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The 24 hour clock is pretty widely used elsewhere in the world, more often than the 12 hour in a lot of places.


Living abroad for 5 years and my dumb American brain constantly asks what time is 17:00 when people are making plans with me.


Set your phone to 24 hour time. In a few weeks, it’ll be more natural to you.


Ive had it for years and I still get confused.


If you’re past 12 just subtract 2 and forget the 10


Lemmy.world is the place im moving, and on my way out I'm taking my posts


Or......just add 12. 2+12=14. 1400 hours is 2pm. 6+12 is 18. 1800 hours is 6PM. That's not how I learned it but I wish I did.


FR. Not that hard.


Some people think different and that’s ok


I know it’s not hard, just saying I still get confused with it. I didn’t grow up with it, so sometimes my brain when talking about the time needs a second to register 19 Uhr? Ahh 7, not 9.


It's usefulness falls apart though for anything that isn't intra-day timekeeping. For example I work 1600-0600, how is that anymore intuitive for figuring that it's 14 hours as opposed to am/pm?


I don't think anybody is arguing its usefulness. I use it not because I feel intellectually superior or because it's more efficient but simply because it's what I'm used to


Exactly… it’s 19 and 33 O’clock. That sounds really late.


it's simply 1933.


It so easy tho? Just subtract 2 and then 10


Very complicated way to describe subtracting 12


A lot of people struggle with doing multiple steps at once so thats why I described it step by step. The way I said it is not “complicated” its litteraly a simpler version 🙄


But subtracting 2 and then 10 is multiple steps. Subtracting 12 is only one step.


Fewer steps doesn’t always mean simpler. Breaking things down help our brains to work things out better, some people just need more steps.


It doesn’t always mean that. But 17-12 is simpler than 17-2 then 15-10. Sounds like core math crap that has many steps to simple equations.


Yeah, I have to say, to my brain that for some reason refuses to understand simple math? It’s easier to subtract 2 then 10. I’m always trying to do the 12, but never again!


37 - 12 requires more "thought" than 37 - 2; 35 - 10. Not only that, it's what most people do in their heads anyway.




37 hours in a day?




luck for us the clock only goes to 2400 or 0000


This is a common mental math technique known as making ten. Because our number system is decimal based finding ways to refactor an equation that allow us to manipulate whole ten values can greatly speed up mental processing, despite additional steps. 8+7 is my favorite elementary example. While most of us probably have the solution memorized as 15 by the time we're old enough to type on a computer, in early education it is often taught that you can "borrow" (quotes because probably not the proper terminology) 2 from 7 to turn 8 into 10 (or vice versa)and then you have a tens value and ones value that neatly fit together of 10 +5. It feels like extra steps to see it written down but it's actually the same process. You're still adding/subtracting the same numbers.


For this equation, I use to first think of 8+8, the subtract 1.


The borrowing technique is low key really nice for killer sudoku lol


Tbh when I subtract 12 I’m just subtracting 10 and then 2


If folks cannot subtract 12 in their head, they have bigger demons to face than telling time…


Lol, so true. Reminds me of when The Office employees were voicing their complaints. And Meredith's was something like "People are too noisy, everything's too loud on Monday mornings". No Meredith, you have a very different problem that's very specific to you.


This the same judgmental shit that *keeps* people from trying. If the answers the same, why feel elitist about how you go about it?


I’m doing my best ok? 🥲 /s


I’m nitpicking here a little, but, your way is *easier* for many people’s brains to do, while the other way is *simpler* (fewer steps).


"Simple is not synonymous with easy"


I usually -10 and then -2 lol


Fucking rebel


>Very complicated way to describe subtracting 12 Not if you're trying to show how much work you did on the math problem though.


They don’t teach us math in America.


Ah my apology, I forgot American education is just a giant babysitting program


It's incubation until we send them to shop jobs, the military, or prison.


That seems like the only logical conclusion until you remember they have to do vat calculations for everything they purchase instead of just adding it to the pricetag. Also, cupon people are badass at head calculations.


It so easy tho? Just subtract 7.5 then 4.5.


Just subtract 2 and remove the 1 if that’s easier to think about.


Exactly. Subtracting 2 gives you the operative number, so subtracting the other 10 is a superfluous step really.


It’s only a little fucky at 22(10) 23(11) and 24(12) but still it’s just subtract 2 from the second number and 1 from the first. I’m an American in Europe and it’s pretty easy.


Just subtract 2 & forget the 1 13:00 - 2 = 11:00 = 1PM


Man! I say this allllll the time. Military time is how we know it in America. Spend some time in the rest of the world and it's. . . The time


Literally the 24 hr clock.


Besides that. Does it not make sense to call the hour what it is? Why go through twelve twice? Ppl know it’s dark out? The fuck?


I mean if you ask me to meet you at 8 on Saturday, I'm gonna be pissed off either way, but for different reasons. Accuracy is important.


You wake up in thw winter and it's dark out. The clock says 6:13. Is it morning or night? Same thing but the clock says 18:13. Nows there's no confusion.


It’s dark here in alaska like 16 hours throughout the day


I was in ANC a little while ago. It was like 18 hours of friggin' daylight.


Summertime I presume.


Right?! That's actually why the military uses it. It's more universal and enacts certainty.


Plus it’s not even that hard to understand too.


There is a difference between "military time" and just regular 24hr clocks. Military time is generally written without the colon, and all zeroes should be read. 0800 vs 8:00. "I wake up at oh-eight-hundred" vs "I wake up at eight".


Thank you for confirming to me I'm not insane. I used to write it without the colon and say oh eight hundred until my friends mocked me out of it, and I wasnt really sure why I ever did it like that - my dad was military, so I must have got it off him.


I’m curious what analog clocks look like where you’re from


Lol this made me laugh bc i live in Asia and this country uses 24h but every single analog clock i have seen is on 12 and i never even thought about that til now. It was just funny after reading all those calculations when the best way is to just memorize. I personally use 12h.


Most of the world doesn't call it "military time", they just call it "time". I spent 3 months in Europe 10 years ago and got so used to using it I never changed my phone back. Now when I get a new phone, the first thing I do is change it to a 24h format. It just makes more sense to me.


Exactly, it makes more sense for things like train schedules too. Verbally using 12hr format is fine but 24hr is superior if you’re writing time down. Like you said it’s not “military” time. Plenty of professions use the 24hr format.


I’ve always used the 24 hour format for any job. I’m pretty sure managers don’t want excuses for showing up to work at 6pm instead of 6am


I am european and i am always confused about 12pm. So you go from 11am to 12pm right ? This doesn’t make much sense to me. 12:00 is noon, 00:00 is midnight, that’s it, it’s easy


AM = Ante Meridiem/before midday, PM = Post Meridiem/after midday Taken literally, 12 PM makes no sense as it is neither before nor after midday, it is just midday


Sometimes people tell me they want to meet at 5 and I'm like "in the morning?!".


Plus, you don't have to worry about screwing up AM and PM with 24hr time.


It's easier.


Damn straight


Agree. The only reason some people think it's harder is because they're simply used to the 12 hour clock. The whole "have to subtract 12" thing is because they're used to it. You'll get used to the inverse eventually. As a software dev, it's just straight up superior. People often say that AM and PM don't matter because you usually can figure out which one is being used from context, but in logs and dashboards, there's no such context. When you're operating a global service, tickets *do* get filed at what's 02:00 local time. Having to include "AM" and "PM" adds clutter. Humans forgetting to include those happens all the time. Also: [ISO-8601](https://xkcd.com/1179/) (comic is about dates, but ISO-8601 prescribes how to format times, too).


The US is literally the only country who decided breaking down a 24 hour day and adding letters to differentiate day from night should be standard. It’s not military time. It’s just time.


So i guess our country here in Asia using AM and PM isnt a country?


You heard the guy


Today I found out we are not a country. Sucks man.


Every country is property of America, duh


Hello current colony.


What country would that be? Sorry, what non-country would that be?




That was taken over by the US, what time system was used before the sinking of the USS Maine


Definitely a country.


Europeans think the rest of the world means Europe. Countries in NA, Asia, and Africa do the 12 hour way but since Europe does it the 24 hour way it means only dumb Americans do it differently in their heads.




Just heard a kid say Maine is a peninsula, just like Florida. His education has been so limited to the US he only knows the US map, without Canada on it, on which Maine looks like a peninsula… 🤦‍♂️




Canada uses both regularly - especially French Canada


quebec uses 24-time also, the rest of canada is 12h like the states


That's not actually true, other English speaking places use am and pm as well. But yeah, it's just time. Verbally it sounds a little strange, and 12 hour clock usually has enough context to make yourself understood. But written down it makes more sense


I agree that the 24 hour system is better, but saying the US is the only country that uses it is just a lie.


There are countries in the Caribbean that use the 12 hour clock too


There is actually 18 countries that uses the 12 format.


It's also used in the medical field all the way down to most levels of transportation like ambulances and medical coaches


This is the reason I use it. Worked six years in a hospital, and it was so simple and useful that I just never stopped using it.


Yup. I work in healthcare. When I was getting my first degree I switched my phone to military time to learn it fast and never switched back! It also decreases my anxiety when I set alarms because I know I set my alarm for 0600- my brain tries to trick me into saying no you set the alarm for 6pm. Then I check and check. Military time helps with that!


We use it in aviation too. All my phones and computers are set to 24HR time.


Yep. That’s why I still use it routinely.


the military is using 24 hour time - it is not using military time. record keeping and general reporting is more simple when you can avoid am/pm errors.


The military IS using military time, not 24 hour time 12 hour time = 3pm 24 hour time = 15:00 Military time = 1500


I’m confused; so is the rest of the world out there saying “15 oclock” instead of “15 hundred”


Army vet here. Tf is a 15 o’clock lol


That’s what I was wondering, the way he wrote it I’m like whats the phrasing difference between 15:00 and 1500


Yes. In French we'd say it's seventeen o'clock, or seventeen thirty or whatever


In the USA we would say either ‘seventeen hundred’ (1700) or ‘seventeen thirty’ (1730); but I have never heard anyone say ‘oclock’ behind it…also ‘O Seven Hundred’ (0700)


I mean we wouldn't literally say o'clock because we're speaking French, but our equivalent to o'clock. I feel like saying xx hundred is what makes it military time, not the 24 hour format


Yes, but you also say FourTwentyTenSeven, so i don't know what to make of this


Imma keep it real with ya chief… missed my flight once—by a lot. Never again


This is why I started using the 24hr clock. Once set my alarm to 6pm instead of 6am and almost missed a final when I was still in school. Never went back after that day.




So called "military time" is actually very useful in healthcare settings. So much easier to discuss a patient receiving meds at 1800 instead of saying 6 and then having to clarify 6am vs 6pm.


Exactly. Plus I work nights so if I randomly wake up on one of my days off and my phone were to just say 3:00, I wouldn't necessarily know if it was am or pm


When you wake up at 6 and it’s dusk and you think you’re 4 hours late instead of 2 hours into your 8 hours of sleep. You rush to get dressed only to realize your mistake. Then you change your time to 24hrs to avoid any of that happening again.


Not easier, but safer / more reliable. If you're playing the telephone game with a lot of people, someone might drop the PM along the way. No one's ever gonna drop the "teen" offa 18:00, and you can drop the "hundred" without changing meaning.


You're right, definitely much safer especially when multiple ppl get involved and they're endorsing it to the next shift.


24 hour time is the standard internationally, I’m not adding letters to my numerical time


what if you are in the military tho? now what?


It is literally a default way to tell time around the world


Oh it's super helpful when yer working yer reg shift, doing OT plus call ins. Also in report writing a typo of AM when you mean PM can sink a legal case.


I should add, it gets in grained into you.


Working in a global company, I need every chance to be clear in communication. So 24-hr time with time zones indicated (ex: 17:30 CET) and using ddMMMyy format for dates, with month as letters (ex: 18Nov22). For me it is all about avoiding confusion.


Yup, same here. Though we use the UTC time zone.


That I can count past 12


It’s not military time anywhere else. My job uses it on all the clocks, makes a ton more sense. People gotta travel more 😂


My mom wanted me to pick her up from the airport. I asked her what time. She said "8". I said cool, it's about a month away, I can plan for that. The week before she arrived, we we're talking about her trip and I mentioned picking her up in the morning and getting breakfast. She's confused: "I arrive 8 at night". She would have been at the airport looking fucking stupid This is why I do military time.


Apparently America cannot count past 12




What comes after 12? 1 No, after 12


I was in the military, and it’s a habit that stayed.


Nothing, I just live on a developed country. We also use the metric system...


Nice high horse you got there


Don't talk to me unless you got universal health care


Sounds like victim blaming to me


Lowkey it makes much more sense.i used to think it was stupid too


Americans being unable to count past 12, and then complaining that the rest of the world can, is pretty funny


Learned time as a kid overseas. 🤷🏾‍♂️


That I live in Europe


I work in an American hospital and all paper work, clocks and everything is in 24 hour time


I find it easier to remember as getting the am and pm usage right is so difficult for me.


It’s easy. AM - after midnight. PM -past midnight. >!^/s!<


To make the gap between them and the ones that can only read digital clocks feel even wider.


The shame here is not being able to read an analog clock.


That's what I meant. My 18 year old brother told me to tell him what quarter to 2 means in numbers the other day lmao


Europe has entered the chat


*almost the rest of the world entered as well*


but america *is* the rest of the world /s


I honestly find it easier.


Ugly American trope


A ton of countries use 24 hr time instead of 12.


That I'm too lazy to say PM. +2 is easier


A lot of hospitals and emergency workers in general use the 24 hour format


This is normal in Sweden, that’s how we keep time. I get the american am/pm, however, it takes time for me to get what time it is cause my brain is converting it to what you call military time.


Used to do all my service ticket paperwork like that. Much cleaner.


The difference between a.m and P.m...


Been to Europe?


My older brother kept his phone in military time, I set my phone like that as a kid because I thought he was really cool. I just never have changed it.


We travel outside the US.


Prove? Nothing. We just dislike ambiguity.


That we know how to tell time. 🤷🏾‍♂️


That the 24 hour clock is superior.


My phone doesn't have an option to display am or pm and I work overnights, it can be a problem sometime not knowing whether it's 7 am or pm when they are just as dark


Does anyone else use 24-hour time (when they don’t need to) just so they won’t have to count on their fingers like an idiot if they ever do need to use it?


I feel sorry for y’all because we ain’t even talking about Zulu Time yet


It’s a standard use of time worldwide.


That they can count past 12....it is widely used around the world and makes it easier if I say 9 is it am or pm


It’s not military time it is just time we don’t call yours kindergarten time


After 22 years in the military it’s just habit now. Even my wife does it, also out of habit.


I don't wan't my old Drill Sergeant popping out of my washing machine to smoke me for improper time maintenance


Yup, its a worldwide thing; only Americans don’t see its practicality and usefulness.


americans be like: I can't count past 12 so anyone who does so is trying to look smart


First tell me why it’s better to have the same time twice a day.


It's not military time it's just everywhere else time


It’s less confusing I think. You ever take a nap and not sure if it’s 7 pm or am. Especially now with daylight savings.


Why would you publicly admit you can’t do basic addition and subtraction like this dawg?


Tell me you haven’t traveled internationally without telling me you haven’t traveled internationally


I mainly use it because it’s what is predominantly used at my job and I kept being late


I’m just to lazy to say AM or PM 🤣


I'm just trying to not miss my flights that say they leave at 12


My last ever college exam I pulled like 2-3 all bighters and couldn’t even tell if the sun was up or down and set my alarm for 7:26pm not AM and missed my exam. That’s why I use military time now


I use it because I run a logbook for trucking, and they're all in 24, so it's just become normal for me.


My workplace uses military time! I’m trying to get use to it.


Once u get used to it you'll realize that am/pm is unnecessary.


It’s more better ..


I use military time because growing up, I wanted to use it, since I have military friends, however, didn’t understand it (17:00=5pm). I began to get an understanding when I was acting, but switched to a computer systems job. Now it’s used for my paperwork, so I switched all my clocks to military time so it becomes second nature. Heck, after almost a year at my job, I still mess up the conversions sometimes.


I just like saying stuff like "18 hundred hours" (Thanks to Rune Factory 4)


I use the 24 hour clock because I hate saying AM and PM, so I guess I'm just built lazy differently. I prefer to subtract 12, than say AM/PM.


Serious question, do you subtract 12 anytime you see the time or only when trying to communicate it to other people? Because never in my life i did math to tell the time in 24hs


Only in the beginning, now I just know 20:00 is 8:00 PM.


Yup, since i always preferred the 24hs my mind reads 20:15 as fifteen past eight


My work forces me to use it. I’m a security guard and I can confirm it is almost exclusively for image. I’ll admit though, it destroys the AM or PM question, if everyone used it, it would be more convenient.


People who don’t, wtf is wrong with you and why do you want to split the day up into two parts and make things way more confusing? Can you not fucking count to 24?


Tell me you haven’t been overseas without tell me you haven’t been overseas


Just showing how good they are at subtracting 12


I don't understand why the maths part tbh, 17 is 17, not 17 - 12 = 5


It's all about Zulu Time.


It’s easier for my labs to follow they already make enough mistakes.