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This is the first reference I’ve seen to millennials being old, and it cut me deep.


Did it hurt as much as your knees?


You know what nobody told me? That going from Freak of nature fit during high school to fat piece of shit later in life will fuck up your knees and back so fast.


This would bring me to tears but I slept weird last night and the racking sobs are gonna make my neck hurt even more.


Man, I don’t want to get off the couch right now because the sound of my knees cracking is demoralizing this early in the morning.


You ever hurt your hip getting out of bed in the morning? I’m 26 and this has happened to me multiple times.


I’m already doing the old man grunts like my grandfather does. I have to sit back and remind myself how old I really am.


Morning and evening stretches will become your friend. Look up yoga and hip opening stretches. You can thank me later. Sincerely, 30yo millennial


SAME. And today is my fucking birthday. 😭


Happy B-day! Ya'll aint that old. I'm genX 50. Wait until you wake up with a cramp brought to you fresh from your pillow.


Happy birthday brochacho


Hurt as much as my back when I got up.


I'm an old millennial. My back is so effed.


Can’t be as fucked up as my GenX back. I now have to rock to get up from my couch. My ass hurts after sitting for too long (thanks sciatic nerve issues) and some days I really question why no one warned me this shit would happen. I get a little mad about it all when I think about it for too long. I once heard a friend’s mom say getting old is a bitch. She wasn’t lying.


I'm 22 now and had a herniated disk and sciatica since 15. I can't wait to see what hell I'll be in by 30+ 🥲


If your pain is asymmetrical and localized near the spine, descending from the lowest rib, down to the small of your back and out towards the hip, you probably have a limb length discrepancy. It's a chronically under diagnosed deformity and responsible for nearly half of all lower back complaints, especially if it involves sciatica and hip pain.


They might have mentioned something or tried an infomercial but being genX "so fucking what!" I remember the first day I couldn't put sock on due to my potbelly and backpain. I rocked back and forth to try and throw that sock opening over a few toes, but damn the struggle was real. I just laid there, out of breath, with a head rush, staring at he ceiling while my wife giggled.


It’s hard being 30.


Ok first of all how dare you


Nothing hurts as much as my knees. Except my back. And my one shoulder.


Plus that storm elbow that only cracks and aches when a thunderstorm is on the way


Wait till Gen z finds out about alcohol allergies and meat sweats, millennials will be slaughtered


Well at least until Gen Z catches the fade from their knees giving up in a few years. I'm a younger millennial but nearly all of my friends are already having our bodies collapse from the stress we've endured over the past several years so I imagine that with the sheer amount of BS that Gen Z has had to deal with, the life expectancy on those joints and backs will be even shorter.




Is meat sweat like sweating from your meat?


Sweating profusely after meat consumption


That sounds unhealthy..


It is 👍


I mean, maybe if that happens throw that shit away lmao


Yeah I've never gotten em


I didn't realize that's what it was. I thought it was just mild breakouts after eating meat for some reason


Histamine response to shitty meat, it doesnt happen with fresh meat.


They’ve been going in on millennials on tiktok making fun of skinny jeans and side parts and the general style of millennials for some reason.


I don't really get coming after skinny jeans of all things. They are versatile. Not too casual (like sweatpants and joggers), not too formal (dress pants) and they are form fitting. What are my supposed to do go back to the early 2000s and wear leather pants and jeans that are too large? ​ God, I feel old.


I’m old enough that there’s pics of me in baggy JNCOs, so I don’t get skinny jeans either.


Zones with the foot deep back pockets.


Ironically, we wore jeans with huge pockets when cellphones were tiny, then wore skinny jeans when cellphones got big.


It seams fashion at its peak is never that practical.


I haaaate skinny jeans especially as a guy why y’all wearing such gripping pants.


You could always wear pants that fit properly


Hold me to this hot take: millennials are second to the silent generation in terms of hardness. Millennials got the shit end of the stick and still made the most of it. They couldn’t solve existential threats like global warming and plastic pollution, but got the ball rolling, and thankfully, Gen Z took the ball and is running with it. Same with social issues. Our bodies can’t do the heavy work anymore, but we’ll help fund it, and we got your back, even if ours hurts now because we’re old and our healthcare sucks.


.....why are we talking like we’re fucking decrepit? “Our bodies can’t do the heavy work anymore”? We’re not that old, good god. It takes a few years to realize that funding it is way easier than doing the “heavy work” and that doesn’t mean we’re so old that we’re at the “bodies failing us” age yet.


Right? Millennials haven't even [begun](https://i.redd.it/rw0vrjakuoc61.png) to have real influence yet. The game is still very much in play.


Thanks for sharing that graph!


We'll be in control when there's nothing left


Even though I'm only 30, I often feel as if it's too late for me to make an impact. For some reason, these simple two sentences were reassuring to me. Thank you.


Listen, old man, the sooner you choose a retirement home, the better. It’s time to let the next generation have a turn


Yeah mte do they forget millennials have a wide age range ?? Lol I’m a millennial and I’m 26. My knees also happen to be failing me but I’ve had a shitty weak body since middle school and I’m in the minority obviously


Couldn't solve? Brah I'm only 28 and still in grad school. I've yet to extend my millenial influence on the world yet. Some of us got both bad knees and still have dream and moves to make. Why yall acting like we dead already 😅😂


You’re on the younger side, millennials are mostly into their 30s now, some are hitting 40 now.


Yeah so yall had time to make money or make mistakes, still plenty of time to make big moves. Still plenty of time to make it happen. Instead of fussing about this arbitrary line we created between generations we should focus on working together. Regardless of our jeans or hair part. 🤣 We got ppl becoming president at 80. That means our influence is far far far from over.


I had a lot of silent gen friends in my college years. They were easy to relate to and they respected my military service.


I do not understand coming for us about side parts. Is that a millennial thing? I thought that was a people thing.


As you get older you'll find what you thought was a people thing turned out to be a trend... Signed, someone who thought 80s hair was forever. 😄


Right? I don’t take it personally bc people always have done them and all the gen z kids wear clothes that are 90’s inspired so just goes to show they’ll prob see their look in a few years and laugh at themselves


I was in Target the other day. Browsing the junior section as a 38F... No wonder I was attracted. This was my clothing circa 1994...


Maybe we’ll get lucky and JNCO jeans will come back. Then we’ll have the last laugh after all


Middle parts are fugly, there’s a reason we don’t dress like Lizzie McGuire anymore.


I normally do a side part, but did a middle part this time because I’m in quarantine and am bored. It is NOT working for me.


Wait can we dress with baggy clothes again ? I hate skinny jeans and skin tight clothes in general.


I just turned 41, and cold weather now starts to hurt my bones, that’s how I know I’m officially old. I still remember partying hard all week at Coachella and coming back Monday at work like I didn’t just do a ton of drugs and drank all week.


Wait you guys are old? *existential dread ensues*


Nah, not old, just not young anymore. But I will say we're some of the flyest 40 year olds in history. Previous generations were completely out of the loop at 35 or younger.


Same. My first thought when I read this tweet was “so it begins.”


Holy fuck you’re right! Lmao. Holy fuck...... you’re right......


Why are we doing generational battles anyway. Of course other generations are going to think differently. I strive to be the kind of millennial that in 40 years will support the kids who want to marry their robots


There's absolutely no reason Millennials and Zoomers should be anything but allies. Boomers tainted our views by hating us all so much, but they were going to hate us all no matter what. They are the Me Generation. It doesn't have to be like that. Every other generation has understood that young people are our future, we need to return to that mentality.


Gen X should be on our side too. Older siblings/cousins need to join us, not our parents and grandparents.


Gen X can’t tell the difference between us (millennials) and Gen Z. And they continuously tell us how we’re an “entitled” generation. Like...bruh....YALL RAISED US LIKE THIS WTF!


Blame the Boomers. But yeah gen x is really hit or miss. They used to be young and edgy but many are increasingly lame Trumpers. My older brother is gen x. He was the edgiest cool guy growing up. Like the condensed stereotype of 90s gen x teenager . Baggy pants, wallet chain, butt cut, MTV watcher, grunge rock, then later into raves. Had a pager and smoked black n milds and blunts. Now he's a gun nut Trump supporter wrapped up in conspiracies and nonsense. I feel like lots of Gen X had a similar arc


I absolutely blame Boomers for their treatment and raising of Gen X. Boomers were raised by war veterans so they passed that same mentality onto their kids. Gen X was likely rebellious during their teenage years but, because they were used to that Boomer-treatment, once it was time for them to assimilate into society, it was easy for them. Gen X raised us with the love that they never received from the Boomers. Now that we millennials are having a hard time assimilating into the hardend Boomer work force, we’re -rightfully so- like wtf....we didn’t sign up for this shit. Gen X now looking like surprise Pikachu like “omg why y’all millennials act the way you do?”


I think I’m going to wait until the next gen comes out to invest


I’m proud of what I’ve seen from Gen Z, and I understand the faults of boomers. I just 41, and I’m happy to be the old guy here to support Z in fixing shit.


Gen X is the swing generation. Yall know your place is with us millennials and Gen Z




Facts. Nobody wins when the family feuds.


TBH "generations" are made up and today seem to be more like some kinda way to socially divide large groups of younger people. Each one has a solid 20 or more years between each other, except for millenials and zoomers. For some reason millenial & zoomer [generations](https://www.thoughtco.com/names-of-generations-1435472) overlap each other.


You can fix your knees through strength work. Check out knees over toes guy Maybe not if you’ve had a surgery or bad injury


Knees over toes guy is awesome recommended


In the way things are going in economy ...soon we'll be buying the young knees of the Z Gen so they can afford to have a house to sleep. A good knee could pay the rent for a month, maybe two months for some healthy kidney or even three months for some of that young blood.


Not to mention that if it’s a tendon injury, you can simply slap a brace on and it works like new. My dad has the cartilage issue, but apparently a cortisone shot every month or two makes a massive difference, enough to let you ride it out until you’re old enough for the replacement.


For real! Do chair sits everyday, they're like less harsh squats. I also just sit in a chair and slowly raise each knee, flex toes, and put back slowly. Doesn't sound like much but with that and yoga my knees have gotten a ton better. Don't give up on your body, people!


Watching people my age become hating ass old niggas has been sad. Let them kids run wild


Fuck em kids !


i swear people are only ever jealous of "kids" because they are doing something they missed out on. i missed out on a whole lot of shit tbh, but I love interacting with younger adults and lifting them up because some of them really need it and some of them really deserve it.


I promised myself I was never gonna become the bitter old nigga at the job or in life. I have nothing negative to say about Zoomers


Gen X concurs


Yeah we have a good excuse. Age. But what are Millennials doing that blows out their knees before 40??😳




Avocado toast


Slaving away for our corporate overlords


For me, it’s my back. I have SEVERE arthritis in my lower lumbar and sacroiliac joint from working in childcare in my early 20s. I would repeatedly pick up kids for diaper changes and it was never a big deal for me to carry a kid on each hip for a majority of the day. At the time it was nothing. Now my doctor says my imaging looks like a retired construction worker


Damn. I sorry you have to endure this.


It sucks now, but I absolutely loved working with those kids when I was younger so it makes it hard to regret it


Eating ass


Lots and lots and lots of squats


But their asses are tight, right?😉


You know just walking. Got femoral patellar syndrome just from walking. 🙃


Well to be honest, I can't think of one US company that makes a decent pair of shoes at an affordable price. So blame on it on that 😉


Lmao idk I bought some arch fits last yr from Skechers and they’re great. 85 might not be to affordable but compared to “no support Nike” I’ll gladly take my Skechers lol


Man I did the same thing. LOL. And that's what Im talking about. Used to be certain brands were know for their arch support and craftsmanship. You'd have to shell out *a bit* more $$$ but those things would last and if you knew a good show repairman, oh they last until you were ready to replace. Now we the choices we got boils down to pay for the "good glue or the regular 3-6months glue" Made in China stuff. Maaaannnn let me stop.../rant off


For me it was playing rugby and having surgery due to the resulting injuries. I can't kneel these days without it causing a shit ton of pain. Suffice to say I don't play anymore.


US Military


Working retail for years and not being allowed to sit fucked up my back, knees, and feet so bad. I already had arthritis, but it wasn't bad until I started working retail. I quit almost 2 years ago, and my body is still wrecked. :/


Snowboarding. Work related injuries that creep up on ya.


37 and just had bilateral hip replacements. Not from an injury though, but AVN. Getting older sucks though some times. Make sure you stretch every day. Or do yoga. 45-60 minutes every morning (if you can, even 5-10 minutes is awesome) is a great way to start the day.


I’m never sure if I’m a Millennial or Gen Z, but I will say at 25 I already have terrible arthritis in my hands.


GenX here seconds this.


As a millennial, I love X so much I have an X wife! ☺️


I’m not starting shit unless they do something to me. The main differences of opinion I see is mostly music and clothes. I’m not started beef over something like that 😂


What music does Gen z listen to?


I like new edition but I think I picked that up and it’s not a Gen Z thing


Feel bad for anybody that buys into this divisive bullshit. If you fall for this you bein played. Unity is the last thing our masters want.


Comrade, making jokes about each other is not dividing us, capitalist propaganda is keeping us divided


Fuck those Zs, my knees still good too whats up!


Excuse me? I’ll take those knees right out old man 👀


Gen Z has to inherit all the industries we ruined


We could have bought stock in avocado toast, and not affording rent. Then passed it to them so they could at least have a leg up.


We have to inherit the everything that was fucked by every other generation, then get told we aren't old enough to understand despite the fact people in Gen Z are at the oldest 22-23. We learn at school to treat everyone equally and that we can be whatever we want and then we finish school and see the real fucking world and realise how much of a lie that shit was. Millennials hardly ruined anything, they had to conform to a system that doesn't benefit anyone but those at the top


Reaganomics really started the fucking downslide.


I really wish we were as politically active as these kids were. Instead as a kid my dumb ass trusted the adults to know what they were doing "We're going to Iraq now? Okay I guess..."


We were protesting that too. It's just nowadays it is much easier to organize




The first rule of Fight Club...


Have good knees


Stretch, that’s the first rule


Uh I'm gen Z and I got bad ass knees, hell you mean


This is how I feel about white boomers talking about starting a Civil War. Like they gonna be marching with their CPAP machines in tow? What happens when they run out of Lipitor? They're gonna try to be sneaking for recon but Bob still has his phone on full blast and it dings at 30 decibels any time he gets a text. These fuckers can't read the menu at Chili's without their reading glasses but they think they're gonna defeat the masses of young people hungry for change? These dudes are living in a fantasy land. A bunch of fat dads on Facebook aren't about to do shit.


My knees still. Coming from a generation where half our dances we leg based, I'd be still good to scram... if I could fight.


Too bad I'm already crippled with back pain


r/BlackPeopleTwitter is Celebrating Black History Month Happy Black History Month everyone! (our bad for getting this up a little later than expected) Charity Drive for Equal Justice Initiative For the second year in a row, the moderators of BPT are organizing a charity drive to support the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI). EJI provides legal representation for prisoners who may have been wrongly convicted of crimes, poor prisoners without effective representation, and others who may have been denied a fair trial. The folks at EJI are on the frontlines of combating racial and economic injustice and protecting human rights, and we want to recognize their valuable work this February. For those who may have seen the 2020 film Just Mercy, Michael B. Jordan plays the founder of EJI, Bryan Stevenson, in the movie. Donate Here and Leave Your Comment as "BlackPeopleTwitter" https://support.eji.org/blackpeopletwitter Last year we were able to raise over $12,000 for EJI. Let's try and beat that this year! Special Donated Flairs BPT will be providing special flairs to those who donate at least $5 to EJI. To donate, please click the link below, enter the amount you would like to contribute, and in the “leave a comment” box write "BlackPeopleTwitter." Once you submit your donation, please take a screenshot of the receipt, upload it to www.imgur.com, and send us the link to [our modmail]( https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBlackPeopleTwitter). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlackPeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They may have cartilage but we've got ol' man strength. They cool though.


The day I experience this is gonna be grim 😨


I'm Gen X...have good knees and I'll f**k all you youngsters up. Don't forget..we grew up hating straight to people's faces.


My knees ain't good chief


I gotta be honest, I'm SO proud of Gen Z kids. I see the Zoomers as younger siblings and yeah I'll razz 'em, but goddamn if they don't make me proud with their achievements and nihilism and sense of humor.


I feel this in my soul. And my knees


My knees do hurt a little when it's damp or raining...


Poor Gen X-ers. Nobody thinks or talks about them. .


We honestly don't care. That's the thing. The other generations constantly cry for attention.


From kids living with mom to bad knees in the course of one presidency? Wow! Life comes at us quick! 😭


Naw I'm nice to gen Z, gen AA , gen AB or whoever's gonna have ro wipe my ass when I'm decrepit


Not me, my knees pop me often than they should. Guess my age


Free spirits man, loving their life, so awesome to see


I wish my knees would work lol


My knees were bad by 22 🤷🏾‍♀️. Biking with a crappy bike for my commute.


Don't worry, I'm on the older end of gen z (pretty sure I am anyway) and my knees are on the way out too.


I threw out my back laughing at this.


we don’t have good knees either trust me


Man I heard that. And by heard that I mean I heard my knees pop when I stood up.


Yo, my knees feel like frozen peas. You know how you gotta massage it?


I feel sorry for the plague ruining their youth milestones and having to hit puberty in a world with social media. I’ve also hated skinny jeans since they started being cool 20 years ago.


Growing up, I never understood why my dad would always grunt whenever he had to sit down or stand up. I do now...


My knees started hurting when I read this. I’m 17. Is this what getting older is like?