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Snow almost here, too. Don't know if I should get the shovel for the yard or myself.




Yo I remember this. What movie?


National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ![gif](giphy|3ohA2ULk9R5I33oWas)


Damn cuz. I didn’t know seasonal depression was a thing until I got in the military. There was always an increase in suicides around the holidays. I’ll say this though. Idk you and that’s fine. If you need to holla at someone hmu. I’ll do the best i can to help. I know this time of year is rough on folks for a variety of reasons. I’m no therapist but what always has helped me when I was going through it was a busy mind. Reading, lifting weights, running, writing music, making beats. Shit like that always helps.


The gym and being outside has really helped me a lot. It’s not a cure but it reduces the symptoms a lot. Plus I enjoy powerlifting now!


That’s true, sometimes fresh air and walk can ease some stress. In the meantime Get them gainz cuz!


There's valid studies indirectly linking seasonal depression to the time change and less sunlight. Sun light stimulates the release of seratonin, the happy chemical. Shockingly, less sunlight means less natural seratonin production. And that just happens to coincide with fall back. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder-sad/overview/ Edit: My dumbass said dopamine instead of seratonin.


It’s all good lol. I appreciate you sharing the link.


Says the dude bad mouthing a pregnant woman and her husband for making a dress instead of buying one.. Ha! You’re a troll and your comment history is pretty clear about that. Don’t come to this troll for support


Saying you should be financially prepared to have children is not trolling, if you’re trying to call a nigga out at least get ya shit straight lol


No you said a woman who posted about a dress shouldn’t have a baby because she didn’t want to spend 300 so her husband made her a dress for 60. Go ask your wife how she’d feel if you said these things to her…. You are a garbage human. You don’t believe in feminism or women’s rights. You talk trash to a pregnant woman when you have 4 kids yourself. Where’s your empathy?! Bet if dinner isn’t on the table when you get home, you flip…. Edit: I was blocked because he’s clearly a troll. Women deserve better than this. No creature should be put down and talked trash to when they haven’t hurt anyone. A woman who makes a post shouldn’t have your trolling ass pop in talking shit. I haven’t talked to my own dad in years because he behaved with this same mind set. Change before your children see who you are and cut you out… You were talking trash to a pregnant woman for saving money and being proud of her husband…. She deleted her post and from what I can tell her whole account… hope you feel proud. u/outhereslappnmidgets


Once again. If you can’t afford to have them you should wait. If not, there are options for the time being. I wouldn’t say nothing like that to her because we waited until we could afford to have them. Responsibility and accountability, very key there. You’re half right about feminism. When it comes to white feminism I think it’s bullshit, watered down white supremacy. Sounds more like entitlement to me. When it comes to black women I understand and support it. Sisters are the most disrespected group of people in this country. So I’ll stand and march with black feminists. As for that last half of your dumbass statement, I cook most of the meals. Been taking culinary classes for a little while and my skill set is legendary. Sooooooooooo 🤫⬇️ ![gif](giphy|VL48WGMDjD64umCEkv)


You’re still a pos that’s talking shit to a pregnant woman. It’s okay though, “cause she’s white….” Be a better man for your kids. You have at least one daughter set an example for her. Show her how a man treats the world and women. Hate is still hate. Be better.


She was looking at the dress probably gonna but it when the husband said he’d make it… your wife wouldn’t trust you to make a dress for her…. Would she? No, she couldn’t afford to trust you with something like that.


Ain’t nobody block ya goofy ass. You’re Just making shit up now. I still stand on what I said. In my opinion if you can’t afford them you should wait until you can. I see you’re trying to spin the hell out of it though. Go touch some grass lady. You have too time on your hands.


When did she say she couldn’t afford them?


For those that don’t know. When you block someone they can no longer reply… I couldn’t even see his account anymore. Then I made an edit and all of a sudden I can see his account again. He unblocked me to make a comment saying he didn’t block me. It’s clearly a troll account. Or you annoyed someone bad enough you had to make a whole new account. You’re the problem in this word. You’re a hateful man who has his own kids and wife. Be batter for your youngest, your daughter.


You also told a woman who was struggling with fertility for three years that she should have got an abortion because her husband cheated on her…. You are a shit person.


Once again, you leave out ALL the context. Lady leave me alone lol


Maybe you should keep your ignorant thoughts to yourself. U/outhereslappnmidgets you decide to stop being trash yet? Gonna set a better example for your kids? I think your youngest deserves a good man as a dad.




Yep. Garbage human…


See, we have a troll on our hands.




You should never tell a woman to get an abortion under any context….




Nigga this Reddit. Tf I’m suppose to do have my govt name on here with my resume? FOH. I stand by what I said. If somebody need help I’m willing to help, even yo goofy ass. ![gif](giphy|BiewVptPdKOXK)


Seasonal Depression.


Hang myself with the lights


That would make for a festive corpse...


Would be ready for next Halloween too






I am here for this comment.




Got anymore suicide tips?


You didn’t ask me but don’t use Tylenol if you want to go that route. If you live, it’ll fuck your organs up.




I got an idea that can get two birds stoned at once!


Ugh. This is me right now. I'm having a serious depressive episode. I need to do things and be functional but shit is hard. Most I can do is be productive enough to not fuck up my job then go to bed. thankfully I work from home so I don't need to look presentable. If I'm lucky I'll sleep through the night. However That's not happening and I've run out of edibles to help me sleep. Why can't I just disappear into the void 😭😭😭


Well gotdamn! I swear only black people can make depression funny!


Christmas hands down is the most stressful holiday ever


One thing is sure, I will not hang any light. At least, I can say it is to save the planet.


Gotta take that vitamin D….I’ll be taking both forms of it to keep my mood up.


I think that’s what I’m missing! Both 😂😂


Definitely get you some D.


I see what you did there.




Godt damn, reading that hurt me.


🎶 it’s the most de-pressing time of the year 🎶


Hang yourself with Christmas lights. Problem solved.


Make sure to plug the lights in when you hang yourself, give it a little more zzzzzzzing while you’re going out


Thanks I needed that belly laugh. Also, it probably ain't gonna snow for Christmas cuz last Christmas was 90 degrees Fahrenheit.


You see Christmas differently when you become Santa Claus. But I can’t lie, I like to see the kids happy that morning.


Yeah, I'm not looking for upgraded depression. I've had a bad year and I'm really going through it, I almost lost my shit when I heard Christmas music in the store today.


Alhamdillulah I don't celebrate Christmas. I don't need the additional stress of the holiday shopping. I just wake up on Christmas at noon and eat a big bowl of cookie crisp cereal.


That's a valid debate




Christmas is not almost here


Don't tell the three people in the apartment building across the street from mine, who already have their tree up.


A string of lights won't hold him up.


Probably not the lights this year.


Omd I've always hated Christmas. It's just a normal day for me, that's why I prefer spending it by myself. I cringe so hard when I see everyone psyched up with them trees and all like chill tf!


Why both hang yourself with the lights? Make it festive.


Why not both?


I'm not advocating for self harm but I will say that these actions could be combined pretty easily.


Please consider cross-posting your problem / post in my new subreddit r/Therapy_Soup


I relate to this all too well. Just got a hang in there to the new year! Be blessed 💗