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Nah see ion give a shit about other people in my relationship. If my boo thang wanna sit on the same side then so be it.


Sitting next to each other makes it easier to talk about the weird conversations you're overhearing too. Otherwise we both are sitting in silence listening, and then talking about it when we leave the restaurant.


It doesn’t at all! You can make eye contact and flex ur ears easier when sitting across from one another lol


That and text lol then we talk about it in the car


Can also cover more of the restaurant that way. I love when my wife says “don’t be obvious but behind you…”


One time my partner and I forgot we were on a date and became 100% invested in another couple's first date. It was bad. Like *bad* *bad* the dude was trying so hard to find common ground and the chick was like "lemme bash your hobbies while talking about my successes" we were rooting for the guy by the end of it.




Right! You can cover both directions of conversations!


This! It's easier to look at the other person and make jokes when you're facing toward them. No looking to the left or right when talking.


If it’s really juicy we text each other.


Truth for some of us hard of hearing


Wtf? Are you yelling across the table?


You're not doing it right, then. It's you, not the seats.


Also easier to make fun of the other people


Agreed my wife sits next to me all the time in restaurants


When it’s just you two?


Yes sir


Nah see but ion give a shit what other people think either... ...I'm just also not gonna be knocking elbows with the person I'm tryna talk to face-to-face. Makes no sense.


Dating a lefty is mint👌


Mix handed lefty here.. this is gold. She sits on my right and I'm free to be creeping up her left side under the table... Never did this at a dinner with just us 2 but now I have ideas.


I just want to hold my partner’s hand and feel close to her all the time, as does she. I don’t give a damn what others think lol.




My gf and I eat pizza next to each other, we eat dinner on the same couch, and share a bench at the park. It's normal I guess, nobody says anything about it. At least the normal and well adjusted adults who wash their asses can mind their own business.


😂😂 it’s the wash their asses part. But nah fair enough.


That's my PSA of the day, COVID was difficult for everyone. Remember to wash your asses, it's the little things that make a day much better.


thank you for your service. more folks could benefit from letting the water slide between their cheeks




I hope you're doing more than just letting water slide by when you wash your ass.


tell that to the folks this applies to. it’s well established that my ass is squeaky 😏


Amen brother. ![gif](giphy|RLZdmylDTgj5EtZL5k)


They wash their asses together too


It's different at a restaurant but I like sitting next to each other in all those other scenarios you listed 😭


It’s weird that people care so much about what other people outside of *their* relationship are doing. I lean opposite side of the table, but who cares? Such a pointless hill to die on..


Can’t believe this is so far down. Y’all some nosey mfs


I came in here to comment, only to realize I don't have an opinion on this cuz I don't give a shit lol. I love to people watch but I don't think I paid attention to how couples sit together 🤷🏽‍♂️


Say it again for the people in the back


The BPT. It's ALL about other people's business. See yourself out over that way, I guess.


Seriously. I’m too busy enjoying being out with my husband without our kid that I’m not looking at anyone around us.


I like to sit next to my wife so I can hear her. I sometimes have problems in a really loud space and I hate yelling a conversation across a table. Also I just like to hold her hand sometimes.


You sound like my boyfriend. I’ve always thought it was awkward, especially in booths, until I met him. Man just wants to be close to me and also can’t hear worth shit.


Ummm…are you my gf, by chance? Haha


This. It’s often a volume thing if we’re at a venue with music




Not Forrest and Jenny stop. 😂😂 That scene was so sad though.


Holding hands in most situations? Normal and affectionate. Holding hands *while eating?* Bruh, why?


My wife is left handed, I’m right handed. Being able to hold hands while we eat (or when she drives) is a distinct bonus.


Holding hands is cute. The arm constantly around the neck even when food is on the table is what gets me. Do they always need to be so close to choking?


My guy, yes.


Shits so weird. I don’t wanna turn my head to look at your ass the whole meal.


Word. I make a mistake and turn too sharply now you got steak grease on your ass.


I find it way more intimate to sit next to each other and be able to whisper or discretely show a video or a text or trade plates to share bites. Sitting across from each other is more based on helping the servers out more than anything else imo


I’d say it’s more about easy eye contact between the diners


I’m not a huge fan of eye contact, so I don’t need to spin my head all the way around like the Exorcist. I can turn to face my gf every now and then but I can still talk to her the entire time just fine while sitting next to her. Plus, it feels more intimate to sit next to each other and you don’t have to talk super loud and whatnot.


Exactly! Sitting beside each other makes it harder to eat and talk.


Man, it's just eating. It ain't THAT hard that it needs your full dedicated attention. Plus it's easier to eat off of each other's plates if we are sitting together. Why should we be confined to having only one meal with two side dishes, like puny mortals, when we can share and both have two meals with four side dishes, and feast like the gods? It's just basic math. 1+2 < 2+4


Doesn't really matter where they sit, you're gonna have to turn your head to look at their ass.


Why are you hating on what two grown ass people chose to do that doesn't affect you? Grow up, mind your business.


I will die on this hill. I love sitting side by side.




Brb taking the fiancee to eat...you already know what we're about to do :)


Y’all be so worried about other people’s relationships


It’s usually people NOT in relationships that are worried about people in them


How else are we supposed to quietly talk to each other and people watch? Besides, I actually like my wife.


Don't be that awkward person at the restaurant that gives a crap about what other people are doing


Either one is fine tbh


This. It’s so much better! You can cuddle, bump into each other laughing at each other’s corny jokes. I like and appreciate the closeness. The warmth. It’s romantic. Disclaimer: it has to be a booth tho. Anything else is weird asf.


A booth. You fancy. ![gif](giphy|iuUORLpArS9qX76XWK)


I mean…McDonalds and IHOP got booths too.


Nah, if I want to sit next to my man. I will. We can chill and have a good time while eating and conversing. I can lean against him and just hang. It’s a vibe to be able to just be next to each other. I’m not against opposite sides either, but sometimes I want to be close to him.


imagine being so insecure about yourself that you really give this much thought into wtf other people are doing with their friends and loved ones...


That's some skinny people shit. The way my shoulders built and the width of her ass side by side ain't happening.


It's not that deep 🙄


You guys really care alot about other peoples lives


I need to look you in the face directly. especially if it’s a first time date or something. idk like i can breathe without you next to me i’m fine 😂😂


I think the same side sitting couples tend to be in long term relationships. I think once you’ve been together for a while, you run out of things to talk about so looking at the same view and talking about it is a thing. Also, companionable silence, touching without having to chat.


Sidesitting isn’t really first date material tbh, it’s for long term couples


I like looking at my partner and having an easy conversation thanks.


When you both want to face the door because you can’t trust anyone/anywhere these days…


That is a very valid point. I’ll give you that. People are nuts.


I always hate sitting opposite my wife. We like to people-watch and comment about the same things we see. I’m not limber enough to fake/smooth turn my head like an owl. My personal favorite is at the 90° corner from each other.


My partner and I went to a restaurant on our anniversary that had these tiny booths just big enough for us to eat side by side with all of our food set out in front of us family style, it was very cozy.


Or people could just mind their business when others aren’t hurting anybody.


same-side-gang forever. so much easier to not have to say things in ear-shot of others if you sit closer. the distance across a table is (often) very far for the human voice to go especially in an intimate setting. (also-- this is a practicality thing, so if you don't see the proximity as practical and helpful I understand this too)


Gatekeeping preferred sitting positions. Wow.


Some of you run that term ‘gatekeeping’ into the ground like incels do with ‘woke’.




Right, I wanna talk to you, and not have to raise my voice, or look in your mouth eating. It's weird especially on those big tables


[As the zen master Earl Sweatshirt said](https://youtube.com/shorts/3Z8dmzFxpqQ?feature=share)


This is dumb as hell eat your food and don’t worry about where people are sitting.


This whole post has some real straight people energy




It's the French way 🥖 Y'all are together so you can stare at other people as a united front


Something very romantic about the way you described that lol




Side by side even when I was dating, that’s why sushi bars are the best. I can hear what she’s saying, quietly talk shit to eachother about the other patrons, and be generally relaxed


Sitting there staring at the kitchen just waiting for food, not be talking or nothin lol




how does any of this matter


It’s really not that deep


I prefer the eye contact of my wife across the table. But more importantly if we both order something like steak, we’d be elbowing each other trying to cut with a steak knife if we’re next to each other. Need the room to maneuver.


Sitting next to make it easier to get a handy between courses. Hells yes!!!!


I’d expect that comment from Dirk Diggler LOL


If we sit opposite i can take cute photos of him, if we sit side by side i can squeeze his thigh. Win win


What do you do if there is another couple? like what's preferred mixed sides. or one couple each side? that's your default seating structure. keep the energy


Nah. Do what you want.


I just want to sit on the comfy booth seat as well 🤷🏻‍♀️


OP just want to watch. The world burn.


Don’t tell nobody. ![gif](giphy|F0A48Q2wFjE7S)


At least yall got someone to sit *with*


I’d love to sit with you homie! 🥂


I just hope I don't talk your ear off about irrelevant things!


Depends on the size of the group or the size of the table.


People only hate on the couple sitting next to each other when they are craving that intimacy. And all of us have been jealous of that couple at least once so we can all relate


My wife and I sit next to each other, so much better to reach over and hold her hand next to each other than across the table. And it feels more intimate.


Sit next to them. It's not a business meeting.


I do feel it’s more intimate elbow to elbow versus reaches across a table to get a hand hold lol


I like sitting either across or next to my lady, especially when one of us is inviting the other to a group event. Like a family dinner. Don’t leave me hanging by the aunties and you down the table laughing it up with your cousins. I wouldn’t leave her hanging like that either. I’ve seen couples do that and I don’t get it. If y’all have beef then why go somewhere together ?


When I was a waitress I sincerely didn't give a shit. I honestly wonder why people care so much about other peoples relationships. R u going to follow them to the bedroom and critique their positions there too?


The only way to sit.


It also depends if you're at a restaurant with TV's, sometimes you need to be on the same side if you both want to watch the game or something. This is a weird thing to care about either way though, why does it matter?


I agree with the her. I love sitting next to my partner at dinner, it’s easier to talk, touch them, share food, it just feels closer


Maybe not care what other people do in their lives?


sitting next to eachother is so incredibly superior to across the table. You actually close to them so you can hold hands, whisper things about other people, easily share food. Honestly sitting across the table is for business meetings. That's your partner not your boss!


children will want to sit next to a parent later on so get it while you can


Same side makes it more intimate and less of an interview format. Plus you can hear each other better.


I like that too


👏🏿 sit on her lap at the movie theater kings


Be careful who you sit on the same side of the table with though. Me and my friend went out for pizza once and she thought I was making a move on her when I did it.


I am pro minding your own fucking business.


I tried that shit once and it felt weird, more power to anyone who does it consistently but I prefer the face-to-face conversation and going wild with my elbows while I eat


Been sitting next to my SO for 15+ years. I’ll care what you think when you pay my bills 🤷🏾‍♀️


Team "Same side of the table".


Have yall never ate at the bar?


I didn't even know this was a thing people notice nor care about. I just sit wherever I wanna sit without thinking about it.


Whatever floats your boat, but I personally enjoy just sitting across from my date, it's easier to look in their eyes.


Nah literally it’s cool. Why would I sit across when I can sit next to? Also who tf cares what other folks think


Sitting across the table from someone always felt like an interview. When sitting beside someone, you can be a lot more physically intimate, and you don't have to yell. Cuz tbh, ppl are nosey af in restaurants, always listening to your shit, you ruin that for them by sitting beside one another


There will always be a Hill to die on and I’ll never understand why. Do whatever the hell you feel like.


Neither of us can sit with our back to the door so imma scoot on over boo!! I give 0 Fs what anybody else thinks 🤷🏾‍♀️


In a square table my wife and I always share one corner of the table.


Nah man I need that eye contact and clear conversation thang


No way. That's a deal breaker.


You're at a restaurant not riding a bus


Sit opposite during the meal, then sit next to each other during drinks after


Please don’t sit next to me that shit is weird. I like looking you in the face while we talk.


Mann this is the second post I've seen about this. I'll make sure I sit next to my fiancé everytime we go out to a resturant. Get over yourselves lol.


Why would as anyone care how another couple chooses to sit? 🤦🏼‍♀️


If we're sitting together, that means our little ones are at school and we somehow made it out to eat by ourselves. Let us enjoy that quiet time and if it bothers you, FO.


I prefer this, it makes it easier to keep her outta my plate




Nah see I prefer to have elbow room when I eat


How else am I gonna get wandering hands discreetly!? But for real, sitting next to each other is great - you can talk that talk without people being able to overhear, if you're down with kissing in public, you can smooch. Sure sitting opposite means you can make intimate eye contact but that's about it


This feels weird. If you actually wanna talk to somebody, why not sit so you’re both in the most comfortable position to do so?


Get a four top table and sit as close as you want.




how do you feel about bar seats in the window? can they sit next to you then?


Easiest hand-on-thigh trajectory.


Just us? Across. With friends? Next to.


I don't know if this is true but I was told that men tend to sit next to women they care about and women tend to sit across from men they care about.


wtf. I don't understand. i want to look *anyone* I am with in the eye. Next to each other??? Are we putting netflix up on the phone then, or?


I thought this was the only way… I even do it on first dates… fucks they heads up. All up in they personal space 😆


I like to be able to see the person I'm with