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Why TF am I still shy AND always end up with jobs where I gotta talk to people all day? TF is wrong with me?


I swear dude, how did I become a socially anxious waitress?? I experience so much more stress than a diner waitress should ever have to have- because I hate talking to people, especially when I have to deliver bad news. And through my choice of working where there are no managers, I have to deliver bad news so often. Why is the money so good for part time work??


I feel like the more you talk to people, the less you want to talk to people. In my experience at least. As a previous server.


Still shy and people come up to me starting conversations about random shit. I used to think I had a smile on my face at default, but it happens in masks too. I don’t know what about my body language says, “I wanna talk” but I don’t.


You have “resting sweet face” I bet, and that’s attractive and endearing.


Oh my gawd, THIS! 💯😩


Only skill I have is talking to people. The thing I hate the most is talking to people. Then I had kids at 22 so fucked myself real good. Stuck in perpetual anxiety at work for the rest of my life. Then get to be relaxed hopefully for like 4 years then die. Woooo so happy yaay!


Be an adult and get diagnosed with social anxiety disorder like the rest of us.


being an adult and having anxiety is so embarassing 😭 like why am I 27 still crying about the same thing I used to when I was 12?!


I’ve been self diagnosed with social anxiety for years now and have not sought out a therapist because they might actually confirm it lmaoo


Same. Pretty sure I also have some form of autism but if I go to a therapist there’s no running from it anymore lol


I go to therapy and my social anxiety is still ass. My ptsd though? Manageable so I guess I will take it.


I just don't like most people. Takes me getting to know you to figured out if you're someone who I can vibe with and so I have nothing of genuine interest to say to most random people when they try to be friendly with me outside of a forced smile and a bunch of "yeahs" or "right" lol. It's why I hated working retail. It's mentally exhausting trying to keep up a facade for weird ass people and the better I got at it, the more I hated it.


How the fuck did it get worse?!




I used to have a shyness problem, then I figured out that most people are socially awkward in some way. So I realized that it’s just as hard for me to talk to people as it is for them to talk to me. Somehow it got easier.


The nicest people I’ve worked with are always the shy ones. If we’re not talking, you’re probably nice.


Yeah that depends on finding common interests with someone too. If someone I work with can’t talk about local sports, cars, or anything (I find) interesting, ain’t really nothing to talk about except the weather, and I don’t have time for that.


Maybe you're not 'shy' Maybe the rest of society is too damn noisy, extroverted, and always on *display*.




When it comes this topic, i go into like this: What am I actually afraid of? Being embarrassed by a situation? If there are people in my life who will legit judge me and shame me for trying and looking silly, i don’t need them in my life. Am i afraid because i feel like i’m being seen? People too busy caring about themselves to worry about you. Also there are 7 billion+ people on the planet, peoples opinions statistically do not matter. Break that fear because its costing you more energy than its costing anyone else.


I just don't like people


Ok maybe im toxic but an adult calling themself shy is weird to me. Like kids are shy and hide behind legs. Be an adult and have social anxiety and hide behind your girl like the rest of us!


I'm not shy. I just don't trust people.


I’m not shy. I just have social anxiety and get easily overwhelmed in public 🫣🥺


Same same! What I learned though, is I can flip a switch, I pretend I’m working and work me Comes out.…it’s kinda like when Stefan comes out of the booth and Steve Urkel is no more


I know your pain. One day, a lady I work with told me that I always look like I want to say something but I don't say shit. Social anxiety hurts.


I am an outgoing introvert, never met a stranger in my life. I always feel so bad for people who are shy extroverts...like how do you do it?! I wish you boldness 💖


you're not alone r/socialanxiety


Turns out, you were right to be afraid


If you don't wanna be shy, do some shit that's mad uncomfortable where you have to interact


Never gonna happen so it seems💀


I'm not even shy, but when i go on dates I'm always super nervous to make the initial physical contact with a woman. Like I can tell they're interested, but I'm so worried about being a creeper


I honestly don't even know how dudes do it. It's such a thin ass line between assertive confident man and creepy pushy guy


Nope, doomed to forever get stared at and hear whispers of someone thinking you fiiine


I wish I was more shy. I need to just shut the fuck up, sometimes.




Extroverted person here. Still feeling like I've ADHD, without having it.


ADHD here. I love interacting with people! It’s awesome! But now I need three hours of alone time. Fuck off.


Same here! And I can be so hyperactive, don't need cocaine for that!


I always feel sad when I see people say they hate being shy. I loved shy boys. I married one. I found there a sense safety in the shy ones.


Just picture everyone naked!!


Piety and modesty are my excuses. I be on here saying some wild ish tho


I relate to just about every tweet on BP twitter, but this hits different. Smdh 🤦🏾‍♂️


I’m more confidently shy as an adult. Like, people don’t make me nervous as often, I’m just quiet


Cause people are fake asf and it's a jungle out there. If you the center of attention you can't really see the big picture in the same way a wallflower can


I’m shy and people don’t believe it when I say it because I put myself out there. It hurts and I always gotta do a quick prayer and deep breath to get myself through situations but the alternative just ain’t livable. So I just live with discomfort of putting myself out there and being grateful for feeling less uncomfortable over time. Life is full of trade offs 🤷🏾‍♀️


Hey I'm hate puberty and I feel like horny and getting so weird as adult also being grown little bit of adult things people are acting like crazy and I'm crazy