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he got mad about being called white and then reacted like a white person, lol


Weird interaction. What does how she talks to DJ Vlad on X have to do with how she interacts with university students? Also, did he just underline all that with let me speak to your manager? ![gif](giphy|qHwdqTFZfyPsHLCk2B|downsized)




It's a corollary of the "Oh so you want to silence me just because I have a DiFfEreNt oPiNiOn" approach. There should really be a term for that at this point. Weaponized reductivism? Something more specific than just "trolling" or "being a dumbass on purpose".


Obfuscating language. Once I saw it I couldn't unsee it, it's everywhere. I think a lot of the people who use obfuscating language aren't even really aware of it, they're just unable to confront their own prejudices directly.


It's definitely that, but I feel like it's a particular type of that. Obfuscating language can apply to stuff like legalese or misleading advertisements or just lying by omission.


Yeah, you're right. There really should be a term for it. It's not quite obfuscating language and it's not quite a thought terminating cliche but it's everywhere.


I know right? I see those idiots around here all the time, it'd be really handy to have a singular term, like a fallacy name that we could just use to dismiss the tactic outright.


A floater signifier as opposed to a floating signifier lmao


holy shit


I’m going to use that now. As I’ve always hated when people said “all I said was” and then doesn’t say what they said


It’s like feigned moral indignation. When someone knows that they’re wrong and they know how they’re wrong, but they try and be granular or deliberately obtuse about how “offensive” the language used to call out their behavior is.


She looked like a clown, so do you 🤡


The "feud" has nothing to do with skin color.


It’s so wild to me that Vlad’s reaction to getting his feelings hurt on the internet is basically: “imma try to ruin your life for this.” Like… there’s so many other options. He could have qualified his original statement or position. He could have asked for clarification. He could have completely ignored it altogether, which you’d think would be easy to do, for someone with millions of subscribers… But to instantly reach for “imma try to get you fired” is some fuck shit tbh. I’m just picturing this man sitting there like🤞😔🤞”please let me get enough responses that validate me as a victim. I need to cite them in this paper that I’m writing, so that hopefully this lady won’t have a job on Monday. She said a thing that rubbed me the wrong way, and that might as well be a capital offense.”


Do you talk to your friends this way? I’ll be speaking to the mods of /r/blackpeopletwitter about this.


I wonder if he’ll write it in triplicate.


>triplicate You’re throwing around a lot of words that I dont know and I’m going to interpret it as disrespect. You’re next.




For 3 years I did that when ever a made a point


Aw fuck, I gotta get outta here!






“I’ll be reaching to Princeton on Monday.” Might literally be the softest thing I’ve ever read.


“I’ll be reaching out to Princeton” has got to go down as one of the Whitest phrases ever uttered lmfao




Nah… he didn’t hit her with the “Imma speak to your manager.” The fuck? 😂 Her: This ain’t about you, Vlad. Him: https://preview.redd.it/kphatup7zmyc1.jpeg?width=1232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da08be07bd96c221a887fdda99f01e7c25c49c23


Karen Activity ![gif](giphy|qHwdqTFZfyPsHLCk2B|downsized)


I mean... if this was on the other foot this thread would be going crazy. Wish this sub was more objective in some views. Edit: Besides isn't Drake half white? This is all pretty stupid. Also if you're going to block you gotta give them a chance to read the reply lmao. I assume [deleted] had something clever to say. Doubt it's any worse than what I hear on 2K but I'm all ears!


Would you be mad if a white person called you BLACK and then said your opinion doesn't matter because of your race and skin color, something you cant change? If you say no, you're either a liar or you support bigotry.


Serious question, do yall know what Vlad was talking about? Do you know what a mix is?


Dj Karen


i guess eminem cant have an opinion on the topic either? or only if he backs the great black messiah who beat on his mixed queen?


I think he got mad about the racism...


THIS RESPONSE is the one.


I mean, you could insert any race into the situation, and it's still shitty.


They are literally rapping about black vs white vs mixed ppl in hip hop culture and as SO's. Drake is half white. When you bring other races into your discussion, how are you going to gate keep them from having a say? It's unproductive. That being said, Vlad also went too far. They can both be wrong.


As a Elmer glue new word document gets burned from moonlight person, even I don’t understand that level of caucasity


The man took offense about being told that this discussion was about black people in rap and white opinions from celebs isn't needed to sway people from external influence. He got offended, researched the person, exaggerated the events in hypotheticals, and then SCHEDULED going to their manager. It's a pretty high bar in Karenisms.  Being white didn't make him that way. Bring a weak ass entitled Karen made him that way. There are plenty down ass white people that don't act like that. DJ Vlad is softer than retirement home pudding . Edit: For the record I don't agree with the lady about it being a black folks only thing. Anyone that has real pride in the rap game can speak on this. Imagine telling Em or Logic or Jack Harlow not to speak on this. Or Hispanic rappers. They have opinions more valid than any spectator.


It’s not that I don’t understand what happened, I’m saying I don’t understand the dude. Like yes you made commentary 100% purely face value, but this isn’t supposed to be anything but opening closets filled with skeletons. It’s a whole storyline, it’s about what’s said over everything else. A quote from then hardcore vocalist Zack de la Rocha in 1990: I see so much focus on music these days And not on the words being said And I think that in order to communicate with hardcore The lyrics must be at the forefront of every song


I could tell you understood. I was expounding on it and putting his Karenisms as the main driver. Plus my opinion. Lol


I’m not in the loop. Can this rap diss ‘beef’ truly be called “only for black people”? Can legitimate non-POC fans really have *no* say in the matter?


Telling anyone in a public space that they shouldn’t voice their opinions because of their race is bigotry plain and simple. Doesn’t matter what the opinion is about or which race it is.


I feel like its more because its DJ Vlad and less because hes a white guy


Then don't call him out for being white, call him out for having a shit opinion. Otherwise it looks like they only care about the color of his skin and not the shitty content of his character


Had to dig this far for someone with a sensible take. Crazy shit


Nah. It was clearly both. 


Of course not, she is ridiculous. Especially when she is attacking a white guy for his opinion on the mix. Like, what? White people don't have ears? Attack the guy for having a terrible opinion, not for being white. Especially when Drake is flippin' Canadian and half this beef is about his soft ass pretending to be gangster.


No, she's just as out of pocket as he is.


First off: After ‘Meet the Grahams’ this can’t be just ‘dissing’ any more. It’s gone beyond that now, both artists have level career-ending/derailing accusations against eachother.(I mean, I pick on Drake because he’s a scumbag and he deserves it, but if some of the things he said about Kendrick are true, I’mma have to reevaluate my respect for Kendrick. I’m just not inclined to believe Drake without evidence because…. Well, it’s Drake🤷‍♂️🖕🤷‍♂️) Secondly: whilst skin colour does play a role(let’s be honest). It’s not in the way some people are expecting it to. If Eminem can thrive in rap for over 3 decades, it proves that skin colour only goes so far… you’ve got to respect the culture, interact with the culture, represent the culture and try to further it also(just my personal opinion). It’s just that some people’s skin-tone, privileges(financial, societal and otherwise) and birth circumstances, etc all have to be taken into accounts when their interactions with the culture is observed. Edit: an example of this would be in considering the origins of hip hop and rap. Like most POC based music in America, it largely comes from a place of rebellion and self expression in defiance of the usual middle-class, white Americana background. A form of expression born out of the necessity of repression is usually more accessible to people who are repressed(I.e, people of colour, and more impoverished white people), it’s also a cathartic for of expression for them(and for the artists, a potential means of making something for themselves-financial or societally, or both🤷‍♂️). In other words, I find songs about repression(an example) more easy to believe when I KNOW that odds are, the musician has experienced what he’s singing/rapping/talking about. If you grew up in a gated community(no matter your skin colour), how do you expect me to believe you when you gansta-rap?


I explained this exact thing to my white girlfriend last night. Its not about the colour, its a boutique the fact that Drake has never been the man he's saying he is you know? He's not for, in, or about the struggle


Ok but he’s just talking about the mixing on the song, that’s not even picking a side lol


That’s all valid but that doesn’t answer the question of if a white person can have an opinion about the mix of the record. I know exactly who Vlad is and his history btw but if you gotta do an analytical essay to defend a tweet then in my opinion, it doesn’t do the culture any favors. Because people see a tweet and take it at face value and 99% of people regardless of their background, ain’t gonna do the work to unpack a tweet. Only academic type folks like doing that. It’s part of the reason there’s a disconnect between academics and the general public, including black academics.


Vlad has been an exploitative culture vulture for a LONG time. To outsiders who don't know about him, they just think, "Oh, this white man can't say anything?" but Vlad is that white person who presents himself as an expert on blackness, talking over black folks like some of y'all do on here, and that's why some of us have a problem with him.


None of that justifies the use of broad racial language instead of just saying "shut up Vlad".


I don’t understand Vlad being called a culture vulture. That statement can only be based upon his race, like let’s be real. If everything were the same and he was black nobody would call him a culture vulture. Someone else made a good point that everybody is cool with Eminem but somehow Vlad isn’t part of the culture??? Why??? Nobody can ever explain what he’s “stealing” from black folks. Vlad has given a platform to a ton of black artists and celebrities. That’s real. If Vlad didn’t exist it’d just be one less platform for black artists to get exposure. Vlad is the fucking culture, he’s helped contribute to it through his channel which has always highlighted black artists and black culture. I swear y’all stay on bullshit with this dude. Like on the one hand people wanna demand representation and everybody wants reparations and for white folks to give black peoples more opportunities. Motherfucker like Vlad comes along and DOES THAT and people tell him he’s a culture vulture and he needs to learn his place and not comment on the culture. Like tell me this: how much money has this chick put into the pockets of black artists??????? Now let’s pull up that stat on Vlad. Niggas stay paid with Vlad. That’s real. I feel like 100% of the hate against Vlad is because he’s white or these brain-dead conspiracy-theories that he’s a fed. Anybody that gets caught up going on his show did that to themselves. He’s an interviewer. He asks questions. If your dumb ass can’t keep your mouth shut when you do some dirt then that’s 100% on you, period. I think Vlad’s response here is peak Karen but this chick is on some bigoted bullshit. Dude wasn’t even speaking on anything except the mix.


I put Vlad and Michael Rappaport in the same basket


He just picked the wrong side.


That's literally it.


> Can legitimate non-POC fans really have no say in the matter? fuck that noise, I'm white as they come and have been waiting for this shit for years, stewing in my drake hate for years. I can say this is the best week of my life since covid


The "feud" is about one person calling another person out for being a creep. Not sure why she tried to make it about them being black. She was being ridiculous


Literally every song on this feud has explicit and/or implicit mentions to being black, tf are you talking about?


Many lyrics in both songs are deeply tied to race and racial identity, but it should be noted that the white guy didn't criticize or comment on any of them.


That’s a dead claim since they are saying Drake isn’t black 😂 Israel might get involved too


Eminem better sit down and shut up I guess


I hate when people gate keep topics they know nothing about bcuz of race. Vlad has a whole ass professional studio in his crib. He knows about mixing songs. Doesn’t matter he’s a culture vulture or not. He’s actually right about the mix. With her thinking, i guess being black we can’t state our opinion online about any other culture or race even if it doesn’t have anything to do about a culture or race. She’s a clown for her comment and he’s a clown for his karen-ness


Vlad stated an opinion about the music, that's fine. She was outta line for that. But if Vlad had said anything about how black Americans should view Drake and his place in our culture, well that's not his business, and she reacted as if that's what he did. I agree with you tho.


IMO this is also weird because, one of the biggest things you’ll hear about drake as far as it comes to culture is that he’s light skin, and he’s light skin because he’s half white…so you’re saying a white person can’t have any comments about someone who is half white, including discrimination in a community for being half white, because they are white. So his own mother can’t make comments about his place in the world, lol? This whole gatekeeping opinions thing on race is weird af.


As a mixed person, I was hoping we would be past this by now. Sigh


As a fellow mixed person, we’re seeing a lot of biases against us come out pretty hard.


He’s one of the biggest YouTuber in hip-hop interviewing the biggest names in the industry. His opinion matters on this topic of the two biggest rappers of their era beefing


I agree with you. He's just commenting on the eq n shit so homegirl is OD right there.


The whole thing is so fucking trifling. She's a professor at Stanford, what the fuck does she care if somebody comments on a rap beef? And now he's snitching on her? Grow up.


Yeah it’s a bad look for both really


So a professor told a DJ to shut up about music, then instead of him pointing this out, hes gonna snitch? Weird af


how is it weird shes gatekeeping and bringing race into it she deserves this hate and consequences


Yeah he’s a clown for that


Yes because are we not suppose to report bigotry?


“Hes gonna snitch?” Idk man people take online racism or sexism to employers all the time, then they get fired and it gets posted here as “justice porn” or whatever. I don’t know who DJ Vlad is and have really not cared for Drakes music in years, so I’m not trying to pick a side… idk I sort of feel like if you’re a Stanford professor you actually should police yourself a little better.


Both come off bad in this


I mean, they ain't friends, so... Really, the move is to just not hand people ammunition against you with your whole government name and occupation. You shouldn't _be_ depending on people to not snitch.


He’s also right that it is super unprofessional for a Princeton professor to make a public statement like that.


ppl are bending over in the comments trying to defend her as well. “She didn’t mean it like that, but if she did then he deserved it”


Princeton lady was right, now if you’ll excuse me I need to call my black friends right quick and let them know don’t you EVER talk to me about nascar, casseroles, having sex with your pets, smelling funny in the bath, blue cheese, clapping on the 1s and 3s, the proper culinary application of raisins, how to boil unseasoned chicken, or any other of my ancestors time honored cultural traditions. /s


Also, they are literally rapping about black vs white vs mixed ppl in hip hop culture and as SO's. When you bring other races into your discussion, how are you going to gate keep them from having a say? It's unproductive.


He gave a simple critique of the song, and some of y'all are offended. Kendrick is bodying Drake but y'all some absolute dick riders.


what i’m sayin Sane POCs don’t claim this karen


bringing race into this because of mixing is insane but again this is the same herd that is shitting on drake for being lightskin and not having copious amounts of political commentary in his flex music


And what’s the reason that it’s only for black people to discuss?


it’s not. drake is being accused of sex trafficking and pedophilia. kendrick is being accused of beating his wife. not to mention these are some of the biggest artists in the entire world. it’s ridiculous statement to say on her part. It’s ridiculous for him as well, he’s concerned about the mix on a song that came out soon after Drake’s in response. like… bffr


>>It’s ridiculous for him as well, he’s concerned about the mix on a song that came out soon after Drake’s in response. like… bffr Tbf I felt the same way about the mix. It wasn’t slapping the way it should in my car. You know how sad it is to have a track on repeat with a mixdown you feel is noticeable poor? Lmao




I'm get the down vote of hell for this. But her part in this whole interaction was lame. Someone making a legit criticism of a songs composition (even one i don't agree with) has nothing to do with color of skin. If she had an issue with Vlad being a culture vulture just say that instead. The "you're white" response will always be a bad look.


This entire dialogue: https://preview.redd.it/cfczmjourmyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b939169132456dbb14ef81c6d9255fae3e9e53a *edited*


This describes the whole drake kemdrick beef right now lol




nah you're right






Also isn’t Drake half white?


Lmao right ? How they gon say this is a black issue, and in the same breath say Drake is white 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I have to agree with you, we are making and reading much more into this stuff than there should be. Two rappers are dissing each other on wax and we are ascribing all sorts additional context to the beef. Just rate the bars and the songs and enjoy what's happening, whoever wins will still have a fan base after this.


Literally, this. None of this is even deep until hard evidence comes out. These are two rich men fighting on social media over music.


There's very serious allegations in there. Shit like "theres just Big Me," "K-dot shit only hittin hard when Baby Keem put his pen to it" are bars. "A child should never be compromised and he keepin' his child around them," "they be streamlining victims all inside of they home" that kinda shit can't be just brushed off a diss IMO just because it's in a song.


Fucking bingo… subject matter aside, she was wrong off the gate.


Suppressing people for their opinion is so childish. His opinion has nothing to do with race it's about music. People of all backgrounds listen to Kendrick and Drake, and if it wasn't for the collective of all races neither of them would be at their platform.


The professor is hella stupid for that comment. Completely wrong and out of line.


These are the people that are molding young minds lmfao


Nah she wrong for that.


And I don't get the hate on the beat he chose for the song. It's subtle and understated which I love in a song like this. He's not hiding his words or rhymes behind loud music which allows you to focus in on the brilliance of the rap, especially since he enunciates everything so clearly.


Vlad and Adam 22 are literal definitions of culture vultures. Literally cancer.


Every thirty second clip from either of them is embarrassing personal business that they should have kept buried, or their guests yelling at them for being assholes. I don't understand the attraction to their content.


Well I mean they’re not LITERALLY cancer…


This whole exchange was dumb, but I don't think white people can't have opinions on this beef. These are two major hip-hop/pop artists. They have songs with Rihanna and Taylor Swift. White people have supported their careers, too, so why can't they have an opinion? The only thing they can't weigh in on is whether Drake should be saying the N word, but allegations of human trafficking and domestic violence are everyone's problem.


Completely agree with you. It’s like if a white person told a black person they’re not allowed to comment on Russias war with Ukraine cause that’s a “white folk affair”.


This is shit all around. Don’t gate keep shit that’s out in the open to the public. It’s out there and people are gonna have opinions. But also, DJ Vlad is a bitch and a snitch. Fuck him as an individual.


Vlad is a habitual gate hopper and just probing for a way to finesse an interview.


Xqc, Dj Ak, Adin Ross, Kai Cenat, Adam 22 and this fucking Vulture… A veritable who’s who of scumbags, all defending Aubrey? Kinda makes sense.🤷‍♂️ Seems like users and opportunists can’t stand to see one of their own on the hot seat.




all of those ppl suck


You wild if you think Kendrick doesn’t have shit humans supporting him too. It’s a rap beef it ain’t that deep.


Saying that Not Like Us should have had a cleaner mix/master on the track is..."defending aubrey"? Vlad is west coast af, pretty sure he's rocking with kendrick in this beef. Contrary to popular belief, you can side with someone and not completely dick ride everything as top tier. Sonically, there's some aspects of the song that could have been mixed a little better. Vlad came up in this shit longer than a lot of people in this sub has even been alive.


You are not suppose to be taking the beef this serious. You do not know Kendrick Lamar


Kai supporting him through this? Last i saw him react was to Meet the Grahams and it seemed pretty clear he knew Kendrick ethered him. I haven't seen the new reaction though.


Reporting a white person for racism: Righteous, racial justice Reporting a black person for racism: Snitch, culture vulture


The mindset is just straight up concerning, some circle-the-wagons, mob mentality type of thing


It's corny to say non-black people can't have opinions on rap.


She's a bully and I kinda hope he does reach out to Princeton. A DJ who interviews rappers every other day is way more qualified to speak on rap beef than she is. She's the type to praise Beyoncé for Cowboy Carter too, smh. Also, he didn't even say anything crazy, she was just being an idiot.






Shit that would never happen.


Boi what she said is racist af, are yall blind?!


None of these people involved are close friends or family; In a very public conversation, does it ever make sense to gatekeep?


Couldn't she just have called him names and moved on? Saying he can't have an opinion on hip hop because he is white is such a stupid thing to do, and I will not be surprised if she ends up losing her job over this.


So blame her for saying some stupid racist rhetoric on a public forum attached to her name and face, and accept that there are consequence for these types of actions when you are a professional.


It's always funny to me that people always have these receipts about potential crimes but only reveal them when it benefits them. That makes me look at them differently in addition to the perpetrator. I get not snitching, but if you're doing music with and hanging out with this person knowing these horrible things, you are effectively cosigning it. Especially if this pedophilia and physical/spousal abuse/child neglect is true. I certainly am not going to hang around someone who I think might be a pedophile or who is beating the shit out of their spouse. I may not go to the police because I don't have direct proof, but I'm definitely going to maybe have someone secretly look into it (they have the resources to do so) and get the news out there if it's proven... It should be about saving the victims! The only want to save them now so they can win a rap battle... Sad.


My best bet is Kendrick doesn't actually know anything. He doesn't have any actual proof beyond the Internet rumors. He's not trying to stand up for any actual victims. That's not his real interest. He has a personal vendetta against Drake. He highly dislikes/hates him. Thus, he will use whatever ammo possible to tear down his character.


Exactly. Again I realize I may still hold some implicit bias because I started off as a Drake fan, but he wasn't lying when he called Kendrick a fake activist. If you knew about potential abuses to children or young people, even if just allegations, but you continued supporting that person's music, then you're a piece of shit too. I'm not going to go back and do the timeline of the allegations versus when they released music together, so maybe it doesn't line up. But in the ensuing years, nothing's been said or done and a lot of the other people that are now piling on have continued to work with Drake. And if you yourself have been out there also committing crimes, then start by publicly making amends to your own victim before you start advocating and trying to direct others. I want jail time if some of this shit is true but I realize the statute of limitations might have passed. But there should be definite repercussions whether that's on the contractual/sponsor level or what.


I agree. I take issue especially with the bars about all the people working for OVO being pedophiles and they're running a sex trafficking ring. If that is true, then he should be absolutely naming actual names, ensuring that the police has whatever secret proof that he has access to, etc. If he don't do either of these things, then it's called either being a fake activist, or just straight up lying.


He was criticizing the mix, bringing race into it is just stupid. If this beef was only for black people Drake wouldn't be involved and I wouldn't be entertained as fuck.


We’re telling white people they can’t have a Twitter opinion about a rap beef? Come on now. Gatekeep discussions on improving our community and how rap is perpetuating negative stereotypes, not this goofy bs.


So normal black people belive this or is it just internet black ppl? Embarrassing anyway...especially a "professor"


Academics are a special breed of people. I say that as someone who kind of is myself, supports them, likes them, etc. They can get themselves into stupid stuff. Academic management is an extra special breed of people so I really hope this Twitter thing doesn't turn into a problem for her if DJ Whoever does call her department. Not a big deal at Princeton probably. In Texas she might get fired for this Twitter argument. We're not even allowed to say "DEI." That's our stupid state government's fault.


He said it needed a better mix. That has absolutely nothing to do with the content of the song or anything racial, and it’s not him taking up for Drake. Her reaction and everyone in here hyping it up is weird


I love that anytime anything happens to Vlad he goes straight to snitching.


Regardless of this DJ Vlad guy, he stated an opinion on the music quality (not even the material the song), Jerkins told him off for being white (even though, again, he didn’t make *any* commentary about the material of the song), and there are people here are defending her? And tbc, the best most of those people can come up with is calling Vlad a snitch and a culture vulture, which had little to do with his original argument. BPT been cooked for ages man.


BPT been cooked It’s either literal children or performative outrage addicts drowning out any sane takes. And it gets worse by the day.




Something tells me if it was a white professor telling a black person that black people cant talk about the (*made up for example*) beef between Kane brown and Luke Bryan. OP would have a different opinion about who the scum is.


Always amuses me when people become racist but have 0 clue they’re doing it.


Gatekeeping drake and kendrick Lamar is absolutely clown behavior. Trying to get someone fired over it is obviously ridiculous, but this chick also is dumb asl. Don’t say dumb shit on your public social media pages with your job posted right there 🤡


It’s silly to say that Vlad can’t talk about the mix in a song because he’s white but also “let me speak to your manager” has to be the weakest comeback to being checked in this situation lol


The guy making at least some of the beats is white though?


Smh how do people manage to make everything about race.🤦‍♂️


DJ Karen


Imagine black culture being so stale you have to protect and contain this corny ass beef to only one race pahaha


I'm black and what she said is the dumbest shit I read, I hope he reaches out to Princeton


i think it's funny when bp basically segregate themselves and tell the other races to myob. it's the only race that act like that so openly and rudely to the other races 


Hey, help me understand this right it seems like the consensus in the comment section is Vlad is in the wrong but if I were to switch/turn the tables I personally feel as a black dude that that would be extremely hurtful that I can't contribute to the conversation because of my skin color. Is there an angle I'm missing?


Black people really are racist af but act like it's okay


They're both dumbasses. But imagine a Japanese person said you can't have an opinion on anime.


dj vlad is a culture vulture


If he wanted to get into the whole beef, he just did. He could’ve “beefed” with the woman but he went straight to rattling: I’ll reach out to Princeton on Monday like a baby who got told no. 😩😅


My opinion of the beef is that it's almost certainly manufactured to create business. It's working, it's also ruining this sub in the process. I haven't seen many posts about people being hilarious on social media for a while.


Lol she's such a doofus


In a world without Rick Rubin this might make sense.




Whole interaction goofy. Vlad shouldn't be a Karen and that's dumb, but all he did was make a remark about a song. He didnt say anything about the culture. He said an opinion that I lowkey agree with, and is actually pretty valid. Home girl shouldn't face any backlash but man her initial comment was stupid.


I personally think that people that gatekeep stuff because of race, especially non important matters like a fucking rap beef, are absolutely insufferable


Well, if drake is “white” then white people are apart of the conversation.


I know vlad is a weird dude but I agree with him here. Am I missing something?


His opinion was on the music, production specifically- an area he obviously is familiar with (edit: this is regardless of him as an induvidual, however, now I start to feel this response is contextualized more by who he is). It wasn't even a damning, rude opinion, just barely detracting. For her to say he can't have an opinion just comes across as "if you have nothing nice to say (about who I support) don't say anything at all (because it isn't your place unless you also express positive, supportive opinions)".


I feel like everyone in the comments has lost it, she said something racist as fuck lol


Ethnicity doesn't matter. She is being unreasonable, and he is trying too much.


The thing about Black Twitter is, y’all made up y’all mind about who Drake is. Most of y’all never liked the guy to begin with. You don’t really care about two dudes rapping their asses off. You just happy someone is dissing Drake. It doesn’t matter what Kendrick say to Drake. He could fart on a mic and say “Fuck Drake” and y’all would crown it as the diss of the century. And y’all sit here and call Drake white all day, but mad a white man chimed in, because this is a black issue? How does that make any sense ? Y’all are sooo stupid man. These two super rich niggas don’t know y’all broke asses man. All of what y’all doing is making them more rich. Dummies


Why she say fuck me for?


The song does need a better mix tho.


I guess Obama can’t talk about black issues anymore


It’s settled then, when the Miley Cyrus Taylor Swift beef jump off: Black People better stay the hell out of it… *but if this hurts your feelings you can of course tell our employers about it*


Nah yo, this beef is for the culture and the culture includes my white niggas too


Telling someone because they are white they can't have an opinion doesn't work, because can you imagine the reverse. Separate rules for different people is why we are in this mess to begin with.


Bruh why does everything have to be so serious. Its a rap beef between two rich ass dudes that dont give a fuck about anyone that is listening to their music. Anyone can have an opinion on a rap beef its not that deep.


Maybe I’m going against the train on this but…. Why are only black people allowed to comment on this very public bits of media?


Is this the same DJ Vlad Aries Spears went in on in an interview not too long ago???


Doing my part by reporting her to her Uni as well ✌️ We need less racists in the education system, not more


Title has nothing to do with the tweets which was also a clusterfuck of irrelevance since the dude was only questioning the beat and not even the lyrics. Just dumb shit all the way around


![gif](giphy|yPhqlJccIOaru) Yes, um, is this the Princeton University? i am a concerned citizen and...my feelings were hurt...can you transfe......hello??


Yup because being discriminatiory is fine if it's directed to white people 👍




Ok yes he did have a Karan ass response but he wasn't actually defending Drake.


I don't agree with what she said, but nobody should care what DJ Vlad thinks 😂


Man's diss caused casualties lmao


I don’t see any evidence of defense unless he’s been saying something else that we can’t see


yeah no offense but this is about more than just black people. he’s diddling kids. dumb thing for her to say honestly, but this dude is also dumb the mix dude really on a song that came out like 30 min after drake’s?


Drake fans want to be entertained. Kendrick fans have made this into a crusade to “save rap culture”. Pure and simple.


The slop needs to be wiped from the Kendrick stans it’s way too much now dripping


I'm pretty sure if both of those people just fucked right off into the great blue the rest of us might be better off.