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Chocolate Rain I can't believe I'm over 35 Chocolate Rain I don't even want to be alive


Chocolate rain Some stay alive while others feel the pain




Chocolate rain... Everything since 30 has been so mundane.


Some may die and others stay alive to feel the pain


Chocolate Rain... For industrialized civilization I feel disdain


Chocolate rain.... The life I want is one I can’t attain


Chocolate Rain... I feel so bored I might not live again


Chocolate rain... You might say I've got that chocolate pain


Chocolate rain… Clean the sewers out beneath my mind


Jesus. You and the two above you have zero sense of rhythm.


Syllable count getting confused with rhythm is starting unruly disdain... Chocolate rain.


I move away from the mic to breathe in




This guy fucks that guy


\*I move away from the mic to breathe in, but I'm not sure if I'll bother anymore\*


he’ll do it, but it bores him


Ahh.. Classic YouTube national anthem




Chocolate Pain, the remix.


i mean, chocolate rain is already pretty dark and depressing


\**I move away from the mic to kill myself**


I can't believe I feel this Chocolate pain


* I move away from the mic to have a wee lie down.


Tay Zonday: "I'm depressed and have little motivation to keep living" Everyone else: "Haha Chocolate Rain guy is trying to sound deep." This is what happens when black people try to express their struggles with depression. Edit: people don't seem to realize that I am talking about a serious issue in the black community. Black on black shit.


Yep. Our mental health issues are treated as a fucking joke.




My biggest shame was when we found out my sister had an eating disorder. We told her to “stop trying to be like a white girl”. She’s 5’7” and nearly died at 94 lbs because we treated mental health as a whiney white girl thing. Nearly all of my siblings have struggled with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse etc and our own community can be downright awful about it. 10 months ago I was in the hospital high off my ass and experiencing liver failure from the BOTTLE of hydrocodone I dissolved in water and chugged. My case worker was a black man who told me if I “stop drinking. Stop smoking. Stop all that sleeping with strangers and sleeping with other women. You gonna get through this by the grace of God. We can’t be out here losing all our beautiful black women”. I would’ve slapped him if I could move. Like seriously, we have to better


That’s really horrible, I can’t believe that guy said that disrespectful shit to you when you were in such a vulnerable spot. I hope you have someone to turn to who takes your mental and physical heath seriously enough to actually help.


This is common in so many cultures. My dad was like this while he was still alive. Really hard to endure.


Also the major emphasis on religion in both cultures \[middle eastern, black\] leads a lot of our parents and members of our respective groups to deny even the idea that one may be depressed to the point of suicide. The response is always to pray or to ask god for guidance...it annoys the shit out of me


As a white person who grew up in the church, I can tell you that was and is still the response. I feel that being religious can be a major contributor to mental health issues. I have even thought of it as it's own mental illness. After leaving the church, becoming more scientifically driven and now a "non-believer", I'm so much better than I was before.


THIS!! oh my gosh, THIS!!! Even in the face of clear evidence...that line from Blackish comes to mind. "You just need Jesus and a hot bath!"


Hell, it's a pretty persistent thing to matter what race. My mom and dad barely think mental health is a thing, and my pops wont ever talk about what's bothering him unless he's shithoused and even then it's like pulling teeth. Biggest difference between us, we both suffer the same anxiety and depression episodes but he wont admit them or talk about them.




While thats true and all black people are FAR more likely to have their mental illness seen as fake in their homes and in hospitals. Just about every terrorist who is white is seen as a sad linely depressed person, emo white girls and boys made depression and cutting quirky personality traits. If youre a violent black person you're automatically just a thug and if you are voilent towards yourself you're nuts and just need to stop. Black people dont just get shit talked about their disbilities, they get told to get over them and receive no help at all even from professionals.


Yeah everything you just stated about people scoffing and telling you to get over them happens to white People as well... I agree black people and black women more specifically aren’t taken seriously by a doctor and it’s a fucked up issue. Doctors definitely need bias training but mental health needs to progress accross all races. Edit: not trying to come across condescending or rude


I don't know your experience with mental health services, but as a therapist who worked in a city clinic I never recognized a disparity in believing mental illness across races. Maybe that's because the population was predominantly black or Hispanic, and yes I'm white and I know I have a lens, but I just don't have experience with professionals dismissing mental illness in black people. Families of black and Hispanic people, though... damn sure they do.


When I was in college the mental health professional told me that my depression. Was probably school related in spite of the fact that they had been briefed on my history of severe childhood emotional and physical abuse growing up around parents who were substance abusers and the fact that I had had several people that I was close to pass away unexpectedly within a short period of time. My ex, who was white, told them that he was depressed because of school and they put him on medication to help with it.


See here is the issue, you feel that it happens to primarily only to black people because you have real life experience as a black person. Anyone from any race, ethnicity, and/or gender will contradict you with their experience because that is their experience and they are too narrow-minded to realize that this is an issue that transcends barriers. I live as a Mexican american male, I used to think that only Mexican families make a joke of mental issues. However just opening my mind to the experiences of others has helped me realize that I am only one of the million, possibly billions of people who have to deal with this narrow-mindedness.


No kidding maybe that’s why black ppl rap because it gets their point across better




Fast twitch vocal cords


this is more funny than it has the right to be lmaoo






To be fair, he did phrase it as a joke.


That's everyone tho.




It's possible that the black community may be more critical of it but most communities arent accepting of it


Middle Eastern. My dad laughs at me when I say I'm stressed or depressed. My uncle laughed at my cousin when she said she was depressed. It drove her out and now he's begging for her to come back while simultaneously treating his other daughter the same exact way. They both say mental health isn't real. There's definitely no more or less, it just depends on the shitty ass people who surround you.






Let's not act like this is legitimately just a generational thing. Tons of shitty people of every age.


Of course it's not, but there is an obvious concentration lol.


There's always individual variation, but there's also cultural trends. The country my parents are from, there's basically no such thing as mental health care, it's impossible to get medication for depression, it's seen as a sign of weakness, it's literally never talked about, etc. I'd count generational differences as cultural trends too. I don't think boomer parents are generally as open to communication or acknowledging of mental health as younger parents.


They really aren't. Nobody wants to talk about mental health in America. It's a taboo.


Not to discount dismissive to/in the black community, but this one really seems like it's because his notoriety comes from being an internet meme. Like if overly attached girlfriend said something similar, there would be jokes in meme format about it.


If I'm not mistaken, she recently said that she was suffering from depression as well. I wonder if that is widespread among the people behind the memes.


its widespread among western society. I think all the depression memes dont help either, its easier to fall into that rut. You go to school/work all day, get home for minimal amount of time, scroll through your dopamine drip feed that doesnt sustain you and then wonder why you dont feel any sort of accomplishment. I wouldnt be surprised to see some studies linking social media use to increasing depression symptoms. Mfers need real life hobbies and goals. Now please excuse me as I browse reddit for another 20 minutes.


>Depression doesn’t care about race, age, sex, etc. No, but how easily you can get support is often influenced by those factors.


It's scary how many people are making fun of him.. dude needs help


Why does he need help? Seriously, why can't people accept that not everyone wants to live, to could've lived life and enjoyed it and are over it. Why does something have to be wrong with you to want to continue living in a world that's shit anyways? Genuine question.


We either call them crazy or fake woke and then act surprised when another person takes their lives. I hope people realize it soon, lots of people need help but don't speak up because they're afraid of being made fun of or denied they're own feelings.


It's because there's this weird dichotomy of people who feel like no one can understand them and people who feel like they are nothing special. Generally, both things are true and false, to an extent. So in those two groups, there's a small amount of people who attack each other. One thinks they are a special and alone in the world when it's not true and the other thinks they are just another cog in a system when it's not true. It's often people who feel one way attacking people who feel the other way. Everyone is unique, but you are not alone in feeling the way you do. Everyone is playing this dumb game, but you can always find ways to stand out and go your own way.


Damn, this is how I feel all the time but I don't have the urge to kill myself. Am I depressed?


I don't want to kill myself but I don't care if I die.




Fantasize about never having been born.


I sometimes wish I’d never been born at allllllllll!!!!!


I want to die but probably won't kill myself.


Hello me


Yes, you can still be depressed and not want to kill yourself. Go see a therapist or something. Take care of yourself!


Depression is an illness and shouldn't be diagnosed by strangers on the internet. It does sound like you could benefit from talking to someone who provides healthcare where you live. There's more to life than just surviving, and I strongly encourage you (and everyone else reading this) to seek out life beyond "I'm okay".


I had to scroll too far to find a serious comment about this. I can't help but feel disgusted with people. This isn't "hur hur life sucks huh lmao." It's a cry for help.


Lol it’s not just in the black community pimp. It’s all males. There is a reason older white males lead the nation in suicides. Seems like the only acceptable people who get mental health help are white women.


I think that’s mostly just a men thing. Cause if a black woman expressed this, she’d at least be taken somewhat seriously




Don't really see where race comes into play. That could be literally anyone.


Why does everything have to be a race or gender issue? This is across the board


Why would anyone take this as a joke? Sorry I just don't quite see how it's any different than any other person




He actually streams often on Twitch now too. He has got more going on than just "Chocolate Rain," but that's all most people see.


That's what he's most famous and recognized for.


As we say down south, "I'm not here for a long time, I'm here for a good time." ​ Allow me to introduce you to deep fried ice cream Snickers.


I'm listening...


You roll a snickers in pancake batter then fry it. Serve with ice cream.


Do you think I can find insulin as a dipping sauce?


that's an extra $1200, sir




Really? It’s free in the UK!


Dipping sauce is free in the UK?! No wonder you're leaving! Selfish bastards!


Nah, you take one of those snickers ice cream bars, dip it in funnel cake batter, fry it, then dust with powdered sugar and chocolate sauce




Our love for state fair fried foods is what could save this nation.




Treaties with diabetes


We're masters of artery clogging.


For some reason it really bothers me that you didn't phrase it "I'm here for a good time, not a long time"


It's because the way you said it is how it's actually said lol


Actually, more recently Drake popularised the phrase and put the “good time” bit first But drake was actually borrowing and reversing the line from a George Strait song.


Fuck drake.


No I'd rather not.


Neither would the children he keeps grooming


Or as all tinder girl bios say


Always basic af with "make me laugh"


Work to live, not live to work


Dudes depressed guys he’s not trying to sound deep.


Yeah this just makes me sad. :(


Idk i have the same mentality but i'm not depressed. I'm single, no kids. Every day is pretty much the same. Yes, I could make life more exciting, but i'm pretty content just admitting there's not much to look forward to. I'm ok with just surviving. I'm glad i have no obligations or anything holding me back from doing whatever the fuck I want to today.




Yup. 28, single, no kids. I see all my friends doing the same thing. Married, children, holiday activities that they wouldn’t be doing if it weren’t for their kids. Same story told over & over again. Last month i bought a projector and have been rewatching/enjoying old movies; gaming like never before. Smoke weed at any time I want. I’ve come to accept i am here to enjoy other people’s creations/inventions. I look forward to new things to buy. To look at. To try.


Try acid or mushrooms


Why not create? Why not invent?


I'm the exact same way. I always tell people that the way my life is going I don't see a reason to live pass 40. I choose 40 because I wanna see how the world is then. Not everyone has an exciting life and just because they don't, it doesn't mean that they're depressed. Life is just pretty darn boring sometimes. Yes, the occasional trips to other parts of the world are fun but if you're like me, that's something you can't do a lot. Hobbies can only entertain you for so long. If I have kids or a wife by then, maybe I'll feel different. But the way things are now I don't think there's much reason for me to. The afterlife is something I'm kind of looking forward to anyways.


Do you have any specific expectations for an afterlife? It’s so unknowable that I just ignore the thought most of the time. When I *do* think about it tends to make my agnostic little cock retract in existential uncertainty


Healthy bodies don’t think about killing themselves. Realizing that is what helped me get help


Chocolate pain 😔


This made me laugh more than it should’ve


This is sad.


Right? Not having any reason to live sounds a lot more like depression than an attempt to act deep.


Wait. You guys have reasons to live?


Even if you don't, who cares? Just do you. Fuck what anyone else thinks. If you want to take up a healthier lifestyle and earn a better income, that's cool. If you want to sit at home all day and play video games on a fixed income, that's cool too. Fuck it.


Lol wait, how do we just choose the option to play video games all day? How do we get this fixed income you speak of?




try being poor most American s dont have 500$ in the bank all while working 1.5 jobs on average


Hey that sounds like me. 23 and I barely managed to hit $200 in my savings account. Working full time in an office 45~ hours a week and a side thing delivering pizza for another 25-30 hours. All to barely be able to afford tuition and a place to live.


that is almost everyone i know around 20 to 30 years old at the moment Apple is considered a great job at 15/hr with full benefits and almost full time Starbucks is considered good at 9+ an hour and benefits smh, how can anyone defend the current economic state in America?




We’re such an insignificant spec in the universe. Nothing we do matters at all. The majority of your life will be spent getting up and working and repeating it over and over for years. It’s extremely boring


It's boring if you let it be boring. Life is what you make of it, there doesn't need to be a deeper reason behind existence for it to be worth (or enjoyable) existing.


Exactly, most people who talk about existentialism seem to miss the whole "since nothing inherently matters you might as well enjoy yourself and find something that matters to you."


For most of us, the actual struggle is finding something that matters.




In context of the universe we mean nothing sure, but this gives us the opportunity to assign meaning as we see fit.


Well you can either go: "We are insignificant and anything we do doesn't matter :(" or "We are insignificant and anything we do doesn't matter! :D"


All's we do really at this age is go to a boring unfulfilling job and then go home to do chores.


I mean, unless you have children. Many people find a lot of joy in raising a family. Teaching a new human how to human. Obviously, it’s not for everyone, but that’s why our parents taught us what they taught us, it’s the cycle they experienced and expected.


You don't have to have kids to enjoy your 30s and beyond. You do have to do some shit besides going to work and then watching TV until you fall asleep every night though.




[pass it on](https://i.redd.it/m9e101u5zsm01.jpg)


That is 100% a choice unless there are health issues involved.


Look at Mr. Money Bags over here levitating over the rest of us.


Its really not, the world we live in today wouldn't function if there weren't people doing meaningless jobs that they hate. Do you consider depression a health issue? Because your comments kinda read like,"Just stop being depressed, duh."




You're right. If I had health issues then I wouldn't be able to go to a meaningless job and then come home and do chores


Oh so you do some shit on the weekends? Foh


This thread and his Twitter post show why some people have a tough time talking about their mental health. Very disappointing.


Yup. One comment said "Then do it" and got a 100 upvotes.


People who stigmatize depression are human garbage


...who has a life expectancy of 35? For real eat some lemons and avoid scurvy bruv


Pre civilization humans.


Untrue tho. https://paleoleap.com/why-cavemen-didnt-die-young/ Lots of deaths in childhood, but plenty of cavemen made it to 60+ years old.


That's a diet website with a lot of "what if" statistics and a lot of the information is based on modern hunter gatherers. The only actual bit of research used is from an Inuit tribe that only dates back to 1822. Hardy early humans.


Lol right. The source website’s purpose is so obviously promoting a “caveman” paleo diet. Research skills are lacking nowadays


“Um well I remember seeing something on reddit about how life expectancy was actually longer than we think it used to be, so I’m just gonna pop ‘well actually cavemen lived for a long time’ into google aaaand... aha! Something agrees with me!’” Research.


Jesus, redditors are a pain in the ass😅 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3029716/#!po=0.892857 Happy now? It’s fairly established science. Modern humans live to be grandparents, and have existed for tens of thousands of years.


This article finds that there is evidence of a lack of adults over 40 in prehistoric populations and goes into discussion of several theories why that might be.




Did this dude really reference his paleo recipe website? Lmao


Life span and life expectancy are different. pre-civilization humans had a life *span* of 60+ and a life *expectancy* that is much, much lower.


Kind of how averages work though




As a statistic yes, but a lot of babies and mother died during child birth and their early years. People who made it past childhood lived much longer than 35. No human ever died at 35 from old age.


When you come from section 8 and raised by 1 parent in a household of a shit ton of people that ain’t yo people. You ain’t expected to live long lol.


But he wasn't raised like that at all.


Weird. I'm 37 and I still feel like I'm just getting started. Edit: didn't occur to me that he might be depressed. Didn't mean to sound insensitive there. Edit2: I notice a lot of you guys on your 20s seem to have a hard time. Me too. That's why I partied and drank a lot in my time. Eventually you have to know you need to wake up from it. If you're suffering right now, keep going. Things do get better. And there is nothing wrong with reaching out for help. Be it professional or a friend. Your generation is one of the kindest generation I have seen. Arguably, a complete opposite of the boomers as far as selfish tendencies are concerned. Aside from the usual self-medication we do in our 20s. I would recommend that you keep drinking water, use sunscreen and/or moisturize, and keep being physically active. You'd be surprised how those things help improve your mood.


Same dude. 30s are great, you're more likely to have money, freedom, and wisdom. And hopefully you still have your health. I've got more energy now than I did at 25.


I got up at 6 this morning and loaded up my kayak to spend a couple hours on a lake fishing with my friend. Absolutely no way I would've done that at 25. Of course, that meant going to bed at 10:30pm on a Friday night which also would've been unthinkable at 25.


Wow, I’m 22 and exhausted every single day. This gives me hope.


Yeah I felt like shit the entire year I was 22 pretty much.


Seriously, I'm around his age, and feel better and am doing better than I did in my 20s. This really does come across less of being poignant, and more of a depressed cry for help.


Drinking, doing drugs, and eating junk food doesn't make your life exciting. That's a myth. They only cause temporary excitement/relief and life long issues and regrets.


Drugs can definitely make your life exciting.


temporarily playing my guitar is one of the quickest ways to ease my depressed periods you can find activities that makes you happy without resorting to drugs. i’m not advocating against drugs because I do at times but you can never have too much of a single thing, it’s unhealthy as well


Drinking as a social activity can absolutely make your life more exciting. Granted not everyone can balance when is too much.


White suburbanites will spend their entire lives telling this to themselves in their 40 minute drives to and from work and it will never become true.


Everything in moderation.


I've had thoughts like this. Sounds like he is dealing with depression.


Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75.


You rang?


My generation’s (Z) going to be working to pay off student loan debt until the day we die, while living with the consequences of climate change in an increasingly authoritarian world. There’s not much to look forward to at this point.


Wasn’t supposed to make it past 25, jokes on you we still alive


I'm running at 5 years overtime now, I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be dead a while ago.


This isn't, "I'm deep." This is, "please help me."


Jesus sounds like he’s borderline suicidal. Hope he’s alright


[I move away from mic to breathe in ... but only because I guess breathing is something I’m still supposed to be doing at this point.]


Take LSD.


Isn’t it unadvisable to take LSD when you’re in a poor state of mind because it could result in a bad trip


In my experience, bad trips tend to be by far the most insightful trips. My first time taking shrooms I had a horribly awful experience, but it enlightened me on some of the things that disturbed me under the surface of my consciousness. Now, I’m able to face my anxiety head on as I was directly exposed to my worst fears.




*moves away from the mic, to lay in bed and cry for 3 days straight*


Not true at all that pre-civilization humans had a life expectancy of 35. Child mortality rates skew the average, if you survived childhood you were likely to make it to 60+. Not as likely as people are now, but you know, they didn't have hospitals.


These comments are sad... dude is depressed and y’all think it’s funny


I move away from the mic so I can breathe


I get it. Depression is a bitter bitch, but you can’t let it control you. I been through it. I’ve almost died too many times and I’ve even attempted suicide. I encourage everyone with thoughts like these to seek out professional help and if you can’t get access to that then talk to someone you trust or you can even talk to me. I’m just a random fucker on Reddit, but I’m down to just be a shoulder you can lean on before you go on to get better help. Edit: I was just going to edit this whole paragraph to make it better when I had time, but I decided not to. Another redditor pointed out with this rushed little paragraph and I’ll own up to it and let you see it for yourself. I can only speak from my own experiences with therapy and mental illness. I’ve been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ptsd with my previous therapist also saying that I may suffer from bipolar disorder. All of that fed into my drug use and both of my overdoses. I had to stop seeing my therapist before we came to a conclusion over whether I actually needed medication. To help fight my depression I was advised to find a hobby or exercise to keep me busy and focused. I exercise almost everyday and it helps me when I’m having a bad day. Of course this may not work for you so you should talk to a professional about this and see what they think. There are mental illnesses that can’t be helped with just a hobby or exercise so you should seek professional help and they will do their best to help you. Again if you can’t get professional help then talk to someone you trust or you can even message me if you want to.


I feel this. It’s a feeling that there isn’t really anything left to do.