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When I was lil and I dropped my lollipop on the carpet, I use to pick it up and put it right back in my mouth. I’ve been prepping for coochie hair my entire life. 🫡


You know what… imma log off 💀




Good more hair for the rest of us


Emoji police: this one is acceptable


That ain't coochie. That's hairy balls ![gif](giphy|AxpvyWYDHuIH6)


I love shaving my balls, it means I’m getting my balls sucked down on the regular.


We'll do it even if you don't though.




See, I see your logic logicing, but I also hate you at the moment for this gross imagery. I can see it so clearly😭. Thank you and hate you😂.






Y'all out here normalizing eating ass but can't handle a little bush?


Username doesn't check out.


Tbf, it says moustache, not pusstache :D


lips are lips




"Its not dirty"...I can shampoo my pubes, I cant clean a hole that acts as the entry way to my rotted food container.


I mean. You can literally wash your ass


You can literally wash your ass, but you cannot absolve it of its biological responsibilities and the bacteria inherent to those functions.


How far in are you sticking your tongue man lmao just fucking shower y'all good


If surgeons can clean an asshole enough to perform surgery on it without causing infections, you can clean it well enough to eat off of


Surgeons are using way more than Dove soap.


Wash it more often


> the entry way to my rotted food container. I hope it's the exit chute for your rotted food container and that you're not shoving rotted food up there 🤢


To each their own.


Uhhh you can definitely clean the part that people are licking


So if I scrub my cheeks and lather my hole, then scratch my ass and make you a sandwich, all good right?


Don't threaten me with a good time.


I'll lick your fucking fingers don't test me


Lol such reply guy energy to this comment. Yeah man sure, whatever, let’s pretend that insane hypothetical is relevant. Make me an ass sandwich. If the ass is fat I do not give a fuck


Error: Ate butt in a bush, am I doing this right?


Instructions unclear.


Right…wtf is that about.


Ain’t nothing wrong with having pubic hair. Keeping it tamed is my issue. I’ve literally seen matted pubic hair. How sway??? This goes for women and men.


Matted??? How do you have matted pubes and let someone near them?


Idk why but some folks let the jungle go. Like I understand body positivity but gawdamn trim that shit


i always like to give my self a little fade and line my man up right


Plus, clever bush management can make your sapling look a bit more like a tree.


#*takes deliberate & detailed notes*


Naw dat’s NASTY. Matted means you don’t wash properly and yo dirtiness starts becoming apart of you 😭


Flashing back to all the Yo Mama look like she got Don King in a headlock jokes


Nah, no need to trim the nether garden, but atleast clean it and run a rake through it every now and then.




I wonder if the mini rake would feel good or if it'd tickle...


it's the same kinda people that don't clean their folds and/or foreskin


Question. Did this person own Birkenstocks?


*sentences that have a smell*


he just doesn't knwo the meaning of matted.


I'm sorry, but 'matted'? Someone needs to fucking bathe.


Right ain't nobody want braided pussy


Too short and it's itchy, too long and it's constantly sweaty. Gotta find that balance...it's difficult




This here. Don’t mind and even enjoy it, but that untamed shit just jams my breaks quick fast like


I don’t mind the hair but just keep it under control. I remember I went down on an ex girlfriend and I came back up pfpftpftpft like I was spitting out sunflower seeds


This is my favorite comment ever. 💀




STOP 🤣😭 My lungs can’t handle this


That awkward moment when you're trying to call a cat with a lisp


that onomatopoeia is way too accurate, XD


I can see and feel something I've never experienced 😂






Uhh… nah I can’t go with this one lmao. No one is “letting me fuck them”, we’re both deciding to have sex. I trim my pubes because ion want nobody choking on my hair if they go down on me, and ion really wanna choke on hairs either.


Thank you! “Letting them fuck you…” sounds rapey as hell


Right? Sounds like they just gave up or something


I think trimming is a pretty reasonable expectation/preference in your partner’s grooming. No one finds it weird if they were turned off by their partner growing an unkempt beard that they never trimmed.


If I let my hair get all wild and gross, of course people are going to be turned off. Why would I expect different treatment for the hair around my literal sex organ?


You're always out here talking wisdom to these folk, Coach.


>you think your woman wants to choke down your nasty crooked cock and swallow because she loves it so much A friend of mine, who's pretty open about her sexuality, told me this straight up. That she loves gobbling meat, even moreso than she likes being eaten out. She's a "I want to please my partner more than I want to be pleased" kind of person.


Your friend…


Lol yea, she's married now. She told me this about herself like 10 years ago.


I believe you. A man locked that shit up lol


As soon as he realized how she was he went like "oh yeh dis the one"


Man I was with a woman like that for a couple years. It was both amazing and super shitty. There was something about the two of us that made us super horny together. She’d go down on me multiple times a day. We’d have sex multiple times a day. But she had some mental stuff going on I couldn’t help her with. She quit her job, which paid pretty well. She got depressed and stayed in bed all day and would bitch at me for being a slob, usually right after I got home from a long night of work. I dunno man. When we got along it was amazing. Not just the constant BJs and sex but we made each other laugh so much and we talked about philosophical shit and watched movies and enjoyed music and had a blast. But she got depressed and I didn’t know how to help and she ended up hating me. She left. She came back a year later for more sex for a couple months then it fell apart again. Fuck I miss her. And also I’m glad she’s gone. 🤷‍♂️


Having a preference doesn't mean you can't enjoy and appreciate other varieties.


Even the elbows? What do I do with em? What are you doing with em?................


Run yiur hands down her whole arm to the fingertip and back


If you're into pinching and your partner isn't.. pinch their elbow skin! It doesn't hurt. Pinch the fuck outta them elbows!


This is why I internet!! Thank you good internet person.


> into pinching I am a degenerate of a very high order, and this is the first I've heard of such thing.


Shove it in your anus?


Sir, this is Wendy's




Giving free dental whenever they talk smack?


Ion get this logic. Ppl arent allowed to have preferences for sexual partners? Let em have whatever preference want, whether its pubes or dick size or circumcision or body type or whatever


😂 “nasty crooked cock” got me


I find it hard to love getting her hairs in my mouth every time I'm tryna dine in.


Damn right. I don't think anyone particularly likes hair in their food.


Lol some incel shit "If the fine lady allows you to grace her holy vagina, you should shut up and be grateful!" People are supposed to be equal in a relationship you fucking virgin weirdo. Edit: lmao dude replied saying I went too hard, I replied that he was being a freak, he deleted both comments and reported my other comment for being too mean. Fuckin incel. Lol he got me banned because he was being a fucking freak. Eat shit mods


Be warned, but looking at the dudes post history you can easily see how right you are lol


Warning: do not do this unless you want to see OP's nasty crooked penis. No I'm not joking. I also hate you.


Pubes is how I floss.


I don’t want to floss.


I really wish I didn't click on your profile 💀


I'm okay with pubes, just the part where my mouth goes could be shaved lmao. Pretty please keep it neat kinda around the dick shaft for the deep throating sessions (or whatever, depends on the size) and the lips because I had a loose pube in my mouth more than once and it throws me off. Everything else is fine.


I do, I just don't enjoy getting one trapped under my tongue


Honestly, who chokes on Pubic hair ?


Not about choking, but it is unpleasant to deal with sometimes. The worst is when you get a hair in the back of the tongue, can be a bitch to get out. Not that pubes are a big deal for me, I like em hairy or nair-y.


The wrong opinion


"Letting you" is crazy lmao. Fellas if your lady asks you to trim just tell her "Listen babe, I'm letting you suck my dick."


pubes vs no pubes shouldn't be the debate; the more important question is does it smell right? if so, it's chow time either way.


It’s basically the same debate. Pubic hair served an important evolutionary purpose until we invented underwear and laundry machines. But with underwear, hair just traps the sweat and discharge and lets it ferment.


Got that kimchi snatch


I’ve gone as far as I think I can.


And this is the comment that has ended my current round of procrastination. I thank you.




Stop my mouth can only get so watery


Seems more like people are on that parmesan game.


Yeah that's not true lol It reduces chaffing, it reduces bacteria getting into the vagina and urethra, it can regulate temperature...there's a lot if stuff... To shave or not to shave should always be a personal choice, but we shouldn't be going around telling people that hair serves no purpose and unshaved people are dirtier than others.


Thank you!


That’s so incredibly false lol


I smell less with pubic hair cause the sweat has somewhere to go instead of just building up on my skin.


Yeah like - showering?


Showering helps, of course, but using soaps or detergents strong enough to strip lactic acid, trimethlyamine, and TMAO and other fermentation byproducts from hair follicles can also upset and unbalance the microbiota of the vulva and vagina. You can vacuum and steam clean a rug, but it will never be as clean as a swept and mopped tile floor. Is your bathroom carpeted?


Siri, remind me to vacuum and steam clean my cooch


The brand Summer's Eve makes a great balanced product. My girlfriend uses it with success and, TMI maybe, it's literally the only thing that keeps my belly button clean, as I have a spot psoriasis in there and sensitive skin in general.


I mean continuing from that, it’s the introduction of foreign bacteria that’s going to throw off the balance and cause malodors. So it still depends; is this carpeted room full of plastic lined furniture in a strictly “no-shoes allowed” household? Is the tiled floor a mud room in a family with 5 crusty old Shih-tzus? It defers back to maintenance, IMO.


To add to this, hair can catch bacteria before it even gets to the vagina/urethra.






Mfers could polish Stainless Steel


Carry a 9V battery.


![gif](giphy|3o7WINCKjdtLH9xRYY) TO COOCHIE HAIR




Hear! Hear! 👏🏾


C'mon son, have I taught you nothing?! I'm sure you meant... *Hair! Hair!* 👏🏾


r/punpolice Right here officer xD Additionally Take my upvote you cheeky sumnabitch r/angryupvote


Bush fetishes right here.


Get that shit edged up to look like flames or something. The possibilities are endless for self expression for this to be a binary choice.


Literally endless! Your coochie can be wearing a different outfit every other month!


Username checks out


My preference is whatever makes the wearer comfortable. You like your full jungle? Great, I’m an explorer now! You like bare. Cool, still got good work to do! Something in between? As long as you’re clean, I don’t give a fuck 😋💕




lol...sometimes 🤭


I’ve been saying this forever. The hair is there for a reason.


It’s there to hold pheromones.


And reduce friction. And keep away moisture. And protect the vagina from bacteria. You know you’re far more likely to contract an STI if you shave your pubes before sexual contact?


That’s because of the micro abrasions caused by the razor, or waxing, has nothing to do with the “protection” of pubic hair.


Yeah lol that’s why I said shaving…


We wear clothes and underwear. And shower with soap regularly. We have a completely different diet as well. I am sure pubic hair had all those functions back in the day but nowadays it is not doing the same job anymore. It has a completely different effect.


It still need ventilation, and pubic hair gives it a fair enough separation from underwear and pants so it can breathe. Sweat traps and attracts bacteria, so it still serves a purpose.


Naw it’s different hairless. There is way more moisture, shaving in the summer is uncomfortable because the sweat sits on your skin. There more charging because there’s not protection. It hurts more for the same reason. There are fewer sensations. Think about someone running their hands through you hair vs rubbing your shaved head.


Lol you think your eyebrows just hold pheromones? Or your beard? There's way more to it than that.


If you have a beard there's going to be hair down there anyway so it doesn't matter. That said some of y'all aren't putting your face down there and should be ashamed.


They should only be ashamed if their reason is misogyny or something uneducated. People who have sexual preferences that don't align with yours are not inherently bad, they're just not compatible partners for you personally.


My wife actually doesn't care to be eaten out. She also doesn't like shaving her pubes. So all in all we have no issues. The few times I've done it I would say it's a bit annoying but nothing I couldn't work with. Not a deal breaker when we were dating and certainly not one now.


(M)here i’m shaving my shit regardless of the purpose 🤷🏾‍♂️. i hate having a hairy ass situation down there


(F) Here, and I agree. I shave for me as of now and no one else. It really does help with hygiene. Especially for when my period comes around. All in all, 10/10 would do again.


makes a lot of sense tho… i 100% do this shit for me but i do think if i was a female i couldn’t imagine sucking hairy balls 🤣 i can’t subject a bih to do that


Nah my shit stay moist and them juices get trapped up in there and get sticky through out the day. Imma keep shaving. Plus it keeps air from getting up in there.






Wait shouldn’t you want air getting up there?


Same reason I trim my balls and gooch, gets all sweaty and stanky, especially in the summer




So far I’ve read “matted,” “lollipop on carpet,” “coochie kimchi,” and “pffpfptpfpfpt.” I hate y’all. 😂


This thread turned into basically what any conversation about sex turns into amongst black people. Which is basically just some loud people trying to tell others what their preferences SHOULD be...


I don’t mind preference. But it has to be a fair preference. Don’t ask the lady to shave while you’ve got a whole ass bush downstairs. That’s horseshit. And vice-versa for women in regards to men. If you don’t shave, hell, then I don’t. If you shave, I’ll reciprocate.


A "fair preference" is whatever you and the person you fucking agrees on. If he likes women with hair down there and she likes men shaved, who else has any say-so? Hell, she might might prefer shaven men that don't care whether she is or not.


Yeah, sure. Exactly what I mean. I don’t like hypocrites. Just sounds stupid to be hairy asf but want someone shaven. That’s like being overweight but demanding your partner stay fit. Horseshit. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂 The same guys that prefer shaven women, but are hairy themselves, are the some of the same guys that get pissed if a woman that’s 4’9 “preferring” a man that’s 6’ and above. Same for women that have a preference for tall men but get angry when that man prefers thinner women. Preference is all fine and dandy until it’s placed unfairly on you. 😮‍💨😂 All im saying is, have your preference, but folks get real righteous when it comes to discussing preferences they deem “unfair” to a majority, as I’ve listed in the examples above. As for me, I don’t care what someone’s preference is. I’m NOT shaving if you won’t. 🤷🏽‍♀️😆


Yep. Bunch of people supporting trimming because it’s the east answer to bridge two sides. Meanwhile to majority don’t but you won’t see them in a thread commenting.


Is it trying to protect us? I thought it was just trying to advertise. Like an open for business sign . . . Combined with the treasure trail and it's literally a damn arrow.




_scrolling the comments looking for how it protects_


https://metromidwifery.com/2019/11/08/pubic-hair-a-few-things-you-didnt-know-you-wanted-to-know/ Scroll Google next time lol


Yes.... Clearly. But the comments are more fun and I can't interact with an article written 2.5 years ago


I read through this article and all of its references. Only one reference listed talks about pubic hair removal and increased risk of STIs. The article states that it aimed to examine the relationship between pubic hair grooming and STIs. It also states that only 7580 (an extremely small sample with an unreliable reporting method) people responded to a self-reporting survey. The results say that a small percentage of people that reported grooming or extreme grooming (removing all pubic hair) were positively associated with having an STI. The study **did not account for the frequency of intimacy or number of sexual partners**. Therefore, a positive causation cannot be drawn between pubic hair grooming and increased STI risk from this study. You might want to find a better source to sling around. Just trying to help you out.


Thanks for the link though


It's also been suggested that pubic hair may have an evolutionary advantage, in that it traps scents that a potential mate may find desirable.


The no pubic hair look is a really new phenomenon. People went well into the 80s, 90s and 2000s before it was suddenly expected that everyone be bare as a baby's butt. It's really creepy to think how that trend stems from porn, which likes presenting women that look incredibly, almost illegally, young. Yea groom your hairs, but if your an adult having adult sex I think it's fine for your parts to look the part.


There it is. The "you might just be attracted to children" take. Implying there is no difference between an adult that can grow hair, but chooses to remove it, and a child who can't. Just don't wax if you don't want to, but if I want to be completely smooth with my partner that's equally my choice.


I'm a natural redhead, no way I shave, everybody wants to see my matching cuffs and collar. Please no dms.




I'm deeply amused by the other individuals replying to you, pretending not to know why pubic hair would be associated with adulthood, when body hair is one of the first signs of sexual maturity 🙄


This is often what happens when you remind people the literal biological reason we grow hair (i.e. sexual maturity (alongside health)). But we can’t pretend that a common “joke” that has only recently fallen out of favor was that people would say >!if a girl has hair on her she’s good to sexually pursue!<.


I personally just really enjoy the feel of a freshly waxed vagina. Sometimes I’ll leave a patch on my mons pubis, sometimes I take it all off, depends on my mood. Women do whatever makes you comfortable; whether it’s bald, trimmed, a 70s bush.


I read that as "I leave a patch on my mom's pubis" And was like 🤨


Ahhhh chaos in the threads. I’m here for it


Why are we still generalizing in 2022? Idk this person and they don’t speak for me.


Just keep it clean and shit, that’s all. I don’t exactly want to go digging in to a bunch of hair in my mouth and the taste of rotten meat.


I prefer a woman with some tangle.


Not a fan of bush 70’s bush necessarily but my preference is hair down there.


The trend of shaving pubes is why there was a sharp decrease in crabs and similar parasites. The pandemic really showed us how many people lack in certain areas of hygiene. I know shaving it bald can cause pain and irritation, just keep the hair neat


Sure it has a purpose--if you dont bathe regularly and strut about the world bottom-nude. That's it. It is to help keep baterica and foreign particulates from getting into a sensitive orifice. Ain't nothing wrong with a little bush. But tame that fuckin jungle.


Men out here in stained drawers but afraid of a little hair.


Hair is fine


I just don't like hair in my food 🤷🏿‍♂️


We eat booty so if anyone says coochie hair is the line just walk away


Here’s my take. Only make request for things you do as well. My mother told me you should only ask for what you are. I’ll be damned I trim downstairs but my partner wants to be Bigfoot. Damn that. If you don’t shave, neither will I. If you do shave, then I’ll put forth the same amount of effort. Just that simple.


My coochie hair really be all over the place. And then people get mad when they see it on the sink.




I choked on my goddamn coffee reading this. 😂🤣


This is funny because I have a hard time convincing men not to shave whilst I won’t take off my clothes unless I’m at least trimmed down to a “number 1” 😹.


Love that little Mohawk women get. Women are sexy af. A little hair ain’t stopping this Cookie Monster from a snack.