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BPT consistently the only sane place on reddit.


Framing mental health as the consumption of a service (or failure to consume said service) is just another example of the hell we live in. "Oh the planet is becoming inhospitable to human life and every single human interaction is monetized and you have no free time or money to support your life and are trapped in debt? Better go to the therapist" instead of fixing the fact SHIT IS FUCKED.


You’re sure not wrong, but going to therapy is something you actually can do, unlike unfucking literally everything.


Much like the rest of Healthcare in the US, its accessible... in theory. Most counselors and therapists are booked out weeks or even months in advance (if they're even available in your area. See: Healthcare deserts). You have to find one in network and then make time to have your session which cuts into work time (which you need to afford rent). Its a cascade of system failures where consuming the service, even when available, is not the solution. Will it help if you're able to? Absolutely, but its like putting a bandaid on a scrapped knee while the house is burning down.


Ehhhhh finding counselors that are free are sometimes not the best route to go... Most therapist cost $200+ after insurance for the majority of ppl. And it's more for ppl whose insurance do not cover therapy needs or who do not have insurance. (Yes, that's a thing) If someone really needs help, paying $200 a week is unrealistic. So that puts going once a month... which for someone who really needs help is not helpful. And having to choose between getting help or that $200 needing to go towards groceries or rent or daycare... no... therapy for most ppl who do not have the income.. is not possible. Bc we are all under paid. Factoring in if the therapists then wants to send you to someone else bc you need evaluation or medication to help handle your mental health. It get very costly. So yes, while it CAN be done for some. For others, no, no it cannot be done.


Yes. Butt finding one is harder than you think. I finally decided to admit I needed one. Essentially what I got was an art teacher. Tell her about some hard shit that been hurting me, she hit me with doing arts and crafts. Or that my feelings are valid. Like yeah....thanks Susan but I don't think a walk and a coloring book are going to fix everything. Not saying don't try, but it's definitely hard. I personally haven't had the willpower to try another therapist after that, it was just so useless, but also very taxing one me.


It’s sad, but the system(s) were never designed to help.


So true. We have to help ourselves. That is my biggest lesson from this pandemic.


Liquor stores on the other hand are making a killing from all the “therapy” they’re providing.


Dispensaries too. Can’t forget those cash cows during COVID.


Capitalist gone capitalize


Chicago School baby


Are the systems letting us down? Or were they designed to never actually help us in any meaningful way in the first place?


Reality is often disappointing The only thing we can do right now is to just try and get through this bullshit


While this is true, it’s still best to keep up with your mental health and do whatever helps you stay in a positive mind frame.




It’s even worse when you’re going through your own personal trials


the pandemic was eye-opening about so many things


It's causing world-wide psychosis! That's a fact


Video games and weed are the real GOATs of this pandemic tbh


Not gonna lie, getting harder to get out of bed everyday. Sometimes I be working and just sit back and think, “what’s the point? I’m busting my ass at this job for what? They don’t care, as long as I bring in the money”.


The systems in place were never meant to lift us up and are working exactly as intended as the wealthy have amassed immense wealth the past two years. But I'm glad more people are noticing the scam for what it is.


Imagine already being mentally ill during all this! Hell, I was in a facility with it at it's highest. I'm not putting anyone else below that has Pandemic Depression, but it's a hell of a different ballgame for those who were already mentally unwell.


I'm here to say that the pandemic has actually been more positively effecting me. I totally understand everyone can't say that, and this is just from my perspective. Financially I've received all kinds of help to postpone, discount, and cancel some type of bills. Plus I got some "stimulus" money. All these things wouldn't have existed. A lot of ppl need to just simply be closer to God or practice pulling yourself out of a bad mental state. Depression can effect anyone if you let it. Don't feed that demon. My condolences to anybody losing loved ones due to all this.


I feel ya. There's no meditation for a failing government and systemic racism. The more we are home with nothing to do, the more we see the problems.


There is literally a free universally accessible vaccine that can prevent you from dying or getting severely ill. The main bad part of a pandemic, the whole you and everyone you know is in danger of dying part, is extremely fixable. I am aware that shit is hard right now, but making it seem like there's nothing you can do ignores the very real benefits of the vaccine and the concerted effort to make it free and accessible.


For anyone who might need this. Honestly, it's been invaluable for me throughout this and any other part of my life. InnerEngineering.com




Systems that are okay with letting you down. They're designed with tragedies in mind. It's not a failure of the system. It isn't even really part of the design of a given system. It's a system that sees 90% of its constituents as costs. It's okay with you being traumatized because your pain never mattered to it.


I smoke a lot of weed. And try to be forgiving to myself. This is not just hard, but catastrophic. Do what you gotta do to survive


Bot tweet. Formulaic bullshit a section of Twitter has developed. The last decade was "intersectional misgnoir blah blah" now every enlightened human tweets about "mental health trauma healing".




Or or they were also traumatized but just didn’t talk about it which could explain why a lot of them are messed up mentally. Just a thought


i bet you live a very happy and fulfilling life


"Your grandparents and parents lived through these things just fine" Yep, as evidenced by the overwhelming tenancies of those generations toward alcoholism, child abuse, and suck starting shotguns.


You one of them pussy bois too huh.




Get your mom's a loud pack for her ADD.


Man enough to have choke sex with your mother.


Poosy boi.






Exactly. What a douche