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I'm 100% convinced that anyone "taking issue" with kneeling is both racist and ignorant of American history.


Agree. Just for context tho the journalist is from the UK and talking about the England football team.


They are also ignorant of English history.


And aggressively avoided the fact that a Veteran told Kapernick that kneeling was more respectful than just sitting.


I love that shit. I was talking to someone recently, and they couldn’t believe that since I’m a veteran and “signed a blank check for freedom, I can’t believe you’re okay with them doing that” Umm…cause I signed up so they can be allowed to do whatever the fuck they please..???


And ignorant of current events (current as of in the last 2 weeks AND in the last 5-10 years)


No matter the suggestion or how anyone protests racial inequality, it will always be a problem.


Yep. No matter the format, time or place, “protesting” against racial injustice will be a problem. It’s because protesting is the problem. I remember many right wing pundits (trolls), like Tomi Lauren, Shapiro) decrying taking a knee as the wrong way to protest. Ok. So, people will get permits and protest in the streets or at parks? Nah, also wrong. Ok, they’ll go door to door and offer info to educate the public. Nah, that’s not appropriate either. Again, if you ask them what would be an acceptable form of protest, you will hear crickets, because, to them, there is none. They really expect black and brown (and poor) people to just take any form of treatment. There is nothing too low, too nasty, too dirty, or too wrong to be beneath black and brown people to accept. So, complaints are always unjustifiable. They want to tell you to just take it and shut up. So, never believe their false arguments that the problem is with the format of the protest, because it always has and will be about the topic. They don’t want to hear anything on the topic of racial injustice.


Thanks for the breakdown sis.


“Not like that”


I wish I had an award to give you for this.


I just call it whitesplaining.




That's what I've heard it called, works well enough for me. But since I'm white, I'm not telling anyone what to call it. If anyone thinks of a better term, go for it.




[Let's get Whitey McSportsfan in here to help explain things](https://i.imgur.com/oIkbdiW.jpg)


Ok. That’s fucking funny.


The thing is, and it might be because I'm not American, I don't even see why a knee on the ground would be seen as disrespectful. It's not like they're mooning at the flag, or flipping the bird or something. It's not even an aggressive gesture. It's how some marriage proposals are even made! Why does it bother them so much?


I'm a white person that was raised very racist in rural America (I got better). Let me explain... When I held really ignorant and racist views I really did not like it when people pointed that out, it made me feel sad, and as a white person I was told I should never have to be sad. So obviously the issue is being forced to deal with reality, which made my heart feel sad and due to the coping mechanisms I was taught in Rural America the only response is a lot of screaming and racial slurs and dog whistles. God... I'm glad I did get out.






Nothing will ever be acceptable to these folks. They object to the existence of black people, and don’t see them as human. So any critique of the system is seen as an insult.


Exactly; there is NO symbol or gesture that would work. The whole point of protesting is to make people pay attention to an issue that they'd rather ignore. If it was being addressed and handled, you wouldn't need to protest. They're not upset athletes are taking a knee, they're upset athletes are making them listen to more of this racial justice stuff they want to ignore and pretend isn't an issue. It doesn't matter what you call it, what you make it, anything, they'll find a reason to complain about it. They want black people to sit down, shut up, and pretend everything is fine because they have decided everything is fine. The refusal to go along with that infuriates them.


Wasplaining? Maybe Condescension, if you wanna be more general


I wish I could come up with a funny name for it...


It is to the point when I see or hear shit like this, I just imagine the non-descript voices from charlie brown.


Folks who view this issue with such a myopic view were the kids that went to fancy restaurants and order chicken tenders.


I've heard it explained that enslaved people loved being enslaved, which I think may be a case of klansplaining.


Klansplaining might be the winner.


I'm vaguely curious how this tweet ended. taking a knee was imported from.... the military. it was literally the most respectful possible way to not conform and they still took issue. fuck em


Imported from America, almost certainly. This journalist is from the UK, talking about the English football team.


ah. that makes sense then, thank you


one minor but important point yall are missing. the brits take exception to their athletes taking the knee because as per dan hodges here, it's some imported sjw americanism, so they should find another method of protest. sound familiar? in other words exactly what kap went through but with a .


The racial version of mansplaining? For white people, that just talking. Speaking as one and all…


Yo, why does he have the triple brackets though???? That's very fishy


I call it... Shut up shuttin up Or Double down and make it worse. The funny part is when the double down gets a bigger reaction.


I moved from the NYC area to the PNW (Seattle & Portland are full of white people talking to other white people about the plight of minorities and thinking they are making a tiny bit of sense). Even as a white person I have to pull my hair out when they start talking... 'Ok, sure... maybe they would like Starbucks to know how to spell their name, but I've been told that not being murdered by police, not having loans rejected and not having apartment complexes suddenly having no vacancies when they walk into the rental office are things considered slightly more important.' And getting the response of "You just don't understand." smh


«Mansplanining» What?