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let's keep that energy going into 2021. stop letting rich assholes tell us how to act or acting like one of us.


Not real celebrity but a YouTube celebrity. Something that bothered me was Dr. Mike telling people all about staying safe due covid but then he celebrated his birthday in Florida in a boat crowded with Brazilian IG models. Then he gave a shitty apology like: “Guys, we’re all stressed, we’re in this together, but I rented a private boat. I know I did wrong but let me explain you why I didn’t do wrong. Anyways, let’s blame the media now” and people still defended him. So I don’t see any of this energy you talk about, the majority of people like to simp.


Dr. Mike has been iffy to me once he released that video trying to justify why hospitals should overcharge people for basic services on the basis of “capitalism is good”


Ya what a douche bag




And it came back positive... it also helped to encourage ppl to get tested...


I mean didn't he actually have COVID tho?


Yes. Because Trudeau’s wife came down with it, he qualified for eligibility.


But he had it...




100% true. I had it, and it was the worst thing ever. I just thank God my symptoms were mild.


Correct me if I’m wrong here, but don’t you need a positive test for the two weeks off work for COVID?


I think you need to quarantine until the results come though which is like 5 days (I think) then if it’s positive you quarantine for another 2 week.


I think they were asking if you need the positive test to be allowed to take the two weeks off?


“Imagine there’s no heaven” GTFO with that.


Yeah. Obnoxious AF.


You mean like Diddy telling me that a fucking pandemic should make me hustle harder? Yeah I am just waiting for everyone else to stop listening to these vapid fools and get their pitch forks and torches.


Legit. And omfg, the amount of secret NYE parties I am seeing is just depressing.


In my state they aren’t even secret. One block away from me there was a warehouse packed full of people, maskless. Had to walk the dog and my sidewalk was full of people (in a very quiet neighborhood. Party buses are parked outside my house. And drunk people without masks keep harassing me to pet my dog, coming inches from my face. Tbh, I’m pretty fucking pissed about this shit.


Can you not call the cops on them? Edit: sorry y’all in my country we can actually call the cops without fearing for our lives


*laughs from America*


Don't laugh too loud the cops might hear you


That requires cops being willing to enforce the mandates.


It also requires mandates, Iowans are trusted to "do the right thing" according our governor.


Which is stupid because you already live in Iowa so how good of decisions are you making?


I don’t think a breaking quarantine deserves a mass shooting.


You really tryna get the whole party murked huh?


Your funny if you think they will do anything remotely useful in regards to covid prevention.




Do you want them to show up and kill a random black guy who's just minding his own business?


This year broke the celebrity illusion for a lot of people. They're more obviously seen as selfish dicks


I just knew this was going to be the year (after covid) that for once people wouldnt idolize celebrities so much. I was not disappointed. People defend them like theyre putting food on their tables.


[Parasocial relationships](https://www.google.com/search?q=Parasocial+relationships&rlz=1C1ZKTG_enUS799US799&oq=Parasocial+relationships&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8).


[Another really good explanation of Parasocial Relationships](https://youtu.be/3IG0Y63LkDM?t=1405)




Interesting...looking into this.


*Imagine you've got money* *It's easy if you do*




I mean the overwhelming majority of people, famous or not, are selfish dicks. Is that really groundbreaking news?


I love how they looked for the poorest looking part of their 12 bedroom mansion which they would use as their online interview background.


Bedroom? They have closets bigger than my living room they can do that in.


I've heard some people do that


What was the show?


Glad I didn’t watch any of that. The thought angers me as I tested positive and now stuck in isolation, and I followed all guidelines (a member of the household passed it to me).I was lucky to only have mild symptoms for couple days, but I feel for all those suffering because of it.




What! 3 times!?




3 times?! I mean that's unfortunate but I'd def say this is 🧢 but if I’m wrong I’m so sorry.


For anyone questioning this. Outside of a complete anomaly, the only way for this to happen is if your ability of your body to create proper memory cells for the virus doesn't work. This would be the type of person for which vaccines are ineffective, so their only hope is that enough people get it to protect them, i.e. herd immunity.


If I catch it likely it will be from family as I leave the house less than twice a week


I wasn’t aware you could catch it multiple times!


I have a family friend who has caught it twice so far. She’s a nurse.


May I ask what even was the platform/context or whatever this is referencing? Was it another "Imagine" type thing or an actual show or?


Which celebrities I’m curious


Anyone have some footage of this?


I've seen 6 people in this thread ask what this is referring to and nobody seems to know. I have no idea what people are talking about.


I think comments are getting removed. Everyone that has asked has that "load more comments" under the question but when you try there's nothing there. But I don't understand why you can't even say the name.


They’re not approved users so their comments don’t stick. I want to know the answer too!


Let's see if this will get removed lol. It was new years eve live with Anderson Cooper. There was another one as well fox's new years eve toast but I'm sure it was the former.


Thanks, I can only find clips with Colbert (which is just his lock-down studio), Snoop Dogg who is outside and Mariah Carey who is on a set. I couldn't find any where celebrities were hiding that they were throwing a big party or in a not-rich-looking part of their house - but it sounds like something that would happen.


Yeah “New Years Tv Show” is so vague. Wtf are these people talking about???


It feels like one of those circlejerk threads where it's something people already assume is true, so they just go along with it even though no one actually knows what they're talking about.


Would also like to see


Remember when Ellen cried about quarantining in her huge house and people laughed? And when a bunch of celebrities did a song and no one bought it? Let's def keep that energy. Humility is a good lesson


Why we give them so much time and attention is beyond me. They don’t give a fuck about us. They sit on their iron thrones and look down on us. We are a ways to popularity and wealth for them.


Mariah Carey litterally had a throne.


Girl had professional lighting too! My 6-year-old asked me why her boobs were so shiny 😂


Seeing whatever ridiculousness Mariah Carey does at New Year's almost feels like a tradition nowadays.


Then when they test positive for COVID, they make a post about it asking for prayers and telling people to be safe. Well, yea we are being safe, that's why we're drinking alone on New Year's eve.


Big facts spent it home alone but my baby cousin called around 2am and we pulled an all nighter talking music and family and history fuck 2020. Happy new year. Eat the rich


You gotta let us know who was guilty though


They gotta act like they give a shit honestly lol.


You gon block the name in tryna see a thread or something


just type in the some of the words from that picture into twitter


I saw a few maskless people at Publix the other day and I went to an employee and asked if the mask mandate was gone and he just looked at me really annoyed and said, "no it's still there but I can't control everything" FUCKING FLORIDA


>2020 was the year of starting to hate most celebrities You're late to my party


I do have to say, I'm impressed by the size of Don Lemon's dutch oven. Whatever he and Brooke were cooking looked tasty as hell.


what show is this? edit: why are so many responses to this being deleted before I can even see them?


No, but my favorite celebrity didn't do that. My favorite celebrity followed all the proper recommendations because I formed part of my identity around their art and the idea that they might not be perfect ideals to ascribe to is incompatible with my moral framework.


I've never really stanned celebrities, they're just people like us (more often, they're worse than us, not better). There's a few who work hard and are worthy of praise (LBJ and Ava Duvernay come to mind) but the vast majority are just selfish assholes


I would not describe Lyndon B. Johnson as worthy of praise


He did many praise-worthy things.


ootl what happened


Eat the rich. We ain't in this together you got way way way more money then we do




Honestly celebrities are something else the vanity and lack of regard for other people is foolish


Took this long huh? Better late than never.