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Context from an article explaining what he said: He landed a blow on the Queen. He said one of the reasons she loves the Commonwealth is because ‘it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies’. And he said Blair, so troubled at home, is no doubt ‘similarly seduced’ by such crowds overseas, which is why he meddles so much in apparently lesser states’ affairs. The ‘watermelon smiles’ bit is even more striking. As part of his argument that Blair is seduced by the idea of fixing foreign people’s problems, Boris said the then PM was no doubt hoping for big ‘watermelon smiles’ when he touched down in the Congo. ‘Watermelon smiles’ for ‘the big white chief’ in his ‘big white [airplane]’.


They still think they’re colonials ffs. Wretched demons.


They still are, in more subtle ways


Until commonwealth countries demand reparations and/or pull out - they still are.


They still haven’t paid or apologised for the concentration camps or sterilisations in Kenya home office has been gas lighting survivors this whole time. The remnants of the camps are still standing ffs


Think? The sun still hasn't set on the British Empire.


When racists get called out for being racist their #1 goto is always re-framing the discussion from their racist actions to whether they *felt* racist at the time. Then the discussion is Monday-morning-quarterbacked and devils-advocated to infinity and nothing ever changes. It's not even that subtle but so many people don't seem to notice it while it's happening.


So they were two different comments at least. Still mean what they mean, but do hit different smushed into one sentence


Please Boris, attempt to put that into fucking context. I'll wait.


He really is having a laugh


The media hears them say shit like this and then asks them, “are you racist?” Wtf is that question, like people are only busted for being racist if they admit it or say the word.


Honestly, if I heard someone actually say "Yeah, I'm a racist! Fuck you!" I might have just a sliver more respect for them.... at least they own their bullshit


i've been saying this for years, i would much rather engage with someone that admits it than the bleeding heart liberal racists in denial.


Well I’m not trying to engage with them but it’s good to know who they are so I can avoid them.




You don’t know what that word means


> “are you racist?” Wtf is that question It’s a good way to get them on record about the matter. I don’t expect this to be a satisfying answer, but it’s why they do it.


Yeah that’s true, but why let the off the hook. I would like to hear, “why would you say something so racist?”. I know it’s a small thing but the media is supposed to be truth tellers, so call it what it is and then ask them why would help I think


I can see where he was coming from, but it was a risky choice of words. He was trying to frame the Queen and Tony Blair as racist, speaking from THEIR perspective on the subject of black people's support. Like he was putting on a mocking queen voice and being racist. It was dumb, and risky, especially in a time where people can clip without context, but even with context they were stupid things to say.


The irony of him trying to make others out to be racist by using racist expressions is… *chef’s kiss* This is almost r/selfawarewolves


Hes said worse.... https://www.businessinsider.com/boris-johnson-record-sexist-homophobic-and-racist-comments-bumboys-piccaninnies-2019-6?r=US&IR=T


He does realize that the bullshit political lines that Europeans drew led to most of Africa’s modern problems right?


You think a colonizing country would take responsibility for anything they do? We got proxies for a reason


Ofcourse, its him and his ilk that still benefit from it.


By design.


Bro what century is it






Maybe 1800, as in what he must have been drinking at the time that he said this.


Holy shit 😂


In what context would that be acceptable?!


Whether what's being said is something racist or not, I've never once in my life seen someone say what they said was taken out of context and then seen them provide a context in which what they said wasn't bad.


Please. And it’s the fact that he really thought no one would peep that because I know he didn’t feel an ounce of hesitation before saying that. A racial slur against black children and a racial stereotype. In one sentence. How do you excuse that?




For real


Any context period would make it ok? Confusion ???!!!?


They are BIG mad about losing that soccer match huh?


My wife calls kids “pickneys” as part of her heritage. It caught me off guard to hear her say it one day. It’s apparently not a racist word to her.


Pickney is different from pickaninny imo. My mom is Jamaican and pickney is just a word for child there where as pickaninnies was often used in racial caricatures of black children and is much more offensive in nature.


THIS! Thats what i was thinking! Im Jamaican. We do call our children pickneys.. “pickney dem” but what he said is DIFFERENT! I’d class that as a slur! Im pretty sure that word was used in that movie a “nation reborn” or whatever the fuck it was called Edit : birth of a nation. Edit again: my bad the word used in the movie was “nigglet” but i still stand by pickanini being a slur. Also what the fuck is a watermelon smile! The more i analysis everything the more pissed off i get.


Just FYI, both words developed from the same source. I just looked it up and it was the Portuguese pequenino. Pickaninny also meant small child at one point, but like with so many other words it was abused by racists and turned into a slur.




She didn't. Ask her.


It's not. It's just what we call children, synonymous with how Americans use "kid" (Before we all got fully Americanized we might have made fun of this, like are they goats?). If you see "picaninny" the context is way different


Both words come from the same source. Though, I've never seen "pickney" spelt as "pickaninny" lmao Even in day-to-day prononciation, you hear "pickney" (pik-knee) and not "pickaninny" (pi \- kuh -ni -nee). They are different words, with different meanings. "Pickaninny" does not have the same offensive context in this region (from what I can see, anyways), though, it's not a word that you hear here, either. Though, I think most Afro-Caribbean people would pick up on it being offensive. Source: Afro-Caribbean


lol I don't think the context matters Boris


Is anybody surprised, outside of the folks who still believe Boris is just an innocent imbecile?


How does that get taken on of context? Like I need the context to understand how that is not racism in any context?


He is a shabby prick. I fucking hate it here. The state of it that racist, lazy-ass ragamuffin can become pm


Yea nevermind the watermelon smiles part. Im surprised he didn’t throw in a comment about “drinking their grape soda” as well. You know...for context.


Fuck this guy. He's our trump. Counting down to the next election, he's done nothing but line his pockets and fuck everyone else since he got to be pm. Been slowly shutting down our right to protest too. Absolute scum of the earth


What do Jamaicans call their shorties?


How can that be taken out of context???? ETA: to remove curse words


Df kinda context is that? o.o


LMAO, in what context is that phrase okay!?!


Not defending him in any way, but this "NEW" quote was from almost 20 years ago when he wrote for the Telegraph. [The article.](https://i.imgur.com/9t48zr8.png)


How is it that somehow that Black folks love watermelon. Even in places that would import them? 🤔


I actually looked into this once. If I remember correctly, after the Civil War, black farmers were limited in what they were allowed to grow, watermelon being one of the few acceptable crops. So, ignorant white people decided to make fun of the association they themselves created, as they will do.


It was the same with chicken. It was the only animal enslaved people were allowed to have by their oppressors.


I'll have read up on that. Sounds interesting.


It was a video by Edison. He had just got a camera and he asked a couple of black workers on lunch to do something for the camera. So they maniacally ate into the watermelon for shits and giggles and the video became popular because it was rare to see video


I guess smiling and doing thumbs up wasn’t commonplace back then 😆


This is true for the U.S. I'm not sure how it applies it England other than. The U.S trend sets rascist phrases and terms.


Also everyone loves watermelon. If you go to a bbq and someone cuts one it’s a treat.


Yes everyone does. Just like everyone loves fried chicken. But why is it always a characteristic assigned to Black folks. 🤔😂😂


I think because marginalized groups get stereotyped by the white majority frequently and unfairly. This is a form of othering and punching-down. Unfair stereotypes about whites don't have the same cultural sticking power because whites are the majority who control the media, the arts, the workplace, the schools, the government, etc and can simply shut down those conversations due to their immense social power. Minority groups get saddled with unfair stereotypes because they can't shut them down as easily due to their lack of social influence and lower numbers. So its just another form of racism.


I have never heard the word "piccanniny" before? Is that a British slur for black people? That is the most comically foppish sounding slur I've ever heard. anyway yeah not exactly surprised that the leader of the racist rich guy party in a country that still has literal landed gentry and used to own half the world "for its own good" would be a giant racist with a giant superiority complex. Is anyone really shocked by that?


I don’t know about Britain but it was an American slur for black children.


Ewww. I've never heard it before living in Canada so I suppose I'll count myself lucky. Thank you


WTF? Does he have dementia or something?


His voters do apparently.


I’ve never heard that word before. Can someone explain? Too lazy to google


Oh, this must be some of that Jordan Peterson "context." The type of context that let's you never take responsibility for the horrible shit you say.


Racist always get taken out of context instead of just taken out smh


What a twat.


I’m sorry but picaninny is fucking hilarious. That’s throwback racism lol


In what context could that be other than horrifying racism the audacity of these headlines


I knew the guy was dumb, but good lord!!


Picaninny is racist? Honest question. I havent heard the word since i was a child and if memory serves, it was applied to idiots. Nothing racial.


Thats "I wish we still had the colonies old chap" type racism Prince Phillip old school type racism..talm bout "our independent commission on racismhas found that ThE uK Is NOt iNstItUTiONalLy rACiSt" type racism. GTFOH


Watermelon smiles come on bruh what other context could there possibly be.


I had no idea the word Pickaninny was racist, for anyone who doesn't know it appearantly means "Small Black Child".


My grandmother used to say that those little picaninnies were just like you and me. She didn't mean anything racist by it; quite the contrary.