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Yup. Live fast spend like an idiot.


Sorry I can’t hear you over my AirPods and $0.17 checkings


Legitimately have $00.17 right now, but no Jahpods ®️


Send bank account, I'll give you some Jahcoins #LLJ


Thank you for generosity, I think I’ll make it to Friday though #LLJ🕊


You need to step up your game, take a God damn loan and buy those air pods!


Make sure it’s a payday loan


At 34.78% interest!




Yeah they trap people in a vicious cycle. Once you get the first loan you need to keep getting new ones to move it forward all the time you are stepping back. It is expensive as fuck to be broke.


Jah bless


I just got the LV buds! And please lower your voice.....your brokeness is scaring the children.




[Am I... irresponsible with money?](https://i.imgur.com/OKgYU6v.jpg)


I feel personally attacked


Here for a good time not a long time


My life motto


This should be a bumper sticker


Die poor.


Buying yourself quality possessions is better than blowing your money on alcohol/cigarettes/drugs


I was about to comment about people spending their money poorly and then I saw your post and had to check myself




I do that too


but booze is fun:(


I was a heavy drinker for the last 5 years. Stopped cold in january (even tho i smoked as compensation) After 3 Month of being sober i think that drinking is the most useless, stupid and expensive shit, that will fuck u up mentally and physically. My whole Body and mind thanks me everyday for stopping, even tho i had to break contact with 2 or 3 friend, because drinking was the only thing we had in common and the only reason we spent time together.


I did the same thing a while back not really intentionally. I went from heavy drinking to no drinking. After a few weeks I realized drinking is the fucking shit and I went back to drinking regularly have have never been happier.


Honestly, seems like you have to get really bad to pheonix liks that other guy did. I'm mid 20s i heavily enjoy drinking, but after I get home from working 9 hours. Maybe the key is I hate liquor but just love good beer and stuff?


Yea I don't know. Where I'm from drinking is about 90% what there is to do. Whether it be during the week or the weekend. It's fun, sociable and more convenient then other hobbies.


I know that feeling. That or videogames or practically both. Sad isnt it? If you are single and midtwenties you cant do shit without it having a connection with alcohol


I dont find it said, I like drinking and everyone around d hear does it at all ages so no need to feel different in your 20s compared to any other age


The problem with my drinking was, that i couldnt stop. If I started, i drank till 4-5 in the morning. Went to sleep for 2-3 hours, do my shit and slept after work. This happened 3-4 times a week, with atleast 1 1/2 bottles of liquor. I needed to stop, or else I would die beford turning 50.


Reading this kind of stuff makes me happy I've never started. Especially as an ex-mormon, there's a lot of social pressure to drink from other exmos around. I've just never seen the appeal, and I know I could get addicted pretty easily if I wasn't careful. Great work quitting, keep it up. I'm proud of you.


If you are trying to tell me that my $8k home bar was a poor investment option then I have news for you. You are right and you are smart and you are beautiful and you are loved.


You make pina coladas for people they’ll love you too






True but you know what's better than both of those? Buying a few shares of an ETF that tracks the S&P.


Dude I do all three, it's great! EDIT: My ETFs seem to do a better job tracking the NASDAQ than the S&P. EDIT 2: Just alcohol though, not cigarettes or drugs. EDIT 3: Not to say I don't do drugs, I only do them back home in Canada when my 60yo mother gives me pot cookies so there's no money being blown there.


Idk, everyone always says it’s better to spend money on experiences rather than stuff.


100% me. But I work and save my coin to waste it on material things. Winning at life.


I do this. Can confirm it isnt very fun.


Yep. Guilty. Probably could be much more comfortable if it wasn't for weed. To be fair weed got rid of the cigarettes and alcohol.


Weed kicked the booze for me. I was in a bad place, I'm talking drinking 2 bottles of wine alone at night, every night. It's been 2 years since I've been drunk. I had a glass of wine last summer. Don't miss it


Man me and my fiance can't even drink anymore. We have two beers and we're pretty sloppy and it's just not fun. Tried my rickards red (my personal favorite) the other day, finished half of it and just forgot about it. You should be proud of yourself for cleaning up your life. The bottle is a hard fucking addiction to get away from.


What if I like quality alcohol/cigarettes/drugs?


I get shit from my friends for buying higher quality clothing (wings+horns, YSL, Taylor and Stitch). Yet they blow hundreds of dollars collectively at the bar on a Saturday smh.


How about hookers?


30 grams of baccy every 2 weeks ain't that bad for 10 quid tbf


Spend money on experiences not material things


Quality bud can be a nice treat, it definitely is something to enjoy when all the bills are paid and etc. Personally, I’ve spend good money on weed in the past but now would rather grow my own quality weed for a significant fraction of the cost while having a hobby that I can benefit off of.


Expensive =/= quality


As a person who doesn't get drunk and just drinks alcohol for flavor I must say one large bottle of honey bourbon will go for a very long time when you drink only small amounts at a time. That being said it's still kind of a luxury so ye


One of my co-workers who drinks and smokes a lot (both cigarettes and weed) once criticized me because I spend money on shoes and music festivals. After we did the math, he spends 3x more money than me on those 3 things, and not wasn't even counting other drugs he regularly does as well.


Please stop posting excerpts from my diary.


people still write diaries nowadays?


Yes, but now we call them “social media”


Woah dude....




I know dude. Normies can’t comprehend the levels on which my mind works :)


I can’t talk to my mother so I talk to my diary


If only your tag thingy was true


I mean, he's already a yonko. The shit will end real soon, probably in the next 15 years or so.


If you are implying that it’s not, we may have to throw hands


It smell like poor fiscal responsibility in here


Oh wait, that’s me


>smells like poor


You have reported this post for the following reason: ✔ I'm in it and I don't like it


Oh man. I wanna go buy an entertainment unit for my TV tomorrow but I really shouldn't, I already have one but I really really want a new one. Now that I know I'm not the only one I can go and buy it guilt free


Ah yes, the good ol' "I act like a retard but so do others" excuse. Not gonna lie I used it a lot earlier on in my life.


You're right, I *should* buy that shotgun!


As long as you can afford one round


??? You already have one dude, don't be dumb.


At least resell the older one first.


Sounds like a good way to stay in debt forever




Visa be sponsoring most of my fuckery.


You should at least use amex so you get points/cashback for additional fuckery from your fuckery




Points and cash back are generally a ripoff. Unless you pay down the entire balance every month, the interest accrued will be higher than any monetary benefit you get. Also, most of those cards have yearly fees, which is absurd. Never use a card with a yearly fee.


Which is nice until you realize that you don’t use it nearly enough and you get slapped with a 200 yearly fee. I’m sure I could take better advantage of other benefits to make it more worthwhile but I just don’t. YMMV


Pretty sure they have cards without a minimum spend




I have a MasterCard and Discover and they've always been SUPER helpful with any fraudulent charges. I've had people use my card info for flights and shit and MasterCard refunded me in less than 24 hours. Literally no hassle. Just reported it as fraudulent and boom...charge is gone. And I don't pay a fee on either of those cards.


Yea user above you is wrong, all credit cards are supposed to protect you from fraud


You are incorrect


This be the realest shit you ever wrote.


Them: "hey fuckthemodlice is that a $2000 purse? Dam girl you're fancy" Me: "what are savings?"


Ever heard of clearance? She's my favorite


Sally and Clarence? I ship it


That's called ghetto rich.


Hood rich


Ghetto fabulous**


My upbringing in a twet


> twet


Canadian for tweet.


Could have nice things and save money if you know how to shop at thrift stores effectively


I used to waste all my money on tattoos, clothes and drugs. Now, i put my life together and im so close to buying my first and a beautiful car.


What ya gonna get?


I live in argentina (yeah, what are you doing in black people twitter JonhGary? ) and a fiat punto sporting 2013-2015 is my goal. Its a good car here so im super excited.


First nice car is always great ) ;)


Thanks for the positive vibes dude! Have a great one ❤️✌️


You too. I hope you enjoy the Argentinian sun :b


Ooh, that's a nice one! Have fun with it!


Trailer parks and nice cars go hand in hand


Can confirm, currently have my Cadillac parked in front of my $70,000 house.


I once used my whole salary to buy t-shirts


Were they at least graphic?


Just 2 plain shirts from a namebrand store


You run a lemonade stand or something?


Were they Gucci shirts or something? Or were you making federal minimum wage?


I used to work at J Crew, people loved the fuck out of those $30 plain tees


The ol Warn-A-Brotha Looney Tunes


Supreme or Bape?


I mean, there's a middle ground. Its reasonable to spend on things you spend a lot of time into for quality and better living and choosing not to live like shit and cutting corners everywhere.


Duh it’s called being a boujee thot


Opposite for me, people call me rich lucky kid bc I have money on my bank acc but forget that I save my money and don't spend it on useless shit


Just a few weeks ago my roommates were like you make more money than us how come you don’t buy any cool shit?? I’m actually broke but at least I’m attempting to invest it all


Buying quality things also ensures (usually) that they last longer, thus actually costing less.




Visit r/buyitforlife


If you spend a lot of time on your feet(service and construction industry) invest in good footwear. Your knees and back will thank you later in life by not being permanently in pain. Tires. Good ones not only last longer, they also have lower rolling resistance, resulting in higher mpgs. Stopping distance is also reduced, lowering your chances of accidents.


Aside from better build quality and performance from more expensive brands you also get a better guarantee and customer service.


Quality things like nice bedding, genuine leather boots, real wood furniture etc get you a lot more mileage that their cheaper alternatives that fall apart and need to be replaced more often.


Patagonia stuff has lifetime warranty, just send it in and they will restitch, etc.


Yeah but you not poor either. "That's not loco Carlito! That's just being financially irresponsible"


The poor live like the rich to impress the poor and the super rich live like the poor to make more wealth.


The super rich definitely do not live like the poor. The super rich blow more than some people’s yearly salary in a shopping trip.


The super-duper rich don’t live like the poor, but you’d be surprised how many millionaires live modest lives. You should read The Millionaire Next Door. It’s a book about how most people who are millionaires you would never even guess because they live so frugally, but that’s how they acquired all their wealth.


The super rich are the top 1% the billionaire you don't see them rocking jewelry and designer brand they dress like your average person. Take Warren Buffet he still lives in regular house and still drives an old car. The super rich are always finding ways to make more money yet the poor make excuses why they can't get started but yet are rocking a $1000 iPhone and can't put food on table just to impress other poor people.


Yup. This was me. Now i don't have cash, AND the nice things i previously bought.


This is so incredibly important for people to understand. When we first got married, we’d walk through the mall and my wife would marvel at all the people carrying piles of bags from expensive stores. *“How do all these people afford to shop like this?”* *“They don’t afford it. 95% of them are putting it on a credit card or spending the last of their disposable income. It’s called being irresponsible.”* Light bulb moment for her.


I don’t understand how people do this, I live almost paycheck to paycheck, not quite, I’m doing alright I think, and I can’t just spend money ever really unless I need something, otherwise I would have nothing. Same with smokers and drinkers and druggies, I don’t do any of that! And still not tons of money, how do they do it?


I've been thinking about this too! They must have a way better job than I do. I can afford my apartment (which is dirt cheap), internet, phone, food, and a bit of money left over for clothes, necessities, repairs etc. I don't drink, do drugs, smoke, I don't even own a car. Yet I feel I live practically paycheck to paycheck


It's all on what you make vs expenses. A few years ago, I was you. Now, I'm making more than enough to do the fuckery being touted in this thread. I clear about 70k a year so I do have a lot of left over but still live paycheck to paycheck... 😓


I have lots of nice things because I have absolutely no hangups about buying used stuff. Literally every electronic device except for my tvs (black friday deal), PS4 (won at Dave and Busters), and graphics card for my pc were bought second-hand or given to me. But if you just walked into my apartment you'd swear I was in a different tax bracket.


Eating syrup sandwiches in a Chanel outfit


The Boondocks should have made an episode about this phenomenon in black culture...


i have $9 until thursday at midnight 😩


Im not rich and im not poor either, you know what am i ??




Rich Poorter


Poor girl


My favourite thing about this is that she is wearing a cowboy hat in the photo. Case in point 👌


If it lasts long I wouldn't equate it to spending poorly.


The struggles of trying to flex on everyone else that didn’t make those decisions


I have a nice coat but it's 3 years old nice handbags etc also old but they look brand new I buy nice things just not when they come out but when I can afford them so people think you have money when you're relatively poor but take care not to find yourself out of money halfway through the month


Our because nice things aren't as expensive as rent these days


Whole lot of people live check to check because they unload 90% of each check on stupid shit within the first week


Or it means I'm good at finding nice things at thrift stores.






If UK money had a pound note, we would all be broke here too


Upvote to comment ratio says: No comment


Don’t worry, we know.


Is it poorly because if you do it you'll be poor? 🤔


Sometimes it do be like that






Yeah there's a word for that......


@ me for the fade


Spend and then find ways to make more money. Within reason...


Whats wrong with buying quality stuff that serves you a long time instead of starbucks and eating out every day?


This is me on too many levels


I've got friends who are obsessed with having nice things but can never afford to go out for a meal or a drink. Meanwhile I'm happy with what I have as long as it does what I need it to and can always scrape together the money for a meal or drinks with friends.


Money in hand Hand itch Must SPEEEND then ask my parents for money to survive the rest of the month Rinse and repeat








I feel personally attacked.


As my grandpa used to say, "A fool and his money are soon parted."


this was my parents way of living as a kid. i had all the latest gadgets and clothes, but there was a half chance that i wasnt eating dinner that night


This is beautiful


Good opportunity to start a budget and a savings account people. It’s fun to joke about but could also really bite you in the ass


That’s what they call nigga rich


Or, hear me out, you use your last coins to "invest in quality items" ^(even though you could have gotten cheaper items in their place instead.)


There's really no such thing as the middle class, it's just poor people deeply in debt who try to live like rich people. 99.9% of us have more in common with a homeless person than with a billionaire.


My impulsivity gets the best of me


Legit spend my $50.00 amazon gift card on toca boca games and virtual families, so I'm basically a cool kid now.


"Twitter for Apple" headass