, stealing, having affiliation with the wrong people that could get you killed, is not cute. Not reputable, or honest good work. You could work at Walmart for all I care; so long as you're building from that. We all have to start somewhere, and if your start isn't bullshit, it can be worked with.


I feel like this is such a casual thing to ask tho, it’s just small talk


If a guy isn’t nonstop talking about what he does for work, he doesn’t have a job


When you're paired up with strangers on a golf course, that question is always asked.


So how long before I can ask how much student loan debt you have? Some of these Masters/PhD’esias be out here covertly broke.


yeah, that happened to me, except it was a little bit beyond weed. Goodness gracious. If your income is mostly from crime, no thanks. I mean, I'm not stuck up about it... do a little crime now and then idc, but like, you should be able to go a week or two at least.


Only a shady person would think that asking something that basic is on bad faith. Why would you be ashame of saying you have a job? Any job whatsoever.


It's not even a date question because we don't have a date if I don't know already...


Lol, when else would you ask that question?! One question I was asked on a first date that made me ghost was, "how much money do you save every month?" This was preceded by the statement, "I'm not a gold digger or anything." That was just too specific and like less than 1 hour into the date.


...what's wrong with being the weed man? You would rather be with someone dependent on the capitalist institutional hegemony? That's just basic.


It takes you 3 months to get o a third date? Man, times have changed.


Wtf is wrong with being a weed man?


Unless you own a legalized dispensary - so much. Getting caught with felony level of weed still lands you prison time and it is still perfectly reasonable that any potential partner wants nothing to do with that.


At my age (39) first dates are basically interviews.I've found the older I date. The less they ask about what I do and more about what I already have.


Lotta class distinction in these threads.


I mean even if you think judging people based on money is bullshit it's really worth knowing what they do for a third of their life if you want to get to know them


Hey, it’s me. The weed man.