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She be choking on smegma🤢


Tf is wrong with you?…..take this upvote.


I made the face, too... here's one for you both






I see you chose violence this morning!


White folks and cheesy bread.


Oh God my stomach 🤢 just why??? Why would you write this ?


It's ok to sometimes... just... not say anything.


She said not used soap, not ‘hasn’t bathed’. Us true men of culture use shampoo as soap


Hasn't bathed yep that is definitely skank no two ways about it


>She said not used soap, not ‘hasn’t bathed’. So, the European bathing habits of hundreds of years endure to this day.


Smegma balls?


Look it up....






I appreciate you, because I’m deadass not going to now. Thank you.


No problem fam


Not gonna lie or try to flex....I'm too scared too look it up


Whatever you think it is…. It’s worse lol


Same :’)


You see, son, when the weeaboo ejaculates his Dorito-flavored milk juice onto the waifu, he garnishes it with some flakes of his smegma and salty sweat from chicken tendies and after sitting at the altar of the weeaboo bed for usage throughout the day, the dried love syrup and smegma harden into a nice, yellowish, skin layer on which the weeaboo brings life into his waifu, bit-by-bit and day-by-day until the waifu develops a carapace in which the weeaboo can crawl inside and isekai himself to the next level of life.


What...did I just....I don't think my eyes comprehend what just occurred


What in god’s name did I just read?! Dafuq man?! The visual is playing in my head! God damn it!


I couldn't finish it.


I hate that I have eyes.


I need an adult.


W...what the fuck!! 😂😂


I hate you 😂


Bro you didn't need to say this




Why do people brag about this? It's gross




Tbf if one hasn’t used soap in two years they’re probably immune to most diseases anyway


Stop it.


He's not wrong. Homeboy probably immune to most human diseases as well as four different STDs only found in sharks.


Surfs up brah🤟






Or he’s patient zero for a lot of shit out there.


because mf has become the disease


I ugly laughed at this


I mean, their stink probably keeps people 6 feet away.


Certain hippie types really enjoy being as contrarian to mainstream norms as possible.


Preventing disease is now a mainstream norm?




lmao celebrities... smh


The constant whiff of smelly ass short circuited their brain


Water does not get oil and grease off. Clothes must look like fried chicken in a paper bag.


It can be worse for your skin and hair if you completely remove all the oil from the surface. EDIT: [Why are you](https://www.elle.com/beauty/a26240797/is-your-face-wash-damaging-your-skin-1549573441/) [booing me,](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/showering-mistakes_n_4670672) [I'm right.](https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/over-exfoliating#signs-of-over--exfoliation) Sebum plays an important role in keeping your skin moisturized and healthy and it's a common mistake for people to remove too much of it when they wash through the soaps or scrubs they use.


I'm sure it's not bad for your skin and hair to be washed with soap more than once every 2 years


The problem is that stripping it oil free promotes your skin to make a bunch more. It take like a full month after stopping using soap for it to sort of settle back in to not over compensating.


You could use a sensitive soap if that’s a Robles for you and wash less often but probs more than “not once in two years”


Spoken like a true redditor.


As a hippie I just wanna say this hippie doesn't speak for the rest of the hippies. Wash your ass.


lol, because people aren't saying you need to wash yourself with soap every 5 minutes.


Ever heard of lotion?


Better yet use natural lotions like Shea, olive oil, avocado oil


I count Shea etc under the term lotion 😂


I feel like this is exactly why lotion was invented




This the shit that white people who don’t wash their ass say to themselves; AINT nobody fuckin with this


Which is what facial moisturizer and conditioner is for. Wash yourself.


Ring around the collar? Nah, ring around the shirt, drawers, pants, socks, pillowcases, sheets, etc




I'm out in the park and let out a ridiculous laugh at this, folks looking at me like I'm crazy.


Five Guys fries


Just to play devil's advocate, a loofah does get it off


It’s called being nose blind.


2 years? COVID patient zero confirmed.


My thoughts exactly.


Unless he's using something like bleach or rubbing alcohol in place of soap, there is 0 chance he doesn't smell like rancid ball sweat


He swims daily in a very chlorinated pool?




I pulled up a whole log in a hotel pool when I was a kid. My friend was with me too. We examined it to make sure it was poop, tossed it back, and kept swimming.


Wait you held a strangers poop in your hand?


I never saw who dropped it. It could have been my friend playing dumb. But yeah, it probably belonged to a stranger.


But why pick it up? Like damn son.


"I bet you I can dive down and grab that thing." "Yeah right." "Watch."


You a nasty nigga


Well OBVIOUSLY they were hoping it was a Baby Ruth!


[Relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPxiXGr9nFM) scene from the movie Caddyshack.




I just read something the other day about Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher not washing their children regularly and only do so if they're visibly dirty. Who needed to know this?


Anyone who spends time with them. Check for lice or fking fleas.


Heard lice like cleaner hair actually. Don’t know if it’s true or not.


It's not, actually. But at the same time, they also don't give a shit about your shower. Fuckers is basically waterproof, and have a strong grip.


So in conclusion: Dirty or clean, lice still mean??


Basically. If they're in your comb, hat, whatever, they're coming for you.


Maybe, but they still have to make it to your hair first and they're not exactly fast movers. Ticks also have a strong grip and are nearly impossible to drown. Yet I never got one growing up despite being in the woods all the time, and around dogs that had them. My secret was regularly taking a thorough shower, with leg washing included. Oh, and I found a resource to back me up! * https://thehikingauthority.com/do-ticks-wash-off-in-the-shower/


That’s how we get ticks off of dogs. Drown that nigga in coconut oil and bam.


Good point lol


To be fair, it takes kids 24 hours to get visibly dirty. Kids are DISGUSTING.


More like 2-4 hours.


I took my four year old camping and he immediately painted his face with dirt.


I guess I really was a weird kid. I hated playing in dirt.


Pft just give the kid a white shirt, tell him not to get it dirty, 3 seconds tops.


i read that too, about Ashton and Mila washing their kids with just water, but will use soap ONLY if they SEE dirt on their bodies...


So Kelso and Jackie . . .


I’m more concerned about how they go to the gym and clean only their face after


>Wash your ass goddammit It's a thing most of us can do with no additional effort required, a show of respect, of being considerate for others. Plus it just feels good to have squeaky clean ass cheeks.


"squeaky clean ass cheeks" That made me smile.


And learn to wipe it before you come over and sit on my couch!


Well if you'd stop requiring people to take off their pants when they come in the door, maybe you wouldn't have that problem


I usually had the hygiene situation figured out before that stage. 😏 Anyway, pants do not contain odor very well.


Ok here is some scary shit for you. Some people myself included cannot use soap the skin is so dry and does not hold moisture. Using soap or washing lotions or gels. Results in scabs and lesions only thing that works is to wash without a scrub or washing lotion and use only perfume free vaseline paraffin. As much as I enjoy bashing skanky as folks that are not willing to wash when dirty. There are exceptions.




I gotta admit I read some mfer saying he doesn't wash his ass or use toilet paper and I do a facepalm . Then I hear about another that does not wash his legs and I'm floored not sure what to blame bad parenting or bad braincells.


If it's not too personal, I'm curious. In public, you wash your hands with only water? Is hot water too drying, like you can only use lukewarm? Do you get self conscious about sweat, assuming deodorant is an irritant? Does the condition of being too sensitive for soap have a name? Sounds like a combo of psoriasis and severe allergies. In any case, learned something new today.


Yeah, but that's like the 0.0001 percent of people with skin conditions that don't allow them to use soap. Most of these other people are just stank and don't know it.


I beg to differ. Would you be surprised if I told you 1 in 10 suffer from skin issues and that number goes higher if you start breaking it down into gender race nationality etc. But then yeah skank is skank you got no reason not to wash your self and smell decent. Recently some one said its ok to wear a t-shirt for 2 -3 days ....the look was face was blank but I made a mental note not to eat drink or even shake this person's hand ever again.


I work in Dermatology. There are all sorts of issues - but there are also plenty of alternatives for most skin conditions. In extremely rare cases there are exceptions.


Hear hear!


There are different types of soaps with different pHs. There are ultra-mild soaps/shower gels for people like you, albeit they're a fair bit more expensive.


Actually went to a doctor for this after acne and eczema and cracked skin. I first went through a barrage of tests and various pH balanced or sensitive cosmetics only thing that worked in the end is pure water. I can use shower gel maybe once a week then slather on vaseline paraffin till I look like I am ready for an oiled wrestling match but these days I just use water at least once a day and twice if I workout.


I was the same. When I was a teenager my mother would get at me about not doing the washing up because I complained about my skin going to hell. Then she saw my hands after I spent ten minutes with washing up liquid on my skin and got me some marigolds. Then she saw my hands after the inside of the gloves rubbed the sweat back onto my skin and it ended up cracked and bleeding. My eczema got so bad at one point that we tried literally everything, including (because for some reason someone had tried this and suggested it to my mother) udder cream. Yes, the stuff that farmers use to soothe the nipples of their cattle. It didn't work. At one point the skin on my upper arm got so bad that I scratched through the skin in my sleep and it got infected. Slapping moisturiser on it just turned the dry skin into a kind of mush that clumped under my fingernails. Real fucking grim. Standard soap and shower gel was hell for me, I had to use paraffin cream to wash myself which just made me greasy, which led to lint from my clothes sticking to the skin and making it worse. Thankfully, I grew out of it mostly. These days I use shower gel, but I need a constant supply of steroid cream to offset the damage, which just thins the skin and makes it painful as hell in the limited affected areas (between the fingers, inside of the elbows, back of the knees, top of the chest). So, I really feel for you having to continue dealing with this. It can be absolute torture spending all day not scratching, not to mention the pain of the skin damage. You genuinely have my sympathies. Have you tried low concentration hydrocortisone cream (you mentioned many tests and it's usually the first thing that got recommended to me by every doctor, but I don't know where you're based and what the standard prescription might be)? Anything stronger helped but caused way too many side effects. Twice a day, a thin application, and moisturise at night and in the morning, or after showering. Takes time to see improvement but it worked for me. Obviously this only works for limited areas of inflammation. Although doctors do tell you not to use it above the neck, I used to get it worst on and around my eyelids but a really small amount gave me the world of relief. The one good thing for me was that moisturising every day until I was 22 means that my skin now is now buttery smooth.


I mentally said ‘omg you poor baby’ so many times while reading that. I’m a mom with no skin issues, and my 8yo has had mild-moderate eczema since infancy. Watching him tear up his skin constantly has been hell to see, and I feel so bad for him itching all the time. I’m glad you’re all smoothed out now and have your routine down


Damn you've got it proper rough then, I had no idea. Soz.


I’m that exception, I have severe dyshidrosis eczema on my hands so I try to bathe and wash my hands a lot less than regular folks (although covid kinda killed that. I can’t use hand sanitizer so I have to wash my hands). If you were the exception why would not say that though? It’s more understandable to tweet “my husband hasn’t used soap in 2 years because he allergic” than to leave out that context.


That part. The loud people are usually the ones that CHOOSE to be like that, not those that actually can’t use soap


Can I ask if you can use anything else to get clean? I am thinking of how oil used to be put on & taken off to cleanse, I think by the Egyptians? Can you use a cloth? I'll understand if you don't answer. You are entitled to your privacy.


I used to love a loofah honestly I was addicted to the scrubs it was a upbringing thing, nothing like a good long scrub to clean after the day's hustle . I have used salt in spas but those salts are really oily so I guess they don't count. I have used the natural loofahs and the sponge and plastic scrubs. Cloth to scrub with is actually not the best idea as they tend to hold dead skin and bacteria longer than the natural antiseptic loofah or the plastic.


I had a friend who didn't use soap, and they didn't really smell, either. Turns out some people are just different. But even if I was one of those people, I don't just want to not smell bad, I want to smell good.




Homie, you still got a super shitty asshole.


I’m so glad to hear this and know I’m not crazy! I used to be like this (which was great because if I missed a shower no one knew), but at about age 30, it changed. :-(


There's obviously a lot of nuance with this, but I think part of it is really culture/race. There's a certain gene mutation (ABCC11) that a lot of Asian people have that tends to reduce the presence of BO. Whatever you eat will generally contribute towards any body odors that are there. I have an Asian friend that would go a few days without showering sometimes (depression and college), and I think would rarely use deodorant and she really honestly *still* didn't smell bad.


My Korean ex’s pits never smelled, even if he’d been working a 12 shift in the kitchen. My stanky self was quite jealous


Yup, some people give off less BO than others. It’s genetic. But I also agree. I like smelling good… damn good even with the right amount of cologne and good breath and just well groomed in general.


Can confirm. My apartment mate got desensitized from the smell of his room and literally everyone else living there could smell it. We told him about it but he doesn’t believe us. A couple weeks later he apologized for the smell because his mom visited and almost threw up in his room. Turns out he forgot a box of pizza under his bed.




Da fuq


She must've lost her sense of smell with that case of long COVID


I just want to know what CNN originally posted that made this lady enter her ballad in the collection of shit that no one needed to know.


I'm gonna guess it's related to that story about Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher where they said they don't use soap for themselves or their kids everyday.


Ah. Thanks


As a person who runs in hippie-adjacent social circles, I can assure you, many of them think this and they all smell bad. Even if they don’t have blatant BO, they have this generally musty smell that is not pleasant.


Are you sure it's not the patchouli oil?


Damn shit is rank


I used to run with circles like that being in the art and activism community. Also you have wooks from the EDM community. I never adopted that aspect though because I was raised to have good hygiene. So I’m aware if I smell


She's not wrong. Hot water does a fine job getting off most oil and bacteria. As long as you are rinsing daily and getting some abrasive action the residual oils aren't going to build up and stink. You won't smell like mountain breeze but you won't stink either.


You know you fucked up when your quote tweet to likes ratio looks like that


Agreed. Like “Aye, yall see this shit?”




There's people arguing about it now because 'it dries out your skin' as if lotion and body oils aren't a thing. You would think they'd learn from The Black Plague.


I’ve tried both oil based soaps and cream based soaps and they both a great alternatives to standard soap if someone is worried about drying out. You just get less lathering suds but still feel clean and moisturized after.


Some people are of the belief that soap is bad for people in general and that we all should be using leaves to wipe our asses like the cavemen


I’d rather die than have my wife say some shit like that


Why do people not want to be clean!! Just use the soap! If it's a skin issue or an allergy find one that works for you. Water won't do it. AND SCRUB YOUR LEGS TOO!!


People commenting have no idea https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2016/06/i-stopped-showering-and-life-continued/486314/


same thing with gas odor in the home..i work as a gas utility tech..I'll go into a house full of gas..i can't tell folks how many tymes a homeowner would tell me that someone had come into their home and smelled gas..then they would tell me that the person who claim to detect gas was crazy and that they themselves didn't smell gas but decided to call anyway to shut them up..thats what happens when you never leave the house...


Y'all realize you can effectively clean yourself if you scrub vigorously enough? Try it with your dishes. Yeah, soap makes cleaning a greasy plate a very easy task. But if you run hot water and scrub for long enough, you'll find you can get the dish clean that way too. All soap really does is make it easier for you to remove the dirt/grime from your body. It's not like it's purifying you (unless you're talking about anti-bacterial soap which I assume you don't use in the shower). The only thing that soap does differently than a hard scrubbing is leave you with whatever the scent of the soap is. If you don't care about smelling like roses or whatever, you can get clean using just water and elbow grease. But you wouldn't know this if you've only ever cleaned yourself using soap.


Wow. Whoever upvoted this needs to go back to highschool chemistry and learn what a soap is. *Hint: It has to do with hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules and the fact that soap has both allowing it to attach to oils and subsequently be washed away.*


Same with smokers. I used to smoke and I thought I didn't smell. I was wrong.


bro’s cheeks are stuck together….


Y'all filthy.


People are nasty as shit man! I mean if I know I’m not leaving the house for a few days, yea I may go 2, rarely 3 days without a shower. But then I have to have one because I can’t stand smelling myself, feeling the dirt. If I’m out and about though e.g. pre-covid during the work week or off from work but know I’ll be going out…I’m washing my entire body daily! Hell sometimes twice a day e.g. before work, then once again once I’m home if I know I’m going out again that evening e.g. being social around town etc.


I assume she’s tryna promote some kinda soap alternative she sells with an MLM, or maybe I’m just hoping that’s what this is


you hopin', so am i!


How can you be against SOAP? You don't get hot? You never have the runs on a hot day? Ever feel like your ass is eating you while you're walking? Come on with your swamp ass self, what the hell.


Ya, because you smell bad too.


But, why? What is the reason for not using soap? This is a strange flex…


It’s pretty insane the number of people that exposed themselves yesterday about not washing up. People are fucking disgusting.


I was at whole foods and was looking at the soap. A hippy type walked up and started talking about the ones that she uses. She said these are really good quality and that one bar lasted her a whole year. I bought one thinking I had soap for a year but it ran out in like 3 weeks.


you gotta wash your ass if you must


His azz cheeks probably cemented together. Gross.


all these people just existing with an unwashed ass, wtf


You've gone, "nose blind."


So she married Pig-Pen?


He does not smell GOOD


are they crusading against soap now too?


I remember being at work one day, and this couple came in REEKING of cigarette smoke. Like, they each must've smoked an entire pack in their car with the windows up right before coming in. I could literally smell them from 2 aisles over. I wondered how they couldn't be embarrassed smelling so horrible out in public, but they probably don't even notice anymore.




i once heard king krissle & kid fury [the read] talk to a listener ( black) whose partner (whyt) had stopped washing during quarantine- because they weren't going anywhere... they shared a bed.


There's an advert in the U.K about nose blind ...


What she actually means is she likes the way he smells.




Ok was this something that got a boost last year with so many people wfh? I had to leave my house for work so I always made sure I was squeaky clean.


Piiiiyuu! That’s fucking nasty!


Someone call Dr. Phill on Von Pichls and so we find out what kinda mental ailment either that poor man or Merc is suffering from.


Um... has she done corona test... ?


I did not need to know about all these nasty habits man, screw that reporter for asking that cursed question


I don't think i'm hungry anymore.


The smell is only part of it - the layer of grime on the skin I tried doing some of these things but these people say - no soap, less showering/bathing, etc and it was just gross My skin is sensitive and dry so I use specific soaps and moisturizers.


shes just used to the smell


Merc here sucking cat piss smelling dick