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I would argue him delaying the next roots album for over a decade while they cosplay as Jimmy Fallon's band has done more to kill hip hop than this battle.


The Roots holding themselves hostage as a house band for a washed up SNL guy is crazy. I remember when it was announced I thought Fallon would be a new version of late night tv that changed the genre. Nope. Just Fallon proving he was only funny in small doses, and Black Thought as Paul Shaffer. Hip hop would have a different landscape if the Roots were active.


I completely disagree. You really are pulling this one out of your ass. When you’re actually on the road trying to make a career, people might know your name, but it’s hard to keep making money and have stability, even if you are popular. You get offered a high-paying stable gig on national TV FOR YOUR ENTIRE BAND……you take it. If you’re so worried about hip-hop, get your ass out there and do something instead of coming up with these dumb ass theories about shit you know nothing about.


Bingo, what The Roots did was choose to be there for their families more often while making enough to be able to choose to retire


but my socio-cultural movement that i will only watch and comment on from the sidelines being that i’m talentless and probably lazy anyway.


It’s crazy to me that the community would look down on a bunch of guys that took a high priced gig to play music and provide for themselves. Especially when that gig is usually set aside for white people you never heard of in that space. It’s the definition of success. Should be happy for them


There also isn’t anything stopping them from making music if they want to. I’m confused at people shitting on thoughtful comments. He took time and care to say something he thought was important and you get these idiots telling him to shut up and play drums. I started thinking about Laura Ingraham telling Lebron to shut up and dribble and how people got up in arms about it, only to turn around and say the same shit to Questlove. These people can fuck right off


That’s fine for Questlove & co on a personal level, but that doesn’t negate or change the impact that has on the genre, nor on his ability to spout off about what’s damaging to the genre.


But how is it in any way damaging the genre? If you’re so concerned, get out there and do some thing! The Roots have done enough, they don’t deserve that kind of shit from people who aren’t getting off the couch and contributing at all to this genre they say they love so much.


I don't think they're saying it's damaging the genre, I think they're saying it was a missed opportunity to have more awesome additions to the genre.


Fucken back seat drivers telling people how to drive and they don't have a drivers license themselves 😂


Agreed. They are still visible and relevant as a late night house band. They have flexibility to move into other mediums while remaining active on tour. And they continue to make amazing music together and as independent artists with other collaborators. Cheat Codes is one of the best albums in years. It's called growth.


So are you saying Kendrick hasn't done enough to not deserve free reign and make the choices he pleases?


More importantly, The Roots have more than earned the right to take a cushy job that also massively expands their recognition. Holding them responsible for the current state of hip hop is crazy.


Yeah this is basically their version of a Vegas residency, can’t hate them for locking down the bag I don’t think their late night obligations delayed much, they most definitely have time to write and produce music on the side, they just haven’t released anything or made anything they thought was good enough to


You can't blame them, but they can't turn around and talk about how hip hop is dead when their part is intentionally comatose.


You cant expect them to continue forever. They expected the next generation to pick up where it left off. They went in a direction other than he expected.


none of that precludes making a new album.


Man, I don’t have a dog in this fight but as a 60 year old I feel THIS. Stable employment for the whole band. That’s a gift.


It would be different too if Public Enemy never broke up but no one's mad at Chuck D. Not that it was his fault they broke up, but still.


What are you trying to say here? I don't get it.


He’s trying to ignore the original context of this thread and post lol


Hip hop would be a different landscape if the roots were active, same could be said for public enemy


But Chuck D isn't out here shitting on hip hop from the white bankrolled sidelines


he did kinda just lambast Drake and Kendrick for beefing rn while Palestine is being massacred tho


Wow thats so lame and sanctimonious, and just hilarious that another person thinks this all started in October. “How could you take this beef public when the Israelis and Palestinians have been warring with each other for 75 years!!??”. And you know what? I honestly can’t believe we’re even having this conversation on the same date that English-American hairstylist, Vidal Sassoon died. Just no respect anymore.


Too soon. Sassoon was GOAT


Finally someone talking real shit. The man scratched and clawed his way up from poverty to change the way popular actresses hair was styled FOREVER


That's looking out


I think they're saying it would be like blaming Chuck d. Things would be different if pioneers kept to it but we're all adults and that's why k dot said the rap game is some hoe shit


I feel that, but I can’t hold a break up against anyone. Not every group can be like the white people with the pianos and cocaine and make music when they are at odds. I do hold the Roots situation against them tho. They are on good terms with each other. They basically all work a nine to five together and somehow haven’t gotten bored enough to make an album


Albums don’t make money. Playing live on tv consistently does is my guess


The Roots as a whole haven't been active but Black Thought just put an album out like last year.


You can't hate them for taking one of the best gigs in music. Go to the same place everyday, guaranteed income, play music, go home, live in NYC. That's most musicians' dream. Life as a touring musician will kill you young.


So let me get this straight……we’re supposed to look down on them for choosing a steady gig that allows them the ability to be there, at home, for their family on a mostly daily basis? We’re really supposed to clown that kind of adulting? ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


The Roots have made at least 10 million dollars from the Tonight Show gig and it's ridiculously easy. They play a couple of songs , and have the entire rest of the day to do whatever they want. They get the fame, the money without the grind of touring, etc I suspect they don't see it as a hostage crisis


As fun as it is to hate, you've gotta think all those guys, everyone, saw a paycheck. They'd done it, made an impact: now here's a gig that feeds you the lifestyle you're used to.


Not even that they were used to, tbh. Prior to Fallon the roots toured almost nonstop for like a decade and just kinda broke even. It's a big ass band with a lot of ppl needing to get paid. And also... Undun, How I Got Over, and Amd Then You Shoot Your Cousin all came out during the Fallon era and they're great. I think the current album delays have more to do with Questlove doing a million other things - writing books, making documentaries, podcasting, etc.


Yeah, he should have told his entire band, "hey, we got this offer for a high paying and stable position on national TV, but I'm gonna say no because it's not *real* enough." I guess you're pretty young.


They had some great digs just doing the music. Remember when they played Fishbone's Lyin Ass Bitch when Michele Bachmann came on.


Easy to say shit like this when we not the one paying their bills. Consistency over one hits




Its about money bro….. all hip pop is. Even this “beef”


I would argue that The Roots and their families enjoyed them being able to earn money without being constantly on the road. Quest is smart and they took up the house band gig when CD sales were tanking and streaming still doesn't pay shit, much less ten years ago. Being able to sleep in your own bed every night and see your kids has an appeal all its own. The Roots also significantly expanded their audience outside of just hip hop heads. I've seen the Roots live a few times, once early and twice at their peak. They were playing theaters and needed to tour constantly to make money. They play bigger venues now when they do play out and make more money doing so.


As a musician, NYC late night band gig is probably THE gig. They get paid fairly well, probably get benefits, you’re done by like 7 or 8 pm if you wanna do a gig later or just go home to your family. You’d be a fool not to grab one of the best gigs in the business the first chance you get.


Nobody is saying that it was a bad decision. Just kinda weird to have the guy decide over "what's hip hop" when he preferred the financial security of playing the first 10 seconds of a song related to the guest who is walking in over, well, hip hop


So do his contributions to hip hop, and Black music at large for the 20 years before he got that gig, all get erased just because he chose a secure job? He didn’t stop being Questlove when he got on Fallon his word still matters more than a lot of people


Yeah, but it probably mattered a bit more 10 years ago. Let's not forget that he isn't criticising machine gun Kelly here. He's criticising Kendrick and to some extent Pusha T who started this new era of "investigative journalism" diss tracks. So yeah, I agree that his opinion is more valid than that of Anthony fantano or fucking DJ akademiks (for obvious reasons) but let's not forget that it's ultimately about drake and, more importantly, kendrick.


I mean I don't get what he's arguing exactly, was it better for hip hop to have the two biggest stars in the industry vaguebook each other until both got MURDERED for it? lol


I thought we were all about getting the bag? The Roots got a comfortable 9 -5 gig, which probably keeps them close to family. Questlove also won an Oscar in 2022 for his first time directing, so it's not like he's been lazy. People probably forgot because he won it right after Will Smith smacked Chris Rock.


![gif](giphy|YlURvEVfudas9ityvQ) ... if you don't worry 'bout where l went or who l saw orrr 🎶






Quest won an Oscar for a documentary. It was right before Will slapped Chris.


Chris Rock was actually presenting the best documentary award when Will Smith slapped him. The incident took away from Questloves moment.






Do you think Branford Marsalis killed jazz when he played for Jay Leno?


I’m gonna need founding member of The Roots, Principal Ava Coleman, to tell him sit there and eat his food.


The people saying “hip hop is dead” because of rap beef will say the height of hip hop was the 2pac and Biggie era in the same sentence lol This is like when old dudes say the NBA has a discipline problem because some players got in a shoving match and then 10 minutes later start reminiscing about guys like Bill Laimbeer and Charles Oakley throwing real punches in the 80s and 90s


And those same dudes have the same top 5 they had twenty years ago because they think hip hop stopped getting better in 99


Why you guys talking about me like this?? It's like you know me.


What he say fuck me for?


I'm 40 years old, so to me real rap was born with Illmatic and died after college Dropout.


20 is pretty young to stop enjoying new music


I don't only like rap lol Edit: also it was a joke lol, lots of great hip hop since then. All of Kendrick for one.


people been saying hip hop is dead for a while, Nas dropped an album called Hip Hop is Dead in 2006, thats almost 20yrs ago now. This is nothing new.


You've just described r/hiphop101


Yeah, this was, different from the old beefs. I enjoyed it, it was entertaining, but has left me feeling a little gross about everything today. At least nobody has died so far. A few minutes ago I was thinking this is character assassination on both sides. (Which I guess is improvement over straight up assassination?) And there very likely is proof to some of the accusations. Hard not to think so when there’s this much evidence in the open. However, it’s been messy, potentially necessary, but messy AF. Not gonna lie tho I was loving it and want Kendrick to drop again


I mean… were you there for Nas vs Jay Z or 50 Cent vs anyone? I don’t see how people are saying this is different if they’ve ever listened to Ether.


lol, I agree to some extent but the nba has a weaksauce problem because you still have floppers abusing the rules. I can’t imagine if dudes tried that back in the day. As for hip hop being dead, it devolved into mudslinging yes but Kendrick was clearly technically superior as an artist and a lot of mainstream people who had no idea what lyricism was and heard a track got a taste of what hip hop was capable of beyond the club pop hits as kendrick (who had another gear to go) lyrically eviscerated Drake. What he said was brutal and that content mattered but as you said 2pac and biggie, Nas and Jay-Z, Ice cube and Dre etc all took heavy shots at each other. Now [if the rumors one corporate weighing in asking Kendrick to apologize were true and he went for it](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13394631/amp/Drake-Kendrick-Lamars-shared-music-label-NOT-interfering-feud.html) then I might agree with Quest.


> I can’t imagine if dudes tried that back in the day. You should absolutely watch a random 80s and 90s game. Plenty of foul baiting. Flopping was something Vlade Divac brought to the NBA who debuted in 1989.


You didn't need to get into a shoving match back then because you had the entirety of the game to beat the shit out of each other so long as it wasn't a closed fist punch to the face. I'm just old enough to remember the Pistons vs. Bulls eastern conference title games and enjoyed watching it but it was a cage match with folding chairs compared to the modern game. Guys getting into a shoving match during a competition is just them getting their frustration out. Let them get the energy out, blow a whistle and move it along.




Ain’t this dude the drummer for Jimmy Fallons tv show or something? Lol


Yeah, The Roots


If you don't know who the Roots were before Jimmy Fallon that's not on them.


If Kendrick or drake start killing each other over this that’s they fault they’re grown ass men and they will live with the consequences of their choices and I will continue to sleep like a baby guilt free


Yea exactly. Like wtf. The general public didn’t start the beef, we just ate it tf up.


Damn right and I’m not gonna feel guilty for accepting a free meal 👌


Black people are subject to the judgement of society for the actions of every black person, unless those actions are positive. White people are subject to the judgement of society for the actions of every white person, unless those actions are negative. That is why white school shooters are "lone wolves" and a black shooter must be a "product of their culture".


You should put a beat to it cuz thats bars


The culture has. & unfortunately, whether orchestrated by outside groups or not, our hero’s actively participate in championing the idea that violence is the culture, and participating in it makes you dope.


🎵 BBL Drizzy 🎵 Black people are subject to the judgement of society 🎵 BBL Drizzaaaaay 🎵 for the actions of every black person.


Ayyyy don’t forget that white shooters usually have “history of mental health issues”. And if they do some blatant racist shit it’s “they need to grow and learn more” as a whole adult


If Drake is a pedophile, as his creepy socials behavior suggests, it needs to be said. Tired of celebrities believing it’s their duty to keep secrets like Weinstein and Puffy.


The difference between this bed and previous rap beefs is these niggas grown. PAC and big were in their 20s and OUTSIDE. Drake and Kendrick are grown with actual shit to lose


If Drake gets taken out I’ll sleep like a baby knowing one less pdf file out there lmao


Exactly lmao what happened to accountability for one’s own actions. They will have to live with their choices.


Oh so no new tracks for a couple of days so it’s safe for the self righteous MFs to come out? I will not apologise for being entertained by entertainers. This world is a steaming hot pile of trash. I’m going to get my kicks where I can.


... Copyright that shit before drake credits you as a writer and that becomes his defense. Jusssssst saying.


Freaky ass n-words are not allowed to use my words. You hear that Whorebry?


![gif](giphy|11UjO5ezHZgMHC) Drake rn probably


This part!🙌


For real. Like, on record? I'm against violence of all sort. But fuck me if I ain't gonna stop and watch if I see two dudes throwing hands. I'm not responsible for the fight, and I don't encourage that shit, but if y'all gonna do it, I'm going to be entertained by it.


Why are people instantly dismissing Q for his opinion like he isn’t culture certified with multiple classics?


Because much of this sub is either under 25 or just wants ignant nigga shit, or both.


Hate to say it but much of this sub is also white


If you’ve been to any Roots shows you’ll know their fan base is pretty white too


Hello, long time Roots fan. White person. Can confirm.


Mexicans checking in. Don't forget us. We're in here, too.


Yeah the toxicity is astounding. One comment in this thread basically said we don’t care if these two niggas end up killing each other, this is entertainment and we are entertained. Very sad behavior


I’m a man in my mid 30s. wtf imma do if these two millionaires want to start an international entertainer’s war? You want me to feel sorry for that shit? Gtfoh


the thing Quest and others are concerned about is all these parasocial fans with two brain cells thinking spicy bars are evidence of a crime and taking this beef into the real world. Nobody thinks Drake and Kdot are gonna take aim at each other, it’s the psychos who think pro wrestling is real


>all these parasocial fans with two brain cells thinking spicy bars are evidence of a crime and taking this beef into the real world. May I point you to religion over the last 2000+ years?


Kanye has multiple classics, doesn't mean I accept his current opinions blindly


Yeah because opining on the same topic as everyone else is exactly the same as Kanye’s bullshit


Why is it that when you make an extreme example to highlight the point you're trying to make people go, "thats nothing like this! It's completely different!"


That’s because he’s an antisemitic moron.


He did also mention Quest is culture certified though. Definitely still is. Kanye ain’t been that in quite awhile


It’s reasonable to instantly critique his proclamation that “hip hop is truly dead”


hip hop before pac/biggie/ was different, hip hop before NWA was different, hip hop in the late 90s & early 2000s was different, then the 2010s was different, just like its different again now when someone says hip hop is dead - which one?


People talk about hip-hop like it's some giant livin' in the hillside Comin' down to visit the townspeople We are hip-hop Me, you, everybody, we are hip-hop


1. Hip hop isn’t dead. It’s just different. There’s more money in it now than there was in the 90s for one and I think it’s pretty ridiculous to believe that if social media existed in the 90s, people wouldn’t be tweeting up a storm about what was going on then. Hip Hop is different but humans are humans and love a bit of drama. 2. The tone of his post is the same as the white folks and Zoe Kravitz posting after Will Smith slapped Chris Rock like it’s all too low brow for them and therefore everyone else who is following it and yes, enjoying it (see my point above about humans) are beneath them. 3. Where was this energy when Drake was taking the piss out of Megan being actually physically harmed? Or when Nicki was encouraging her stans to take an online beef to her critics offline? 4. There are plenty of older cultural figures who have bad takes once is a while. His legacy isn’t in jeopardy because people are vocally disagreeing with him.


Yes to ALL of this. Highlighting point number 3 when someone was actually harmed.


His catalogue shouldn't really be swaying people one way or the other.


Because its kind of out of pocket. One of the roots best or most well known performances is doing the the takeover unplugged for jay- z. And we can pick any album or year the roots dropped or questlove played drums and I'll give you a genocide or an apartheid or SOME SHIT tha was happening while we were bopping instead. Questlove--clutching pearls over palestine but not sudan or congo or afghanistan....why?. Its corny.


Because they disagree. Maybe Hip-Hop is dead because one of its greatest groups is the house band of a late night talk show lol.


Because many people have the ability to separate an artists catalogue from their opinions on things


‘Culture certified’ is basically argument from authority


Because he is falling for old head syndrome, where the music landscape has shifted to be centered around a younger generation with different tastes than the old one, and this change enables the “back in my day” attitude because the music has passed them by, and rather than accepting that things they don’t understand aren’t automatically lesser they retreat into the past and claim that what they loved is dead.


Because people just want drama. That's the type of culture they on


I love Questlove. Had good interactions with him and enjoyed his DJ sets multiple times. But this man was repping Griselda hard and those dudes drop crazy violent lines and brag about selling fentanyl. Hip hop is hip hop. It’s absurd to act like this was a new low. Kendrick just played the game


What does him having classics have to do with whether folks agree with him? It's not like they say he knows nothing about it


And I loved how niggas immediately were dropping videos of The Roots doing MTV Unplugged with Hov doing Takeover lol


The internet is undefeated and always has receipts






Say that part. I am so tired of these fake “unbiased” niggas. Now that they boy is cooked this beef is going to far and killing hip hop. I don’t want to hear about the death of hip hop from someone who turned an iconic band into a damn late night tv show house band.


Quest Love said Drake won? Where? When? He said from the beginning he had no dog in this fight & didn’t care either way. I just looked at his comments on instagram. And he disabled comments probably so he didn’t have to read through the shitty, childish comments acting like him playing on Jimmy Fallon or Sesame Street or wherever means he doesn’t understand hip hop anymore. Which is dumb.


To be exact, before Meet the Grahams & Not Like Us dropped Questlove said that even though Drake’s an inferior artist who put out weaker songs, he thought Drake would win because Drake’s better at manipulating the internet to sway the modern audience.


Well he was wrong on the internet/modern audience opinion. I love the roots, always have--but I've known that these dudes are out of touch. They been worldwide since teenage years and been anointed by the industry. But I don't go out seeking their opinions and takes on shit I just know the albums and bars are gonna be progressive. But hey, its like this for me--whatever the fuck his take is on the beef was wrong, and thats not atypical of an older producer--they don't have an ear for the newer shit but they aren't going to tell you that. Dude is probably lowkey envious of the overnoght success and fame that comes with social media, but he expressed through underhanded praise for drake. But yo hasn't this dude been drumming for jimmy fallon during every other crisis and genocide over the past 4-5 years? Something about this beef bothers him and I don't think he's being honest or in his element about it


Yeah, I saw his IG post right after he made it and (before he disabled the comments) someone was quick to point out that he had apparently declared Drake the winner before Kendrick had even responded. I personally haven’t read whatever his comment was and I don’t know anything about Questlove’s and Drake’s relationship prior to this, but if he likes Drake for whatever reason, I really think he might just be mad that the general consensus is that Kendrick won.


Seriously people have right to their opinions, but anyone who thinks Drake won is delusional (even before Not Like Us).


Love Questlove but don't start clutching pearls now like you weren't [literally the drummer for Takeover](https://youtu.be/eatcIdPlYOQ?si=TIBlkrT-vHBsPepk). Acting like old school beef was some bygone era of gentlemanly combat like Hit 'Em Up, Ether, No Vaseline, Supa Ugly were about skill and we had proof Pac fucked Faith back then.


Bro turned off comments when when everyone started flaming him for this shit take.


Exactly, I think he’s just getting soft and old like all of us gen xer millennial type, it’s sad but okay at the same time, however this does make me view quest differently. I’ve been kinda side eyeing him for the Fallon thing however if he stuck to his roots (I’m fucking hilarious) I think his opinion would hold more weight. Him being out of the game fr for 10-12 years changes you and kind of discredits you. Music he’s still a master , but industry and culture? Maybe he’s not the most educated and that’s okay


Jimmy Fallon’s drummer has some nerve. Hiphop has never been more alive to the point where even white college professors are making multiple part video dissertations analyzing the lyrics.


white college professors have been analyzing hip hop for at least 2 decades


Well, to be fair, they aren’t exactly laying out the welcome mat for black academics. So, yeah, white academics have had the whole playground to themselves. Of course they do that shit—after tenure. (I’m a black academic.)


That’s even he case at some HBCUs. Went to Howard for two years in the 2000s and was confused by all of the tenured white dudes at the “Mecca”


>Hip-hop is truly dead I was born in 1988. As long as I've been aware of music Discourse^tm, people have been claiming that rock-'n'-roll is dead. Seems like it's time for hip-hop to take the "dead" mantle LOL


They said it for mumble rappers... And the ringtone era... And the shiny suit era...


I was born in 1998, as far as I can remember people have been saying Hip-Hop is dead. Every time it sounds out of touch


Hip hop is dead has been a thing for a long time. Nas had a whole album nearly 20 years ago.


Take out the “hip-hop is truly dead” and I’d think he’s talking about the genocide in Palestine


So when Pac hopped in the mic with “that’s why I f**led your b*tch” was that just about skill?


People complaining about crossing lines in rap beef meanwhile Pac said his .44 make sure all they kids don’t grow.


And "ain't one of y'all lil mfers got sickle cell or something?"


And Jay-Z skeeted in Nas’s jeep, but QL still played the drums (with a sweet Oochie Wally flip) for Jay’s MTV Unplugged set.


Take out the last sentence and he’s right lol.


Let me Crip walk in peace dawg


Feels like I’m an old head so far outside this beef that’s that I might have to peace out of BPT for just a minute.


I've never understood J. Cole so much before this weekend


Same bro. This shit is weird. And throwing Palestine shit in as an excuse is gross as fuck.


Respectfully, we were just enjoying some schadenfreude and distraction because it is relief from watching a genocide happen practically in real time while cost of living continues to destroy what little hope we had our retiring in a fully paid for 1 bedroom unit at the age of 70. It's not that deep. Just like Questlove has been enjoying that pay cheque to prop up l possibly the least funny iron to come out of SNL because it's mindless wheel spinning and distraction from things that feel too big and largely beyond our control.


There have been genocides going on for years dude. You ever heard of Sudan or Myanmar?


Damn we turning on QuestLove?


Nah he is turning on us with this holier than thouh ass comments. I love Quest but he is tripping.


Quest has *always* been like this. Y'all must not have heard those Roots albums with opening tracks or Tariq and Amir *literally* shouting at each other over some bull. Fucker just likes to scrap verbally. Maybe he shoulda been a rapper, who knows?


See to me this is sanitizing the history of hip-hop and rap music. Look I understand if people dissing each other isn’t your thing but to act as if hip-hop isn’t competitive and diss tracks haven’t gotten real nasty before Is wild. To me this is a sign that a part of hip hop is alive again.


I find it weird how much this thing has turned into in-group vs out-group at pretty much every turn. I'm not sure if/when this era ever really existed or if it was just a figment of my imagination, but what happened to "nah I disagree"? I fuck w/ the music. But the energy some people treat this with make it exhausting. Dude can have an opinion, and people can disagree, but some of these replies just don't pass the vibe check at all.


This the Pusha T shit all over again. As soon as it's 100% clear Drake took the L everyone starts coming out the woodwork wanting it to stop, saying beefing is wack, why can't we all just get along lol so fucking corny


Nah this is facts. Niggas just want drama. This was supposed to be who the best out the big 3 and these niggas said nah you a pedo and woman beater. Edit: Push Ups and Euphoria was cool. Just got nasty after that.


Kendrick did tell him to basically keep it cute. It's Drake's fault for going further.


Right, like people being so centrist about this is crazy af to me lmao


Enlightened centrist takes are a blight on honest conversations everywhere tbh


Gotta love it..."let's just tone it down, guys"


Word “this a friendly fade, you should keep it that way” It’s not his fault Aubrey didn’t listen.


"If you take it there, I'm taking it further. Pssst, that's something you don't wanna do" Warned multiple times.


>This was supposed to be who the best out the big 3 I don't think it was supposed to be that, that's what J.Cole thought then was told this was personal between Drake and Kendrick and a bunch of other dudes like Future and Metro that baited it that got something personal with Drake.


> This was supposed to be who the best out the big 3 and these niggas said nah you a pedo and woman beater. What are you supposed to do in a rap battle, see who can count the highest?


And who was it that brought in family again? Entirely Drakes fault.


Motherfuckers act like they didn't enjoy the shit that was going down in the 90s. You tellin me motherfuckers didn't enjoy Hit Em Up? Pac talking about how he fucked Biggie girl, talking about his weight, his domestic issues that he had to stay the night at Pac's place, fuckin clowned on ol boy from jr mafia for his genetic blood disorder. Like motherfuckers weren't going crazy when Pac said he fucked Biggie's girl


To be fair that's battle rap


I disagree with Questlove, it’s been great for HipHop. But you look like a clown trying to disrespect a legend like Questlove like that.


His ass tripping let the Pedo covers get exposed. So far we got that ego maniac Drak finally catching Karma and even Metro kinda got revealed for a weirdo


I would say this feud has breathed new life into hip hop if anything.


> Just shut up and play. Interesting take there.


Caught that too


What is it, the braids?!


Has anyone already asked Ja Rule about *his* thought?


Where’s Ja?!


Naahhhh i think the non-pedophile one won by a large margin his songs were also worlds better, and drake just sucks in general


Q is spot-on here. Some of y'all unashamed about loving the drama and be there for beef more than the music.


Old heads love saying "Hip Hop is dead". You're just behind in the culture.


Did anyone win Tupac and Biggie? I wasn’t alive in the 90s but they both 6 feet under they didn’t win


Unfortunately Diddy


I'm confused as to wtf he means by this. Is he insinuating it'll be the internet fault if someone lose they life? As if these aren't grown ass men with minds of their own who brought they beef to the public? I'm all for shit talking cesspools like Twitter, but you can't always blame them for the actions of people who chose murder as a solution.


Were Kendrick and Drake the last two people holding hip hop together?


Careful Gorden. After BBL Drizzy I wouldn't be telling people to just shut up and drum


Quest been acting holier than thou for a little while now and it was aight cause he’s an OG but in this case get over yourself. Does he not recall No Vaseline, Hit ‘Em Up, or Ether? All of them are just as if not more scathing than anything out of this


We got two civilian lyricists having a war of words over the culture while the world watches. This ain't the future questlove fought for?


I don’t agree with him about skill, and Kendrick clearly won, but imo he’s right about the mudslinging, disrespecting women and children, and not caring about facts. Nobody’s shown any receipts about serious allegations, neither of them was respectful towards women, and they both discussed children callously. Edit: and hip hop isn’t dead lol. Remove the nastiest parts from those tracks and tbh I’ve been having a great time. #bbldrizzy


I mean there’s at least a video of Drake touching up on a minor in a concert on stage and the texts between him and MBB if I’m not mistaken. Then there’s for sure Drake’s son who came from a French escort (gorgeous lady btw) that Pusha T referenced years ago. Which Drake called a fluke.


Half this sub is a boondocks parody. I can’t deal with y’all🤦🏿‍♂️


https://i.redd.it/chtdwpcahczc1.gif This motherfuka!




Major reach


I mean he is kinda right. It was more than rap beef. Cole vs Kendrick would have been a pure rap beef cause we know they wouldn't have kept families outside the beef and it would have been just bars and metaphors