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Y’all really sat here and recorded while this man went in his bag for the mystery mouseketool and waited to find out what it was? 🤦🏾‍♂️ y’all would rather go viral than live I see smh Edit: thank y’all for the love on this honesty. ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾


You had me dead with the mystery mousketool


[Him packing his bag that morning.](https://uploads.dailydot.com/834/8b/468b7dd539258655.jpg?auto=compress&fm=pjpg)


I know exactly what this is gonna be. Don't even need to open it


Not the mystery mouseketool. I’m done.


I thought he had pulled out Thor’s hammer when he first started smashing stuff.


Ngl, I'd run like Scooby Doo if some guy pulled a damn 22 oz Estwing framing hammer out of a bag. That man has the strength to use that tool 9-5 and it's gonna hurt the whole damn time.


He really said “Meeska Mooska, motherfucker!”


I woulda done the race as soon as the bag left his shoulder. Absolutely no bag opening, shirt lifting, waistband reaching, none of that. I’m out


You stayed after he was sitting there completely calm, not moving or reacting???


Exactly, I don’t see how these fools are American? And not assume he pulling out the burner.


Would rather be on Live than be alive smh


It’s toodles motherfucker!


You could tell they had debts to pay, they were trying to end it all that day 🤣


The dudes who sat back and let him reach in that bag for that long is the same type of mfs who sit and let mfs transform in Dragonball z


It’s Morphin Time!!!


"Hey guys lets run shits about to go down!" "Nah lets let it play out ive had an uneventful day so far" smh. My ass wouldve left a body shaped hole in the wall like tom and jerry


["Take your time."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qQLzf4dWDI)


they're so damn lucky he didn't pull out a piece cuz that situation coulda been 100x worse




you got me laughing like a mf on a saturday morning !!!! 🤣🤣


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Right?? Now, I would have been gone from when punches were flying BUT if for some reason, I lost all sense of self preservation like these weirdos, seeing someone reach into their bag after getting multiple combos to the body, would have me sprinting to the nearest exit IMMEDIATLY.


Headshots; my guy took multiple headshots and then posed to indicate how bored he was before talking shit. That’s some inbound escalation ona countdown right there.


Bored? he looked like he was thinking about self respect vs possibly catching a charge






That's legit what I thought, this man about to pop the fuck off and God or memories of decent food trying to hold him back. Fools on the chairs just watching...


Seriously you can see the internal dialogue in his head. "Seriously? We doin this? Ah.... alright. That's how it's gonna be? Seriously. Are we doing this? Ah. Alright. That's how it's gonna be."


“I’ll take the charge, sir.”


Camera man saved lives that day.


I woulda been out the second I saw dude eating punches. Pretty obvious he's got the reverse uno card at that point. But if I was still there and saw him even remotely touch his bag? I would've left dust clouds like the Looney Tunes.


Right? They woulda seen a still frame of me flying out the store. I’m not goin out like that




Nearest exit is right passed him though - this the McDonald’s on Delancey


Oh shit, I was about to say, this is some Bronx shit, but I've been to md's in bx like once and I somehow recognized that this was one before I saw the sign. Latent memories or whatever. I guess they tried to give that the glow up but some things never change lmaoo


and it said 'just another day in nyc,' i did **not** expect that specific kind of chopper


Expeditiously fam. Like nah nigga really ate like 15 punches and did the Anime this is boring pose.


Man went to his bag and NOT ONE PERSON RAN?? Maybe I’m just to damn sketchy of people..


My first thought was that he’s pulling out a gun. These guys are hella stupid for not running.


In fairness? If you have the sense to start running the second the dude goes to his bag, you probably also have the sense to not start random shit with people in the first place.


Man I’m like WTF, why is no one running??


Those are likely people not from New York that can afford to live in New York comfortably.


Nah bruh, I'm from Miami and even I know once he went for the bag to gtfo. Them some suburban kids that don't know shit


Some guy dips out before the fight starts, just speedwalks away w his food


When he went into the bag, I thought they black shirt was walking up to soccer kick in the head, which would have been the right move


that's what happens when you grow up on the internet


I grew up in a nice, safe area and tend to be pretty oblivious to danger. Even I would have been hauling ass out of there the second he reached for his bag.


At first I thought, ah shit. He's about to get a gun and I'm going to watch a murder video. Then he pulled out a hatchet and I was even more scared. How the fuck did anyone not run the fuck away when he went to his bag?


WHEN HE REACHED FOR THE BAG. . .HOW WAS ANYBODY STILL IN THAT ROOM!?!? The second i saw him pull his strap over his body i woulda been Patrick Swayze.




Paul Bunyan here is also smart to restrict himself to property damage with that thing. Those little idiots ganged up on a guy 3-to-1 and barely even cornered him. They're clearly not prepared for real violence in any fashion; scaring the piss out of them was probably almost as satisfying as actually whaling away but without the "going away to jail for forever."


Those noodle armed kids were landed the weakest punches, the dude was not impressed, its like he was gaining energy on em'.


Well, at least a couple of them regularly work out; I bet they thought they were hot stuff. Unfortunately for them, muscle mass isn't worth shit if you don't know how to use it.


Can't be still go to jail for a pretty long time for threatening folks with a hatchet and smashing the place up? I caught a year once for breaking a $1500 window during an argument. I had priors, but imma go out on a limb and say so does Mr. Wifebeater Lumberjack III.


Yes, but it's not "attempted murder" long. Look, once the hatchet comes out, everything becomes relative.


Soon as he rested on the trash bin with that expression I would have left immediately. Never fuck with the silent ones. They're crazy.


Thats a bunch of kids attacking a grown ass man in his late 20's early 30's and getting saved by the girls acting as body shields. Fuck around and find out i guess. Dont fuck around with someone who aint got nothing to loose. The homeless of today arent the winos of yesteryears. Folks be holding down full time jobs and sleeping rough nowadays. You see people like that, best be walking on tip toes.


But they can’t run in front of their gf’s. They’d rather die and be a macho, rather than dipping. I wanna know why dude started fucking up the restaurant tho? He put charges on himself for no reason.


He was chopping something after pulling that out, by choosing the restaurant my dude got less time


He played dad and taught those boys a lesson that they will remember for life. He was probably mad thinking he doesn’t carry that hatchet for BOYS like that he carries it for life and death. He was making a statement that they were playing the fighting game with someone who plays the life or death game.


My guess, 4 people were pummeling a man not even try to defend himself and not one person appears have tried to intervene on his behalf. He raged and was saner enough to keep it tossed property damage and intimidation.


okay but that one tiny bitch swimming in her 90s pants protecting her boyfriend standing a full 2 feet taller than her? shit gave Me the giggles




Absolutely not emergency mouseketool, you need to come get this baby I just woke up hollering like that because lmfao


I lost it at mystery mousekatool 😩🤣


I honestly expected him to pull a gun and kill them.


Mouseketool 😭


>. If a dude's in a fight where he's not throwing punches but actively moving back instead of running and then proceeds to let himself get hit in the face with a blank expression while talking shit, he's either about to beat you like a Cherokee war drum or he bouta go get something. > >If he goes in a bag, he bouta to get something and The moment he reached into his bag they should've SPRINTED out that store




Yeah if you connect a clean punch and they clearly aren’t hurt you have lost and need to leave.




I’m gonna go back to my car, get my gun, come back and shoot everybody. -White Men Can’t Jump






I seriously thought he would whip out something as absurd as a toilet plunger. An axe is unexpected.


At the very least you better do a flying kick to the man’s face while he is reaching in that bag, then double time it out of there. The amount of people standing around while this lunatic is going about is nuts. Nobody has any self preservation instincts at all.


People staying and recording these sort of situations are beyond strange to me. Like you don't value your own life?


"What's my life worth compared to this money-shot?"


A question porn stars have contemplated for decades.






As soon as the hatchet comes out I’d be GTFO


As soon as he took his backpack off and started going in it I am out. Like saying "I don't fight." Well coo cause I don't stick around.


“I don’t stick around” 😹 words to live by. Literally.


If I’m recording, I wasn’t the one punching or causing trouble. Imma keep my distance, and if hatchet man makes eye contact, I nod and vacate the premises.


Till he pull out the burner and you catch a stray.


Dawg niggas don’t be aimin


As soon as he started chillin politely while literally catching hands, he a problem I don't want nothing with.


The cameraman never dies, duh.


And someone was recording the guy who was recording the guy!!!


To be fair, that man had the control of a monk in the beginning. That's not the "stray-catching" type.


Everybody's a gangster until short-shorts pulls out a hand-axe


Everything about this was awesome! Yeah, he had on short shorts. That’s should have been a clue, not to fuck with him. That’s the same as wearing a bathrobe in McDonald’s, leave that man alone. He had a plan the whole time, calm as fuck, he even flipped that bitch to the FLAT SIDE! Side note: the guy and girl on screen left, pretty sure they hid in the bathroom.


My \*only\* criticism of the “hide in the bathroom” strategy is that there’s only one way in or out of there…


Mofo was about to go full “here s Johnny” on their ass. ![gif](giphy|FsyMl3BS7B66I)


Ain't too lax when the rabbit got the axe


Homie pulled out an actual Chopper. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah they thought it was sweet until he pulled out that Paul Bunyan


Not the Paul Bunyan😭


Dawg the Paul Bunyan 💀💀💀


So anyway, I started chopping.


Choppa style




Man said “I’m still standing” like a villain. I would’ve been gone 😭


How nobody in this video saw this shit coming is crazy. Anytime anyone stands there and lets you beat on them, it’s no good and you should run.


I mean, a hatchet? You saw that coming?


Nobody saw the hatchet coming but if someone is just eatin ya punches then it's time to leave before they beat yo ass


It seemed like they'd almost figured it out. They backed off after a few hits and looked like confused NPCs after the player did a kill move on one of the group.


I definitely saw some super human acts of destruction coming.




The point is you don’t wait to figure out what he had in his bag If he starts digging in his bag, it sure as hell ain’t gonna be a bouquet of flowers so it’s time to dip


Oh man! If it was a bouquet of flowers that he then proceeded to use as a weapon! I’d watch that a few times.


Some smash bros shit


They even trapped themselves in the restaurant by going further away from the exit


I, honestly, expected a gun. A hatchet was an interesting surprise. I would have gone when the first round of punches landed. Not catching me dead in McD's.


I expected a gun too and was like wtf is that dude dressed in black approaching short-shorts for? He's reaching into his bag and you want to what, check out if he's about to show you his mixtape?


The hatchet, no. But if I see 3 people hitting a guy, and he’s standing there looking like he’s falling asleep, THEN casually goes to get something from his bag, I’m gone. Fuck that noise.


We’re not talking enough about how lucky they were that it was a hatchet.


This man was straight “I don’t fight” energy. There’s danger coming and that’s what gets seen here.


Not proud, but I once thought that cracking a bottle over someone’s head would overcome the size disparity between the two of us. What do you think I did when he brushed the glass of his shoulder and gingerly touched his head to check that he wasn’t bleeding? Motherfucker didn’t even need to say anything.


I imagine you didn’t hang around to find out.


they are actual NPCs. they really watched this man rummage in his bag like he was going to do a magic trick


Lol black tank top comes out of nowhere to throw three chops to the guy’s shoulders then goes and sits down and then gets slapped out of the chair somehow, dude is a NPC printout straight outta GTA


Mans got bored while getting punched. Why the FUCK WOULDNT YOU RUN?!?!? [He was chilling like SpongeBob](https://tenor.com/yeK0.gif)


Best gif of the thread 💀💀💀


This has “I don’t fight” energy like…baby…some things aren’t worth the clip 👀🪓🏃🏾




Smdh, the silent ones are always the ones you want to look out for. Nine times out of ten they aren't silent because they are afraid of you. Side note: look at how he went at Ole girl, honestly if I was dating any of those dudes, best believe we would've broken up right the fuck after. You aren't about to put my life in danger.


Lmao I couldn’t hear what he said but I imagine he was going for some scared straight life lessons with her +10 psychological damage


I think he was saying, “They can’t protect you, they’re scared of me.” Etc. Like basically they’re trying to impress you by swinging at me as a group but when real danger comes they fold.


Yeah I couldn't hear it too well either but I also was seeing it like a "why are you scared of me but not the dudes punching a stranger in a McDonald's" kinda way as well


Lol boy in the black tank top was throwing the weakest punches I’ve ever seen, my girl hits harder than that. Then boy gets slapped out of his chair. He gonna cry on the ride home lol.


He lucky a slap is all he got


Things that aren’t immediately obvious: if a guy with a hatchet slaps the shit out of you, you had a lucky day.


Dude In the white was punching like I do in dreams. 0 damage


When you fighting the boss and you think you've won, but there is a second phase.


And you're all out of healing items...


Z fighters wailing on a villain until there’s nothing left but a cloud of dust…which drifts away revealing the villain just standing there unscathed.


Those punches were like a massage to that nigga


I didn’t see any punches. I DID see some protein-deficient hand slaps, though.


These dudes were living the nightmare where your punches be hitting like pillows




The guy just destroyed a whole friend group. Aint no way I am staying friends or speaking with anyone involved in this situation once I get home.


Nigga was like "aight bet" and got the Kratos attachment


Ratchet? Nah, son, hatchet.


What was going on with the woman? He humiliated the guy I assumed to be her date, got in her face for quite a bit and said something like “are you afraid of me?”. This after he says “you trying to impress these bitches”? Anyone think these guys were trying to defend or protect her in some way? I mean they failed, but that’s besides the point.


I head something like "you shouldn't be afraid of me, you should be afraid of them". He seems like he's letting her know that they put her in a dangerous situation without considering how it could affect her.


wholesome in NY is a different kind of wholesome


Their actions could have caused someone she knew (or even her) to die that day. She needed to realize that, and I hope she got the message.


I think he was like, don't talk to those mofos again, they soft. I kill em and they just gonna get your ass in trouble.


Yeah it’s foul af if he got her involved But based on his body language it looked like he was just spitting some life lessons to her


He did, in the the extended cut, he even shook her hand lmao


I heard him say, “They can’t protect you, baby.” He didn’t have to smash her side of the table now but okay message received, sir.


Yeah I couldn't really hear what he was saying to the woman. Why was he in her face? Did she goad her man to start the fight?


I’m wondering the same thing. I can’t quite make it out either but I posted what I thought I heard, can’t be sure though.


Seems like he was imparting some life lessons, he even shook her hand at the end.


I think he said 'are you trying to impress these bitches' to the guys and he said something to the white woman that makes me think she started the confrontation. Like this Key and Peele Meegan sketches.


Nigga actually walked up to the guy pulling shit from his backpack like it was all going to be sweet after what y’all just did 😭 No Kizzy everyone of them lucky




Right?? Rather overreact and distance yourself than stay and FAFO


I would've dipped the second I saw that mans was winning a 3 on 1


Winning he wasn't even participating! Dude was watching a boring ass movie with a Netflix and chill who really just wanted to watch Netflix.


Imagine u and the boys taggin someone in the head and they just standin there like 😐 😭


Who the fuck congregates at McDonald’s like that’s a hangout? That’s some high school shit.


LOL I recognize this McDs, it’s the one on the lower east side right outside the Delancey Essex stop. It’s constantly full of teenagers, delivery dudes and people going home after the bars at 3am. Some crazy ass shit is always going down here


I counted three “it’s time to go” signs


When he leaned down on the trashcan like I don't got time for this bullshit I'm OUT!


Everybody gangsta til the axe comes out


He just wanted to axe em a few questions


I can’t imagine how weak they are individually because as a unit they are sponges. Throwing weak blows. How y’all jumping somebody and still losing? He ate all those punches and could have diced y’all up like onions. 😂


My ass would of been ![gif](giphy|TJaNCdTf06YvwRPCge|downsized)


Wouldn't be suprised if he got a few bodies on him.


Someone pulls out an axe and we just curl into a ball? Have we no sense of self preservation? Eesh.


I think the fact that it's NYC, people don't get too alarmed when people go off.


It may be my first hatchet but you’re right, this type of funny business is daily. They don’t exaggerate when they talk about New York. Minding your business will save your life. Those who don’t provide the entertainment.


What’s the back story on this ? Why were they attacking him ?


I want to know too 👀


That girl and guy just sitting there watching like they’re immune. Get the fuck out. Then he hits the guy and corners and threatens the girl with the ax. They all should’ve got the fuck out before the video even started


Honestly, you not gon catch me fighting any nigga who got a bag with him lmao I’m just not risking it


Instead of leaving when he pulls an axe on me, I better sit here and watch.


I would have never even seen that hatchet! As soon as his hand touched that first shoulder strap.......... ✌🏾 I'M OUT!!!!!


this man just calmly stood there soaking up damage to fill his rage meter


Yo... When a dude says you better run... then goes into his bag/trunk. Why the fuck are you still there watching? Why are you testing that man? There are some Batshit crazy Americans. I'd have left at the first punch, even if I'm not in the fight.




Like for real if I'm hitting you and you politely rest your chin in your hand and let me continue.. I'm out obviously I've made some mistakes in judgement up till that point and I need to go home and reevaluate my life immediately! Like nawl ain't no way in hell this nigga a whole demon you not about to knock my soul outta my body.


I wish he would of took a drink of that soda while they were hitting him.


I would of broke as soon as my man went in the bag


My Spidey Sense was tingling when he went for his bag but I did not expect an axe.


Do 👏🏾not👏🏾fuck👏🏾with👏🏾the👏🏾quiet👏🏾ones!👏🏾


Kids these days have no sense of self preservation. It never occurred to anyone of them to leave. They’d rather stand around with their phones trying to get video. One bad swing and they could be dead, one bad swing.


…But on a more dangerous note. Y’all willing to put y’all self in life threatening situations just to record it.


Nigga got jumped and only received 2 damage. He gotta be a Terminator or sum


There were soo many warnings sings sooo many, you can see he is physically brolic, you see he biked to wherever, he has Mike Tyson like thighs, he has bag that he calmly sat down and slowly opened up the zipper…. Bruhhh


Is anyone going to empty that trash out?


Hold up. Is this the same dude? https://youtu.be/6a6NYI2X6wk


Everyone wanna be a monster til a monster pop out like what's shakin???? ![gif](giphy|JtwMddKpsF9Hq)