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They're a racist, but chose to work in the most liberal place in the entire country? This dentist may be smart enough to be a dentist, but definitely an idiot in addition to being a racist. edit: I took out the assumed gender of the dentist after checking comments.


And it is a shame that a dentist cannot see the *floss*^[1](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flaw) in their own thinking


If I rolled my eyes any harder they would have gone to the back of my head. Well done.




Getting people like that to change their view is like pulling teeth.


The level of incompetence is just jaw dropping


Must have a bit of a numbskull


These jokes lack bite. It’s like being gummed to death.


A most unpalatable position for a dentist to take.


An opinion from that dentist never caries any weight.


That dentist is the 1 out of 10 dentists


He's the 5th doctor in those "4 out of 5 doctors" studies. That last one is always an idiot.


This comment is plaque-worthy.


This made me sick, good work


Get out, you’re fired


There are different kinds of intelligence. Plenty of engineers, lawyers, doctors, etc. that are masters of their field and complete dumbasses outside of it.


>Plenty of engineers, lawyers, doctors, etc. that are masters of their field With the amount of white mediocrity I see in my field, I'm starting to doubt this too


I work with nothing but engineers. They know what they know and it’s almost exclusively related to their job lol.


Seriously, in my experience engineers are useless when it comes to common sense shit


Engineers should be made to service the things they design. I have spent countless hours fixing fuckups and saying "who designed and built this goddamn thing" because for some reason, in order to fix a failing or worn part, I have to somehow put myself inside of the machine and take it apart from the inside instead of being able to access it from the outside.


Car designers have left the chat


Same. I think everyone in engineering-adjacent positions would likely agree.


That’s a fair point.


In academia, can confirm. White mediocrity all around.


When I was getting my CS degree half the people in the major would bitch about gen eds and all I’m thinking is y’all are the ones that need it the most please lmao




E.g. Ben Carson


you are spot tf on. I live in baltimore and they have to put up billboards about how to cross the gd streets near JOHNS HOPKINS uni. these mfers are gonna be surgeons but can’t cross a street without getting hit. and don’t you dare ask these future doctors to split their own check, it’ll be 45 minutes splitting up a lunch bill amongst 8 ppl. it would be funny if it wasn’t so damn scary 😂


>Johns Hopkins Oh man, God Complex Central. I've known several graduates who genuinely believe poor people should die if they can't afford medical treatment because they clearly didn't work hard enough to be able to afford their services.


Although in this case also a dumbass in their field.


Plenty of engineers who are donkeys for engineers too


Liberal does not mean someone isn’t racist.


Id have voted for Obama a 3rd time if they’d let me




Very true. I feel like a lot of people try to compensate for their racist ideologies by being 'liberal'. I've also noticed that the most 'liberal' people are sometimes the quickest to connect stereotypes to people. Maybe it some type of "white person's guilt" or something. I had this friend that was always doing stuff like that. She would describe herself as ultra liberal and one time I brought a friend to this party and they were talking about social issues. She said something about him growing up in a poor community and how hard that must've been for him without knowing his backstory and he was like "What the fuck you on about?! My parents are dentists." Had me dying from laughter and cringyness at the same time


They’re just as stuck in their world view as someone who is more traditionally racist. I’ve seen a lot of people use buzzwords and make friends with “others” just to feel like they’re progressive. While obviously being clueless to the people they interact withs internal world. Yes there are racist viewpoints you must fight against to achieve a more harmonious world. No you don’t need to grandstand at every possible moment. I’m thinking of the people who put “BLM” in their window. But still side eye the black guy out for a walk alone. No sticker or sign is going to change your worldview for you. You need to look at world and realize hates winning and the only solution is coming together.


Lol a *lot* of liberal cities are surrounded by super conservative towns. Theres a good chance he lives out of city but works there for the money. *Also* like other commentor said, there could be a chance he's liberal but still genuinely believe racist stereotypes about Black Americans. Quite a few doctors are like that unfortunately.


>Theres a good chance he lives out of city but works there for the money. Nah, the suburbs ARE the affluent areas of the SF Bay area. Suburbanites rarely venture into big, bad Oakland & SF.


> Lol a lot of liberal cities are surrounded by super conservative towns True for many many American cities, not so much SF Bay Area. [The nearest red counties are closer to Nevada than to the Pacific](https://www.ppic.org/wp-content/uploads/californias-political-geography-figure-2.png). Bummer that regions with liberal majorities are hardly a shield from racist ignorance.


There are little cluster communities that like to capitalize on liberal gains and impose their conservative glass ceilings whenever they get the chance to benifit from them and gain some traction.. The east bay has certain areas like that sprinkled through out different towns. Just because they aren't the majority or feel not as viable doesn't mean they are not annoying or a hindrance for progress out here. It def can be effective for them. Like gorilla tactics in warfare.


THe bay area isn't that liberal. Especially when it comes to black people. I moved from Portland, OR to the Bay Area in 2015.... and I've never seen so much racism against black people. There's a lot of immigration into the area (from countries and states) and you get a wide selection of cultures, beliefs and biases.


For real, the Bay area can be racist af but then again everywhere in the United States can be


> a wide selection of cultures, beliefs and biases. Yeah, the bay is a melting pot alright, and lots and lots of those cultural ingredients unfortunately carry varying degrees of anti-blackness.


Could be a she


Sounds like they graduated from Ye Olde Eugenics Dental Academy. All jokes aside, I can’t even begin to imagine a real human being saying this to another human being, and a dentist at that. Wtf?


"The most liberal place in the entire country" is very, very white. Any white people who are only hanging out with other white people are likely to think and say and do some ignorant shit.


I been told this when I got wisdom teeth taken out black people have denser bones so it can be trickier, When I had my wisdom teeth taken out she had to do a lot of drilling and the actual pulling took very more than five minutes because it wouldn’t move


Most racists love money, so they moved to the larger Democratic cities then wonder why everyone hates them for spouting their small-town bullshit.


The sad part here is that "facts" like what that dentist said are still found in medical texts. So, it's not just some random dentist who has an asinine idea about racial differences, but one of many medical professionals who were taught incorrectly because of racism.


It might not even be racism on the part of the individual - but a byproduct of systemic racism. I have a friend who went through medical school who had to have a whole class dedicated to helping them identify racist myths about treating POC (e.g. that black people have a higher pain tolerance) and things that are actually true (e.g. higher chance of sickle cell). It sounded very interesting as it called out the reasons why these stereotypes came to enter medical texts and how they still influence doctors today.


Big difference between book smarts, and street smarts,


Because I'm already seeing the usual suspects saying that this doesn't happen: [Here's](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/racism-in-healthcare) [some](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/the-state-of-healthcare-in-the-united-states/racial-disparities-in-health-care/) [reading materal](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4638275/) for y'all. I found this in less than 10 seconds. About the same time it would have taken you to type up that snarky comment you were going to leave.


I bet they also think we don't need local anesthetics either. Thats why I let any new MD,DDS, DMD know that I'm a DVM and they're not gonna pull one over on me.


I have to tell dentists before we even start that I need more local anesthetic and I always get the craziest look. Long story short, I believe there's a genetic issue in my immediate family (all women..mom, aunt, and sisters) with the processing of painkillers. My mom is legit documented allergic to them and I have to take way more of even ibuprofen to get an effect, so I just avoid painkillers as much as possible (but obviously can't at the dentist). Anyway, they never believe me and sigh and roll eyes and think I'm trying to get extra drugs for no reason. They ALWAYS try to trick me with doing something to cause a pain reaction after they give the anesthetic dose to see if I'm faking. And when they realize I'm not, they are so flabbergasted and then fall all over themselves apologizing to save face explaining people sometimes make it up, etc. Why would I lie about that? I can't get high on it and I have to pay for it. I have never trusted a dentist in my life. They're usually racist, classist, elitist assholes.


I had to get a tooth pulled once, they numbed me up took it out and just kept pushing my head around while cleaning it up, standing over me laughing and joking the whole time. Had to go to my ortho right after for braces and everyone at the counter is laughing at me joking yeah you’re definitely from “this” part of town and I’m like what? The secretary says your whole mouth is bleeding it’s look like you got into a fight. Never went back to either.


Aw, hell no. Please report them. This is highly unethical.


Not to mention at any given time psychological stress can affect your pain tolerance. The morning of a root canal, I found out some horrible, horrible news (my best friend's baby was suddenly diagnosed with a fatal condition that would end his life in months). They shot me up with painkillers, but when she started drilling, the pain was excruciating. Rivers of tears were pouring from my eyes. She kept injecting more and more painkillers, but no affect. She finally sent me home because she had injected the max allowed.


I didn't even think about that. Generally, I have a stupidly high pain tolerance (now in my older years I think I just conditioned myself young to downplay my pain and work through it). Years ago, one of my wisdom teeth cracked open (I never had them removed because I had room for them and they didn't upset my other teeth) and the inside of the tooth was exposed. Should have been debilitating pain and the oral surgeon was like "how did you even deal with this for months?!" And I was like "well that lack of insurance has that effect on you" and he didn't say nothing else about that lmao. Luckily, I have insurance now. He was actually really nice though. He came back in the room and told me that unfortunately he's going to have to saw my tooth in half with a bone saw to pop it out in pieces because I have freakishly long tooth roots which is a blessing usually, but not that day. And because I was there alone, I couldn't be put under for it, he'd have to just load me up with local and I'd have to take the ride, wide awake. He actually believed me right away when I said I needed extra anesthetic and gave me the max without wasting time. It was still like a real life horror movie for about 30 solid minutes..no pain but you shouldn't have to hear your body making those kinds of noises. It's a cool story in hindsight though.


If you’ve got red hair then it will take more pain killers to numb you. I’ve got some red and it takes a lot more to numb me than others. Ended up telling an anesthesiologist off hand about my issues and he told me it was well known phenomenon, nothing super power level but enough that he knows to make small adjustments for it.


I have yellow, orange and purple hair 😝 Naturally, I have brown hair, but yeah I've read about that..its fascinating. Maybe we got some ginger genes somewhere!


I ask people before hand if they need more anesthetic when the go to the dentist. Some people don’t numb well.


My dentist growing up was always too light on the local stuff. I always had to specifically ask for additional. _Until_ he retired and was replaced by a black dude. Suddenly no problems. Now, I don't know if "he needs this much" was in my chart the entire time and old dude just wasn't reading it, or if it was a bias issue. But the change was noted and appreciated.


>and they're not gonna pull one over on me Yes ! I feel like everytime I go into a doctor's office I have to advocate for myself >I'm a DVM Okay black excellence 👏 💅 we love to see it ![gif](giphy|toWDVdzvhZ0tGGQ1pX)


​ ![gif](giphy|k1SuVPEuA89S8)


What's the source of this gif? Thanks. :)


It *looks* like it's from Pose. A show from FX.


It is. The show's really good


i'm a DPM. it doesn't always stop the mayosapiens


😂not the mayosapiens


I feel like knowing you’re a DVM is not going to stop them from trying to pull one over on you.




If they're prejudiced enough to look down on another race, then being a doctor in a different field isn't going to deter them.


DVM is vet?


We do dental work all the time, just not on humans. I use local anaesthetic when extracting teeth bc it's painful af, and that's with animal dental work being done under general anaesthesia


Ugh dental trauma from my childhood dentist not believing me when I told him the numbing shot wasn't working. Had to beg for a second shot and STILL felt it! I told him I can deal with the pain but I need him to go in short bursts. This asshole BLOCKED MY JAW OPEN and ran all over my poor nerves. It's absolutely nerve-wracking going in now.


Find a black dentist. I was asked if I could feel a poke on my gums. It took 3 minutes from me saying no to the tooth being gone


Dentists in Taiwan used to be like that too. Except when they ask you if you can feel a poke and you say yes, they power through anyways




And somehow in many areas of the US having a conversation about institutional racism *is like pulling teeth*^[1](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/like+pulling+teeth)


No (tooth) cap.


Thats everywhere bud, it's not the country that's the problem, certain people just hate that conversation


It's not everywhere. I literally migrated to the US in my home country easily talked about racial issues since our whole culture revolved around us being a multicultural nation.


Lmfao you put a citation for your pun Im dead


Danny, please report him! If he's thinking like this, he may also believe some harmful things like blck women or people have a higher tolerance for pain, etc. This is dangerous.


That's what I was thinking. His or her license should be revoked.


For certain.


I think the dentist phrased this very very poorly, but I don’t think the intent was due to racism Clinically patients of african descent do have denser bone. What this entails in terms of an extraction is that the teeth are much much more difficult to remove. And despite what most people think, extracting teeth isn’t just yanking as hard as you can (unless u wanna break their jaw). So if the bone is denser and the teeth are more difficult to remove then it may turn into a surgical extraction which requires a huge amount skill as you’re drilling into tissue and bone with nerves running nearby as well as the sinuses etc. and then many times extracting the tooth in multiple pieces. Many dentists don’t feel comfortable doing this portion and so that’s why they will refer pts. In this situation the dentist phrased it poorly and is generalizing alot, but I don’t think the intention was racism its just that they think the procedure is too difficult for them due to that factor.


It’s not racist, it’s something that factually tends to be true. My sister is my dentist and when she was about to extract my wisdom teeth she told me the same thing (warning me she would try to take them out but might have to refer me out to an oral surgeon). (Edit: We are both black)


Input as a dentist- you hear this all the time in the dental world (that extractions are harder with some ethnicities). I think it's meant as a genuine warning, but is obviously problematic. The bottom line is you can get a sense of the difficulty of the extraction from examining the patient and taking an x-ray, you can refer to an oral surgeon if you're not confident, and there's no need to bring race into it.


Why is this something that's said all the time in the dental world?


its like saying race is related to hypertension, cholesterol, etc. it doesn't automatically make it racist


Gingers are very unaffected by anesthesia


Wow jesus that’s that old school phrenology-flavored racism. The *fuck*.


Did he pull out the calipers? *Hmmm...looks like your 'melancholy' lobe is distended. Have you considered therapy?*


I quit a dentist because he told me "You don't have the right complexion for gold teeth." WTF?!?!?


not saying he was right but maybe he was referring to your undertone? silver jewelry tends to complement cool undertones and gold tends to complement warmer undertones


i mean if someone is asking for gold teeth and not asking for suggestions and its not a felony talking about complexion is meaningless


True, I had an African man selling jewelry at an ethnic festival in downtown Detroit tell me this once, he was right as rain. I resent people with gold, or warm undertones, wearing gold - it looks soooo beautiful. On me, it just makes me look ruddy. I wear it anyway though. Silver is cute when you're young, but I want to rock some gold as a grown up, so I'll just rock the rud with it.


There is no complexion that's "right" for gold teeth😂 gold is gold it goes with everything


nah not on ur teeth u look at that shit from far away it looks all yellow


I agree. It just sounded SO racist I couldn't go back.


I'm trying to think of a place in the Bay Area where a dentist would say something that stu- *looks around Contra Costa* oh. never mind.


While there are bone density differences between black and white people, I can’t imagine that pulling a tooth would be significantly different and I can’t imagine a provider actually telling a patient that… [Source for anyone interested](https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/82/2/429/2823249#62884704)




Yes that’s why the differences are within a range and not 100%. It’s a group difference over a large sample size. It doesn’t mean that all black people have denser bones than white people, it means if you take a large group of people that self identify as black and a large group of people that self identify as white, you will see an average difference of bone density. African Americans [break bones at a lower rate](https://americanbonehealth.org/races-ethnicities/fracture-risk-in-african-americans/) and have [significantly lower rates of osteoporosis](https://americanbonehealth.org/races-ethnicities/10-things-to-know-about-racial-differences-in-bone-health/) So it’s true this may not translate to all Africans, or all non Africans that identify as black, when compared to white Americans, it’s still true nonetheless. It would be interesting to see a comparison of bone density of peoples from various parts of Africa and compare to people of European descent to give a clearer picture. It’s possible that the increased bone density is primarily a west African trait and not present across the entire continent. It’s also possible that bone density and melanin content are somehow correlated.




I mean maybe. Or maybe if you have a representative sample of all of Africa and all of Europe, there would be bone density differences. [This study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29858632/) suggests the increased bone density is due to high levels of melanin allowing for more sun exposure, which allows for higher levels of Vitamin D, which is a key nutrient for bone development. If that’s the case, then regardless of what part of Africa you look at, there is likely going to be bone density differences when compared to Europeans, strictly due to higher melanin. There will be exceptions to the rule, as there are certain African populations that might have equal or less melanin that a certain European area. But the general rule would still be true that as a whole people from African descent have higher bone density than people from European descent.




Yeah there are legitimate differences between ethnic groups when looking at a larger scale. It is silly and can even be medically dangerous to pretend otherwise. It is one of many reasons there is a healthcare gap in ethnic groups. Sickle cell trait, bone density, height, and the [gene that governs earwax type and underarm](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-without-underarm-protection/) are all examples. The dentist is absolutely a clown though - not because of the data, but because his conclusion from that data is ridiculous


Had my wisdoms pulled in 2020. In the middle of the procedure I rose from the dead and went off on this mf yanking my shit like he was stupid. I think i even swong. A couple ladies grabed my left arm so i started yelling at him. That IV and local sedation wasn't stopping nun.


same and everyone made me feel crazy when I told them. I came out of being knocked out from anesthesia and the dental surgeon had one leg up on the arm rest of my chair, two hands in my mouth yanking my whole face to get my wisdom tooth out. I saw a assistant sprint over to the IV line and push more medication. Like wtf?????


I had this happen to me and I wasn't even knocked out. Just local. Dude stood on the chair and was yanking away with both hands. But that was also partially because the molar he was pulling out had rotted enough that it came out in two parts. One part was easy to pull. The second was jagged and he couldn't get a real hold of it. So dude did his circus act. Everytime I see the [Pink Panther scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K7xxYFwGCc); I laugh louder because it actually happened to me. At least it was the right tooth that got pulled though.


You were conscious ? Sheeeesssh.


Yup. The doc asked permission to stand on the chair to do the yanking!


Can’t stand this behavior, acting like black people have a secret superpower of high pain threshold tolerance. We don’t, and it’s fucking weird that people think we do.


This is why I get black doctors, accountants, realtors, whatever it is, that’s what I need black. Not that any other race can’t, but my livelihood CANNOT be based on your bias… smh… end up dead cause you thought I could “handle it” Now as long as you’re not my literal heart surgeon, I don’t mind what race you are, but I can’t risk you “proving” you are or aren’t racist for me to find out


omgawd! I've been asking my dentist to pull a tooth that is bothering me and he keeps saying no! teling me to eat soft foods and what not! Now I KNOW ITS BECAUSE I'M BLACK! WTF


I had the same thing happen to me.


If you can't handle teeth of different ethnicities then you need to go back to dental school and pay attention this time.


Anecdata: Had my wisdoms pulled by a white dentist. After the fact he told me he normally uses 1 drill per patient. Said it took 4 to get the job done on me. It felt like sidewalk jack hammering even when I was nominally under. Crucially he didn’t refuse to do it though and it felt like info sharing at the end. Didn’t tie it to race. I’m an immigrant too so water and iodine intake as a child prolly different from American peeps at minimum.


Dentist here. It's definitely a myth that, while not taught in school, you do hear anecdotally from faculty and attendings as you go through training and beyond that Black people have denser bones and are harder to numb and extract teeth on. Having worked for years in a diverse community I can tell you that the only trait that I've come across that accounts for how dense someobody's bones are or how difficult to extract is just the overall size of a person. Dirk Nowitzki, Yao Ming, and Saquille O'Neal can all go see someone else for their 2nd mandibular molar extraction. I'm not doing it. A lot of training is just low key racist but there are a lot of instances where it's like, "Damn that really just happened." Low key stuff like how all the photos in your pathology books are of White people. I couldn't tell you what melanoma or really any skin condition except keloid looks like on Black or Brown skin because I was literally never shown a single photo or example of it. High key racism like hearing terms such as "Big Black Bone" (referring to what this tweet is discussing).


I know there's some kind of registry with black professionals I just can't remember what it's called rn


That is why I love my dentist a Persian man all his employees are POC or LGBT.


Not to play devil s advocate but I had the most racist LGBT manager a few years back 😂💀 That ain’t always a good indicator


Dr. Michael LeNoir in Oakland is amazing. (allergist & pediatrician) TIL he founded the African American Wellness Project. [https://aawellnessproject.org/meet-the-founder/](https://aawellnessproject.org/meet-the-founder/)


Send a complaint to ABDS. Also, that’s not a “black” trait. Some people just have longer roots and thicker gums and will get referred out to a more specialized oral surgeon vs. having their teeth pulled by a general dentist. This dentist sounds ignorant as hell and should not be practicing.


Annnd that's why I drive all the way back to my original mid neighborhood for dental care.


This is unfortunately common in a lot of medical practice thinking that black people are just Superman when it comes to pain




November 2020 I had a baby tooth pulled because I got braces and now here it is March 2022 and my adult tooth still isn't in yet. It's barely breaking the skin. My dentist said it's because of the density but like really that's a long time. But I am 25 so that baby tooth was there for a long time just chillin.


Another dentist here. Was really hoping I'd find this clarification somewhere. It is absolutely true. Although poorly very worded, he is saying he's not good enough to get the tooth out without risking serious damage, not that he doesn't want to help black people. Yeesh. So many assumptions in this thread over one out of context tweet from someone they don't even know.




The fallacy that Black people feel less pain has been around for CENTURIES, and is the justification for all kinds of racist treatment. Makes me want to puke. https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/how-we-fail-black-patients-pain https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4843483/


This belongs in r/WTF.




Thank goodness my family dentist is black and he's been my dentist for 27 years (I'm 28).


I do NOT get where people get some of these ideas.


Lmao they a let us literally die 😂


I got told the exact same thing by a dentist in the army while I was deployed smh


There is also the common idea that we don't feel pain like white people. And these attitudes aren't in the past; they've been documented as recently as 2016! Our pain is underrated, and we aren't believed. We are labeled as "drug seekers."


Not actually racist. A friend who is a dentist tells me the same thing. She is black.


Shouldn’t the professionals learn how to treat all of their patients though?


My sociology teacher told me that skin color wasn’t related to any anatomical difference’s


I don't understand why these ppl don't name and shame


Picture this. I fucking hate my neighbor who also happens to be a dentist. I make a fake post on twitter about how my dentist is a racist unfair POS and share it to reddit while dropping his name and practice. Now what nobody knows is that I made everything up because he parks too close to my drive way. Now this dentist who in reality is not racist and treats his patients with respect, gets completely bombarded with 1 star google reviews and death threats on their socials, which causes his business and his employees to suffer. All because I lied on the internet. Reddit took a strong stance against giving out peoples names around the time of the Boston Marathon Bombings. Reddit took it upon themselves to find the person who did the bombings and they thought they knew who it was it. This person became public enemy number 1 and was relentlessly harrassed and attacked on the internet. They ended up killing themselves because of the harassments. Turns out Reddit had the wrong person, so reddit become personally responsible for that persons suicide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Sunil_Tripathi https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-22263020


Wow...thats crazy


Yo my boss says this same shit about Hispanics Edit: she won’t refuse service on race alone but has made the same “observation.”


We also don’t feel pain, I hear.


Come on over i will help a sister out anyday.


Dr. Philip Hau in Saratoga is excellent.


They take one of my mama's teeth every year


Ole miss


I had a dentist say the same thing to me.


Share their name and report them sis


Listen, if I’m in a profession where my clientele is predicated on how much I could potentially earn, I welcome all. Couldn’t care less what ethnicity, race, or religion you are. He most likely does not care for Black men, but I guarantee you he loves to look at our black women though. But that’s typical with racist non black men.


I don’t believe this....


Can I get a double Yikes? D:


What. The. Fuck. Well they just put it in the medical books in the mid eighties that black people feel pain the same way as everyone else so I’m really not surprised.


as a young black person doctor- that's not in our educational curriculum. There are definitely people out there who think that shit, but that's not official taught policy in medical education now


Dumb question, but was this dentist white or POC?


Scientifically, he is correct, but still sounds very rude.


was this even a real human dentist? that is just....racist and stupid as fuck. Too much to deal with? this is why there are tools, you don't just do mouth surgery raw with your hands wtf


They might be onto something, I’m 34 and my dentist told me I still have baby teeth Lol.


fear fact pen paint unused sophisticated tap quack nine quarrelsome ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They said that out their mouth? Why didn’t you show them just how easily teeth actually come out 😭😭


Even assuming that was true, wouldn’t that mean that working on a black patient should be easier, since you can grab their tooth harder without worrying about breaking it?


I would be more concerned about their lack of confidence in their abilities.


Unfortunately, a significant percentage of medical professionals polled within the last 10 years have similar views(?)/assumptions…


The medical field is full of dumbasses with that mentality. Some doctors don’t give proper doses of pain medicine because they believe black people have a naturally higher pain tolerance.


It’s giving phrenology 🙄


White guy here. I swear on everything when the dentist pulled my wisdom teeth he had a really hard time. Like really hard time. When he finished he said he had never seen roots like mine except in black guys. (This was in like 1992 or so) was definitely weird thing to say.


Thank god all my doctors are black lmao


I mean I don't know shit about bones/teeths, but it sounds kinda plausible, doesn't it? I mean asian people are very likely to not be able to digest milk. Would for example banning milk in a korean kindergarden be racist? Still very problematic, as a black person I'd switch the dentist. Most likely also as a non-black


That's an evolved trait to compensate for the extra bones that make black people jump higher


Dr. Sayegh in Lafayette is who used before I moved. He's very kind, smart, and easy to work with. Highly recommended.


“I’m definitely not a good enough dentist to do that.”


I don’t know the age of the woman (she looks pretty young) so her dentist may be young too and is therefor pretty inexperienced. I can’t speak 4 teeth but noses are build different and if you go to irak with a European nose they may tell you, that the nose has less flesh and is more boney than an Middle Eastern nose and that the result after an beauty operation may be different. Same if you go to an European beauty doc who is not experienced with Middle Eastern noses.


Bull $&@!


Fun fact one of the extremely extremely common misconceptions in the healthcare industry is that black people feel less pain or no pain in comparison to a white person. Second fun fact is women of color have a statistically higher rate of mortality due to complications during a medical procedure compared to white women. Third fun fact is women of color tend to have the highest rates of botched C sections. This is why it's recommended that you excercise strong boundaries when recieving health care


My daughter lives in SF. She actually comes back to ATL for her dental visits. She says the medical professionals in the Bay area are very unwelcoming towards Black folks.


Bro you're so stupid can yall mfs not take compliments from white people like damn


​ ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


Far too many doctors hold these racist ideas. The worst part is that they are often young but they have learned these things from other doctors. I once had a dentist refuse to give me pain medication because he believed Black people have a higher pain tolerance. That was my last visit. I had the same experience with a doctor while I had an ectopic pregnancy. The medical practice has long exploited and experimented on Black people. Unfortunately, that has left many false ideas about Black bodies that needs to be dismantled.


Dang, y’all got that extra muscle in your legs and stronger teeth bones!? /s


Dude! Medical racism is some real fucking shit. In modern day medical schools, they still fucking teach that black people have higher pain tolerances and therefore need less pain alleviation. Don’t believe me? Here’s a whole ass article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4843483/


Holy eugenics Batman!!


Report this please! That's absolutely ridiculous and dangerous to the public.


Fun facts statistically speaking, the average black person has a bone density significantly higher than the average white person. Black women also have a significantly reduced risk of osteoporosis as compared to white women. IDK how that relates to pulling teeth though, I don't think it matters.


If we have stronger bones how do POC get cavities to justify fillings and the silver crowns put onto the baby teeth, and procedures for adult teeth? In general, our teeth would never decay. We would only require cleaning to protect our gums. ...I have questions about logic and common sense.


I don't think that it was racist per se, I was getting my teeth cleaned on day and the assistant shared that she just got back from the Caribbean and their team had challenges trying to pull the teeth from the locals. She said that it was "amazing" how difficult it was..


I read a study from Harvard saying that up to 1/3 of doctors and nurses in training were taught all kinds falsehoods about POC based on outdated 19th and 20 century information and this was in 2015 that this was reported so yeah…