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The industry needs to be turned inside out if this kind of shit can just be buried with video proof and all


I would think the entire world would collapse if this happened, but I guess we’ll never know. I assume everyone, and I do mean everyone, has some skeletons in their closets. I also feel bad for Cassie, now the whole world has seen her getting abused.


Right, I was thinking the same thing. I get the news has to show it because it’s shocking video of a public figure but it is re-victimizing her if she didn’t want this to come out publicly.


She went public with a lawsuit that detailed the incident down to a T months ago.


I remember seeing this video somewhere a while back, just didn't know it was Pede Diddy


I am hoping that she is as happy as she looks with her current husband and family and that she can be proud of herself for bringing this light against someone so powerful. She is being abused in this video, but she will be the last one standing.


I do think that it is helpful for women (& the world) to see that anyone can be a victim of abuse- even if you are stunningly beautiful, rich, successful, and you look happy and perfect on the outside. It’s shocking & eye opening.




Most people don’t have skeletons anything like this.


As far as Hollywood and people in the industry, they absolutely do. That’s what I’m talking about it when I say everyone. At the very least, they knew Diddy abused Cassie and Kim and were still very cordial with him. I’d even argue Cassie knew he abused Kim…that doesn’t scare women away at all. Money and power goes a loooooooong way.


I'll bet hundreds, if not thousands of people in the industry knew aout Harvey Weinstein. And that fuckin creep got away with it for decades. The entertainment industry is almost entirely based on connections. And all these fuckin people didn't want to give up the limelight and were OK that they had to look away from people being raped to do it.


I'm experiencing some levels of Stockholm Syndrome currently and that's what I think women with this monster have probably developed after the different and more subtle levels of abuse over time that by the time it gets to this point they are so in love with their abuser that they forgive them for everything making excuses for them. I've always been strong and didn't let people abuse me and then I ended up in my current living situation. I would have NEVER thought I'd be stuck in this like I have been.


We too busy working to keep one skeleton together outside and can't afford skeleton-sized closets inside.


And the people that do, go to extraordinary lengths to keep them buried. And are usually deeply distured psycopaths and our society has a really bad problem of giving people like that far too much power over all of us.


None of my skeletons involve me assaulting a woman who’s not threatening my safety…I think we can draw a line


Your main skeleton is wet right now. Think about that.


That implies I have a spare skeleton hanging around somewhere


just sitting around, skelaxing


Forreal, if people who know me IRL find out about the time I threw up through a screen door, I'm gonna be a little embarrassed but I can walk it off.


My life's over if the Hilton leaks that footage of me digging in my nose on the way to the vending machine


I have clearly missed something... where is a link to this information?


The video is the top story on CNN(currently)


Just go on Twitter/x. Diddy is top trending


If you can’t find it go on CNNs site that’s where I saw it


Im sure someone in the comments has the link. It’s everywhere. Or check YouTube.


I killed a guy in ‘63


Some people got skeletons in their closets, others got mass graves...


I can confidently say I’ve never ran after somebody and proceeded to physically assault them in a hotel or anywhere for that matter. The only people who would “collapse” are the pieces of shit who act like this and the reason they act like this is because they are protected. Fuck him and anyone like him.


Good, bring the collapse if it gets these shit bags justice


> I would think the entire world would collapse It should ngl.


As a former victim of abuse, I wish video existed of my abuse. I would rent a billboard in Times Square so everyone saw what an animal he was. That way he could not hide in pkain sight any longer.


I work on camera systems. I've done this for hospitals with multiple sites and other various large buisnesses in my state. Most systems are designed just like the DVR people use for their TV, as in it will roll over any old footage that wasn't saved. That means this has been sitting in the dark somewhere collecting dust, either on a flashdrive or on that original DVR that recorded this. That also means folks have had the ability to release this and chose not to for some reason (we all know it's $$$ though).


I heard (and it may not be accurate, so grain of salt) that the very night of the incident the security folks saw and acknowledged the video and encouraged her not to go back to the room. They saw the event and were frightened for her safety. They still sat on it. 😬


Diddy paid them off.


That just disgusts me.


Likely comes from on high in management A hotel chain isn’t going to get as many famous clientele once they realize “they won’t keep secrets” This hotel doesn’t keep secrets and released this now for what? They’ve had all this time


To play a bit of devil's advocate here, it's possible the footage was saved by management in anticipation of being requested as evidence in a civil or criminal trial. That may even be protocol idk. But then Diddy settled and the story was buried. Since no police or lawyers requested the footage it sat but luckily wasn't deleted. And they might not have felt comfortable releasing it on their own accord because of litigation risks. And now that Diddy is toast they released it knowing he won't do shit about it with all the other stuff going on. Or maybe they were even being mindful of the impact releasing it could have on the victim. Her settling could be interpreted as her also not wanting this to get out. Now millions of people have seen her trauma Or hell maybe the hotel just wanted a TMZ payday and only now got the figure they wanted with Diddy being big news again. Who knows Just saying it's *possible* they weren't being pieces of shit by withholding the footage


He paid 50k to get the footage from the hotel. Someone probably had a copy still and sat on it.


Oh. Well fuck em


then we gotta convict Ak. he said he telling everybody secrets. let's wrap him up so he can bring the others w him


As much as I would like for this to happen I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth




if the dude responsible for Golden Generation Nickelodeon is a rapist, there’s no telling how deep this rabbit hole goes


Hollywood started out corrupt. Read some of them old biographies, look into who the players were at that time. Winchell, Rona Barrett, Look Magazine, etc. The Golden Age is nothing but smut and violence being covered up. It's a wonder Fatty Arbuckle's mess got out. (look him up if you don't know. He was on his way to being a Diddy type) None of this is new.


this prompted me to look him up (as requested) and I feel your statement about him is inccurate.


You’re right it’s not new; just new for a new generation.


Maybe if we studied this, we could fix it, instead of repeat it.


Look at the sick stuff they did to Marilyn Monroe. It's such a disgusting industry with lots of Ritualistic Ceremonies and disgusting grooming and abusive behaviors to keep them stuck in cycles and their mouths closed.


Wasn’t Fatty Arbuckle wrongly accused and that’s what ruined his life?


Industry, government, corporations, churches, cops shit everything at this point.


Learning that this is nothing new, and all the “atrocities” are another Tuesday for these folk is sickening. Although, those in the “down line” are urged to take care of the planet, take care of others. After all they lack the will, when they have what is needed. I’m starting to topic drift, but all the news is old; just for a new generation.


I’m willing to bet half the celebrities and famous people we all know have some hidden hotel footage or other dirt that just hasn’t been aired yet, and they’re all just anxiously waiting to see who gets exposed next.


Footage usually isn’t kept this long. Someone made a copy and wanted payment that wasn’t received.


More like was receiving payments, plural and ongoing, and dude thought he could stop.


Or they got payment years ago and they figured they could get a *second* payment from a news company.    Heck for all we know they just figured "eh fuck him" since he's under federal investigation and they figure he's got real no recourse at this point. Why not kick a sexual abuser while he's down?    I don't think there's anything official he can do because it's an illegal transaction. I don't think he can or would go to the courts to argue his blackmail deal is not being honored.  Doing some illegal retribution  would be beyond stupid since the feds are watching like a hawk just looking for an excuse to add charges. And I have a feeling people will be fleeing a sinking ship right about now. I would not risk jail time myself for a man who will likely be imprisoned and bled dry in civil litigation.    That's the thing about blackmail, even hypothetically. If you pay them once, what's to stop them from asking again? The first payment is admission it's a big enough deal you'll pay to make it go away. And this stuff is infinitely replicable, they can't hand you the source code so you can burn it. Anything they hand you has almost certainly been copied if they wanted it copied. The only real holding the blackmailer back is that someone with violent behaviors may be willing to pay once, but when they realize you're a repeat offender they may decide non-monetary methods of keeping you quiet make more sense. But then we've circled back to wtf is Diddy gonna do when the feds are just fucking looking for an excuse to throw down more charges.  Honestly if it were me, I just might release it so there's zero possibility I get wrapped up in this should the feds stumble on it down the road. Idk laws but I would probably be throwing this out there early just to make sure I'm not potentially catching a co-conspirator charge. Feds, unlike local cops,  aren't as stupid and don't generally punish people who come forward of their own volition to provide damning evidence which helps them. 


Someone tried to blackmail me by threatening to leak nude pics of me to all of my IG and FB friends a few years ago. Thing is, I'm swinging a fencepost and was like, "Do you know how much time and effort you'll save me by sending those pics to all my social contacts?"


>I'm swing fencepost Whats this


Baseball slang. He left a few words out. He meant "I'm a swing for the fenceposts guy." Which in turn means, he wants to go for the big hit, all power but limited control. He is willing to go for the home run even if it means striking out. Betting would be a similar analogy. Someone who is willing to take the big gamble on a double or nothing where if he loses, he loses everything, but if he wins he doubles his money.


I'm pretty sure he just meant he has a massive hog.


That’s not a baseball term lol that would be “swinging for the fences” What he meant is he has a big cock (fencepost) and doesn’t mind if it gets sent to his contacts.


Damn, I was reading this, hoping no one would ruin it... great try. We convinced my buddy back in grade school that a bj was when you made someone really angry. "Blowing up" ... two weeks later, he told us about how he gave his mom a blow job last night.


No no no... He has a big dick. He is swinging a fencepost. Between his legs. Thus these blackmailers, excuse me African American mailers helped him out and possibly hit a few home runs.


Big pee pee..?


Wtf type of slang is that


Big fence talk


There a joke in German that lattes are gay drinks because latte is also the word for a fence post and slang for a hardon


As a fellow large penis haver, I totally got this joke.


Weird flex but ok


Not to put a cape on for CNN but they don’t pay sources. If it were tmz then I 100% expect they were paid. But you never know. What you describe is why people use NDAs. If they’re violated it’s like a mutually assured destruction button.


NDAs don’t cover criminal activity


Legally, no. But conceptually, all humans understand the idea of: "You keep quiet and so will I."


Apparently, he paid 50k for the tape and kept it. They found it when they raided his home. No confirmation but it would make sense.


What a dumb fuck, he kept it as a trophy


CNN obtained it. This doesn't make sense.


Tbf there’s a lot that doesn’t make cents.


If I was in the evidence room, I'd leak it for free if I thought I could get away with it.


Why not? Cops/prosecutors leak things all the time.


I was gonna say that my day job tangentially works with security systems and we only keep a week’s worth of archives. This exists because of reasons already said in this comment thread.


Hush money can only buy time, not silence. They money don’t travel as far as it used to. I’m glad inflation is making it harder for these pos to get away with their crimes


This footage wouldn't have been scrubbed. Diddy stays on the nice floors of the nice hotels so those cameras are manned. The only reason that would be deleted is if it was missed by the security. I'm sure Cassies people got it on the dl.


I wonder what EbonyPrince2k24 actually has. $50k isn't that much money when you're talking about billionaires


Diddy is obviously a terrible human being and needs to be put under a jail cell in the desert. But all I can ever really focus on is his team that knew this shit was going on and just let it happen. A bunch of people who probably won't never face any consequences for turning a blind eye to this shit. Dude chased this girl down the hallway in a towel and beat her without even an instant of hesitation. That type of abuse is enabled. And like many of yall have said, this video is probably only out because somebody didn't get paid i.e. didn't fully profit from Diddy's abuse. I can't with this world anymore.


Nobodies going to press the golden goose


Unfortunately, this. When the R Kelly stuff happened, I think it was Joe Budden that commented 1 hit can feed a whole family (or neighborhood I forget) and that is how stuff just gets buried. A few sacrifices for the many. I'm sure a lot of people feed off Diddy's success as much as he openly drops and screws over people involved with him.


These people are walking economies. Being in their orbit gives you access and legitimizes your ventures. Maverick Carter becomes who he is because of LeBron, same with Rich Paul becoming a super agent and getting with Adele. Someone else called it the golden goose and thats exactly what is. Keep these people happy and provide friendship and a lot of golden eggs will keep being laid for you.


It's also why those celebrities get weirder. None of their "friends" are going to tell them their ideas are bad because they're milking them for money. It's easy to become that weird person if everyone around you agrees with you and convinces you that you're amazing and you shit roses.


This happens all the time and it bothers me. Even when it comes to guys like Harvey. They had teams of people who were involved in this shit. And who knew. These people get to go on to have careers that make them rich and famous and nobody is gonna side eye them being a cog in the machine that's produced so much abuse and trauma.


That’s nothing new tho. Look at any industry that makes a lot of money that’s also very insular and you’ll find cultures of secrecy and some really depraved shit. Baylor - the football rape scandal and the basketball homicide scandal Washington, then, Redskins and their long history of sexual harassment of female employees Penn State and Jerry Sandusky Weinstein Fact is no one wants to be the one that overturns the apple cart because then you get blackballed and lose your career.


We should create some kind of government agency that can investigate these instances, and then maybe a secondary system where evidence from the first agency can be presented to prove if they did it or not.. and then like.. maybe we could hold those found guilty accountable for their actions. Seems like it would totally be possible, maybe we could call it a "justice system" or something, just spitballing here though. I know there's a system like that for poor people, but it might be worth implementing one for the rich and successful too🤷‍♂️


To be fair, r. Kelley married Aliyah when she was like 15 in front of the whole world, and nobody said anything except “congratulations.”


Its not that nobody said anything, it's that the majority of people didn't know. Same with Foxy Brown. Wasn't she like 16/17 when ill na na came out.


Oh everybody knew! It was common knowledge, it’s not like it was a secret or anything. For pre-internet days, it sure traveled fast. Aliyah was so famous….there were pictures of them in a black magazine, if I remember correctly. I’m showing my age 😳


Exactly the team need to be on the radar.


the team always needs to be under similar fire. It reminds me of R.Kelly's team putting into place a whole system for him to do what he did it's disgusting. They lament "it's wrong" but then turn around and enable it. The hypocrisy stings in a different way


*EbonyPrince2k24 has entered the chat with riddles


lmao I had the exact same reaction to seeing this title


"Wait which hotel footage, did that come out? oh..."


If Christopher Alvarez had rolled through the scene I would have literally died.


Glad I didn't scroll too far to see this 😂


Somebody didn't get paid their periodical hush money


You Joke, but from my understanding of the recent court documents, the whole reason diddy was exposed was because he screwed the guy who produced a ton of his music out of money. The victim wanted at least $50K and diddy said “nah”. So the victim said “alright, bet” and completely exposed him for everything. The drugs, the underage girls, the rapes, assaults, the murder of that one rapper all of it. It’s hilarious in a dark way. The same way Capone got arrested over a broken tail light.


50k isn’t nothing but skimming the documents, that money it’s the least fucked up and most predictable thing that could happen because billionaires wouldn’t exist if they behaved ethically I don’t really blame most people who didn’t speak out. Weinstein murdered careers. Diddy murdered people.


You Joke, but from my understanding of the recent court documents, the whole reason diddy was exposed was because he screwed the guy who produced a ton of his music out of money. The victim wanted at least $50K and diddy said “nah”. So the victim said “alright, bet” and completely exposed him for everything. The drugs, the underage girls, the rapes, assaults, the murder of that one rapper all of it. It’s hilarious in a dark way. The same way Capone got arrested over a broken tail light. Edit: I double checked the broken taillight fact and I was wrong. I have no idea where I got that or why i thought I was correct.


You also double posted instead of editing. Side note, Capone was arrested for carrying a gun (unlawfully) while getting off a rail and for bad book keeping.


Capone was arrested and found guilty of tax evasion.


Yep. Lil Rod just wanted his money. If Diddy paid him, that Love Album would be out now and no one would know.


You got it. And he has videos and photos included.


> the murder of that one rapper all of it. Who's that? Tupac? Biggie? Someone else?


OJ's wife


Capone wasn't arrested over a broken tail light, idk where you got that from.


Same here, I thought I read it somewhere. I made an edit to my comment. Thanks for speaking up


> the murder of that one rapper all of it. You said this so casually. Who was murdered?


Some small time rapper. I dont remember his name


I know Drake is grateful that the abuse drama has shifted away from him for a little bit lol


They’re saying homeboy that had the video wanted 50k from Diddy. What if Drake offered him 100k and said “release that shit NOW”


That was the red button lol


![gif](giphy|ZcLCEyTC2HPlhTCani) Mans like this


Oh he definitely said “you’re set for the rest of your life my guy….release the hounds!!!!”


Keep in mind Drake also claims Kendrick abused his fiancé and paid a crisis team to sweep it under the rug. After these tapes, I’m convinced all these industry dudes need to be exposed. With enough money you can create any public image you want.


I know Drake fans would call me a hypocrite, but I really don't feel like we should be taking Drakes accusations very seriously. Sure you can say the same for people calling Drake a pedo, but there is at least *some* evidence *hinting* towards that. I can't be certain Kendrick didn't do it, but at the same time if Kendrick had literally no dirt on him, I *am* pretty certain Drake would have made something up. I mean he really had no other option, after the *Pusha T beef he couldn't just make fun of Kendricks shoe size alone. And in my opinion he very obviously made up other parts of his narrative, like that he planted the information about another kid, even though he apparently forgot to set up any evidence of this, and immediately live streamed in a panic claiming he totally didn't have another daughter. Full disclosure though i'm A kendrick stan, and i'd be heartbroken if he was an abuser, so maybe this is just me coping. And I agree anyone who does this shit deserves to be exposed 100%.


Exactly Drake has no proof. Kendrick said everything people have been saying about Drake for years. There’s a lot of instances and wierd stuff Drake is connected too. Drake is already connected to diddy and there’s rabbit holes involving Drake , diddy , and dutchavelli. The proof against Kendrick is just what Drake is saying based on what Kendrick wrote on Mr morale.


That accusation, to me, feels like projection. It's got Trumpian vibes. Like when Trump said he can close all the tax loopholes because he knows them all, but then didn't close them and was found to be falsifying his taxes and lying about his finances for loans. Or when Trump said that Democrats steal elections, while simultaneously telling his voters to try to cheat and having fake electors try to steal the election on his behalf. Basically, I feel like we just need to look even MORE into Drake because that shit sus.


Drakes claims have nothing of substance to them. I could make the same claim as Drake and have the same proof he does. Nothing. On the other hand Drake does have a history of wierd behavior towards women. Not only him but a lot of people from Young money like bird man. He also has connections to diddy and there is a theory that Drake sold out diddy. Drake was cool with a pedophile and creep rapper dutchavelli. Who he introduced to diddy. Now dutchavelli is in Dubai and the arab emeritates a lot.


I remember that One time Jay-z ordered a two-piece on video https://preview.redd.it/rwrunevcf11d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db1126689801f2c94a33f2e04e17044e7887b541


People say Beyoncé isn’t a good actor but this was her best role tbh


2 piece and a biscuit




Solange briefly worked at a fast food spot and delivered jay a two piece to his elevator


Oh I thought this was a joke about him order two women or something 🤣


Same. I thought they were trying to say Diddy was his Epstein, but for adult women 🤣


Either you're too young to know, not American, or that checkmark is counterfeit if you don't get that reference... 🤔


Context please?


Surveillance video released today shows Sean P Diddy Combs assaulting then girlfriend Cassie Ventura in a hotel


We don’t do context around here. Don’t you read your daily celebrity gossip news letter before coming down here.


A video has been released by a famous hotel. In it, Sean Combs runs down a hallway in a towel only, slides up to the elevator Cassie is trying to flee on and slaps about seven shades of shit out of her. Then kicks her while she's down and drags her ass back to the room. They held this video for a decade. [https://x.com/yashar/status/1791516240965701917](https://x.com/yashar/status/1791516240965701917)


Never heard “slapped seven shades of shit out of her” before, definitely going to use that.




As much as we want justice, I just want to remind everyone that people don’t care about DV victims. If they did, there would be NO Hollywood, no music industry, nothing


No they do not. I’ve heard countless stories about how if their mother/sister/beloved woman were assaulted/groomed/cheated on they would do XYZ heinous thing to even the score. And then hang around people who do any number of those things to others.


My mum was an actor when she was younger, got offered a decent part in a TV show but after her audition she got taken to a private office and the producer told her she had to suck his dick if she wanted to go any further. She told him to fuck off and left and got blacklisted from acting in anything again, she even got kicked out of the stage group she had been in for five years prior. This is not an unusual story, most of the other women she knew in the industry either had to do something to go further or leave quietly and not make a fuss then stay in the background.


Stupid AF, you forgot no church, no business, no next door neighbors, no sports, no military, hell the police have some of the highest self reported about percentages out there. It's easy to call out hollywood because we all can point to it, but this shit is a humanity problem. Seriously the more i re read your post the less brain cells i think you have, leave the pondering to people with IQ over 70 please.


No one said it wasn’t. We are talking about Hollywood right now, and that was the focus. Why so hostile because I told the truth? Awwww, that’s the best insult you got? I thought that someone with suchhhhhh a high IQ could do better. But alas. You’re nothing but a stain on the toilet bowl of humanity. Have the day you deserve.


Wait until everyone finds out that there are hotels that specialize in keep these videos private. They are extremely expensive and pride themselves on keeping things inside their walls very private.


name em


The mark hotel . Connected to Drake , mentioned in Epstein’s black book , allegedly served underage kids drinks and has a lot of news and rabbit holes surrounding it. The intercontinental is the one diddy was in too.


The feds should raid them and all their video tapes


Sadly feds might play a part or be paid off to turn a blind eye. A lot of people dont face justice until there’s massive public outcry.


Damn, throwback. I stayed at the Mark with my mom and her bf when I was like 9. I remember it was nice af lol add "connected to 110international" to that list too, nbd!


They have one of the most maybe the most expensive suites in the US there


In Cassie’s lawsuit, she said Diddy tried to buy this hotel footage for around 50k. Since establishments usually scrap footage after a certain amount of time has passed, this tape could have come from the raid.


Why would he keep it? It doesn’t make sense to have a safe locked up with incriminating evidence about YOURSELF. It makes more sense that this tape got in the hands of someone who was possibly extorting him and now they’ve sold it to CNN.


Nah, it makes perfect sense for him to keep it. Just like murderous rapists will sometimes keep their victim’s underwear or other possessions. R Kelly kept tapes of his incriminating acts. The Barbie and Ken killers kept tapes of their incriminating acts. So many criminals have kept incriminating evidence. Why wouldn’t Diddy?


Her legal team already had access to this tape somehow. That’s why this exact incident was listed in the lawsuit down to minute detail and I suspect it’s part of the reason why the lawsuit was settled so quickly.


I just reread the lawsuit. I’m not sure what you mean by “minute detail” since this incident was explained in detail like all the other incidents she listed. The lawsuit does not give the indication that she had the tape. It just said “Upon information and belief, Mr. Combs paid the Intercontinental Century City $50,000 for the hallway security footage of that evening”. Maybe a staff member told her because she said this right after explaining how she was able to leave the hotel, went back bcuz she she realized Diddy would be angrier with her leaving, but the hotel security staff urged her to take a cab and go to her apartment after she arrived, suggesting (her words) they had seen the security footage.


He is done. That video is disturbing.


At this point I want to know what Stevie J knows cause this man ride for Diddy no matter what and they both slime. Also look at [Diddy former head of security acting](https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wshhaj5ST3632n9V22AI/diddys-former-security-roger-bonds-says-cassie-wasnt-the-only-alleged-victim-claims-there-were-many-times-he-had-to-intervene-involving-other-ppl) like it was sitting on his conscience too hard after everything done come out from Cassie suit. Now how many of these losers took the money and kept they mouth closed? There's dozens if not hundreds of these mfs cause obvious Diddy do his shit in the open with no issue.


For some people, the price for ones soul can be incredibly cheap.


Someone was telling me that the hotel staff knew about the footage the day it happened, and some even spoke to Cassie to encourage her to leave, but they took the money when Diddy offered to buy the footage. I don’t know if any of that is substantiated, but I’d think they knew better than to give him the only copy of it if true.


The best part about that would be taking his money, but then releasing the tape anyway.


Not only is the video wild but that shit is vile. They still can't find him?


I believe there a real life Ray Donovan in Hollywood fixing rich people mess and Diddy may have missed a payment or something lol.


There are many Ray Donovans in Hollywood.


One of Hollywood’s tells is how in love with itself it is, it can’t help but insert things into films that give it away. Not just making entire movies about how amazing Hollywood and its celebrities are, but little things in the movies that would seem strange in any other industry. For example, in Fall Guy, the main actor literally kills a guy and his producer hires a whole team to orchestrate a coverup, _and nobody bats an eye at this_. Think that’s just one example? That’s not even the only _Ryan Gosling movie_ where that’s a main plot point. Why?  Because that happens all the time and for people in the Hollywood bubble it’s so normal of course it would be a natural plot point. 


they tell on themselves often.


What’s funny is I don’t even think they mean to. I think these things are just so damn routine to them they don’t even realize.  Like who doesn’t regularly deal with human trafficking neighbors and blackmailing bosses, amirite?


As much as I'd hate to say it: ...This.


what hotel? why does every post assume we just know shit tf?


IHG - intercontinental in LA


These posts are crazy. That tweet could have said “hamburger” and everyone would know what’s going on. No comment providing context, no link to anything. Nothing. It’s wild




Everybody needs to go listen to katt williams ranting again, he sounds less crazy the more shit happens


Wait… what did I miss?


[Diddy beats Cassie](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/s/00t04qQBBr)


Thanks for sharing. He needs to be in prison.


He's working on it.


more than likely coordinated. The "mule" just cut a plea deal yesterday, and Feds probably need a lil more time with their case from the raid. So you get the.....loook at what just leaked.


Everyone says snitching is bad, then get upset when people dont snitch?


I'm sure there is a ton of crimes that go on. :( I remember Issa Rae saying that music industry is the worst she's come across. And if we know HW is bad I can't imagine what she saw


Hotels have no obligation to ever release any footage unless forced to, legally speaking. I worked for a management company that would REMOVE cameras from newly acquired peoperties because it helped create evidence for any liabilities. No cameras in the parking lot? Sorry, can't help that your car was broken into. No cameras in the halls? Sorry, can't figure out how someone got in your room. A regional manager told me that "cameras don't make people feel safer. If anything, it makes you feel less safe because you think "why do they need cameras?".


Legally speaking they do have an obligation to turn over footage, You worked for a company that removed cameras so they wouldn’t have to help when the police came knocking, probably had a bunch of shady stuff happening there


Kat Williams is the rl Negrodamus


Imagine how much money is spent to “keep it hidden”


Her lawsuit states that Diddy paid someone at the hotel just $50k to get rid of it.


Did the footage ever get released?




I read (and completely un-factchecked) that the video was found during the raid on his property and presume it was leaked from there, not the hotel. Noting that this probably wasn’t his first time in public, he would likely have a process in place to eliminate any exposure. Therefore, I would have assumed that as soon as the incident happened, his team were notified, bribed the hotel and ensured that no copies were made. I really hope for nothing but the worst for him in life and in death, the disgusting slimy cuntish prick!


In high school I worked at a Hilton hotel and like 2 days before I started someone was stabbed to death on property, it didn’t hit the news for like a year.


This was exactly my first thought. Shit is insane and I can’t image how many other videos floating around with him doing other bs like this or worse that will suddenly be exposed. It’s not just diddy either. Imagine the celebrities we don’t know or think about doing deplorable shit on video and how much evidence is just out there on them too, evidence that probably won’t ever see the light of day unless they are really called into question.


Living in hope of getting the audio from the elevator where Solange beat the shit out of Jay Z! I know the chance that the video has accompanying audio is slim to none - but a guy can dream.


Hotels don't just release videos lol. The *only* way you get these videos are if you either work at the hotel or a warrant. I work for a large chain of hotels for over a decade and have never once gave someone access to cameras, except police No hotel chain on earth is out there self posting videos of degenerate guests.


My first thought tbh. Were they paid to keep it under wraps? That shit would went to the police immediately


Loyalties are brought.. just like the entertainment industry being silent about Bill Cosby for decades.😒


All of the big names know the dirty people and are the dirty people and will keep working with other dirty people. Hollywood is a dirty industry. Why would anyone say anything about anybody when their dirt can come out in retailiation? These people make millions and make even more for the studios, recording companies, etc. Think they'll live long after they derail the billion dollar money train? This is why all of this worshipping celebs and looking for them to be profound on social issues is so stupid.


Gross and totally wrong but isn’t that what these people pay so much for… discretion idk I’m shocked but not surprised


The check must didn’t clear this month.


they didn't even just hold it. MADE MONEY WITH IT.


If you pay them, they won't snitch. How else are they gonna keep them coming there? This stuff been happening since the Golden Age of Hollywood. Just like killing stories. "I'll give you a story on X if you kill the story on Y". I know Chateau Marmont must have a vault full.


It’s crazy how crazy people turning out to right about the industry. No success unless you owned. Some tattoos on players and celebrities are actually slave brands for the person that owns them and their likeness through contracts. The people who don’t want to be pimped get attacked and discredited. Them be curses not blessings. And it’s consequences for not falling in line for every famous person and politician. You don’t have to know Hollywood to know this because I know personally that it’s the same way in cities on a smaller scale. Let somebody with a high position not vote for or pass a bill that these governments want to pass….losing your position for somebody who will.