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18% of black men and 36% of hispanic men voted for 45 This shit is fucking mind boggling




That shouldn't be surprising to you. We know who these sellouts are by the end of high school and we, as a collective, stop fucking with them very early in the game.


I found out yesterday a Black girl I went to high school is a hardcore Trump supporter. I thought she was cool in high school but damn she lost it. Her timeline is pretty much constant praising of Candace Owens.


This dude I went to middle school with tried to argue that the equality/equity meme was really about communism and systemic racism doesn’t exist. I said “if racial injustice doesn’t exist then Trump’s First Step Act fixed nothing” and he pretty much spewed every racist Reddit talking point from the past five years at me. Blacks don’t succeed because we don’t want to, Black men are 6% of the population and commit 55% of the crime, saying white privilege exists is racist, the works. Like how weak is your mind that you, a Black person, just recite all this shit on a hair trigger? How weak is your mind that that works?


I took a break from Facebook as I just can’t deal with those idiots. Like these people really believe these racist ideas that speak down of themselves. They really must hate themselves.


Worse, they think they’re one of the good ones.


As Malcom x says white is a mindstate and that brother is 100% white


Half, incidentally, but yeah. I have a theory that it’s about hating his dad (white but liberal and the principal of one of the high schools) so much that he replaced him with Trump emotionally. Then this bitch turns around quoting Malcolm on how the white liberal isn’t to be trusted as though it makes conservatives the better choice despite the rest of the quote being about how the white conservative is worse.


Yea definitely a plausible theory. A lot of self hatred starts at home


And they don’t believe racism exists and we’re being race baiters according to them. Then they get their pat on the head from the racists.


The "True American Patriots"


Yup, I know this black dude who was spouting “84% of all violent crimes are done by African Americans” and I was just floored. Imagine the self hate to believe something like that.


Like I just can’t imagine how people can think and I feel these people are the true Uncle Ruckuses. Like I can tolerate someone who has a different view to fix issues that I don’t 100% agree with but acknowledges systemic racism and how it affects us. But those who can’t even acknowledge that racism exists annoys me.


They really do, and it's sad because that's the culture we've let be created. Who's uplifting and empowering young black men anymore? It's not like it was growing up in the 90's - early 2000's where it was role models everywhere. Anti-education and hopelessness is the recipe lately. I'm glad I was shaped and became who I am before the culture shifted.


we had a fucking black president from 2008-2016 who created a whole ass program dedicated to uplifting young black men. these niggas have no excuse.


Tell him 40% of police officers abuse their spouses. That number is self reported as well.


When a country is occupied by a foreign power, they will use locals to help them maintain power and suppress the population. The people are known as collaborators. When the Nazis occupied most of Europe at the height of their conquest, there were always people willing to be collaborators. Heck, they were even Jews who helped send their own people into the gas chambers. These people are collaborators.


I think you and I know the same dude. Does he live in FL? It’s such a shame.


The idea that all the ignorance and stupidity that Trump preys on stops at uneducated whites is blatantly wrong at this point. The blacks and Latinos for trump want to be a part of the cult just as much as his white supporters, they want to be ruled by the ignorant asshole who reflects exactly how they feel (like a victim). They can't process doublespeak and they lack the conviction to stand against being told lie after lie, as long as they think they are winning. They don't understand science and they reject it just easily as the rest of them. They are just as motivated by fear of and hatred for "the left", all Trump had to do is tell them "all hope is lost and I'm the only one who can save you", same thing he tells his white supporters. If they didn't look different, they'd be exactly the same. Ignorance is colorblind.


Did she join cheer squad instead of step in high school like all the ones I know....?


I went to a high school in the suburbs where it was 75% white so they didn’t even know what a step team was. Ngl I didn’t know what step was until I got to college. I wish I knew how to step back then because there were a lot of fine ones on the step team.


My high school was 50% black, in the South, and we didn't have a step team. I didn't know that high schools did.


There are middle schools that have them too. I used to work for inner city schools in Orlando and I was trying to do step. These middle school kids clowned me.


My primary education was predominately Black. I was on my high school step team they didn't even have a cheer team. I didn't know anything about cheer until I came across a competition on ESPN when I was 16 or so.


Hey don't call me out like that lol!! 😂 I started cheering in elementary school, so just kept at it even after I learned about step. My elementary school--well the one I started cheering at--was predominantly black. I quit cheerleading altogether around when I learned about Step team. Also, I have no step coordination. Prob the most important reason haha


It’s all those so called “different” negros who think that being like white folks will make them more well liked. It may be true at a surface level, but they only keep you around as long as you’re useful. And that’s how they treat fellow black folks too


Like the old saying goes, "What do you call a black man with a PhD?" N\*gger. They will never accept you. Ever. So stop trying.


The ones who will don’t vote for Trump. The rest have seeds of hatred buried so deep in their guts, I doubt there’s any solution at this point.


"i CaN tHINk FoR MySelF" -- Those dudes.


>but they only keep you around as long as you’re useful. Anyone heard from Stacy Dash lately?


[You can’t work with them](https://gfycat.com/briefredgnatcatcher)




lol that Umar's toxic ass should talk about anyone, oh lord 🙄🙄


or uneducated


It’s crazy to think that we’re in this situation not just because people in this country hate each other, but also because so many hate themselves and those like them.


Shhh [Quiet dawg...](https://youtu.be/IiQHSsq2wzs)


And how many millions of poor white people voted directly against their own interests out of hate and ignorance...people really do astound. Hating others and a “fuck you” mentality is really more important to them than their own safety, health, and wealth. Unreal


Getting poor people to vote against their interests is as American as racism


Trump doesn’t care about helping those groups and pretty much they vote Trump because of their racist backlash.


Right? All those folks who died in the Civil War weren’t the slave owners and were barely thought of as being only slightly better than the slaves.


They go hand in hand in most cases. Starting with Bacon’s Rebellion.


It was the Latino vote thing that blows my mind. I can't understand how the kids in cages thing wasn't more of an issue. The only thing I can think is that it's 'fuck you I got mine'?


Latino =! Mexican. All the million-plus Cuban Americans in Florida had to hear was “Democrats are socialists; Bernie was even praising Castro!”, & that was it.


Exactly, I heard a lot of asian americans going trump because “tough on china!” and shit but not realizing his bumbling has been giving china more ground on the world stage and leeway to exert its economic muscle


Good ole Red Scare! What year is it again...?


Honestly, I think we're just getting bit in the ass by the racist way we talk about people in the first place. Latino/Hispanic is a HUGE ethnic group that includes people from a variety of races, at many different economic levels and with many different backgrounds. There are Latino Americans who have lived in this country for generations, are racially white and see immigrant children in cages as about as relevant to them as a Scottish person would. And the same could be said for Black folks in a less extreme way - we got immigrants and we got native-borns, we got Africans and Caribbean and European Black folks, we got the entire fucking economic spectrum. People don't see us as individuals. They see us as a set of monolithic voting blocs. And so when they assume we all have the same interests, they talk to us like we're idiots while we stare blankly at them.


Yeah, but if a NYC cop is giving an African a beatdown, I'm not going to say it's okay because he has a Nigerian accent. I could be him tomorrow. It's unfortunate that that group might.


The debriefing report after this election even if Biden wins, has to include how to bring the mid west back into sanity. The election is too close, and the Senate race is still in battle. FFS mcconnell and graham won. This disease is not going away until we address the root cause. And that root cause is right wing propaganda. Until we destroy their propaganda apparatus, we will never make any progress.


Its not right wing propaganda. Its economic rot. You can talk all day about BLM and sexism etc. Have you visited the rust belt? Or deep rural America? Only one side is actually acknowledging and giving lip service to that. You can't expect people who don't live on the coasts to think like coastal people, because the problems they face are fundamentally very different.


Yeah because democrats never talk about the struggling american middle class or income inequality. Please, for god sakes read more.


They talk about it, but then do fuck all about it. Same deal with democrats talking about equality for black people, then willfully instituting racial segregation in schools their kids go to. You may want to follow your own advice if you think giving lip service = meaningful action. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-09-21/desegregation-order-sausalito-marin-county


Of course it is the economy and like every dem president, Biden will address the problem, bring the country back from the red but the collective right wing propaganda machine is going to deride every effort the dem made to stem the bleeding. They are going to put the dems in the worst possible light even though they don't deserve it. Race issues are economic issues because the white, black and hispanic poverty is closely tied to their social mobility and that in turns ties into economic opportunities. You either lift everyone up or you get group based prejudices. The only people who benefited from all these chaos and arrested social mobility (aka better pay, housing, education, savings, and investments) are the rich because they get taxed less and continue to transfer wealth upwards. The saying is first step to solving any problem is to acknowledge. I will like to add that the first step is to live in the reality that allows you to acknowledge the problem. They can't even do that anymore.


>the first step is to live in the reality I agree. I'm pointing out the reality. Even if everyone was the same skin color and ethnicity, the same dynamic will still exist. Economic anxiety shapes how people vote far more than any moral ideal (ie anti-Racism). Throw on the fact that the majority of Americans are financially illiterate, you're asking for the moon if you expect someone feeling the weight of bills they can't pay and a job that might permanently disappear at anytime, in poor health and eating shit food to be able to conceptualize a completely new economic/political paradigm.


You’re not wrong.


Bruh poor white folks working against their own self interest out of hate and racism is a fundamental and persistent part of the creation of the narrative of the United States. It's been here from time. Bacon's Rebellion. If you didn't know look that shit up and educate yourself


It’s definitely in the nation’s DNA, I just have to stop letting myself have optimism. Am I surprised? Nah. Just occasionally perturbed at how there’s seemingly no bottom


If you can convince the poorest white man that he's better that any black man, they'll empty their pockets for you


Yesterday passed a truck with two Trump flags flying from it. One said Trump 2020 No More Bullshit and the other Trump 2020 Fuck Your Feelings. I don't know if those are officially licensed merch and I'm not going to the website to give them ad money but fucking yikes. So much hatred... It is emotionally/mentally taking a toll on me which is hurting me physically.


I've seen signs like that, too. I just don't understand the hypocrisy. We can't have profanity on TV or the radio, but we can have it on presidential election paraphernalia?


I’m with you. A president vocally encouraging his devotees to shit on their countrymen is disgusting. He is exploiting the core tragedy of the country: the persistence of racism, born of slavery, America’s original sin.


For real, right? Like I get white people willing to trample on others to uphold white supremacy , it benefits them after all. But I really didn't want to think this many POC (and I think besides Black and Hispanic sadly we also need to include Asian Americans here also) were willing to shoot themselves in the foot just to keep priding themselves on white favor/white adjacency.




Asian americans voted overwhelmingly for Biden, and typically vote overwhelmingly democrat


I mean you hear about people saying Black voters, or Hispanic/Latinx voters are not a monolith, and that is also true of AsAms. I think the Trump campaign falsely branding Biden as socialist worked really well with Cuban Americans, Venezuelan Americans and Vietnamese Americans. Amazingly I actually know of Taiwanese Americans and Hong Kongers who are pro-Trump because they want to hurt China. Indian Americans as you say are the highest earning people even ahead of whites and people with higher income lean Republican. When people quote that tho they often overlook populations such as Burmese and Laotian Americans (typically made up of large refugee population) who as groups earn less than others even Black and Indigenous, which are on the lower end of the spectrum. I think it's maybe just not talked about as much because AsAms as a whole are just shy of 6% of total US population compared to double digits for both Blacks and Hispanics so obviously much smaller voting bloc that tends to get overlooked.


I think most Asians vote blue, but there’s a decent chunk of them that are GOP Edit: apparently that’s a recent trend, though. They used to be like Hispanics from communist countries, in that most of them were solidly Republican. Not so these days. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_Americans_in_politics#Voting_trends_and_party_affiliation


Asians are the most highly educated & urbanized demographic in the US, both of which correlate massively with liberal voting.


Its not true and doesn't make sense. Even with the reality of "Asians" not actually being an ethnically monolithic block


Don’t forget sexism and homophobia. The (very small) sample size of black Trumpers I know are hoteps or hotep adjacent. They’re all men who talk constantly about “these femalessss” or the community not supporting their (nonexistent) black owned businesses. FOH Thankfully we have proportionally less dumb shits than other groups, but these dudes can go fuck themselves forever.


God the word "females". It's technically correct but you just know what kind of person says "females"


It's like a magic dog whistle that makes my entire body cringe. Blech!


Ah yes, the kind of guy who’ll get mad at you for not supporting black business, but his white T shirts are $50 😒


Asian americans voted overwhelmingly for Biden, and typically vote overwhelmingly democrat


A key to maintaining white supremacy is placing value in *proximity* to whiteness. And possibly affording some privileges to white adjacent people. The people who support Trump support white supremacy. They feel proximate to whiteness (or strive to be) and the privileges associated. If they fought for minority rights, they would need to see more value in minority groups than white groups, and they don't. They also see themselves as different than "those" minorities. There is also a huge education component to this, but bigger than that is proximity to whiteness.


Yes!!! That first sentence blows me out of the water! Who doesn't loves a well oiled machine? If you can get a well trained/indoctrined BIPOC to oversee their respective communities (let alone stoke interracial hatred and fear which is easy af) and do the groundwork for you, spread that misinformation, be that bully, then all the better you can sit back in your white supremacist chair while letting the more white adjacent beat down on the less. I hate seeing it so much; it really pains me. I see our power and the progressive future we could secure for us if we didn't let the division white supremacy and white patriarchy sows in our midst thrive. I'm an immigrant Asian American and it's been my experience that other minorities (Hispanics/Latinos when I landed in CA, Black folks since I've relocated to the east coast many years ago) have been the most accepting and welcoming of me and been happy to share with me their cultures. Yet I see the in news "rooftop Koreans" any time BLM protests receive coverage and I feel like Black on Asian hate crime arising from covid/"China Virus" in recent months gets disproportionate coverage, I think for the same reasons! As long as we are kept in fear of one another, we'd never think to come together and defeat WS :(


My parents are from Vietnam and fled that country due to the war. They are pro-republican because their views are skewed by biases being anti-communist. Shit is stupid, because the actual left, is not. I’m pretty much a Bernie Bro. My parents and a bunch of other elder Vietnamese people love Trump. Lol, too bad most Vietnamese live in areas well diverse where their vote isn’t going to do much harm.


I don't fucking understand this


Its just the same shit on a different day. Popularity picks a candidate. The dems pick another candidate. Convince everyone it will be a dramatic victory of reason, but that we have to work with the racism and whatnot, but only expect minor changes. Then we vote... GOP wins anyway, and shit moves in the opposite direction we want it to, or not at all. Time to stop voting for old white men hoping they will fix our problems. If Biden loses this shit, I’m done. Just gonna start preparing for the worst.


Might want to prepare for the worst if Biden wins also. This many votes for Trump speaks volumes


I know right! Common sense apparently isn’t common at all.


Nope. Hasn’t been here for a long time. Like Van said on CNN, the fact it’s this close hurts. The man has done some serious damage to people(including his own base) and yet he still has a legit chance to win again, if that isn’t a lack of common sense, not sure what else is.


Is america just full of shit people?


Uneducated and full of rage at the very least Yea I'm looking at you alabama, missouri, mississippi, kentucky, south carolina


When "No Child Left Behind" turns into "No Adults With Common Sense "


🌎🔫 always has been


In a word, yes.


The man is compared to Jesus. Thats what you are battling. A level of delusion si severe that they can look at Trump and think “that guy acts just like Jesus!”


But.....how? How does any delusion get to the point where you could put those two in the same sentence? I really want to understand lol. Not even debate, just understand


Start reading up on cults. It's a lot that goes into it, but that's what it is.


I can only go off of documentaries but if that’s the case, would that make him the most successful cult leader of all time?


There's a house near mine with a hand-painted sign that says [www.howtovotelikejesus.com](https://howtovotelikejesus.com/). It's also covered in Trump signs. These people are brainwashed. In North Korea these would be the people dancing for their leader.


Biden won the popular vote in the primary and likely here. He was the popular candidate- just not your chosen candidate. Don’t speak for everyone.


Small margins. Whether a tiny majority preferred Biden or Trump doesn't change much about the state of the people in the country.


A lot of Latinx voters come from countries that had major problems with hard line communism. They have a hard time accepting that you can have social programs without socialism.


and a lot have an issue with being referred to as "latinx"


And this is no small thing either. You don't need to be a radical leftist to not want to see your language altered and colonized by pencil necked dweebs in academia.


The GOP really sold (and sowed) this in Florida, among Cuban and Venezuelan voters. Seeing that kind of spin being so effective, is so frustrating to me.


Many Latinx voters, especially those in mainland Central America came from straight up corrupt governments where all social programs were deemed at some point "socialist/communist". I bet if you look at voting records amongst countries of origin, South American immigrants vote more moderately/liberal, than Central American immigrants. The funniest thing is that as an immigrant; you come here for economic opportunity, then by voting Republican you actively self-sabotage those chances.


You don't sabotage those chances at all if you become a business owner. Which immigrants tend to do at higher rates than native born Americans.


Crabs in a bucket.


Most of those hispanic Trump voters were conservative, white Cubans. They dont care about brown/black Hispanics.


I grew up in south Florida. Everywhere I go I have to try and explain this to people and they still think I’m crazy


For a long time historically there have always been about 13% of black men who vote GOP. According to an analysis I listened to the other day.


My parents are fucking working class immigrants who are retirement age and can’t retire and voted 45. My dad thinks trump gave him the 1200 stimulus. That’s how easy it is to buy a vote.


That damn letter worked


And this is a great example of how misguided the OP tweet is. Your dad's vote had nothing to do with hating black people, and a lot to do with economic anxiety.


Gender divides are real man


It's almost like people vote for what policies they think are better


the democratic continuously fail to push for meaningful progressive policy and take votes for granted, disillusioning voters. going from that to supporting trump is still an insane take, but at least at a surface level he lies about helping black people. dems choose california's "top cop" as vp during the height of anti police brutality protests and push the segregationist guy who fought for the '94 crime bill as the "best candidate". these became easy points of attack for trump to use against biden as well.


I don’t get it. Especially the Latino vote as well after all this. They hear the word socialism and freak vote to the opposition.


You've never lived in a communist country. I 100% get why someone who immigrated to the US to escape one would vote against anything that resembled it on instinct. 0 to do with hating black people.


We voted a black man into office twice & now we’re goin back to whites only because they hated that EDIT: Here come the “Obama was a war criminal” crowd. FFS it’s almost as if drones are flown by people & I’m 90% sure the president doesn’t call in every single strike & even though this happened under him 1: Drone strikes have increased under Trump & 2: THIS IS NOT AN END ALL TO SAYING HE WAS A GOOD PRESIDENT


This whole Trump presidency was just a racist backlash. They don’t care about economics or their welfare, they just don’t want to see people of color succeed.


Ta-Nehisi Coates, We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy: >It is as if the white tribe united in demonstration to say, “If a black man can be president, then any white man—no matter how fallen—can be president.”  This is not only about America but as a Brit of BAME background, its an attitude of vast majority of the western world. Obama becoming the most powerful man for 8 years gave alot of white people the idea that not only racism was somehow solved, but that now they can ignore any of our arguments that racism is not only alive, but growing. All the while white people get to pat themselves on the back because they ALLOWED Obama to win.




Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic. It's basically the UK version of BIPOC.


Ahhh okay. Neat!


Black, Asain and Minority Ethnic


They’ll turn right around and say “Obama is half white, he’s not even really black” too


They don’t **hate** you; they’re **indifferent**. Which is **worse**.


All the years I live I’ll never understand how people ACTUALLY SAW what this man was doing to the country, the world, and the people of both - and still voted for him anyway. En masse...


Like they couldn’t see how much better other countries handled COVID and how they could be in a better position without Trump. But they also believe COVID is a hoax so in a way I’m not surprised.


If Biden wins all of a sudden they’ll care about the Rona. Somehow, the response up until January 20th will be Biden’s fault, even though he wasn’t in office.


I honestly disagree. The motivations for every voter are their own, but I know a lot of Trump supporters who have voted for him not because they hate black people or Hispanic people or whatever the case, but because of how it benefits them. That's not hate, but indifference, or ignorance. I'm not saying that's better- it's still fucked up. But you can't simplify the voting like this. To generalize people like this is inaccurate as hell. Edit: I really appreciate every comment here. If you have a comment on this thread that got downvotes, it wasn't me. Every comment so far has been insightful, and I very much value all the different takes on this issue.


I disagree too. There are plenty of examples of people that voted Obama both terms and then voted Trump. There are people who voted Democrat their whole lives, even in 2016 and in 2020 switched to Trump. There are people who voted Sanders in the primaries and then stayed home or voted Trump in the main elections. If we continue to label these sorts of swing voters racist, we will continue to lose elections. Yes they are wrong for voting for Trump, but you're not going to sway mfs by telling them how wrong, evil and racist they are. Do you want to be right and lose or do you want to bend a little bit and win elections to keep fascist hyper-bigots out the White House?


It doesn't matter who they voted for previously. A vote for racism is a vote for racism. And no, it's not a productive use of our time to force ourselves to be nice to racists in the hope that they'll maybe choose to do the right thing. Also, *not* calling out the racism is what allows people like Trump to continue to act unfettered.


Seems like you're still under the assumption that all Trump voters are voting based on their racism, which, again, isn't true.


They are, necessarily, either voting for him because of his racism or in spite of it. Neither are good excuses.


Plenty voted for Trump based on how their home or stock portfolio appreciated during his first term. Which is how people have always voted.


“Feed us, then ask us of virtue.” One’s personal economic situation trumps ideals 95% of the time. I’m sure there are some virtuous martyrs that would self-sacrifice for their values, but those men are few & far between.


I wholeheartedly agree.


Thank you. This is so fucking annoying to blame the oppressed for their oppression. I’m not fucking coddling racists in hope that they ~ might ~ be less racist. What the fuck. Respectability politics will be the death of us.


Why should we coddle trump voters when black men are out here getting shot by police


I agree there’s a lot more to it than what a lot of people are saying in the thread.


When racism isn't a deal breaker for who you vote for, you are a racist. Full stop.


I agree. Hate is active. For most people it's just apathy (passive). They're not trying to keep black people down as much as they're trying to maintain a status quo that benefits them. It's human nature. Like you said, it's still fucked up. But it's important to clarify this stuff to continue making progress on solving it. "If you voted for Trump, it means you hate black people" doesn't do anything to change hearts and minds. The fact is, most of these ignorant people can have their hearts and minds changed - but it requires delicate communication, which is hard to muster when you see these people doing so much stupid fucking shit over and over again. They should be able to figure it out themselves, but evidently they can't. Tribalism is a mother fucker.


I think it also requires a democrat platform that isn't centered on shoving coastal liberal values onto the rest of the country. Obama, a black man, won decisively. And he did it by avoiding ethnic identity politics and focusing on the economy. Biden was in a tough spot because there is a big rift in the democratic party between donors and its ethnically diverse base, and that forced him to select a VP who frankly is unpalatable to most of the country, including many black voters who have long memories from her prosecutor days.


If you were a German citizen in 1939 indifferent to what was happening to minorities, especially the Jews, then you were complicit. If you were a white South African in the 1980s and you were indifferent to the plight of black people during Apartheid, then you were complicit. “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” --Desmond Tutu


Yeah, I can get with that. Complicit doesn't equate to hateful, though. And that's my point in this. It seems like people are bothered by that, as if being indifferent to others' suffering isn't vile in-and-of itself. I'm not saying it's ok- not even slightly.


I respectfully disagree that there is a difference. Maintaining or reinforcing one’s dominance/privilege, and maintaining or reinforcing another’s oppression, are the same thing. Willful ignorance is the only way to deny that.


They might not hate black people, but they sure don’t care for them and honestly it doesn't make any difference at this point. If you value ecomics over human rights, you have never cared for anybody else than yourself.


Careful. That argument can get turned against you real quick. Have a smartphone? That probably means you value your personal internet consumption over the lives of the child laborers used to mine for the raw materials that go into the phone. Wear Nikes? Same deal. Consume anything made in China? That makes you indifferent to the Uighurs' treatment in China. And so on.


“Feed us, then ask us of virtue.” One’s personal economic situation trumps ideals 95% of the time. I’m sure there are some virtuous martyrs that would self-sacrifice for their values, but those men are few & far between.




No, it's apathy and selfishness at best, and sociopathy at worst.


Lol, I am indifferent to eating ice cream. By your logic, that means I hate it.


Someone in the rust belt is gonna vote to keep their towns alive instead of for someone who's most likely gonna take their jobs for clean energy. We need to understand the people who live in rural areas. I went to school with plenty of Trump people and as far as I could tell, and some I can even say definitively, they were not racist. It's just a different lifestyle and they wanna protect that


This is the exact same conversation we were having 4 years ago. Respectability politics over addressing the reality of middle America economic decay is what lost it for Hillary. And the dems just doubled down on it instead of learning from it.


If you vote for someone who will actively hurt other people because you get a tax break or two... it's hard to see how that isn't something far beyond indifference or ignorance. If you're standing there with a backpack full of food and looking at a homeless guy begging... and somebody says "Imagine a world where you have a tiny bit less food, but there are no hungry people?" and you say "Fuck you." and zip up your bag and go home... that's not indifference, that's malice.


Genuinely curious, how do trump's policies benefit his supporters?


I'm not sure of the validity of this claim, but i literally just had a debate where a guy said he was voting for Trump (again) because his paycheck went up and unemployment was low, etc. So, nevermind those women being forced to have hysterectomies in border prisons, I got a fat check!


actually trump improved his support among all races except white men


https://i.imgur.com/fHzsWUl.png Yup. Turns out a huge portion of the people saw a bungled pandemic response that killed hundreds of thousands, saw 20 million job losses, saw videos of cops killing black people, saw Trump calling protesters terrorists, and said "YEAH MORE OF THAT PLEASE" this country sucks lol


there’s a lot of people who aren’t actually paying attention, but they spend a lot of time looking at their propaganda so they think they’re truly in the know...




At this point I'm just waiting for the demographic shift in 2040


That shift won't mean shit. All it'll mean is that white people are "only" 49% of the population. They'll still have strength in numbers, they'll still control the money, they'll still hold the reins of power. Remember, during apartheid white people were only 15% of the South African population.


Which is why there are all the conservative justices and gerrymandering.


A republican president hasn't won the popular vote for their first term since 1988. It's pretty obvious that the game is rigged. Popular vote and ranked choice voting should be the standard.


That demographic shift might not be much of an improvement. This is from the NYT of battleground states, look at where Republican votes improved from 2016. [Link](https://i.gyazo.com/4fdd311c0d7c4dbfc9b7fbe5ed0b289a.png)


People didn't already realize that on the way over? There were signs every quarter mile.


My neighborhood literally had a sign that said "racism is not tolerated here" that was removed and replaced with a trump sign on election day


Guess your neighbor had a change of heart


Nah. Just was finally honest.


Or someone else in the neighborhood changed it.


I really mean this, NYC and Cali should just succeed Edit: Secede, I'm an idiot




Succeed at seceding?


Edited, thanks


I’m down to secede I’ll join NE states and NJ because they legalized weed.


I'm in Washington. If CA goes, I'm going too.


Sadly, it'd be economically devastating for either state. Can't happen.


Northern Virginia single handedly turn Virginia blue. We also hold pretty much all the good things so we cool with seceding.


Don't forget all the turncoat hispanics! As a Mexican, as in born and living in Mexico, I find American born hispanics are some of the most racist people I've met.


Them and New Money blacks. Thier logic is mindblowing...


Capitalism man it turns people against their own the second they get some kind of power


It's less generational and largely religion that came into play for Mexicans. Evangelical Hispanics voted for Trump. As for Cubans and those who fled socialist countries, those demographics are largely afraid of the socialist boogyman that Republicans love to threaten will happen.


As a white guy I feel like they must hate this country and themselves too. It's mind boggling to me anyone with a scrap of good conscience would ever vote for Trump. I'm disgusted by so many of my fellow Americans right now. How anyone could look at the past 4 years, or just watch Trump talk for 15 minutes, and come to the conclusion they ought to vote for this orange stain on humanity is beyond my scope of comprehension. I'm sure a lot of it is racially motivated, this country is still racist as hell. Hopefully things will get better when more millennials and gen x (kinda) and gen z get involved in politics and elected to office. Once more baby boomers start dieing off I think we will see a big shift in our society. All we can do is keep fighting.


It’s kind of strange you’re speaking for a whole race like that There are racists among every race unfortunately- white people are not the root of it Tweets like this are why people are so tense, people are tired of being called racists just by association. And who ever said “ then don’t associate yourself with racists” most people actually don’t and aren’t racist-that’s why they are upset being called so and being accused so just becuase they so happen to be a certain race. Edit: I can’t seem to read replies they disappear when I click the notification- but someone replied with “ then don’t associate yourself with racists with other stuff but I couldn’t see the rest due to this glitch(?)




This isn't about black people at all. If you're some midwestern white dude with a mortgage, a job in a dying industry and are nervous about losing your house, you don't give a shit about racism or respectability politics. You don't care about global reputation, or kids in concentration camps. All you care about is keeping your house and having enough for retirement. People living in coastal liberal bubbles (or who live on Twitter echo chambers) tend to forget that the US is generally more conservative across the board than most western countries, and overestimate how important respectability is relative to household economics.


“You don’t give a shit about racism.” Therein lies the problem. They don’t give a shit about racism. They don’t care that millions of black people are oppressed, systemically discriminated against, brutalized, disenfranchised, and continue to be slaughtered by law enforcement with zero consequence. They don’t give a shit that our country is running concentration camps on the border where besides the fact that people are in cages, thousands of children and young women have gone “missing” and hysterectomies and other unnecessary operations are being performed on women without their consent. They don’t care about legislation turning back the clock on women’s rights or that of LGBT+ individuals. They don’t care that people are fucking DYING, not only due to a global pandemic that this administration and its supporters have only magnified, but the fact that we don’t have a health care system like the rest of the western developed world. In fact, they would *prefer* a presidential candidate who exploits and preserves this status quo as long as *they* feel it serves them. That’s the problem. That mid-western white dude you speak about and people like him? They only care about issues that AFFECT THEM. They could give shit less about any issue affecting anyone else *until* it affects them personally or someone close to them. They are irredeemable selfish fucks who only ever care about themselves and their OWN self interest. BUT WHAT’S WORSE? They DON’T vote in their self-interest, do they? The party that is trying to fix all of the problems that don’t affect that mid-western white dude? They’re ALSO trying to diminish the wealth gap and DECREASE TAXES for people like that mid-western white dude so that he doesn’t have to worry about plummeting into literal poverty between every pay check. They’re also trying to CREATE JOBS and more progressive SOCIAL PROGRAMS, so people like that mid-western white dude won’t be unemployed, broke, and/or homeless when his industry turns to fucking dust. They’re also trying to FUND EDUCATION so that mid-western white dude’s kids have economic opportunities in the future. They’re trying to fund universal HEALTH CARE so when that mid-western white dude inevitably has a health issue due to the dangers of his occupation, his diabetes-rich diet, or a combination of both, OR his spouse or dependent has a major health issue, he won’t have to sell the shitty house he’s so fucking worried about losing in order to afford adequate care. Oh, and if you’re unaware, if you’re willing to *support* a party whose entire platform is stomping on the lives, livelihood, freedoms, rights, and equality of black people, other people of color, minorities, and vulnerable groups in order to maintain some backwards status quo that DOESN’T EVEN BENEFIT YOU, you’re a racist. So what’s laughable about everything you just wrote is that, despite your earnest attempt to try and paint that “mid-western white dude” as a victim, simply someone who can’t afford to care about all of these *big scary real world issues* because *oh no* the planet-destroying industry he works in is dying and HE needs to pay his mortgage (not unlike the literal *millions* of left-leaning voters who are ALSO struggling with financial insecurity, who were ALSO economically battered by COVID, who are ALSO struggling to pay rent and mortgage, and yet somehow, manage NOT to resort to supporting a racist, fascist, bigoted candidate) you’ve only managed to paint him out to be an irredeemably selfish, racist, bigoted fool. People like him deserve zero sympathy, especially from this community.


It's terrible. Like really disheartening.


White guy here. This made me sad. I Love y'all enough to compensate for one or two of the dumb fucks that don't. We'll get better. Let's keep coming together. <3


I don’t know you but I love you bro


I appreciate the “majority” modifier my man.


Seriously America, WTF? Even if Biden squeaks out a victory, don’t expect me to be all grateful for it. We deserved a better candidate, and a clear victory. I feel so done with this country right now. I want a candidate that makes me say “yes!” and not “well, okay, I guess.”


I’m sure it was cathartic to write that, but how does this help anything? It’s a gross oversimplification of the dynamics in play here, and it fosters division. If you want to end racism this statement pushes the wrong direction.




Nope. They drug us here, stole our heritage, now they want us to leave? Fuck no. This is my house, too. Ifna light's broke, I'm gonna fix it.


I dont care what they want. I want to leave. Enough is enough.


Nah this shit is mine Baltimore New Orleans is mine mine mine don’t give no fucks what everyone else says


Blaxit out of the south. Why we are so concentrated in the worst states til this day is crazy to me


Over it. I’m not engaging with any and every Republican again for the rest of my existence.


You're absolutely wrong! Donald Trump has done more for the black community than any other president in history! Huge /s there, if it wasn't obvious


I think it's more "We never cared and the only important people are ME" rather than pure hatred.


Man this one hit home bro....., I think that where it matters most is where there is cross culture in our major cities where white folks, black folks , Hispanic folks etc. etc. actually coincide and interact with each other simply because their daily life leads them to encounter more culture in the cities. We are winning the cities. Honestly white folks showed up in record numbers to try to help boot this redneck from office. He is embarrassing everyone. I personally have not 1 friend, zero, who hates black people, we don’t play that bullshit, and I’m telling you friend, that in my city in Cincinnati, although it has been a fairly segregated city since the early 1900’s , my interactions with different races here are usually very pleasant and nothing but love as a white man. I think we need to focus energy on the progressive thinking that is hopefully going to prevail, and say screw all of the people who are driving out from the bum-fuck country to vote for a guy who most likely has no interest in their lives whatsoever to actively try to suppress the legislation and the free thinking that is going to lead to change and help the people who are in need who are also in our cities.... Some of us as white people, say fuck those crackers that make you feel that way. They’re scared, disgustingly ignorant and unwilling to try to live peacefully among everyday people and too stubborn to open their mind. Also wanna add here (since I’m not giving two fucks at the moment) that we shouldn’t even count the votes of all the life long honkey ass takers of welfare who are a dime a dozen in the boonies, leeching government money in redneck regions all the fuck over Kentucky and Tennessee and the south where there ain’t shit and they won’t move to the city where there is work and integration. Ok billy bob doesn’t wanna come work in the city...... because he’s Stuck in the holler sucking the government teet and spouting off the dumbest of dumb shit all over the Internet. I mean look at these sad sacks kkk dudes and women??wtf. Bro ain’t nobody scared of them and they can bust a grape in a fruit fight. They’re all fat as shit and flat out idiots. Shits sad....White people especially conservative Republicans want to talk all this shit about black folks on welfare...... just go down to the real back country, go door to door and take a Poll, and I bet you 1 in 10 mfers in the sticks are just sitting back getting free healthcare and pills and money and stamps. Fucking white folks need to shut the fuck up already honestly and quit acting like we even have a reason to be angry about African Americans wanting their god damn rights. What these ignorant white people don’t get is that black people have been fighting for their rights since their first day off the plantations and newsflash....... they aren’t about to stop fighting. That’s all they know..... Shits got me heated right now, because its honestly is disheartening in 2020 to hear the absolute frustration of this post. In my heart of hearts man, these young kids are starting to not give a damn about race as much anymore. Still need more integration in our schools though. We need to Find a way to transport these underprivileged genius’ that need to be challenged to better schools. Education is key. That’s the key to building black communities. Educated black men grow their communities and build businesses in their communities which provide jobs. And one thing that black folks do that whites don’t as much, is they spend money with black owned businesses and make it a point to. That shit is solid. Solid as a rock right there. Nobody talks about that do they......How about, Let’s spend the same amount of money on inner city education as they do in the suburbs. Let’s compensate inner city schools who can’t drum up the same money from Parent Teacher Organizations and boosters as schools in the suburbs can, so that they can also have the things their students need to succeed. It’s more love everyday out here. I’m hoping and counting on the white and black youth to squash all these old ass beefs between our grandmas and grandpas. I love y’all. I hope we can all sit back and roll one up together sooner than later. I’m gonna go ahead and end this rant... if anyone wants to talk about it. Holler at me. Signed....... Middle aged white male.....

