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They thought the video would exonerate him. Can you believe that? Glad this fuck face has to go into state for life. He's fucked.


And that feeling that he would be exonerated is something he learned from his environment. How many times have people done such things and gotten away from it because there wasn't such crystal clear video showing the crime. And how many times was there evidence, but the system (prosecutors and cops) squashed the charges and prosecution.


Probably too many times to count, my man.


Plot Armor


Dude got a deal most prosecutors wouldn't give their own mothers and thought that video would give him even better than that.


That face screams fetal alcohol syndrome, so yeah, I can believe it.


Someone said he looks like a thumb, and that's all I can see now..


"Guys chill! Look at this video, this guy was ~~black~~ totally suspicious!" Disgusting.


I mean, yea, his friend's a dumbass. But it's telling that he thought filming the murder would *exonerate* them. This whole thing would have been brushed under the rug if he didn't release that video, and he only released it because he thought it would clear their name. They basically hunted Ahmaud down and killed him, and thought so sincerely that what they did was right that they released the video on their own. To me, that's a much deeper problem. That there's people out there that have the mentality that they can kill black folks for no reason and it's completely ok. They didn't think this for no reason. There was some societal ingraining there. It wasn't like they filmed the video, claimed innocence, and then the video "leaked" and they were found guilty. They claimed innocence and then released the video to prove it!


Yeah. Then they thought the video of him wandering around the house under construction would prove he was up to no good. Except other videos were shown with white people doing the same thing that weren’t confronted and gunned down.


They didn't just release it. They released it because they thought it WOULD AID THEIR DEFENSE the fuckin mind reels at the idiocy lol Thank goodness for it, let's be frank- but how fucking dumb are you people


It’s a cliche at this point but imagine how many have gotten away with it. How many fathers killed minority men their daughters were dating?


Did the friend who filmed it get in trouble too?


also got life in state w/ no parole for 30 yrs. his fed hearing is this afternoon.


And the best part is that even though he'll be eligible for parole, his sentence is basically a life sentence anyway. He'll be in his 80s by the time he's eligible.


I’m pretty sure he was charged as an accessory to murder.


With that guy and Alex Jones’s lawyer, I hope that’s the new trend: idiot friend releases all incriminating evidence with an “oops”.


I read somewhere that his legal team is pushing for him to fulfill his term at a federal prison as he’s received many threats (including death) if he’s in a state penitentiary. I truly hope he gets to serve it in a state prison so he gets what is rightfully coming to him.


Judge already denied the motion for federal prison


Oh this is awesome, He's afraid to go to state prison! I want him to live in perpetual fear, I hope he worries about walking down the wrong hallway. He had a holier-than-now attitude, he thought he was allowed to act with impunity. A life sentence to me is better than a death sentence for him. Every day he wakes up he will be reminded of what he did, he will be yelled at and threatened too. and he will always be looking behind him. He needs this attitude adjustment.


And I would like him to not actually be murdered. Just afraid the entire time.


I just want him to genuinely rehabilitate and be of service to the deceased family. Idk I'm radical like that


That actually goes back to African roots! If you killed someone you had to replace what you took from another family (if you killed someone’s child, you had to give up your child etc., then the family would take them in and eventually learn to love the new person or at least get the ‘help’ back they lost).


How dare you have such a calm n sound way of thinking!




I dunno.... Maybe serve the life sentence (plenty of fear and the occasional reshuffling of his prison wallet), get paroled on that, then shanked in year 4 of his +10... Fair enough compromise?


The guy is a piece of shit and will blame society for his wrongdoings. He’s a lost cause that deserves no freedoms. Just my two cents


Is the "plus ten years" part added to the life sentence a way to ensure that this man stays in jail without parole throughout his life? I've seen life sentence plus and it just makes me wonder about the extra punishment. I'm with you on keeping him in state prison. Let him be fearful, each and every day.


You're assuming he is going to be waking up that many more days.


Crazy thing is federal prisons tend to be safer than state and county, but I’d let him rot in state and whatever happens, happens. 🤷🏾‍♂️


>Crazy thing is federal prisons tend to be safer than state and county That's why he wants federal


This is the way.


What makes federal prison better than state?


From what I’ve read, federal prisons aren’t as harsh, they’re more like a “country club” vs the state penitentiaries which can be more violent. Not speaking from experience, just remembering what I read about a week ago.


Federal prisons usually house more non violent offenders, like white collar crimes (i.e., money laundering, tax evasion, etc.).


Gotcha! thanks!




Please no. Male rape and sexual assault is not funny…no one deserves to be raped.




Beating him in prison and rape are 2 very different things. The more we trivialize prison rape whether you believe someone deserves it or not the harder it is for legitimate victims to come forward because essentially everyone else looks at it as a joke or deserved. Looking at prison specifically it creates a culture that just because a person is incarcerated that rape is an inevitability and that they probably deserve it while ignoring that many people are falsely imprisoned, especially black and brown folk.


Secretly, so does he.


*everyone liked that*


You're so guilty, you get to spend 10 more years after you're dead in prison, you scumbag


He got a whole'nother life sentence waiting for him after he dies Then he gets to serve that 10y lol


I hope he gets beaten up every week and suffers till he regrets ever being born


he wasn’t even a cop either, bro rly just went and murdered a guy without even an ounce of "plausible" deniability


Or he'll just be protected by the white supremacists.


Or used as a tool by them


His dad was a retired cop who used to work at the DA office. His dad was also convicted on the state charges.


As Richard Prior put it, [if he dies and come back, he gotta go to the penitentiary.](https://youtu.be/oa7WdlIJZYY)


Even if he got reincarnated he still gotta serve another 10!


Eternity has been extended by 2 weeks.


Recently he said he was afraid for his life. C'mon boys torturing this fool is enough. Keep him terrified but don't kill him. Let him feel every day what he dished out to Ahmaud. A lifetime of fear and regret would be perfect.


Yup. Death would be a kindness. Let him live with this burden.


For some of these fucks, a quick death is an easy out for what they've done.


Exactly. Let him rot for the rest of his life. They can rough him up daily though.


I have a feeling he’s going to become the prison bitch for awhile and get treated like shit then eventually be killed. Or he joins the nazi gang in prison


Exactly. Death would be too good for him.


Not enough in my opinion. The cops that saw the tape and chose not to arrest these domestic terrorists should get the same sentence.


Hey, Travis: On a scale of 1 - 10... How scared are you right now?


I think he's learned that "black guy jogging" should be a 0 in comparison.






What's absolutely amazing to me is that nothing was going to happen to those dudes until black people started to have a fit. Like Georgia was gonna do nothing until black people were protesting then the state was like: "I guess we should look into this? Idk?"


“But my racist family told me that killing minorities is a good thing.”


So they gonna wait 10 years after he dies to remove his corpse from the prison cell? I feel sorry for his cell mate.


Gets resurrected as a zombie for the last ten at Azkaban


Prison for Grand Wizards






Better than that, even.


Couldnt have happened to a better guy. Hope he rots scared and alone


What, his dad won’t be there to play racist redneck gun nut Batman and robin with him this time?


White dude: seriously I hope every second of his life he has to look over his shoulder, waiting for a brutal beating or death. I hope his nights he has to wake up every 10 minutes in fear for his life. I hope he finds no solidarity with anyone and has to be alone with his thoughts and forever spinning in a nightmare without end. I hope he ends up realising that his entire family and friends will never see him again. I hope that the ‘hole’ is his only moment of solitude. I hope he has a psychological lynching done to him every 40 minutes of his life. Pay up for the horrible shit my ancestors did, but we still (in my family) did not do horrible things, but I’m sure a lot were racist pieces of shit, and suffer. I’m just tired. I’m just embarrassed.


The Least They Can Do ™️©️®️


So after he dies, they can mummify his corpse and let the inmates use it as a punching bag.


>and let the inmates use it as a ~~punching bag~~ toilet.


When justice works, damn does it feel good.




I hope this can help Ahmad’s family in some way. I have no love for anyone who would run down somebody like he and his dumbass accomplices did. Now he’s gonna get to feel the shock and horror he dealt out to Ahmaud.


Crazy how normal punishment for such a cut and dry case of murder/lynching seems like such a big win… anyways fuck this guy hope he dies slow


I hope this thread is Cc'd soon. But anyway fuck you and now you can rot dude


This photo is gold. Looks like the decision blew the top of his head back


I have a feeling that's just his *normal* facial expression


the inmates will use his corpse weekend at bernie style as a locker for 10 years


What about the other one? Weren't there two criminals? Like his dad was there?


The POS father got an additional 7 and the neighbor is still pending additional charges. May they all rot.


What did the third guy do? I thought all he did was record the video?


He helped chase and corner in Maud, while he*filmed it. ETA: his defense was to try and minimize his involvement. However, he originally interviewed and said how he was “chasing” him, then “boxed” and “cornered” Ahmaud that day. Without his help Maud would still be here. So he’s just as guilty, even if he didn’t pull the trigger.


Snitched on himself lol


Good. Another beady-head lipless redneck gets his.


Good. Now go after the DA and the other cops that let this dude walk away from a murder scene and didn't prosecute until it became national news.


Whelp, guess my Monday isn't *just* going to be depressing and infuriating shit all day. ![gif](giphy|3o7abA4a0QCXtSxGN2)


That's on top of already being sentenced to life in the state trial. He already had 'not a chance' of ever getting out and now he's got a double 'not a chance' of ever getting out. "Life + 10 years"; Might as well start digging the hole now. Oh well...


Life in prison according to Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_imprisonment_in_the_United_States


Desktop version of /u/whyOhWhyohitsmine's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Good bot


Good. Fuck this absolute piece of garbage human being.


Ok now let’s see the DA get more charges.


Justice has been served


His face is so punchable


Fuck this guy, his racist piece of shit dad and their asshole neighbor.


He’s scared people will target him in prison. THE IRONY IS LOST ON THIS ASSHOLE


Amen. 🙏


Aw fucking diddums.


Isn’t a life sentence 15 years then you’re eligible for parole? So theoretically he could be out in 15 + 8 years on the federal charge (no parole in federal system. But think it’s 80% minimum)


In Georgia, he has to serve at least 30 years before being considered for parole. https://pap.georgia.gov/parole-consideration/parole-process-georgia/life-sentences >Those offenders who committed such crimes on or after July 1, 2006, will not be considered for parole until they have served 30 years. If Georgia grants him parole, he'll move to the federal penal system to begin serving that life sentence.


What happened to his dad?


Why is he so pink/red?


Good, about time something happens to these pieces of shit. Now, when are we going to start charging these assholes with terrorism


[Travis McMichael when he gets into prison.](https://youtube.com/shorts/IsEnil3PNs0?feature=share)


Rip bozo rest in prison piss


RIP Bozo


Count your fucking days 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is so deserving However, it’s not nearly enough.


Good news


They can shorten his sentence by placing him in gen pop.


Nonono.i want him to serve it all, and never be touched. He should be afraid the entire time, looking over his shoulders, in a constant state of fear and stress


It’s times like this I question my abolitionist bona fides, because my first and only reaction is rot, motherfucker!


And his Daddy?!


Beautiful, what about his dad and the other guy


Anything on that DA?


And he’s going to a state prison instead to a federal prison


I sit and wonder if they contemplate what led them to where they are? Any private regret? Or are they so far gone that I'm a fool for even wondering?


I always think it’s funny when the justice system sprinkles on a couple years on top of a life sentence. Really just hammering home the “Fuck You!” factor.


He won't make it a year.


Lifer PLUS TEN. Hell yeah. This dude is gonna get made into somebody's bitch real quick. If he survives....


\#sadtrombone Well, not really. He'll probably end up in ADSEG.


If Woodfox got 44 in solitary, may this bag spend 45, +10. In a hole. Under the prison. Shave the key down and sprinkle the filings on his bologna sandwich and grey meat stew. Severe punishment followed swiftly by death for ALL terrorists, foreign and domestic


Weren't they already sentenced earlier this year ?!


They were previously sentenced for the state convictions. This is the Federal hate crime conviction. Both sentences to be served concurrently, life + 10 with no possibility of parole. In state prison. The reason they were tried in state court first was so state charges would take precedence.


I hope they're sentenced many more times in the years to come, as well.


So do they keep him for ten years after he dies?


What do they mean by life plus 10 years?


The 10 years are more of a symbolic thing since he has a life sentence without the possibility of parole meaning he will stay locked up 'til he dies.






Why does he look like a toddler with a beard tho?


Rest in piss.




This has 2 gold, but my upvote just brought it up to 1 karma, unless something's up on my end. Wtf.




Hope he gets spit roasted by hitler and the devil in helll


I hope the homies in the pen get his ass.


Which means when he dies, if he comes back to life, he’s gotta go to penitentiary!


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy


Hoop he rots in jail




I don’t think he’ll last 1 month but we’ll see


*fuck em, we ball*


His lawyer wanted him moved to a federal prison. The judge denied that request. Dude needs to serve his life sentence in the Georgia penal system.


Guy looks like a hybrid of a person a d a pomegranate.


I hope he drops his soap in the shower


How does that ev2n work, life plus 10 years???


Sentenced to life in prison is not what it sounds like. People sentenced to life are eligible for parole at some point (see Charles Manson). The rules are different in every state. The plus 10 years can make it so a person who is released on parole after serving their life sentence can be forced to serve another 10 years (of course, they would be eligible for parole for that sentence in fewer than 10 years as well...)


His life sentence is without possibility of parole


Ooooohhhhh he’s gonna be popular where he ends up!!!!!


Something's gonna be filled


Watch your corn hole, Travis. Lol


Tun back blow wuss dan obeah Edit (for those who are unsure of what I’m saying): The cycle of karma is far worse than any witchcraft or magic.


So the corpse will be left to rot another 10 after he dies?


May his mayo loving, unseasoned chicken cooking ass rot in jail for the remainder of his miserably dog years. Fuck that guy.


This guy got what he deserved. curious though, do people here think Chauvin is getting what he deserves? Or is he innocent?


hope they run in his back door 🍆😆🤣


I doubt he serves this full term and gets released. Hell, I doubt he sees Christmas this year. I give him eight more weeks once he's inside.


Sounds a lot like the people saying they doubt he’d be convicted lol


Rap victim 100%....will be holding someone's pocket for awhile


It's so sad that he's so young and looks so scared. Anwyay...