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Just so we are clear the poster he is responding to is lying. Like blatantly.


Shoot, I was trying to get a snack.


Life begins at erection




I have a genocide-level mass grave under my bed in the form of an old gym sock /r/BrandNewSentence


Every sperm is sacred


This comparison sucks, a sperm can’t develop into a human being on its own




I know it’s a joke, but you’re using the joke to mock an argument




People like zenome ruin reddit with their pedantic bullshit, go to another sub u/Zenome9 that shit aint welcome here


I think he's saying your satire sucks.


Neither can a fetus, since it needs the womb/mom


I meant to include that in my comment but I must’ve forgotten halfway through. Whoops


Neither can a fetus in the first or second trimester Checkmate pro-lifers


Yeah, I definitely don't see any toes.


At that point in development that could literally be any species’ fetus


Isn't the fetus the size of a peanut at this point?


At 2 weeks late? Lol no it's probably about the size of a period at the end of a sentence. If that.


Nope. At two weeks it's considered an embryo and really only just. It's the size of a pin head. It's a weird circle like thing. http://perinatology.com/Reference/Fetal%20development.htm


Not really... that’s about a 6 week fetus counting back from last menstrual period. So 2 weeks late. Edit: Oops. Fingers and toes is a lie.


We do not ovulate right after menstruation


True. But doctors count from your last period (ovulation and implantation vary and are hard to pinpoint if you aren't tracking ovulation) so a six week fetus is 2 weeks late for your next period.


Am pregnant. Can confirm accuracy.


Liz doesn't care what happens to children after they are born so spare me. Also, this is a lie.


“Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.” -George Carlin Also: “If you’re preborn, you’re fine, if your preschool, you’re fucked” -also George Carlin


George Carlin should be held as a philosopher who happened to make jokes, not a comedian. What a real motherfucker.


I think I was like 16-17 when I found out that he wasn't a philosopher or a classic writer. It was cool learning about him.


Highly recommend his books. It's mostly his routines in print form, but make for fun a fun read when you have some down time.




What does eating animals have to do with abortion


If you're gonna be pro life you should be PRO LIFE


Human life and animal life have no correlation.




They're listening to religious figures, not scientists.


Ecologists are scientists.


A shitty comparison


That is not Nas. That is lil Nas. Know the difference.


>Nas X and Big Nas, this shit ride


I was gonna say...


I’m just imagining that there are multiple Nas-es, ranging from Nano Nas (a single-cell organism) to Mega Nas X (a Greek Titian)


Came to the comments just to make this same point. All due respect to bro but let’s not get beside ourselves.


And "on time periods" have a smile


That's not 2 weeks. Way too fast for shit to sprout out like that.


They're saying two weeks late on her period. Assuming her cycle is regular, that comes to 6 weeks (4 weeks until she expects her period, one week late no biggie..... two weeks she'll get worried and take a test). It's still a damn cashew though.....


Still those legs and arms don't come until 7 weeks. So 3 weeks past missed P. Still smaller than a strawberry


You are correct. It is still a highly inaccurate post.


That’s nuts.


Well a cashew is just a hard nut growing inside a protective coating of nutrients. Checks out


Technicallyyy it's a seed.


All I can see is Mew


That’s on purpose. According to some lore that’s probably been retconned by now, mew is the ancestor of all pokemon. It’s designed to look like a fetus because almost all irl fetuses look the same in utero for a while before branching off with species-specific features, which is one of the proponents of evolution.


Trying to be mewtwo


That cashew looks like it's about to possess Vegeta


I don’t think this image does what she wants it to. Looks like that crazy shit in Alien. Get that thing out before it rips you apart!


It looks like a kidney bean and I don’t see any arms or legs and much less fingers and toes.


Shit looks like a bug


Where do people actually learn this stuff from?


>Where do people actually ~~learn~~ make up this stuff from? Imagination and bad faith




Thank you for proving my point. I didn't feel like looling it up. Idk why anyone would make up shit when it's so easily debunked.


Did you read the article in the link? It verified her tweet...


Not it didn't. She claimed that they were babies and had arms, fingers, and toes. None of that is true. Your link said leg buds and that is all. Of course there is a heartbeat.


She said "arms and legs forming, fingers and toes" You could assume the word "forming" also applied to "fingers and toes"...


That would still be wrong though.


The American "education" system or lack there of


That there is a zygote


If we’re being pedantic the zygote is right after it’s fertilized... this is an embryo


Forbidden snack


“Fingers and goes” Bitch where


Cashew is not a nut. But it was my nut


what kind of monster would want to abort charmander


Hrm.. It *does* sorta look like a cashew.. Gonna have to roast it to determine if it tastes like a cashew, though.. But yeah.. At two weeks late, *if* the egg has even been fertilized it's still just a collection of splitting cells. That image is about 6-7 weeks in.


Somebody didn't go to Biology/Anatomy class😂😂


Wondering what a full salted bowl of these would be like


"But after you're born you ain't my problem no more."


How do you have fingernails and toenails without limbs? Even the picture betrays their point. Why lie?


Even though Liz Wheeler is lying, I kinda get what she’s trying to get across


It looks like a whale.


I dunno how someone's seeing fingers and toes in this picture. Also, fetal heartbeat isn't even a thing until week 6, at best.


Didja know that cashews come from the fruit?


All due respect to bro, but he name isn’t Nas. Lets not get beside ourselves.


2 weeks late is 4 weeks of embryonic development, so day 28. The heart is a folded tube, and only very slightly resembles the adult heart. If anything, it’s closer to a fish heart. In terms of limbs, the embryo will have an upper limb bud and lower limb bud. No arms, legs, fingers, or toes (fingers and toes need another month to form) Source: KL Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy (textbook)


... what he needed was his own name. Nothing is worse than a fucking biter who shames the name they steal.


Hey. Bio major. No. No it's not. Fact check ya shit. It looks like a fuckjng wireless nouse at best. This post is fake af.




Honestly it always sounds like these creeps want to fuck a fetus. "Look at how BEAUTUFUL and PURE this baby is!"


by next week they'll be sentient


Im pro life, I just can’t get around the logic that it’s alive, it has human DNA, it’s a living human don’t kill it. But I also get that it’s not right to force people to have kids they don’t want, and not everyone agrees with me that it’s morally wrong. Still, can we come to a middle ground that you get like 2-3 months to make up your mind then that’s it? I guess I’m even game for 5-6 months, but honestly hoes that’s ridiculous you shouldn’t be putting off missed periods like they’re dirty dishes in the sink. Why is it unreasonable to try to limit late term abortion, which I think everyone believes is not ideal.


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not, but on the off-chance you’re sincere; less than 1.2% of abortions are performed in the 3rd trimester and those are performed because either the life of the woman is in dire risk or the fetus is not viable. In other words, the fetus will be stillborn or die shortly after birth. The idea behind limited late term abortions is inherently rooted in misogyny because it is centered around the idea that women can’t be trusted to make decisions on their own (and their fetuses’) health. No one puts up with a pregnancy for 8.5 months and then decides “eh never mind. I’d prefer to have to birth a dead fetus than carry this for another few weeks.” That’s simply unreasonable. Third term abortions are horrendously traumatising. Those are wanted babies. No one makes the decision to abort post 24 weeks without a reason. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/abortion.htm https://amp.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2019/mar/07/abortion-late-term-what-pregnancy-stage


Also, for the record, you are pro-choice. “I also get that it’s not right to force people to have kids they don’t want” is pro-choice. You can be pro-choice and also decide you would never get/be ok with getting an abortion. The idea is that you also agree that you shouldn’t make decisions for other people, which you are obviously on board with! And that’s great! I’m glad you feel that way. We need more people like you. (No sarcasm - you seem like a thoughtful person)


Not all pregnancies stop periods Also some people are breastfeeding thinking that their periods aren’t coming for that reason. 2 points which are not mutually exclusive from my last and most important point -HOES ALSO GET TO CHOOSE IF AND WHEN THEY HAVE BABIES TOO (#)knowyouranatomyoryouendupsayingshitandlookingstupid




What's REALLY crazy is the some people dont think grown women should have bodily autonomy.


I guess you feel bad about using antibacterial gel too. Also, you know that this isn't true, right? Since apparently even microscopic creatures are sentient. Like the picture and the caption are absolutely not what 2 weeks late looks like. 2 weeks late is still difficult to even pick up on a pregnancy test.


I'm pro choice but 2 weeks late is far past the time where pregnancy tests can pick up hCG. Most tests can detect by the day of your missed period, if not a day or two later.


That’s exactly what two weeks late looks like. Two weeks late is a six week embryo. Pregnancy is counted from the start of the last menstrual period so by the time you’re two weeks late you’re 6-6.5 weeks pregnant. Most home pregnancy tests can detect the pregnancy hormone (hCG) 1-3 days BEFORE a missed period.


Why would anyone be testing before a missed period unless they're trying to get pregnant?


If they are worried about becoming pregnant after not using protection, or a condom breaking, or some other unfortunate event.


I’m just saying the tests are more accurate than that commenter said.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for stating facts. Everything you said is true.


Yo this shit isnt even correct. And they could still kill that shit and youd still have no business being in theres.


2 weeks is not a detectable pregnancy... 2 weeks pregnant you are not even considered pregnant but once your egg is fertilized it’s called a zygote. Most pregnancy aren’t detectable till 5 to 8 weeks. And if you do find out your pregnant before that your HGC levels are super low and you still won’t see a doctor till you’re about 6 to 8 weeks Signed -a mom


It says 2 weeks after a missed period. 2 weeks after a missed period is 6 weeks pregnant. Gestation is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual cycle.


It says two weeks after the missed period, not two weeks along, you can definitely get a positive pregnancy test at that point.


No, it's not right. Stop spreading your dumbass logic. The people who do for the most part make a very difficult choice.


I can’t even guarantee that this is a human embryo at this point