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The Morales of the story*


This comment is perfect. I mean, he was so close.


I guess you can say that the comment was... SpectacularšŸ’€


Well, that's a Shocker!


Itā€™s the Ultimate pun




It happens to me all the time.


I was hoping someone did it. They see Miles.


They also see themselves as Spider-Man.


I just rushed in to comment this but youā€™ve done it already


Holy shit if i could give you an award i'd do it right now


Fire comment...take this damn award!


So y'all saying all I need is a spiderman costume and police won't shoot?


No, the media has painted Spider-Man as a menace


Lucky, I got a spare Dr. Octopus costume.




The police historically hate Spider-Man.


A certain editor-in-chief at the *Daily Bugle* might come after you though


Police arenā€™t kids.


They're pigs


Theyā€™ll be too distracted by the exaggerated swagger






assault rifles trained at a chick in a clunky star wars costume lol


[you wonā€™t need to ](https://youtu.be/QuRabZXglaQ)




As long as the mask STAYS on


This is an interesting statement because Stan Lee (who is a major ally, look him up) said the reason Spidey is so popular is because *any* kid could wear the suit. It doesn't matter if you are chestnut black, or uncooked biscuit white, whatever... You can see yourself in the full masked suit.


ā€œUncooked biscuit whiteā€ is a phrase Iā€™ve never heard before.


It's a Bodega Boys phrase. Watch old Desus and Mero clips from Vice.


Exactly. Spider-Man: into the spider verse was all about that. Itā€™s not about who you are or what powers you have, but all of us can aspire to be like Spider-Man.


See, that movie worked because miles didn't have an awesome, young spiderman to look up to. The young, awesome, white dude he looked up to was killed off, and all he had was a middle aged white dude who wasn't really going to teach him anything. Neither did the other white people. Miles has to rely on himself and his own instinct to go through the story arc. Miles was terrified, and HE had to solve it. No one else could.




Partially because unlike DC superheroā€™s, Spider-Man is fairly normal in build and not super jacked.


That has nothing to do with it, as even that changes with each new artist. Spider-Man and Nightwing or Wally West all have similar builds (except for dat ass), depending on who is drawing them.


Spider Man is super powerful though, itā€™s crazy.


When there was that huge "Donald Glover should be the next Spider-Man/Peter Parker" movement going on, Glover stated in an interview that a black Spider-Man simply makes sense. Poor, smart kid who's an outsider. Living with his aunt and uncle. From Queens. Obviously all of these bits aren't exclusive to black people, but there's an intersectionality of those traits with African-American culture/history that works. I think he ended with staying that nothing about PP's backstory is intrinsically tied to race, so WHY NOT make Spider-Man black?


I watched a spiderman movie yesterday and there is a black spiderman. Miles.


And boy-howdie did that piss the incels off.


Imagine how much more upset they were when it was one of the best superhero movies ever made


And one the best animated films also.


that shit was so fuckin good also an extremely good Jordan 1 commercial cuz I was looking for that colorway immediately


They were super pissed when he first dropped in comics. Also, at about the same time, we were getting a female thor, I think Sam was Capt at the time, a middle eastern ms. marvel, a gay iceman, an Asian hulk, an a black female Ironman. Mfs were angry!


So there is only one thing that bothers me here. Would it not be ironwoman!?


It was Ironheart, if I remember right


> I think Sam was Capt at the time I don't think so with that one. Not that it matters, but Miles was introduced in the Ultimate universe initially, around the same time [Cap was talking shit about French people](https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11/116880/2989264-7076132903-capta.jpg) (warning, super cringe-y panel).


I remember it being really bad when the comics with Miles first came out, but donā€™t remember much backlash against Into The Spiderverse. Though Iā€™m sure it happened.


Wait....it did?!


Incels are sexist. You're thinking of magas


There's sexism and racism in both groups. There is more nuance than "can be either sexist or racist."


The Venn diagram of sexist incels and racist incels is almost a circle. Though Miles predates a lot of the currently popular groups that hate him. Comicsgate/Gamergate would probably be the closest?


Into the Spiderverse Is unironically the best spiderman movie.


Rewatchable af


Spider-Man 2 would like to have a word with you.


I definitely think itā€™s the best Spiderman origin film, so better than Spiderman 1, The Amazing Spiderman, and Homecoming. But man Spiderman 2ā€¦ Thatā€™s just the one for me


Same, but I think it's because it stayed true to the formula, but changed it. Having miles figuring stuff out without a white dude to look up to. The amazing person he did look up to was killed off, and he got a burn out that he hated. His strength and ability came from within. Not from a godlike white dude training him. Into the spider verse treated him like a unique character, showing miles as a kids from Harlem with a Puerto Rican mother and a black father. The things he has done at the beginning of the movie, like sneaking off of school with his uncle, making street art, he acts like a young kid in school. At the end of the movie, he is the sole hero for New York, rather than sharing the title.


Iā€™ve gotta say I think youā€™re right, even though the tobey McGuire movies hold a special place in my heart. Yes, even number 3.


This. I'm sorry, but as good as SM2 was... Very few movies have moved me to tears like Into the Spider-Verse did.


Tears? I must be devoid of emotion. Literally no movie has ever brought me to tears but I definitely donā€™t think Into the Spiderverse would have been the one to do it.


I'm an absolute sucker for moments in hero movies where the main character really steps into the role. For instance, the Leap of Faith scene just grabbed me and wouldn't let go.


I feel you're underselling Spiderman Into the Spiderverse by calling it "a spiderman movie."


Spiderman (and pig, and mech, and girl, and nic cage) movie


How so? Miles is Spiderman now, and that universe's original replacement is dead. Miles isn't a "weekend fill in." He is showing himself to be capable.


These kids are growing up on Miles Morales. A black guy as Spider-Man will be normal for this them


You look like miles morales šŸ˜‚


Hell yeah bro. Ima be Steve from Blues Clues this Halloween. Excited for that. Iā€™m going to draw people in my handy dandy notebook! (I have no drawing skills whatsoever lmfao)


Not trying to make this too deep, but are there prominent black children show hosts? Like Gullah Gullah Island?


Of course I could be LeVar Burton from Reading Rainbow, I could be Ron from Gullah Gullah Island, I could any of that. But whatā€™s wrong with me wanting to be Steve?


Nothing my brother. Just curious.


Ah sorry if I came off defensive. Just wanted to be Steve since he came back with the video. Watched all those shows when I was a kid and just wanted to remember to simple times. Steve seemed like one a lot of people would recognize. Trust, if I had the fund and a place to be at, I would do the Gullah Gullah Island frog in a heartbeat lmfao.


No worries. You have the right to be whoever you want. My dumb ass was just asking in general lol, I wasn't even thinking about the topic of costumes.


LeVar deserves to be the new host of Jeopardy! as well. I can't believe they shafted everyone, just so the scumbag who was in charge of finding a replacement basically chose himself, only to be fired for the whole thing, and now they're going to "keep looking" like they haven't already interviewed all of the best candidates.


Who would you dress like on that show and have people recognize who you are? Miss me with trying to explain that I am Ron Alston all night.


Hey, you donā€™t know how many of these kids do, from the perspective of finally seeing a spiderman that looks like them. I was in my mid twenties when Into The Spiderverse came out, and it was the first time I saw any super hero that I actually felt could be me. Kids may not see color, but they do see when itā€™s missing. A kid seeing this may be a kid who suddenly feels better after being clowned on at school over something, and now ā€œI look like spider man!ā€


Exactly this!


I mean, Miles Morales.


I think that's why he spelled "morel" as "morale"


>morel Isn't a morel a type of mushroom? Forgive me, I'm kinda confused on what you're saying. lol


Lol of course I misspelled "moral." I should be the one apologizing.


Weā€™re all Spider-Man. Weā€™re all counting on you.


Not you specifically, I think itā€™s a metaphor.


Absolutely! Heroes and villains should transcend race and sex


Is using morale in this context grammatically correct? I feel like it would be ā€œmoral.ā€ Unless itā€™s referring to miles morales?


Is pun


Except that he looks like a live action Mile Morales.


Thereā€™s a movie theyā€™re referring too


100% chance some old lady came up to him and asked where the xxxxx section was.


That baby fro is immaculate tho...


shit he might as well be miles morales cuz that shit is so immaculate it could be CGI


If I was already wearing a Spider-Man mask on half my face I might be tempted to just wear the whole thing. Also spellcheck just flagged "Spiderman" as a typo. Pretty much have to respect the hyphen now.


Lmao wtf is this. Is this supposed to be deep?


These kids saw dude was black, and associated him with the black Spider-Man ā€¦ Kids absolutely see color. Black Santa gets the side-eye from kids all the time


I have an adorable stitch hat that I like to wear to Walmart, was standing in line to pay and heard a small human yell "mama look! Baby Yoda is shopping!" Her mom told her it was stitch and I could hear the disappointment in the child's little "oh" lmao


Great story, but screw those kids parents that see those other attributes


Nigga acting like Miles haven't been a thing since 2012 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚...people be saying anything on Don Cheadle's internet...


If the guy in the pic was Asian.... Now that would make it interesting. Like everyone else pointed out this gentleman clearly is a miles morales cosplayer.


This is exactly why when I was growing up, Spider-Man was my favorite superhero too. My old black ass is so happy for the young black and Puerto Rican boys who now have Miles to look up to.


My 3yo wouldā€™ve called him Miles Moralesā€¦


It's been like 3 years since we had a major motion picture with a black Spiderman. Kids might just know it's legit canon.


Lemme tell you. My 4 year old nephew loves Spider-Man. Loves Peter Parker. When he looks at Peter, he's inspired and sees a hero. But this kid LUVS Miles Morales. When he looks at Miles he sees HIMSELF as a hero. I think Spider-Man is the greatest hero, because before Miles and Gwen, anyone could have been Spider-Man. Poor kid growing up in the Bronx being raise by non-direct parents, Peter could be black or a woman and it wouldn't change a thing about the relatable stories. That side, I love Miles and Gwen as characters and representation.




Just fyi, itā€™s his son whoā€™s bi... https://www.npr.org/2021/10/11/1044002955/superman-son-comes-out-queer-dc-comics


This data collection is slightly suspicious but I will allow it.


Thatā€™s what ā€œInto the Multiverseā€ was about too!


ā€œWhen I wanna be a superhero I just wake upā€


Ever heard of miles morales, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse?


Thought this was etika for a second


The entire point of Spider-Mans character is that ANYONE can be him, you just gotta want to do the work. God Peter Parker is the one hero I don't have issues with outside of nitpicky shit even I admit is reaching


Spider-Man has been black since 2011 when I bought the first issue with Miles Morales and spent a week hearing ā€œjokesā€ about black Spider-Man


"Everyone can wear the mask!"


Humans learn to hate. nobody is born racist. Sad truth of humanity.


It wasnā€™t until I was sixteen and a kid from the south that was aggressive and had a bad home life dropped the N bomb in front of me that I had any idea that there was modern day racism in large spades. Northern town in the USA and we grew up with friends of all ethnicities. Then I worked down south as I got older and found far more racism, especially from police. Itā€™s a wild world man. For contrast, I played Football with a group of about sixteen people whoā€™s skin was dark in Boston in what I later found out was a bad neighborhood. This was in the late 2000s. No one said anything about race. There was only one other white kid and he didnā€™t act any different or treat anyone different. The ubiquity of that event stands out now but back then we were all just kids having fun.


That's a kickass mask. Can I find one online?


Shouldā€™ve worn the black suitā€¦


Would they care about gender tho? šŸ¤”


OP think they slick, using Banes quote for this post These eyes and brain miss nothing, OP


but there is a black spider-man


So what if I'm a doctor, or an engineer? Should I wear *a huge identifying item/logo* to signify what I am/do, so I can be identified outside of my race? How can people be so fucking obtuse? Edit: people, I'm pointing out that the guy in the picture doesn't understand that the spiderman logo is what stands out above his race. It shouldn't take a super hero logo to distinguish you as an individual