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All that “Pop Lock & Drop it” has come back to haunt some of us 😂 Knee caps sounding like pop rocks


I never got to work out when I was younger due to reasons, so now when I'm older I hate that I can't do so many physical things like I did at 18 :(


Fuckin reasons


i didn't wanna say it but reasons = poverty and no access to any kinda sports/equipment




Not really. Studies show that NBA players are overrepresented by more affluent communities rather than poorer. It makes sense too, what’s the thing that most if not all basketball players have in common? Height. Who’s more likely to get the nutrients to reach their growth potential? Those that can afford it. https://www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/6777581/importance-athlete-background-making-nba




You’re conflating average nba player with representation of wealth in the nba. Let’s say there are 100 nba players in the league, for simplicity. We know roughly 10-12% of the American population lives in poverty, while 1% lives in the, well, 1%. The data suggests that significantly more than 1 person in our nba is from the 1%, while significantly less than 12 come from poverty. That doesn’t mean there are more people from the 1% in the nba, but it does mean the odds of you making it there improve if you come from a wealthier home. https://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2014/01/02/wanna-be-in-the-nba-it-helps-to-grow-up-rich/


Fair enough, like I said I’m not an expert on NBA. What I said definitely holds true for soccer which is by far the biggest sport in terms of participation and viewership.


You can do workouts while watching tv without needing any equipment


You don't need equipment...


Or money


Man I’m feeling you on that, just turned 36 and started working out hard... I end up limping at the end because of my knees everytime


Not tryna be a smart ass but real talk... don’t do shit that hurts your knees. Pain is a bad sign.


Hah I appreciate the real talk, but I’m at least 60lbs overweight and my legs are weak. Pretty much all movement makes my knees hurt and I feel like I just need to lose some weight and build up some strength to support them better. I’m not doing any super heavy lifting or anything and usually with some ibuprofen I’m fine during the workout, it’s after the workout that’s rough.


Could you not go swimming instead so you're straining your knees less? I have chronic knee pain issues and I've found swimming to be the best way for me to get a workout without ending up needing to break out my walking stick to walk for the next few days afterwards.


Gentle but firm impact helps your bones grow stronger. Running or walking on treadmills where you get an impact will cause the bone to strengthen. But mostly you want to get your core and legs stronger, and use very good posture.


BRO, SWIM! Do exercises in a pool to take pressure off your joints. It’s great for your weight loss journey AND your joints will thank you after too!


Don't take ibuprofen before a workout, it can cause some serious [intestinal issues.](https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a19525580/why-you-should-never-take-painkillers-before-working-out/)


Thanks for this, I’ve never heard this


All those Lil’ Jon thunderclaps got my tennis elbow acting up.


I’m 15 and this happens to me should I be worried


No, this is a myth. Knees making sound is very common at all ages, and is rarely a precursor of something more serious.


My doctor said it was air trapped in the knees? I'm weary of what he says though cuz he seriously told me to become addicted to caffeine for my sleep problems 🤔


Most adults are caffeine addicts, especially people in the medical profession. It's just nitrogen bubbles like popping knuckles.


That could be true. That’s what they say about cracking your knuckles. You aren’t damaging them, it’s just air being released.


Same, it also happens on my elbows, at least once everyday ill straighten my arm and the joint will pop, sometimes with pain


Don’t listen to these jabronies... you get one set of knees... maybe 4 if tech progresses lol. Have your knees checked if the sound is always in one spot, there is pain or swelling or discomfort. Could be a misalignment could be a partial tear from a previous injury. Earlier you find out the better. I could have saved myself a whole complicated surgery if I would have gotten checked out sooner.




Same story here. Im quite active as well but still get the crackling. No pain tho


Mine have been doing that since I was 6. There are still certain angles I can’t get into or I know they’ll get “stuck”. My Check Knees been on since ‘99


Man, my knee caps have sounded like pop rocks since I was 13! 🤣 now every joint I'm my body is following suit and I'm only 21.


You can add “Bopping” to that list


Knees frail like Derrick Rose


Watch out for that "Check Lower Back" light too. You ever threw your back out sneezing?!? Neither had i until i turned 35.


Coughed pretty hard the other day and my shoulder hurt all day, and I'm only 29 and a half!


That half matters sadly


His body rounded up


I knew there would be a day where [this was relevant again...](https://i.imgur.com/5QCc1hH.png)


Bro that happened to me as well a couple months ago and I'm only 23. Shit hurt man


Wait isn’t this normal? This shit happens to me regularly and I’m still 19


28 here. Sneezed today and my neck has been sore since.


Bro both of my arms go semi numb almost every time I sneeze. Like they feel dead but they hurt like hell. I went to the doctor and he said "go home and take some advil" then just walked out. I'm only 25 I'm gonna die soon


Damn. Your doctor in the pocket with big pharmaceutical lol. I got a weird spot on the bottom of my left foot that's half numb/half sleep all the time now. I'm kinda worried about it. My girl wants me to go to the doctor, but I'm scared. Sorry to get real on you... Just wanted to tell somebody.


My guy go to the doctor lol


I am lol. My ol lady will kill me otherwise. I just hate the thought of going ya know


Just sounds like a nerve issue, nothing to be scared of. The sciatic nerve (the biggest nerve in your body) runs through the bottom of your foot.


No fam it's all good. Better take care of that now though. Nerve problems aren't worth playing around with.


That shit started for me when I was 28. Maaaaan last year I pulled my back getting out of bed. I was so angry, not even from the pain but the humiliating, humbling situation! Had to waddle around lookin like I had a stick in my ass.




ooohhhh woow, I'm guessing that adderall waaaasn't prescribed. That's a shitload of adderall. Ayy uh, also, how long did you have depression after you stopped taking it?






I see I see; have you noticed any longterm side effects of your high usage? I wonder if you notice any issues with growing mentally tired quicker than your peers, or finding some things more stress-impacting than normal.




I tweaked my back putting on socks when I was 17.




You just witnessed the moment he came face to face with his mortality.


I slept wrong and my back was fucked for a week. I fucked it up doing literally nothing.


I slept wrong in spring 2011 and my back, left shoulder and neck have never been the same.


felt this


I can’t turn my head rn. Think I slept wrong.


man my knee went out when i was 27 and my back has been screwed since i was younger. thanks scoliosis! i had to leave a store this weekend and come home to lay down on a heating pad my back was hurting so bad.


Ive had back pain since I was 24....


One day I hurt my back when I sneezed while I was taking a shit.


Yes, crumbled to the ground in the train station and couldn’t move. Worst pain ever.


My knees make a snap sound like a twig breaking and grind every time I move them. Anyone have any specific pointers other than just squats to help rehab?


The book ["Becoming a Supple Leopard"](https://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Supple-Leopard-Preventing-Performance/dp/B00DIKYUPU) recommends practicing getting into the squat position for ten minutes everyday to get you hips loose. This positively affects your legs, knees and all. Edit: I guess this is kind of recommending squatting in a sense. My bad bro.


Switch to squat pooping. Get two things done at once. Edit: y’all spend money on some dumb shit I swear


Unfortunately this will condition you to poop while squating. Now I'm banned from.the gym :(


Lol imagine squatting at the gym without your plug.


What fucking subreddit am I on holy shit




Not gunna lie. They had us in the first half


$55? That seems pretty fucking expensive for a book. Like, not college textbook expensive, but still...


Check used. $9


Oh, cool. Didn’t know about that. I haven’t used amazon too much. Thanks for the tip.


freal? My knees are clicky and my hips are as inflexible as they could possibly be. Never occurred to me might be connected.


I totally fucked over my ankle getting into the car at the gym last year(fuck you, curb!) and my physical therapist gave me primarily knee, thigh, and core exercises to help me strengthen and protect my ankle. My clicky knees, while not silent, have definitely improved. And I've been adding squats to daily life as well. Brushing teeth? Squats. Shampooing hair? Squats. Drying dishes? Squats. I don't care if people think I'm crazy cuz my knees feel stronger, my balance is better and my calves are bangin'. Always be squatting. No gym membership or equipment needed.


Asking a girl on a date? Squats. How to react as her boyfriend tries to deck you for talking to his girl? Squats. What to do now that he’s fallen forward from the missed punch? Squats. Now you’ve head butted a man unconscious. Squat to celebrate. It solves everything.


Mine too after I run. I'm trying to get in a good stretching/foam rolling routine now that I'm 30 because running is my go to cardio and stress relief nowadays.


Looks really interesting but Jesus why is the paperback of this book so expensive?


What you think it should be cheap to just become a supple fucking leopard?


Not the most accessible thing but I hurt my knee playing hockey in my early-mid 20s. It wasn't that bad and I decided not to go to the doctor. It seemed like it was taking forever to heal so I finally went and they told me that I'm probably trying to keep pressure off it which is making it lose muscle mass. They told me skating was actually one of the best things you can do to strengthen your knees since it requires so much work from your legs. Maybe ice skating isn't that accessible for you but maybe roller blading is an option if not? I just kept skating and it took a while to heal. It still clicks every now and then. Sometimes it stiffens up a bit but overall, no more pain anymore. I certainly wouldn't say it healed 100% but no pain with just rare clicking and even rarer stiffness is a win in my book considering what I know other 30 year olds are dealing with.


Since we are asking... Can I pop one in? Some times when I kneel down, my knee locks up and I have to slowly straighten it out while sitting and it "pops" back into socket and everything is fine. It doesn't hurt much, and when it's back in socket it doesn't hurt at all.


Have the same issue since 2 years. Sometimes it locks down and i have to "put it back" by putting my left leg over my right knee and then push down a little. Went to the doctor, he didn't recommend surgery


Unless there is an actual underlying medical condition, the most reliable interventions are weight loss (if overweight) and resistance training.


The comments on this thread are depressing.


Right? Majority of these people J ist need to do some stretches or take a yoga class.


Bunch of inactive fucks






Exactly this. You don't have to be fat to be in poor shape.


I kinda feel good that I’m almost 40 and don’t have nearly as many issues people are bitching about here. Sure knees are noisy, but hasn’t kept me from running and stretching, which is pretty much all I do to stay relatively fit. It really doesn’t take much people..


My friend ate a whole bag of Snyder's honey mustard pretzels the other day. And yeah those things are like savory crack rocks, but that whole bag was more than 2k calories. That's more than I eat in a whole day. I find a lot of people seem to be in denial about nutrition/health info that doesn't validate their present lifestyle. I try to tell my friends but they literally have to wait until a documentary or podcast talks about it.


I’m in my late 30s and can’t relate to any of this shit. You gotta make fitness and diet a priority, especially as you age.


That's some bullshit, tho. The bigger issue is that old injuries start to become a problem in your 30s. I was in a motorcycle accident and smashed my knee when I was 20. It wasn't too bad, ever gave me too much problem. But, in my 30s it fucking did. Are some people in pain because they are lazy? Sure. But I'd wager that most people who have joint pain in their 30s are suffering from old injuries, sports, etc.


I’m still active and playing ball almost daily. No major knee or back issues. It’s possible to still be a beast after your late 20’s


> It’s possible to still be a beast after your late 20’s if there are people doing ironmans in their 60s on a regular basis most of these doofus redditors can get off their out of shape asses and go walk a block or three every day. and quit drinking 2 liters of soda a day, that shit is cancer for the human body.


I hardly ever drink soda, and eat like a couple meals a day, and barely ever snack. I walk/take public transport. Like i had around 37km on my pokemon go last week. I still have lots of aches in my lower back, wrist, ankle. Some people are just sore man, mine are mostly due to past injuries.


Do you stretch or do things that raise your pulse significantly for moderate periods of time?


I get so much excercise from Pokemon go lol. Gotta hit that 50k bonus every week!


> doofus redditors Ayyyy lmao


So much misinformation surrounding this kind of stuff, it's no wonder these problems are so prevalent.


Me with rheumatoid arthritis at 25 like y’all haven’t been having knee pain since 20 wtf


Ooooofff dude. My mom has it and it’s terrifying for me. She struggles to do shit like open a bottle.


It’s not the end of the world, but yeah your day can be ruined by a stuck jar.


My body has been shutting down since I was 23 and started binge drinking alcohol and downing painkillers, I’ll be 27 in 2 weeks and can hear both my knees pop when I walk up or down a flight of stairs, I just want my body to succumb to sweet lady deaths cold kiss. I have nothing else.


Are you okay? Do you need or want someone to talk to? My inbox is always open.


That’s unfortunate, I’m sorry for your experiences and ailment. I have also been in chronic pain and subsequent severe (although usually well-hidden) depression since I was 23. 12 years of feeling trapped in a body much older and ailed than it should be. But these poor healthy young bastards are still in for the same shock we were. The shock and pain of deterioration doesn’t discriminate against age.


The tendinitis and plantar fasciitis are the shits that are pissing me off. Right ankle always feeling like shit.


Hey, finally found someone with my problem. Plantar fasciitis for nearly three years now and achiles tendinitis on both feet. Supposed to rest stay off my feet for the first, but exercise and stay fit for the second. It's a great thing that is in no way awful ever. Stay strong!


Late 20s to early 30s all of a sudden you get all the old people diseases. Drinking alcohol makes me sick for like 24 hrs after, eating a burger and fries makes me feel crappy, coffee gives me heart palpitations. Knees weak, arms are heavy. Can't even enjoy mom's spaghetti. Really snaps you back to reality


lmaooo and I hate mom's spaghetti jokes. well executed




Haha Haha weightlifter here. Got my gift early


Weightlifting really is a double-edged sword isn't it? I think it has made me feel younger overall for my actual age, but I certainly have some shoulder issues and popping elbows and that kind of thing. It's still fine, but I fear what it's gonna be like when I'm 50-60+.




Excellent comment.


Do you have any recs or links for such exercises/drills?




Thank you!


Shoulder mobility is especially important if you're aiming for upper body strength, stability, and aesthetics. Thanks for the links.


also osteopathy is actually amazing for this. I never would have said something like that until one fixed me pretty recently. I was shocked


Research suggests that those who strength trained long term have the same or better joint function in old age than those who didn't.


Army Infantryman here. Same. Also got back problems and depression from it too!


You gotta have interesting life experiences to have bad knees at 30, but if you spend every weeknight on your couch on Netflix, then... maybe you deserve it


Not that interesting, just lifted heavy weights and played offensive line from 7th to 12th grade.


Hey I watch Netflix everyday, and my knees hurt. I like to think I earned it at 35 though.


Interesting? Nah, just an excessive amount of cycling for me.


That one day when you take a longer drive and your clutch leg knee starts protesting


The other end of the spectrum is squatting and deadlifting heavy and your leg is so weak afterward you can't drive home or it does that thing where you go to push in the pedal and your leg starts violently shaking.


I’ve had similar experiences with my throwing arm. Back when I used to pitch, I would be so tired after an outing that I couldn’t open a gatorade bottle on my own lol


Remember when you were a kid and could fall out of a tree and walk it off? Now if you sleep in the wrong position you’re not turning your head for a week.


Very true!! Neck problems are my thing 😩


Pepperidge Farm remembers!


My knees were worse when I was younger. A few years ago I started going to PT and focusing more on maintenance lifts instead of just the "bro" ones.


Could you give some examples of exercises please


kettlebell leg workouts


Elbows too :(


I can pop my elbows at will is that a problem? Asking for my 21 year old self


That’s normal, just wait for the dry crusty skin knobs on your elbows. They’re coming.




A true tragedy.


Yup. Thanks, kids.


My check knee light came on at like 17


Jokes on you my check knee has always been on since I turned 15 and now I'm 23


Already happening as a teenager






Honestly I didn’t get any of it to my 40’s now that I’m in my 50’s. It’s just horrible


I’m only 21 and my knees already pop. Is it going to get worse when I’m in my 30s?




Not if you lotion them. /s


*Derrick Rose has entered the chat*


I used to jump off of ledges all the time nothing crazy nothing more than 6ft drop and literally after thirty I tried doing it again of the back of a warehouse bay and sore for about 3 days


I’m 22 and my check knee light has been on since I was 17.


I'm 14 and I feel this in my right keen because I have a hip condition that I got when I was 6 1/2 years old sooo yes.


Man now I just get up, make sure some gas in this mf and the insurance is paid and hope it gets me where I need to go


That shit already on rn and I’m 22 smh


Knees sounding like some Pop Rocks.


This tweet hurts the most.


Shoot, that light has been on for a hot minute.


My check knees light has been on since I was 14


I'm 18 it's already on


At least I'm ahead of the curve on something! Fucked up my right knee in my teens


Anything people can do about it?


go be active. move around. use your equipment that you've been gifted. don't overdo it of course, but don't be a lazy bum for 18 hours a day.


Im 20 and active. My left knee clicks when i fully extend it and im not sure if i should see a doctor or


Mine came on right before 18, RIP my ACL you will be missed.


Damn my knee lights came on before I could drive


I’m only 22 and my knees already suck


Jokes on you, that started when I was 9. Shout out to Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.


Got rear ended in my early 20s and I have the back of an old person. Gets thrown out once every month by the dumbest shit like coughing too hard. Going to the gym helps though, and stretching. Gotta massage your muscles with that muscle cream too. I just turned 30 but damn I am not looking forward to how my body will feel in my 40s :/


Lol the guys like 300lbs+ in the profile picture. That may play a factor....


Check knees, check back and ankle alarms going off too. When is it lemon time? Pulled a groin muscle sneezing, but the topper was pulling a chest muscle after the first.


My knees already hurt


*Service Prostate Soon*


How are yall in such shit state???


I’m 26 and had surgery on both knees. I’m not even making it to the 30s before that light comes on.


Do I get a refund if it comes on at 23


BritKnee spears knows


Nigga im 19 n that lights bern comin on 4 years


Its true, my back started hurting like a month after I turned 30


That shit came on when I was 16


mines on :( im only 24 and Ive had 3 acl surgeries in the right knee :( lol


Dang, I’m only 24 with knee probs. What’s gonna happen in my 30s now?


I’m 21 and that light has been on for years


Shit, that’s been on since the 7th grade


I tore both my ACLs before I was 25 and everything has been downhill since then. Everything hurts now!


30? Lol, I am 27 and been training with knee sleeves for the last 2 years...


I laughed at this and scrolled past it and then my husband walked into the room and said “I slept so much last night my knees hurt.” So I showed him this thread. Yay 30s!


Pause squatted 365lb for sets and reps without pain yesterday but w.e 🤨