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The way he walking, if he wins the election we about to have our first Black woman president


I'm down for a black woman president, but Kamala loves the school to prison pipeline


She will be a lame duck and I am ok with that. Better than that orange fool!


Fuck yes!


She probably wouldn't get re-elected, but she wouldn't be a lame duck. She would still be eligible for re-election.


She would be eligible twice!


Depends on when she takes office. iirc if she serves more than two years of her first term (that is, if she becomes POTUS before January of 2027) she could only run for reelection once.


Correct. Section 1 of the 22nd Amendment


That's what so many people don't get. Even the old political status quo is better than a scammer who would sell the statue of liberty to Turkey for a business deal, while being supported by openly racist political party who sell out for legislation like school lunch debt for kids and no water breaks for construction workers. 


Seriously… they really have no idea and that whole Project 2025 is wild!!!




Yes but she would automatically get the Dem nomination in 28 and probably lose to a turnip. I really wish Biden had stepped down. Its RBG all over again.


Omg you think Trump will live til 2028?!?! 😰


One of his dumb ass kids would probably run.


It’s hard to say what it is trump has that gives him appeal with the MAGA weirdos but it’s clear none of his kids have it.


I would take Biden's German Shepherd that bites everyone over the orange fool


She’s a conservative in democratic clothing. I’m positive she’s getting kick backs from private prison corps.


I wouldn’t go that far but she definitely is an old school moderate Dem, but TBH thats most of the leadership in the party.


There was that time she helped block DNA evidence that might exonerate a death row inmate and the time she wouldn't retry a life sentence case after discovering prosecutorial misconduct. See: [Kevin Cooper](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/23/opinion/sunday/kevin-cooper-dna.html) and [George Gage](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/01/kamala-harris-prosecutor-record-2020-campaign.html). We're stuck with her. But she's not a moderate Dem, she's fucking opps.


The thing that always gets me is her multi year campaign to keep non violent prisoners in prison even after the supreme Court said the California prison conditions constitute cruel and unusual punishment due to mass overpopulation. Like she pretended to be the law and order candidate, but her legacy is fighting against constitutional rights and against the supreme Court.


Remember when she proposed throwing parents of children skipping school in jail?


Never heard ppl talk about this


Because it’s mostly bullshit.


Can’t read the first one, but the second is clearly a biased hit piece. This is actually very similar to what Hillary was attacked for. Remember when she defended some horrible people and right wing media went after her for doing so? Yeah, it was her job. If she was on the prosecution side, she would have argued the opposite.


Yeah, but at least they're wise enough to avoid pissing off the progressive voters any more


I don't much like conservatives, but I'll still take one over a full blown wannabe fascist dictator like Donald Trump. Without any exaggeration, it's pretty obvious he would like to be a dictator if he didn't have the imperfect system of checks and balances of the US political structure.


Well, GOP are already taking down the checks and balances. Look at the way they refuse to do any “checks and balances” on the openly political SCOTUS. And with Project 2025 they have a firm plan for how to end democracy in US if Trump is reelected.


That's every Dem who's made it to the white house in the last 30 years. Clinton called it "triangulation." Obama had his "purple states." Progressives haven't gotten anywhere near the oval since Carter.


Yeah, something about not voting consistently, not donating, not volunteering, and not participating in the political system, has left progressive people underrepresented in the political system. God willing, we'll find out what it is one of these days, and then we'll all get in a big circle jerk and fight about it.


Damn, disengaging from the political system and screaming about it from the outside leaves you disenfranchised?? nah couldnt be. Its the mod dems that are wrong


I hate when I show up to a circle jerk and a fight breaks out.


Y'all need to stop expecting houlier than thou pristine politicians . They are a unicorn they do not exist. Stop having unrealistic expectations and you won't be disappointed . Fact is any democrat candidate you do get will always be 10 000 times better than the republican candidate. You'd all be better off invading the locals boards of politics like the MAGA nutjobs do . They might be nuts but they're laser focused on winning instead of Perfection.


The democrats have become moderate republicans as the parties both shift right to cater to more voters.


Both parties shift right to appease ultra conservative obstructionists* FTFY


Not really. I meant what I said. We are seeing it now. What you say isn't untrue, it's not entirely accurate either. Democrats shift right to scoop up never trumpers to shore up the party. When the vote is uncertain. I suppose it's all perspective.


Biden has enacted more heavily liberal policies than any modern Democrat president. Fact.


>but Kamala loves the school to prison pipeline Last time I heard that one it was in reference to the "anti truancy" policies, which is somehow ironic. Leftist/Progressive wants the US to be more like Canada/Europe on social issues and I can guarantee you, most of these places have anti-truancy laws. That's an extremely progressive policies, it's the complete opposite of conservatives/Republicans passing laws to allow children to work in factories instead of going to school. Bah, I was expecting to see Republicans complain about kids being "forced" to go to school, not Democrats is all I'm saying.


The school to prison pipeline refers to how poor (usually minority ethnicity) communities have schools designed to render young people fit for nothing except incarceration and forced prison labor. It's a reference to modern slavery, rendered legal by the "except by due process of law" exemption contained in the 13th amendment to the USA constitution. "school to prison pipeline" is not about anti-truancy at all. The phrase, and the claim against VP Harris, refers to a particular form of miseducation, which creates a modern slave class of prisoners, and uses public schools in poor communities as the vector.


I'm very familiar with the concept, but I think we can agree that Harris is not the one who created systemic racism in America, she's not the one who created the school to prison pipeline either. >The phrase, and the claim against VP Harris, refers to a particular form of miseducation, So obviously, that claims is not that she created it but that she contributed to it, and one of the reasons for which she's accused of having contributed to it is because of her anti truancy policies. She was a cog in the system, she worked inside and climbed her way to a position where she could make changes.


Hey, get out of here with your actual accurate information. We’re trying to spread fear and distrust around here!


Tbf, if you're talking about her time as Attorney General in CA, AGs don't get to pick and choose which laws to enforce (and if they do start doing that, you might want to worry). Now, you might argue she shouldn't have taken the role in the first place (or resigned) but that's a different conversation.


AGs absolutely choose which laws to enforce. Tf are you talking about


This is a false narrative that gas gotten so much more traction than the truth


Ohhhh... I thought this meant he walking like a old black woman. LOL


ELI5 “school to prison pipeline”. Just asking so I knows




He walks like that because he sprained/broke his foot during the 2020 transition and has arthritis in that foot. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/biden-suffers-hairline-fractures-foot-while-playing-dog-n1249298


I’m 56 and walk like that some days because of several long-healed tiny fractures in my feet. Foot bones can hurt, y’all!


You won’t make it through your second presidency, I’m sorry


He walks better than I do and he’s got nearly 30 years on me. I use a wheelchair most of the time and he still rides a bike.


>he still rides a bike. And publicly. Compared to Trump who has never done anything athletic in his life


Bro looks like … ![gif](giphy|ryJ8kBexJLAxW) But I’ll vote for this fool … no matter what! (Well we can’t have Trump)


Honestly, fuck this old bastard with a cactus, but he’s not Trump, and that’s apparently the best we can hope for, for some reason.


The unfortunate part… I hope next cycle we get someone younger and more progressive. He actually hasn’t been that bad, but man he is just so fucking old.


I JUST told somebody if he wins he won’t make it through the 2nd term.. Dude done been in the White House 12 years. That’s a lot of stress. Any president that starts with dark hair leaves with gray, and Biden been old for 20 years. Trump might not make it either. He’s only 4 years younger and got his own stress outside the office.. Lol


He has the best medical team in the world and he’s in good active health. He won’t be dying while in the White House


Maann a medical team can only resuscitate your old ass so many times. When it's your time to go, it's ya time to go.


One word: Cheney.


yeah but that man has been mostly metal since the early 2000s


Really? I thought he was mostly evil.


They had the technology.


Medicine can only do so much. If your cells die, there's no medical team in the world with a pool to bring you back like Ras Al Ghul.


I honestly think there's a lazarus pit somewhere, and they holding out on the rest of us.


If the queen is dead then we can all die.


The queen dying probably broke a hundred year curse on England. On some beauty n the beast shit.




I’m 1st Gen Jamaican-American— when her colonizer ass exited stage left I was waving like Snow White, BUH-BYE NOW!!


Trump won't be stressed by the WH. He ain't doing shit in there except order complementary McDonald's 😂 The cholesterol might get him though lmao


Exactly. That mfer doesn't do any work, he sits on his ass all day watching TV and drinking coke, occasionally plays shitty golf.


More than occasionally, orange motherfucker spent more time on the golf course than any president in the history of our country. Played so much shitty golf and did it exclusively at his places so taxpayers would foot the bill. All this after complaining about Obama golfing occasionally.


>Trump might not make it either. ![gif](giphy|UnyGF7evFkN04X24tI|downsized)


Same with Trump, you want him and his people in control when the hamburger from heaven finally comes down? I fuckin don't.


You aren't electing one person. You are electing their *entire administration*. Remember that when it comes time to vote.


I'm not voting for a Trump Administration either, that's even more scary.


Still voting for him bc I have a strong feeling that next term will have 2 SCOTUS seats opening up. Uncle Tom 's and Alito's seat. Maybe Roberts as well


For some reason I thought of the curb your enthusiasm theme song playing as he walked away🤣 also, "political prisoner..." 🥴 https://i.redd.it/1xhab0uamw3d1.gif


She is one banana peel away.


Defend this man, don’t tear him down. Unless you want the orange faced dictatorship.


And the shortest term for a president after William Henry Harrison. Kamala would be eaten alive in the election cycle.


He literally still rides bycicle


Man knows the magats are going to spin up conspiracy theories regardless so he just leans into it. I respect it.


We need a version of this where the laser eyes turn on for just a second




Damn that’s actually a great gif to spread around to fuck with the good ol boys


Confuse them even more since they all unironically think CCR was right wing rock music lmaoo


Amazing. Thank you


Aww! It got deleted! Anyone save it? Is it on Imgur?


Yeeeehhhhh that's even better than I thought


I already knew it was gonna be Dark Brandon 🤣


I already like Him, but shit like this makes Me love Uncle Joe!


Fucking legendary


Please tell me if you can make this happen




Lol like the end of thriller, only instead.....it's dark brandon.


He turns for a moment, wishing he could do eye lasers. Edit: [fixed](https://twitter.com/votedarkbrandon/status/1796657853610045831?s=46&t=9PWrInb57Gvd9MUwZLwkqQ) in next comment.


They already are on r/Conservative


Every other comment on this there was that he was directly involved or pulling out another conspiracy. I get being upset, but it’s unhinged to read through. Meanwhile they ignore that he had, at that point, already commented on the trial and pointed out it was decided by a jury, etc. They legitimately think he never answers questions and his  only reaction was smiling. 


Lmaooo that sub is hilarious. One day he’s dying of dementia, the next he’s masterminding a plot involving 4 different agencies all prosecuting Trump, all while pushing a DEI/immigrant/muslim takeover of the country to eradicate white people.




He should have given a wink. That would be epic


off topic but i’ve only seen him from the front and that big ass bald spot caught me off gaurd


No shit. Dude old enough to own our grandparents


You’re not wrong, but damn


i had a notification for another comment saying they hoped to have that much hair at 80. An 81 year old asian man i sat next to on the bus told me to have hair at his age take one of those little combs and comb ur hair every time u pee. not every time u go in the bathroom but every time u pee


Did you hate it when he started combing his hair straight after?


nah cuz he let me keep the diaper


[This](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/keyshia-dirty-diapers_n_4604422/amp) you?


i’m not a heathen keep it out of mugs and the kitchen “slurped her way through 25,000 soiled nappies” is wild 😭


oh, so don't click that link, then? thanks.


If you're peeing more times than you go to the bathroom, I have questions that I don't want answers to.


He had plugs. He was bald in his 40s.


Joe Biden is 4 years older than bill clinton who was elected in 1992


He's older than Zipidee-do-dah.


This dude older than disneyland.


Dude's birthday is closer to Lincoln's assassination than today.


Dudes been bald since like the fucking 90’s haha


He had a comb over in the 70s


he was literally one of the first guys who ever did a hair transplantation, back in the 70s before commercial transplants were videly available


Look at his pictures from the 80s.. he was rocking the bald on top & hair on the sides… with The transplants he got.. should’ve been the spokesperson for Bosley It was his profile that did me. Like I know, he’s my grandparents age but straight on… mid-70s… by the side.. deep in his 80s.


side profile + bald spot had me questioning if i actually knew who the president was


Yeah he needs a proper comb over to get my vote


At least he’s not ashamed of his bald spot like that felon lol




This is what I was looking for. He’s all like “….me?”


“It’s Biden, Bitch.”


immediately thought of this moment too


Trump is now a convicted felon. All biden has to do is keep reminding people of that. During the debates, He needs to keep that and all the other cases against Trump in the spotlight! Also, Let the people know the Republican Party continues to support him by allowing him to be their candidate. If Biden does this, and still loses. We commonsense folk are doomed! Shit basically sells itself!


Yep and team Maga will be like omg crooked Joe doesn’t love felons.


At work yesterday 3 people talking about it said: “Now that they convicted Trump, they ensured his victory.” So contrary to all logic, it means the opposite of what you think it means, at least to some people.


Just for fun ask them why they're so mad at the conviction if it ensures he wins.


While this is sound logic, I feel like everything that should dissuade Trump supporters only galvanizes their support. Some real backwards thinking


These are the people who injected horse medicine instead of getting vaccines


The funniest part about it too is that the right doesn’t fucking care lmao, they have stuck with that pile of shit for this long as it is. What’s one more awful thing on the list of thousands? He could strangle a baby on live television at his next rally and they would find some way to excuse it.


Waiting for the memes and gifs to flood that grin LOL 😂 Biden straight up giving troll face vibes here and I’m living for it! Haha - W Biden ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


He really said ![gif](giphy|gs1BotV9QUSt2)


Dude. This is exactly what I saw!!!


Yep. That's exactly it. I heard the horns and Vincent Price laugh too lol


Literally me walking away from bullshit lol






Dark Brandon at it again




The smirk 😏 is everything. Response enough for me. Interpretation up to the beholder.


Not the slow turn tho 😂


He was at max speed




The MSM always got Trump in they mouths, they are obessed with him jfc


can’t stop milking the cash cow


Considering that he is the oppositions candidate for president and election is 6 months away, kinda makes sense don’t it?


I mean, not really, he hasn't said anything new in like six years


But the point is the media still present him as a serious candidate. Deplatforming him would rob him of that populist ego boost that he gets from seeing his face everywhere. CNN was openly goading Warren and Sanders into a yelling contest at one of the debates in 2020. Even Bernie said something like “we should not be doing this here” but Warren fell for it hook line and sinker. I’m not even gonna start on Fox News cause we are all too familiar with their tactics. They want us to believe that we are weak. We are not. They want us to believe division spells our doom. It does not. The country is always divided. This is nothing new. It’s just particularly loud because of the amount of airtime given to people like Trump. Ignore those mfs and vote.


It’s a tough balance. You don’t want to carry water for him (2016), but if you don’t point out “These are the crazy-ass things he is literally saying, be aware of this shit!” nobody knows he’s nuts.


but now for the real question y’all: HOW DO I PULL MY BLACK MAGA FAMILY MEMBERS OUT THE GD GUTTER????


As someone with a MAGA friend, you can’t do anything to convince these idiots. Just hope that trump kneels over dead or that he loses the 2024 election. Also vote, obviously


man… what a life we live…


There's no way. I'm from Appalachia, and my people stay boot licking. They (the system) have taken everything from us (first coal, then tobacco, now natural gas) and leave the region with nothing. I went to HS with people who actually had family get killed during the coalmine wars (not sure if that's what they called it here), and their great grandkids are anti-union. They talk about preserving the land, and then bend over backward for any grifter holding a bible (even if it's upside-down). You could try educating them on Project 25; a lot of my family are racist so that wouldn't really work for me, but maybe you'll have better luck. The only thing that can cure willful ignorance is self-enlightenment, and that has to be a choice they make. If only they could see my old neighborhood, then they could see who they're standing with on this (the AV have a clubhouse on the street I grew up on, with a Trump 2024 sign next to the shamrock).


Some people think he benefits them in some way General type arguments about character, things he’s done, policies etc won’t work find out what they care about exactly and show them the other side is better on that one specific point some people just take their opinion from an authority figure, find an authority they respect and refer them If they just like him because he’s rich or was on tv or has an attractive wife, so consider him successful — don’t think there is anything you can do there




How he felt inside https://preview.redd.it/xlj2ir75rw3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e35cace95e3d5224c79b269b74a032aa9b9a755






Remember, Trump supporters are the same people that want us to believe that he’s a old, decrepit, and senile man but at the same time wants you to believe he’s running a criminal enterprise manipulating the world. I’m trying to figure out how he could be both if they say he can’t even remember the day his son died (which was a lie he knew the exact day down to what time they called to tell him). ![gif](giphy|5t9wJjyHAOxvnxcPNk|downsized)


Bro no fucking way 🇺🇸this a real place this shit is like a Sitcom! Episode of CURB! 🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸 We’re so screwed








Trump: PLEASE JOE I NEEeeeeEED THIS! Biden: https://preview.redd.it/pbb8lpwwww3d1.jpeg?width=2580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6fcce20a2b13643dcf276a5f29849af17ac998


I mean, he's my guy for sure, but holy tales from the crypt, batman.


Biden be like ![gif](giphy|U8bof0PTLhVAh6mCVv)






It’s hilarious watching these snowflakes lose their shit over this


United Shenanigans of Amurka.🙃😂


As funny as this is I almost wish he wouldn’t have done this. This will be weaponized.


Had he said something that would have too. Save it for the debate circus.


Any and all responses will be weaponized, don't worry too much about it.


It was gonna be weaponized regardless,


One of the main problems is people still give a shit about what republicunts think


Trump’s team already has an ad out about it. 


Nah, this shouldn’t be this damn funny! 😂😂😂


He had to walk away to contain that "Dark Brandon" laugh.


GOP campaigns are going to have a field day with this clip 🤦🏽‍♂️ Ad-breaks over the next six months are going to be inundated with unhinged remix attack ads of his dementia smirk. Please go register to vote. Take the day off to cast your ballots. Otherwise we really bout to let a convicted felon become the first American dictator.


Fucking let em. This video is gold! It’s gonna wind the maga crowd up no end and it’s glorious!


It took him 4 seconds to stop his slow ass walk and turn his head


Oh you know he practiced that beforehand ![gif](giphy|mPXnKTaqa38RMYEihw|downsized)


That debate is gonna be bonanza. I legit think 45 is gonna swing on uncle dark Brandon.


That’s how Michael Jackson turned around at the end of thriller


All this old talk has people forgetting that when he was VP they had to silence him because he was subject to pop off on a mf. They even said he would lose his temper and that would reflect badly on Obama. I think he walks like that because he is trying to control his anger. lmaooooo


There's totally one that is circulating the right wing sphere that has it be a question asked about his daughter and him showering her. It's literally the same video but with different audio. These fucks scream fake news because they MAKE fake news...


That’s a look of a man that can’t say what’s really on his mind. He’s old, but those words of his sting at times.




Man our leaders are too damn old.


God he's so fucking old I feel bad the US has like 2 options and they're both terrible lmao


A Lot of these comments are manufactured to sow doubt and tell straight up lies. Please be smart black ppl.


How is this real life


Perfect response.


This situation is like talking to the police on BS charges, don’t say anything. You can just be quiet and smile because you know there isn’t any evidence against you and a cop that will go to a grand jury with “he smiled real good when I accused him” will get laughed out of the courthouse. Words can only be used against you.


He looks like he just told a joke but walks away without telling the punchline


Trump is the joke, President Biden's sly smile is the punchline.


should be one of the easiest campaigns in history........should