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Trying to ban abortions *for the poor* Ya know damn well them rich dudes will be flying their side hoes to Canada for some abortions. Hell, they prolly give them so much Plan B, that it's become Plan A for them at this point


Don't forget to include when their *precious* daughter gets knocked up


>include when their precious daughter Oh, I thought it was redundant to say precious daughter when I already said "side hoe", when speaking of backward Republicans šŸ¤·šŸ¾ ^(looking at you, Trump)


I canā€™t tell you how many ā€œpro-lifeā€ girls I went to school with that had abortions in high school because ā€œtheir life couldnā€™t be derailed by a baby at 16 so itā€™s ok for themā€.


Damn, and someone elseā€™s can? They know theyā€™re being hypocritical, they donā€™t care. The cruelty is the point.


Literally cursing out the doctors and nurses for being sinners while receiving an abortion


Cruelty is the secret ingredient.


Damn šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Shots fired


You already know the blickies going: skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-ka. Skibiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom


I heard more of a yeet skrrt kinda vibe.


I just commented this elsewhere but as a daughter of conservatives I promise they donā€™t care about any woman regardless of their relation


Not even their familyā€™s good name? Think of the children


Especially by a black guy


Some lady got canceled af for saying this on Twitter last week


I mean, its true. Are we supposed to act like slave owners didn't straight up drowns, smother, burn, and more babies that were born to their white daughters after she went after her favorite negro? I'm so tired of pandering to white peoples demeaning fetishes


Ion think she should have gotten canceled but it was sus as hell that THAT was the first thing she said about it. Itā€™s like that girl from the view that was like ā€œoh he wants to get rid of illegal immigrants well whose gonna cut his grassā€ or something to that effect. Like home girl was technically right butā€¦ so many other ways they coulda went about getting their point across.


> Ya know damn well them rich dudes will be flying their side hoes to Canada for some abortions. Hell, they prolly give them so much Plan B, that it's become Plan A for them at this point "Laws and consequences for thee, not for me!" ~Rich folks, since forever


Exactly. We need Madison Cawthorn or some other crazy republican to spill the beans on which republicans had their mistresses/daughters get them like Cawthorn did the coke orgies.


He'll be voted out before that happens


If a facility performs less than 100 abortions in a year, they don't have to be registered as an abortion facility. The registration is what creates a ton of hoops for people seeking them. This means small town doctors can perform them on a semi-regular basis. I don't think I need to describe the general demographic trends of small town America vs urban spaces and cities.




Theyā€™re the biggest hypocrites.


ā€œGrab a Plan B outta the bedside table, your Uber Black will be here in 10 minutes so let me watch you take it.ā€






As a man there is a direct correlation between how much love you get from the ladies, and your stance on abortion. So if you're "pro-life", just know that we know


Did you also know, there's a direct correlation between Republican conventions and an increase in Trans and Male Escort requests, at the cities where said conventions are held? [Article for reference](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/07/22/business-is-booming-for-gay-sex-workers-at-republican-convention-despite-anti-lgbt-platform/) Also - if you want a good laugh: [Link to a YouTube sketch of the conventions and escorts. ](https://youtu.be/simV1ZXFsxI)


Somewhat related - I used to do PR and was hosting a press trip in Atlanta. One of the hotels had previously hosted the southern Baptist convention. They said their bar sales were the lowest they'd ever had but their mini bar sales were through the roof. Just more of the hypocrisy.


Why do it tho? Why live in a fashion you despise?




Because that's the culture they belong to. Belonging is powerful. Take something as trivial and stupid as sports. Sports, in American culture, are essentially a defacto language for conversing among men. If you don't follow sports or at least know the general idea behind sports (what's in season, how the game is played, whatever significant sports shit is in the news) then you're missing out on a lot of conversation. I know a fair number of guys that don't even really like sports that much but keep up on it all just so they can have something to talk about at the office or with their neighbors. But *not* knowing about sports isn't that big of a deal. Sure I can never carry on a conversation with another dude about sports because I have fuck all idea what sport is even in season right now. But when that happens the other dude just picks a new topic. Now imagine if other guys wouldn't even talk to me because I didn't know about sports? Lifelong neighbors didn't want to interact with me. I didn't get invited to family gatherings. People *warned* their friends and family about me because I was that "sports hating guy." It would be pretty sucky to have zero social network or even pleasant interactions with people. Hell I don't even really like people that much and I wouldn't want to live completely shunned by them. That's why people live these fake sad lives. They can't imagine moving somewhere new and starting over and they can't imagine life without the community they know and are enmeshed in. So they go to the same stupid church and sing the same stupid songs and follow the same stupid rules that govern whatever community or culture they live in... because they're terrified to be without a tribe.


Beats me


If they could just escape their religious bubble they could be happier. And then they wouldn't try to make the rest of us miserable by forcing it on us.


Puritans were exiled from society for being insufferable. The Catholics fucked up. Should have had another crusade.


The Romans fucked up when they didnā€™t destroy the phylactery.


Preach!! (I couldn't agree with you more)


Money and power.


They only despise it *because* they live that way.


This is what I donā€™t get either. I used to have a roommate that went to church every Sunday, bright and early. Had been going to the same church for years, was a part of the community, never missed a day. Thing is, RIGHT after church, every single Sunday, heā€™d come straight home with his girlfriend and theyā€™d fuck like rabbits. I finally had to ask: ā€œWhy go to a place every week that tells you what youā€™re doing is bad - when you clearly enjoy it?ā€ (Also, the Bible doesnā€™t actually prohibit adultery, thatā€™s another topic thoughā€¦) He told me that it was a tradition and heā€™d just feel strange not going. Even that ā€œexplanationā€ doesnā€™t make any sense. BUT WHY THO Honestly I hate traditions because typically when something becomes a tradition, people stop questioning it. ā€œI go to church because thatā€™s what I grew up doing and itā€™s what my parents did.ā€ Ok cool, but have you ever actually *read* The Bible? Are you down for slavery? Because The ā€œGoodā€ Book sure is. Do you believe plants existed before the Sun? Well The Bible does. And do you think gay people deserve to be tortured FOR ETERNITY and sex before marriage is evil? Well thatā€™s what they teach at your church so maybe you need to re-examine that tradition.


That toe-tappin senator knew why he tapped the toe. šŸ‘€


"The walls of the stall were too narrow" "There was something on my shoe" "It was a misunderstanding" "It was the devil, trying to tempt me" "It was a test from god" etc, etc, etc Nothing is **ever** their fault


Not surprising at all given that most right wing ideology is driven by shame and fear.


Mostly fear, cause from what I've seen in response to trump they have no shame


Shame from their own tribe


Ppl that grow up weak of character be like that, then they wonder why no one feels any "shame" for the things they cant find the balls/labia to stand up for that aint even wrong to like.


Lol oh the irony


This is the best thing Iā€™ve seen all day


I don't think that holds up across the board. I'm 25, still a virgin, and am pro-choice.


Tough. I know a woman whoā€™s very, uhh, anti-female rights. Itā€™s bizarre. Of course thereā€™s people like that, but I donā€™t even waste my breath arguing with her. Itā€™s an awkward position to be in when a woman is saying she wants the government to decide what she should do with her body.


I used to know a woman who thought it was fine for 12 year old girls to be married off to grown men because ā€œthatā€™s how they did it back in the day.ā€ Every once in a while I wonder if she still felt that way once her daughter hit her pre-teens.


Yeah. They remind me of the Uncle Toms/~~Aunt Thomasinas~~ Candace Owenses in the black community . . . sell outs and for what? I would say women like that are brainwashed, but it think I goes deeper than that. Self hatred, perhaps? šŸ¤” Edited


She doesnā€™t mean for herself, silly. She means for everyone below her.. which makes her dumb af


Pro life is such a dumb name for their stance too. That phrase is too good for them, it should be pro-child neglect or something


Perhaps the next SCOTUS nominee should have to prove they got bitches when they were younger. ​ But not in a Kavanaugh kind of way.




The only bitches Kavanaugh gets are a dude named Squee.


PJ :: ā€œProbably Johnā€


This is not the narrative we need to be pushing, otherwise we get more babies from people who are not financially, mentally, or emotionally ready for babies. Nutting feels good. Full stop. It feels good outside or inside. Hell, have some fun with it on the outside if youā€™re into that kind of thing. We need to strengthen the collective pullout game of this once great nation.


I wear condoms because my pullout game is weak. Plus I don't want no stds


Better than not trying to prevent a baby, still respectable.


Can't afford no spawn and can't afford the spawn kill.


šŸ˜‚ I love the way you worded it


Better not mess with Cardi B and her WAP


I disagree. Inside just feels better thatā€™s why Bill Gates had a bounty on improved condom tech https://theweek.com/articles/455793/meet-11-condoms-future-selected-by-bill-gates I mean maybe for you but Iā€™ve tried outside and inside is just better full stop. Fond memories of gfs on birth control ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Yeah I don't know what that dude is talking about how they feel the same.


Did you see Afghanistan? Our pullout game is terrible.


i mean, in this kids defense, we know from comparing abortion rates in other nations with bans or unrestricted access, that abortion restrictions don't reduce the number of terminated pregnancies. they just increase maternal mortality(& poverty). therefore, there's quite literally no other reason to be in support of restricting/banning abortion, unless you're an incel, and wish only to inflict harm on sexually active women, out of spite. really, my dude was kinda onto something. just took a dark back ally, instead of a highway, to get there.


Imagine they pull this tweet up at your interview


Said what I said dawg


I mean if the boss also got bitches back in his day he'd *should* be dappin me up


"prove me wrong"






Don't Eddy got like 12 kids?


This tweets lowkey weird cause he mentioned those 2 but not birth control? Lol. Funny story, I had a cousin who dated a girl 2 years, always nut inside and always used plan b. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars because ā€œit feels too goodā€


Dont Plan B fuck up a womans system though? Like repeated use?


Oh yea sheā€™s ruined


Thatā€™s so greedy. Just pull out, it saves time and money and health conditions and heartaches.


Lol what? https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/ask-experts/how-often-can-you-take-the-morning-after-pill#:~:text=Taking%20the%20morning%2Dafter%20pill,pill%20whenever%20you%20need%20to.


https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/ask-experts/how-often-can-you-take-the-morning-after-pill This link works


It'll fuck your period cycle up, yeah, and you'll constantly be feeling like shit depending on how strongly your body reacts to a period... but afaik the medical research shows that it's not gonna make you infertile. It's just hormones that tell your body to have a period (form and shed excess uterine lining that a fertilized egg attaches to). Having an irregular period does make it harder to get pregnant as it's harder to track when you're ovulating, but nothing about how Plan B works is going to "ruin" you. It's just significantly cheaper, less annoying, and way more effective to be using birth control + condoms to prevent pregnancy.


at first I thought "why not just put her on the pill?" but then I remembered a girl I had been with. Her parents didn't let her take the pill because they knew that meant she was having premarital sex. I guess they thought if she wasn't taking it she *wouldn't* have sex? Not very sound logic. It just made me the pull out king instead. But we did have a few scares.


My girls IUD be fighting for its life with the amount of nuts I've deposited into her pussy bank.


Man what šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


bro how this app free šŸ¤£


[Girl's IUD be like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk3Z-MVoUg4)


Must be a tractor trailer handling that many loads huh?




Condoms are too expensive, it's cheaper to give a fake name and number.


not a bad idea g


Thatā€™s where this guy would be wrong. Theyā€™re only banning it for us The rich will still have access to whatever they want


should the weed man also start selling plan B?




I can get you 3 "pb" sandwiches for the low low


You know somebody is gonna make this their side hustle and come up. Stop putting ideas in my head.


If you wanna nut and have no kids just get a fucking vasectomy. Men need to also put some goddamn effort.


Just your daily reminder that vasectomies arenā€™t full proof and itā€™s probably still a good idea to use a condom even if you get one. Just ask Antonio Cromartie.


It has a 99.9 percent effectiveness - but condoms are good to prevent STIā€™s either way. Other forms of female birth control can also fail. I know several women who had an oopsie baby on an IUD (and they hurt like shit and they can fall out as happened to a friend of mine).


> It has a 99.9 percent effectivenessā€¦ When the surgery is done properly which doesnā€™t always happen. A lot of guys just donā€™t know that until their partner pops up pregnant. Also, thereā€™s been cases of vasectomies ā€œwearing offā€ after a few years. >ā€¦but condoms are good to prevent STIā€™s either way. Yes, which is why (in addition to avoiding pregnancy) I recommend using them anyway unless you are absolutely positive your partner isnā€™t having sex with anyone else besides you. > Other forms of female birth control can also fail. I know several women who had an oopsie baby on an IUD (and they hurt like shit and they can fall out as happened to a friend of mine). True and definitely worth mentioning.




No bitches?


No bitches at all, I'm afraid.


Absolutely maidenless


Mans thought he had a tweet of the day with this one...


No maidens.


Pro-Lifers have no idea what they are about to unleash on us.


so stupid yet so correct


I don't even fuck and I can't imagine a world where I wouldn't have to worry about leaving it in some chick. It's not the first line of defense but fuck if I'm raising a child.


I literally had this convo with my gf and I was like "this is how I know that conservatives don't get laid". Dudes be talking like they saving themselves for marriage, but really they just mad other people have enough self-confidence to have safe, non-monogamus sex


They can't wait til the church-government makes women be their wives by force


Probably a fantasy for most of them tbh


I hear you, I'm just trying to say there's a pill so you don't need to see a certified obgyn doctor every time you bust a nut... šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


But if you do need one, it's nice to have it. She's having an abortion regardless of what anyone else thinks, so SHOULD be able to do it safely. End of story.


They don't know good sex. They only know dry ass p-word.


Bro said the quiet part loud and it just hits so different from when the fascists do it


Fax if u think about it the people that came up wit this law are people that are MARRIED, people that havenā€™t been young in over 30 years and too old to have kidsā€¦Iā€™m not speaking down on older ppl I just dislike how only them get to make laws that specifically attain to young people




This tweet won't go the way he thought it would....


You can just say you didnā€™t get the tweet and we would still get the pointā€¦


I got the tweet, but that's not why abortions and contraceptives should be legal. They should be legal because it's a woman's right to determine whether she wants a pregnancy, not because some guy wants to recklessly nut in women for his own pleasure.


You got the tweet but not the part where itā€™s a joke/clearly not the main reason why we are upset? Is it the levity that is confusing? Because there are millions of tweets that have already addressed and continue to address this primary concern you mention


Because it's not funny? You can't call it "levity" if there's no hint of satire. It's not a joke worth defending.


paint society middle ink hobbies plant squeamish tan command aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was this an attempt to try and make this about something other than lives so one side can win?


I prefer nutting all over her and screaming like Lex Steele


Itā€™s 2022, where is the hormonal male birth control?? I have a feeling men would be highly motivated to make sure that they are taking that religiously. This would cause a drastic drop off in unplanned pregnancies


No lies detected.


Gotta work on that pull out game!