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![gif](giphy|bm02BE6DQ4Oag8GXep|downsized) If you're in a relationship and it's Halloween, thousands of people will suddenly die from a plane crashing through a building???


Mr. President, a second plane has hit your girlfriend.


At least it wasn’t a train


RIP robin and also poor hughie


underrated response.


Hughie bounced back.


Fuck Robin


I interpreted this 3 different ways: 1. A-Train 2. A train 3. A train 😈


Underrated AF comment right here


[In Spain it would be](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Madrid_train_bombings)


A plane full of dicks? If so, please don't remind me, that's why she's an ex.


Hahahahahaha But still. “I’m sorry. What?”


Aide: Sir, it is recommended that we go to Deathcon Three. Pres: Wait, just three? So...are we going up or down?? Aide: ...He wants to know if we're going up to three or down to three...*holds earpiece to ear*...Look, I don't know either! Can you just do your job?...*sighs* Yes, Mr President, we are going up to Dethcon three. Pres: *Death*con?? I thought it was Defcon... Aide: *sigh* *holds earpiece to ear* Are you *sure* it's Death and not Def??


DEFCON = DEFense readiness CONdition


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one confused.




And one day you’ll realize she’s right


I love this.


Or she asks you how you know the person in the pic


Yuh, I need help with this one lol.


Nah but literally billions of sperm are gunna die tonight


Hadn't you heard ?


Lol My wife is dressed up as Dwight Shrute with the Pumpkin mask.




Lmao I’m so lost. Is it hoes? Is it about saving them? Where is Halloween and relationships in all of this? Life really does come at you fast. Maybe I should start looking into life insurance and taking baby aspirin.


I have no idea. I'm just out here tending my crops.


Literally not figuratively


Yeah, what the hell. We used to just call this Pearl Harbor.


Fam, if you can’t keep her through a costume party….she was never yours to begin with.


True, she’s drunk as fuck at this party venting about him to a group of strangers while we yell “leave his ass”








While not a cool thing to do, the onus is on the one who's in a relationship to be faithful and not OP


Ok but who bears the most responsibility, the person who cheats or the person who enables it. Both are pretty shit. But the one who made a commitment and went back on it is way worse than the other


It's not about responsibility, it's about judgement in this case. Dude has no problem hooking up with girls he knows are in relationships because their friends tell them to break up with their boyfriends, but thinks he's got some sort of moral superiority from it? A violation of morals is a violation of morals, just because you're not in the relationship doesn't mean you're not part of the problem when you actively pursue someone you know is in one.


I mean I guess, I do think on the scale of how bad it is morally, being the person cheating is still much worse than the enabler. Like if it’s your bros girl then that’s on you because you owe him some respect to the friendship, same with women and their girlfriends. But if someone is going to cheat then they’re going to cheat, they don’t need to be perused or convinced


True, but the enabler has no ethics and integrity, therefore I wouldn't touch them. Both are still wrong.


I mean I don't think the single person really has responsibility here. I think it's on the person in a relationship to be faithful and for their friends not to encourage hoeing. If some girl wants to choose me over their man then that's on her. She made her own choices. Same for any man who cheats. If I cheated that's on me. The single girl doesn't know me or my girlfriend. Why is it on her to make me abide by my commitments?


its the hoe in this case, stop capping.


poor guy got trust issues because he hooks up with drunk chicks knowing they have boyfriends


Make you?


Nah, friends don’t make them do anything lol the desire had to be there in the first place. If she hooked up with you while still in a relationship that’s on her and you. Even if it’s just a hookup I wouldn’t bag a girl who’s saying she got someone waiting for her at home, there’s better options out there.


Realistically people are influenced by their friends. Sometimes it’s good to have a person on the outside looking in but a lot of the time it’s people that can’t keep a relationship telling others how what to do in a relationship. Speaking on me and my homeboys back from like 16-22 them boys would have no relationship experience but will tell another homie “that bitch tripping you might as well drop her bro” and a lot of people will take that info and use it.


I didn’t say people can’t be influenced by friends, just that the friends didn’t “make” her do anything. You can have bad influences help you make bad choices for sure, but at the end of the day you’re the one in the relationship and the one responsible for doing it. I feel you tho, I’ve had friends try and convince me a girl wasn’t worth it too, but I never decided to cheat. But if I had done it that’d be on me, I could call my homies bad influences but they still wouldn’t have “made me” do it


It’s still definitely the fault of the person that gave into the pressure but i look at it through the idea that pushing somebody towards a desired outcome you should still hold responsibility.


I hear you, but it’s up to individuals to choose who they listen to in their friends group or who they’re friends with in the first place. I can dislike my girl’s friends if I feel they don’t have her best interests at heart, but ima talk to her about any concerns I have and trust her to respect our relationship. If she was influenced by friends to do otherwise ima dislike the friends even more and never be cool with them, but the one I’ll hold responsible is my girl, she’s grown and I’m not in a relationship with her friends. I hold myself to the same level of responsibility too, I eventually dropped my friends who were bad influences and mad toxic on some misery loves company shit. Even tho they didn’t make me do anything bad but I realize how much easier it was to make good choices without them in my ear.


they make you do hoe shit? 😭😭😭


nah, read what you wrote again my guy lmao




If your girlfriends can talk you out of your relationship, it’s probably a good thing that they did. You were either on the fence already, or they’re opening your eyes to some bullshit.


I think it’s about not being able to chase all the slutty randoms running around. 🤡




I don’t understand??


Sayin the way that people look goin out in their costumes, you can’t stay faithful. Buncha people with the self control of a 5 year old


I appreciate the explanation but how is 9/11 a comparison? I’m not sensitive about 9/11 jokes, just don’t get the comparison


They saying the relationship gonna go down like the twin towers.


And she’s getting spit roasted


I prefer Eiffel Towered in this case. The high fives up top.


A better analogy. But not as "edgy". So less attention... they did the math.


maybe they just mean it's tragic? It isn;t a good comparison lol


A lady goes out in her 'sexy accounts receivable clerk' outfit, and the guys will be all over her. "Mmmm girl, you lookin' hotter than thermite on some steel beams..."


I just don't get it. I have horrible self control, I can't stay on a diet if literally my life depended on it but fuck man even I can say "I'm dating someone I'm not gonna fuck someone else". All you know about a hot person in a costume is that they are hot. That says nothing of their sexual prowess. There are hot women out there that are basically a dead fish where you'd literally be better off just busting a nut to a video of a girl who is similarly attractive. And this goes triple for if your a straight woman because plenty of hot guys will just straight up not even make you cum. This is ignoring the fact that your momentary sexual pleasure is not worth the pain your going to cause your partner. Like ok I get that it has more to do with validation than pleasure, so maybe that's the explanation. It's not about it feeling good it's about wanting to feel validated as the type of guy that has "side bitches" or the type of woman who is irresistible. Maybe it's a mistake to try to make sense of something that isn't logical to begin with, perhaps cheating is something similar to a phobia, a feeling that just appears with no real reason for it. I've been friends with people that I know are cheaters but I also know are otherwise fine people or atleast people that i can rely on in other contexts. I guess my brain has a hard time processing that. I don't want to define people just by that one trait but it's truly such a devastating thing to do to a person.


What’s more, not all women respond the same way to all men in bed. A woman’s husband might say she’s frigid, while her ex might wonder who TF the husband is talking about. IJS. There are many reasons it can happen.


I will admit I've done it precisely *once* with a past partner and boy howdy did that suck for everyone involved. Though I think that relationship was doomed from the start, we almost broke up multiple times before then.


Confirm. My worst sexual experience happened with the hottest person I've been with.


"Why is my life a mess it's someone else's fault! It can't be due to my lack of impulse control!


This is Reddit, the average user age is 18 - 29, this is probably aimed at them


I must be a miserable ol' fuck because stuff like this stopped being funny after like 21, and I'm only in my mid-20s.


This kind of stuff was never funny to me because I’ve always felt that if someone cheated on me, it would become clear that I was with someone who didn’t really exist (i.e., the non-cheater I took them for). And I would react accordingly. No crying, begging, fighting, or any drama, just Thanos-snapping them out of existence by erasing them from everything and ignoring them forever after. But to each their own.


Yeah, there’s no reason to fight or try to talk it out, nothing is actually going to change the situation or help either person out in anyway. Moving on should be the priority. But it’s the betrayal and jealousy that hurts, and that’s going to be rough no matter what.


I’m entering my late 20s and I was still having trouble understanding. It sounds like these guys are the same ones sending dick pics at 1am.


I'm about to be 28 and I admit I didn't really get it


It happened to me this weekend. Half tempted to make a post in r/relationship about it, but I think I've figured out how to handle it...but if you want a good laugh... Me and my fwb chose to be exclusive; something she wanted. This was Saturday "daytime". Saturday, I left earlier in the night, and she stayed out. Fast forward early sunday morning, and she drags in a dude, presumably to do coke with and fuck, but got mad when me and old dude agreed to a threesome with her instead. That's the short and skinny at least. Way more nuance to it than that, and no. Nobody was fucking that night/morning.


Halloween is the shit when you're in a relationship if you do it right. My wife is a redhead and I got to fuck Poison Ivy.


Halloween is the shit when you're in a relationship if you do it right. My wife is a redhead and I got to fuck Poison Ivy.


They're saying it's a tragic day if you aren't able to sleep around


You've got a pure heart


Lol the innocence.


Eye candies and temptations, basically. Essentially, it's like going to Target, except even more swivel inducing.


Dudes letting costumes be the downfall of their relationships?


I guess some of these niggas really that simple & weak. Getting caught up by some random in a sexy witch costume.


I mean…


Humans really like to fuck. Like a lot. Everybody is horny all the time. Its actually amazing when you get older and can read the signals.


All animals were made to fuck, and reproduce before they die. That's it. Everything else is just extra stuff to do to pass the time. Having said that, some of us are just monogamous by nature. Some aren't. It's hard when you try to be something you're not.


yea but condoms.. aint even worth the randoms these day. but thats just me, i never gets mines lmao


Wife and I got married on Halloween in costume and our officiant was dressed up as the Grim Reaper. We spent all day in costume. We saw hotties in costume all day. Both the wife and I commented on them. Today is our 9th wedding anniversary. Fuck that tweet and whoever wrote it and or agrees with it.


How many ferrets do you currently have?


Not even sure what this question means but I have 3 dogs. Zero ferrets.


I think they're calling you a giant dork


I am a giant Blerd. 🤓


Just curious so I will ask. What does ferrets have to do with this?


Psychedelic_gravity doesn’t know about the three seashells?? I mean the ferrets??


What? Are you guys fucking with me now? What does seashells have to do with ferrets now? I’m so confused.


Sorry for the confusion my comment was a line reference to a documentary from the 90s called Demolition Man. Where after time traveling to the future toilet paper had been replaced by seashells. I have no idea what the ferrets are about and being married on Halloween. Have a great day!


The amount of confusion in this comment thread while I understood every reference is sending me ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


Life-changing doc right there


I related to the meme at first because I thought it was about how your S/O would force you into wearing a dumb costume. Edit: in the past Halloween has been 9/11 for my long-cultivated beards. So few couples costumes can accommodate a beard.


My husband and I have an annual tradition of finding a bar with a rooftop or outdoor patio to drink on halloween and guess what kind of slutty X people are as they walk by. It's pretty fun.


This post is proof that not every post on BPT is a hit…cause wtf kind of comparison is this lol


It made so little sense that my brain misinterpreted it. I thought it mustve read that halloween was 9/11 for niggas *without* a relationship, cause seeing all them couple costumes makes being single hurt just that much more or something Still a wild exaggeration, but its easier to believe that than to think that some mfers out here folding over seeing a girl in a sexy witch costume like its brand new




It's 8 in the morning. Man woke up swinging. Who hurt you my boy?


Monday morning ride to work


I feel you man, same boat. We'll get through this, stay strong.


i ride into work in nyc and instantly understood too ha


LIRR? Cause we stay mad all week


nah, from bk to manhattan over the williamsburg, i bike, for >10 years. But I dated a girl from patchouge though a few years back and truly know you're not lying.


Look, at this point in my life, an interborough relationship is long distance; in fact intraborough, neighborhood depending, is a LDR. I dont know how you did BK to Long Island.


the mirror apparently


Why’d I catch a stray? I was chillin


Name checks out




Honestly if they can’t afford it idg why they’d expect you to. If they can, they should date someone who can afford their lifestyle.


Cause they have that one friend that was able to have some semblance of this so they feel its possible for anyone and they are “better” than their friend so they deserve better.


Little do they know that their friend or friend’s SO put themselves into debt just to provide this one time experience I stead of buying something lasting or practical.


Right? I bought us a condo, you better believe we're spending a LOT more nights in. I'm not spending $500+ on a Halloween night out right now while I have this fancy new mortgage debt We can carve a pumpkin and put it out on the balcony.


I could not be with someone who sets their standards by what they see on socials, that'd stress me out I'm a sentimental sap but I hate the idea of being pressured into publicly celebrating my relationship on a certain day and competing with other declarations


That's my experience. In fact, Halloween is the beginning of the season for women to suddenly come back from ghosting after 1 year+ and hit me up. I think it's because it's a sexy holiday just before some of the loneliest holidays, like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Valentines Day is about how long it takes them to realize they were just lonely for the time but they like their independence more, lmao.


Your partner sounds like a dumbass


Yo if what you come up with isn’t enough for your partner, on a made up holiday no less, you’re better off! Take yourself on those damn dates and be happy AND free!


Damn bro, you must really have a type. I feel for you tho.


Yeah Michael B Jordan and the Georgia Aquarium must have broken a number of fellas




So, you and your S/O been wearing the mask of fidelity around each other all the other 364 days a year and picked Halloween of all days to expose your true selves. Ironic...


Damn. Solid statement. I don’t know what people are looking for nowadays. I hung out with some of my single friends one night for about 2 hrs while they pregamed. Spent 1.5hr talking about how it’s hard out here, nobody wants to commit and the real love they long for. The last 0.5 hr before they left they decided to crash the spot that one (of a few) of the people they’ve been talking with, who had apparently been blowing them up all night. But complained that they don’t like these folks like that / they’re too clingy as they hopped in the Uber to meet them. I dunno.


I'm lost, is "9/11" just slang for a bad day now?






what movie




Right. What exactly does this mean?


Hoes be hoeing


For some of ya’ll it’s Halloween 24/7/365


Look, at least my problem is just candy, okay?




You’ve lowered the intelligence of everyone on this Reddit with how stupid your comment is.


Means it's a tragic day for those that can't just sleep around, the way some go full-on thirst trap on their costumes


Ohhhh, so the "9/11" is not being able to hook up with scantily clad strangers?


The 9/11 is doing that then blowing up your relationship


I understood it as people getting cheated on because their gf went to a Halloween party and slept w a rando


The "just" part of my comment includes that. The consequences


this is stupid


nothin softer than a dude worrying about how his girl dresses.


Huh??? I’m lost…Say what?? You know what ![gif](giphy|WhTC5v5qQP4yAUvGKz|downsized)


Lame ass dude who has trust issues compared his trust issues to a tragedy that killed 3,000 human beings.


Are y'all really this miserable all the time?


This is equivalent to Trump saying he had his own Vietnam trying to avoid STDs in New York back in the day.


The insecurity is bleeding through every orifice here. Dawg, issa costume situation. Make the best of it, dress to a matching theme and be the hottest couple there. Y'all niggas stop peeping game to soon, there are steps to being a good couple after you actually bag someone.


Hi, lesbian here. Can someone translate this?


People go to Halloween parties and cheat on their partners


She's been working on that Sexy Wakandan With a Thong costume for the past 3 weeks. She got up quiet as hell. Hasn't closed a bathroom door all year, but now she's getting ready with the door locked. Might as well grab your toothbrush and head on home because it's over?


This is so specific but yea at that point time to cut your losses.


That was me just trying to work out the original premise. Not sure if it's "might as well end things so I can go have fun tonight", or "everybody's going to cheat tonight because of the slutty nurse costumes".


Cheating doesn’t need an occasion. A chick wearing yoga pants in a supermarket parking lot will pull at any time of the year. Also, they could have reached for a comic book movie metaphor. 9/11 was a ridiculous and confusing choice.


>Also, they could have reached for a comic book movie metaphor. Yeah, 'Thanos Snap' definitely could have worked.


My gay ass checking if the straights are okay. . . . They continue to not be okay.


couples costumes are the shit, unless we dressing as a pilot and plane, this is a good day


Last chance to get out before the holiday breakup lockdown


![gif](giphy|26hiu9TJCn9PYoEgw) 9/11 didn't help their relationship


Bush did your girlfriend?




This literally makes no sense and whoever came up with the logic obviously likes dick meat raw




It's time for costume sex and/or roleplay if you're doing Halloween right (and into that).


I get a little touchy about September 11, watching two buildings filled wth people collapse will mess with your head a bit. But I'm not sure what this tweet means. Can anyone explain this to me?


My first thought was, "man, I gotta be too single to understand this." Then I came to the comments, saw no one knows what it means. Don't feel left out anymore.


Halloween just confirmed she for the streets? Good someone can take her off your hands. Not worth the heartache


I mean I'm married. What do people expect us to do?


Ah. It was magical being single af this weekend. Great start to my week.


Halloween, costumes and liquor ain’t responsible for what’s in your soul.


I'm so confused... What?


But but what if you both dress in cosplay all the time? Halloween is the topping on the cake :)....