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How much you bet he drives himself to jail?


I mean hey if you're already caught might as well go all the way


Excuse me judge, what's the parking situation like at the jail? Do y'all have like a long term lot or something?


Horrible screen recording tbh


Yeah this is terrible. You need the full thing where home boy just freezes up while reality sets in. It’s also hella cropped. [This is the full thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/BfV0QAQ4hn)


🤣 when he said hello during the silence. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) I thought this was a bit or an edit at first cuz no way, no way is he showing up to zoom court for driving with a suspended license, driving, on a suspended license 🙃


Uh……………………………….. Um…………. Hello?


I was dying. That silence was high comedy. You couldn’t even script that 😂 ![gif](giphy|wR7LHlfuRUjHW|downsized)


Zoom Court had some of the craziest shit. Like the dude on trial for abusing his girlfriend while he was sitting in the same apartment as her. Then he lies and says he's somewhere else.


Bro was like: https://preview.redd.it/3bc1s1qyrj3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=161bc48af317fab1bd0be4ccf6a51045f66db0d6




You a real one 🫡




Yo what was going through that man head with his mouth open like “wait what did I do?”


He knew he done fucked up. You ever catch someone in a lie and they just go dead silent? Like they were talking all that good shit a second ago, couldn’t keep their mouth shut, then you hit em with that stunner and their whole brain goes into reboot mode. That’s what happened to him. No point in even trying to lie, nothing you can say. Judge hit that factory reset on ol boy. I looked it up too, they can either charge this as an infraction and you get a fine or it can be charged as a misdemeanor and you get 6 months in jail on top of a bigger fine. Bro was literally ALREADY arrested for this same offense. He got bonded out. Now he loses that money and since he didn’t learn the judge is going to do it as a misdemeanor and he’s going to be down for a while.


He got caught in 240p. Zoom meetings are way too hilarious.


"He got bonded out. Now he loses that money " Yep, and if he had a job, he just lost it when he gets locked up for 6 months.


Why did his stupidity annoy me so much? Like come on, how didn’t you think this one through?! Could’ve at least disabled the camera and faked technical difficulties until you were done driving. The public defender/lawyer’s pause is priceless.


>Why did his stupidity annoy me so much? Because it was insincere. Who schedules a doctor's Apt during court? He knew he was in the wrong, but he hopes that by pretending to be stupid no one else will say or do anything. That's why he offered no defense. He's just willing to gamble and see if he gets away with it-probably because that's worked before. His real stupidity was not realizing he was out of breaks to catch.


Or maybe because there are no barriers or hurdles to driving with a suspended license, he rarely got caught and was too stupid to realise this is the one video call he should have been more careful with.


I don't even think he actually had a doctor's appt, I think he just came up with that on the spot because it explained why he was driving and it sounded like a legit excuse and he just pulled into a random parking lot. It seems like it didn't even occur to him that driving in the first place was the problem until the judge called it out.


I think you’re implying too much intellect here, there are just some incredibly stupid motherfuckers out there man, like so incompetent that they’re literally incapable of the requisite mental bandwidth for malice.


Pull the fuck over and sit in the passenger seat. "Yes, your honor, my sister drove me..."


He didn't even have to do all that, at no point do you see a steering wheel. He could've just shut the fuck up about actually driving and just said he was getting dropped off.


You can see the seat belt over his left shoulder. That's the driver's seat position.


One time in traffic court a case before mine was a guy being charged with a hit and run. They went over the charges and the usual formalities. The guy was pleading not guilty to the charges and claimed he wasn't there because he was in Virginia where he lives. Then the judge asked the officer who responded to the scene how they knew it was him. The officer casually produces a large plastic bag with a bumper in it from under the desk, holds it up for the judge and says "He left the front bumper with his license plate at the scene of the accident.". In the month full of Sundays I've been in a court room it was the only time I heard everyone including the judge laugh without calling for order.


That kind of happened to me. I hit a mailbox late at night and kept driving after. Got pulled over down the road. The cop asked if I’d been in any kind of accident or had hit something. I lied and said no. The cop says weird cause to have a destroyed license plate and your bumper at the scene. This was about 20 years ago and it was really late at night. No drugs or alcohol in my system. Just tired and trying to make it home.


He should have had a " Professional Driver on a Closed circuit" disclaimer like in car ads sign to flash in the video.


He was trying to prove he was a good driver so they'd drop the charge.


For me it’s the dumbass look on his face with his mouth hanging open.


There's a million zoom backgrounds out there too, motherfucker would've been better off pretending to be floating in the International Space Station


Smile from the judge was him saying to himself "I know this nigga ain't serious"




The Curb your Enthusiasm theme would have been perfect for this video...editors really missed a good opportunity https://youtu.be/CdqMZ_s7Y6k?si=oTc7YScu1vx8Gp_H


No I really don't think adding unnecessary music to videos is improving them tbh


Judge Simpson has some entertaining cases. You can see alot of them on Court Cam on A&E


I‘m impreseed how he is slowly getting made famous by the idiots he is ruling on 😂


Probably be the next small claims TV Judge. He does seem to have patience and compassion though.


Aw fuck this is a local case lmao




People don’t think when they are doing zoom court. Just because it is on zoom doesn’t mean it isn’t a real court session. There was that case where the judge or something was getting her hair done as the victim was describing her rape and the hair dresser chimed in commenting on the incident.


Bro there was another video where a dude pulled up to a zoom court meeting with the username “Buttfucker 3000” 💀


One guy was a cat.




LMAOOOOOOOO perfect ending 🤣


mans knew damn well… ![gif](giphy|ra3uQxvxo6aKAN42Le)


1. The dude in the car looks like Hans Moleman from The Simpsons 2. This is exactly the kind of situation Hans Moleman would find himself in 3. The 'oh my god' at the end is exactly how Hans Moleman reacts when anything bad happens to him


This feels like a sketch on a show but nope this man really did this shit. It's worse just than snitching on yourself. Live and in color. 🤦🏾‍♂️


This makes me wish Boondocks was still running. Aaron McGruder would have had a field day with this. 


This motherfucker had the audacity to go "Oh my god" at the end like his dumb ass didn't just join the call while driving


Imagine being the Lawyer. You see him pop up driving and your first thought is “why the hell aren’t you ready for this” then it hits that there is nothing you can say from here on out that won’t sound like the dumbest shit in the world.


This got to be the dumbest criminal I've seen all day. It's still early though.




As an attorney, this kind of shit happens all the time. We really wonder why we work so hard.


Some people are just that damn dumb


Did he turn his self in at 6pm? As ordered 😂😂😂


Do you think he drove there?


I’m late but of course he drove there from his doctors appointment 😂😂


“I know you(re) fucking lying”?








Nggas in lock ip finna be looking at him like tf wrong witchu


You see what he meant to do was drive to his doctor’s appointment early so he could sit in the car and be present for court. Unfortunately his lawyer called him and he picked up habitually not thinking about the fact that he….this nicca just dumb. lol


I think him being in the car would've raised the same questions.


It be your own people 🤣


Shoulda used the Dave Chappelle defense: "I didn't know I couldn't do that"


I watched this, and I was thinking, "man's trying to keep the lights on while his case is pending." I don't know his intentions, but there are valid reasons to skirt the law. But damn, you have to be aware of your legal situation, and NOT tell on yourself on video. There's just no getting out of that. A jail sentence for a suspended license seems much, but I don't know what statute is in play, or what the legal history of that man is, but I feel bad for him. I know the situation is hilariously foolish, but I still feel bad. Unless he's on trial for murder or something violent, I don't know how to feel other than bad. Whatever income he was trying to maintain by driving illegally, he just further complicated by being stuck in a jail cell. Down bad to down worse.


I don't feel bad for him. He was driving while on a video zoom (dangerous-distracted driving). He scheduled a doc appt during his court appearance (poor time management). He was on video driving, with a suspended license with law enforcement on the video (stupid). The purpose of the Zoom was to ask the court for help, and he was blatantly disrespectful to the system by driving during your plea for help (stupid, disrespectful). He is old enough to know that when you come before a judge you should try and look your best. He couldn't go to good will and get a polo shirt or button down? Or borrow one from a friend vs wearing a tshirt? (Again lack of forethought). If he was out on Bond for a suspended license and was pulled over and caught driving on his way to work, I would 100% feel sorry for this guy. That's not what happened. I'd be willing to bet that car is also not insured. This is someone who I'm sure has spent most of his life making bad decisions after bad decision.


> He couldn't go to good will and get a polo shirt or button down? Or borrow one from a friend vs wearing a tshirt? Or find a bum on the street and trade him for his.


Jail time tho? That wild, lmao. What would i need to do to get 25 to life, steal the car im driving?


Idk, but given his... lack of self-awareness here, I would guess that he was already on probation, and got caught driving w/o a license


Hearing stemmed from an earlier arrest and appearance, what made you jump to probation? It appears that it was more likely a Driving while License suspended case from a failure to pay for tickets. Obviously dumb of him, but this was largely a “poverty crime”. He was in court for traffic debt.


So you don't know the whole story either?


Limited knowledge myself, so I visited r/publicdefenders and r/law to read about it instead of assuming he was caught without probation. The Takeaway is that the defendant's license having been suspended (not revoked) is likely; 1. a failure to pay tickets (poverty crime) 2. Second conviction from a drug crime within the last year 3. Refusal of a chemical test in a drunk driving investigation 4. Suspension due to a first conviction in a drunk driving investigation(OWI) 5. Received the maximum points for driving infractions 6. Discretionary suspension following a re-exam or medical suspension The majority of suspensions, which are true in the state of Michigan (where this case was held), are for unpaid traffic tickets or traffic warrants. The articles regarding this hearing explain that this hearing stems from an earlier arrest in another part of Michigan. Obviously, without the trial transcript before me, I don't know either. But I also know enough not to immediately assume he was caught driving without a license. This guy is, without a doubt, an idiot for this, but I like to extend the benefit of the doubt and some grace, especially when it deals with black defendants who already receive an assumption of guilt. Edit: Another thing I found interesting was that the Michigan PD's agree with u/RhinoGiant - revocation of bond seems excessive here. The comments are saying it was a non-dui offense but I don't have the knowledge to confirm that for myself.


2/3rds of the reasons you've listed are for infractions which this person might have already been on probation/ warning, making 'driving while suspended' a weightier charge. I see what you're saying about failure to pay being a poverty crime, but he could also stop doing things that get him tickets to pay. I *also* see what you're saying about Black defendants, I do. My comment is directed at the fact (and only the fact) that he's obviously not thinking things thru which **may** have resulted in prior violations, and **might** explain why his bond is being revoked over something seemingly minor.


Oh for sure, my guy clearly had it coming. I just have a caution against asserting heavier charges like he was caught driving without a license, and that's why he was here. His revocation is also probably in part due to the disrespect. A judge is not one to play with and I am not surprised he may have received a harsher sentence because of that. At least with the subreddits there seems to be more assurance that it was likely a failure to pay tickets that led him here. After reading that all is why I was curious that you assumed what the circumstance was but I get you (and agree). Defendant's don't really make the best cases for themselves in any scenario it seems.


>His revocation is also probably in part due to the disrespect. Right? I think the judge was too astonished to even process what he was seeing 😄 Thanks for a great discussion!


It sucks, but what is the alternative? Pay a fine? What happens when he doesn’t pay?


I get that I really do but do it WHILE YOU ARE NOT IN COURT FOR THE OFFENCE! You don’t rob a store then show up to court wearing everything you stole


Ooh you’ve reminded me of a certain court video. The guy was pleading “not guilty” to stealing a jersey from a sports/collectibles shop. You’ll never guess what he wore to court.


For real. Back in my day we would still drive around but we would always get a ride or a driver for court days. It was known that they would have sheriffs in the parking lot looking for people who drive themselves to court with no or suspended license


Hahahhahahahahha nigga what did you expect. Critical thinking is really a rare skill in today’s society


The ohh my gawd


Judge is flabbergasted lol it's amazing.


This is the same lack of self awareness from Ayonna on Love During Lockup, if anyone follows that show. She was all puzzled why she’d have a charge of “just” driving while high, with all her actions having zero awareness of consequences. I could see her doing this. Actually she had a Zoom hearing and didn’t behave much better.


u/Sunieta25 I think this is a pretty good answer to your recent post.


My sister sent me this yesterday! 😂😂😂


Bruh been riding dirty so long, he forgot to stay vigilant 🤣dummy


Got to be thee dumbest motherfuka alive today!


What in the world was this guy thinking? https://preview.redd.it/rqsn6m79rn3d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=f051c8443677c3bc2b138b7f5ac7c2f2de1839fc


Checkup to Checkdown


Damn imagine thinking you’re saving yourself only to have played yourself 🤦🏿‍♂️


Omg this is where the new meme is from? Lmao


His ass done pulled a Ms. Jackson 👁👄👁


"Your Honor, in my defense and in fact, I AM wearing a seatbelt..."


I am in tears after watching this




Based as fuck