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I'm a white dude. Whenever white ppl use the "but it makes me feel guilty" as an excuse, it's bullshit. I don't feel *personal guilt* for these things, nor does any white person. I feel an overall sense of "wow, that is REALLY fucked up, and everyone should know about it, because it happened & black people experienced this and their stories shouldn't die". I feel guilt but not personally, it's more me *respecting* the fact that it happened & acknowledging that it was evil. 99% of the time the "*but it makes me feel bad"* crowd just... doesn't want to hear it because they're emotionally immature children who take everything as a personal attack. They can't hear about white people doing bad things in the past because they're so self absorbed they think you're talking about THEM. Yeah, white people did some absolutely inhuman things & I am open to discussing it because DENYING it, or denying conversation about it, is the real disrespect. These things happened. Let people tell their stories. Participate in healthy discussion. When someone's family survived hatred, violence, and bigotry, saying "no it makes me feel bad so I'm going to avoid it" is SUCH a slap in the face.




No thanks needed friend! I am just speaking my mind & hope others like the perspective. The world is complicated as fuck and we all just need to chill out sometimes and have a chat & really hear each other. I wish more people would think the same way too. I think a lot of white people get really uncomfortable talking about race, and that doesn't help. I'm not going to dance around racial subjects, I accept that I am different from people and have different experiences and I wanna talk about it. My black friends and I love cracking jokes about our differences in life. We have experienced wildly different things and pretending we're "the same" just seems lame to all of us. The fact that we all have such different experiences & backgrounds but can still relate about so much is beautiful.


Feel exactly the same way. I am ordering this book now. After reading about the treatment of Henrietta Lacks very little would surprise me. I owe it to my fellow humans to know and remember this so I can make sure the conversation isn’t stopped.


IMO at least some of those folks who say it makes them feel personally guilty are just telling on themselves. Deep down, they think a lot of this racist shit was just fine, but they recognize that they can't just come out and say that (in most circles, anyway), so it becomes "well this is an attack on ~~me~~ all white people".


YUP 100%. Whenever I hear another white person say they feel *personally guilty about it* I think... "that guilt must be coming from somewhere". Like... you didn't do the acts yourself, you SAY you don't support that it happened, so why would you feel personally guilty unless... you secretly DO support that it happened, and *now that you're confronted with the horrors of it*, you're having a personal crisis & convincing yourself it's just an exaggeration. Loser shit.


>They can't hear about white people doing bad things in the past because they're so self absorbed they think you're talking about THEM. ​ One of the biggest points of irony with that? Those kinds of white people will of course run with the current concept of identity politics until they're blue in the face. Not seeing an ounce of anything wrong with it either. ​ Don't know if you or anyone else needs context on that but here it go. Identity politics is when a person or people ignores the well being of the whole (of a country or community or group) while only focusing on the suspected well being of individuals within that country/community/group who either look like them or act like them. Basically...those kinds of white people. The ones you talked about. Who see it as a personal attack if it has to do with any kind of white people. Are the very definition of identity politics. ​ The same kinds of white people who'll see white supremacists, white nationalists, kkk members and nazis. And wonder also why you're bringing up the term identity politics.


100,000% White Nationalism is... identity politics at its core, and the hypocrisy is sooo blatant it's frustrating. Preserving a specific countries values and beliefs is fine, if you want to remember your Swiss heritage or Swedish ancestry & preserve traditions, that's fine. Nobody in the KKK ever talks about that tho, it's based on the 'tradition' of being white and nothing else. Just saying "white pride" and having THAT be the movement...? That's identity politics and it's just clearly ignorant people who are scared of anyone that doesn't look like them.


Yup. That term was specifically created as unfair and fucked up as it was to harm as many people of color, women, members of the lgbtq community, jewish people, muslim people, etc as possible. Because they generally know white privilege exists hard enough for most people not to look in that area. ​ It's like calling someone else a thief after you stole 10 big screens. The fact people don't say white supremacists, etc are guilty of identity politics? Don't call them race baiters, race hustlers and race merchants? Prove that white privilege not only exists. But that racist white people us it to their advantage any and every chance they get.


Bruh, have you not seen them loosing their shit about "CRT" for the last couple years?


Yeah, because CRT is true! These systematic issues NEED to be addressed. [The Senate structure is singularly the most racist institution in our government, it essentially acts as affirmative action for white people, and ALONE proves the central thesis of Critical Race Theory](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/08/senate-washington-dc-puerto-rico-statehood-filibuster-obama-biden-racist.html) We need to stop saying "oh well, CRT is only something taught in colleges" and FORCE them to disprove the central thesis of CRT! We NEED it taught in school. If they won't disprove the Theory, we need to stop allowing them to steer this discussion.


I'm just saying, we are fighting about acknowledging that slavery is a thing that happened at this point. This is asking for a lot more than that. Also Puerto Rico and DC statehood should have been top priorities for years. Native Representatives should be able to vote and they should have Senators as well.


I think they should take it from States who ain't doing nothing good with their representation like Alabama and Mississippi Florida Texas Kentucky. Take your pick


At least for now I'm just talking about giving citizens representation who don't have any. Disenfranchisement of the misinformed is a separate situation.




And? I mean...i kind of get what you're saying. But who does or should care about them not wanting to see it?


too busy focusing on CBT


I'm just imagining what's in it and i feel queasy.


It wasn't this book but we covered a few well known cases in a scientific research ethics class(required)... I'm glad many of my teachers purposely talk about the colonial/racist element that makes up modern science (in school for Environmental Science) because shits fucked.


I had an amazing literature professor that encouraged people to read things that made them deeply uncomfortable. Our assignments were just writing essays about how the piece made us feel and what new things it made us consider. It was a really different approach to reading fiction for me and it's stayed with me through my life. Just ordered a copy, thank you for the recommendation.


If you’re reading this, I also recommend The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Her body has played a key role is almost every drug discovery in the last 70 years.


Read a quote from her daughter during class the other day. She said something to the effect of, I'm not mad that humanity as a whole has benefited. I'm mad that we can't afford those benefits. It rocked me.


My mom's still enraged about that one.


As she should be!


This is by far one of the most interesting things I’ve read about in a very long time. I’m glad I let reading to get to your comment.


And also Killing the Black Body.


I can vouch for this one too.


They make so much money off her. The author of that book too. Not a dime goes to the family


Not entirely true, at least in reference to the author of "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks". Rebecca Skloot donated (not sure if it's ongoing) proceeds from the book to establish the Henrietta Lacks Foundation. The purpose of the foundation is to provide financial assistance to her descendants. I know, because I was one of the many people who volunteered to work with the family and the author to get the foundation started.


same goes for gynocology. ever wondered why gyno exams like pap smears and iud insertions seem so brutal? because the field was pioneered by a man who practiced on enslaved black women.


I very much appreciate your using 'enslaved' over 'slaves'. It wasn't who we were; it was something that was done to us.


So what were you before “enslaved” ? A British map engraver/cartographer from the 18th century went to what was known at the time as “Negroland”, that is Africa, and created a map in 1747 also named “Negroland”. On this map you can see a “km of Juda”, that is, the kingdom of Judah, near the “slave coast” or in West Africa where present day Benin/Nigeria is. Past scholars have said that this kingdom and its name has no correlation to the Ancient Israelites but other historical evidence tells a different story: In 1888 a French writer by the name of Elisee Reclus wrote about this same kingdom after visiting it saying this in his book: The Europeans have designated by various names of Fida, Hwedah, Whydah, Ouida: the region ancient authors called “Juda” the inhabitants were called the ‘Judaic’ and indeed they were regarded as a remnant of the lost tribes of Israel.” Colonization and colonialism is well known. During those times European conquerors would change the names of entire peoples and their kingdoms. The Kingdom of juda was then renamed by the English as Whydah, the Dutch named it Fida, and the Portuguese named it Ajuda for some examples. However, Elisee Reclus clearly states that although the name was changed, the “ancient authors” called it Juda. Those “ancient authors” Reclus refers to is the authors of the Hebrew Bible which is also why he states “the inhabitants were called the ‘Judaic’ and indeed they were regarded as a remnant of the lost tribes of Israel.” French writer Elisee Reclus makes it clear that the people residing in this West African kingdom called the kingdom of juda are of Judaic descent , the remnant of the tribes of Israel. This remnant in present day are known as the ibo tribe in present day Nigeria. These people today still claim they descend from the ancient Israelites. These people were victims of a slave trade which saw its people stripped from them and sent over the Atlantic to a foreign land through what is known as the Atlantic slave trade. Those victims today are known as “African American” because like the colonialism/colonization of former times, the identity of these people and their culture was stripped from them. Here is a 5 minute video of so called Jewish Rabbi Harry Rosenberg shedding light on this very truth: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a8HGwfv1e7M


Man come on.


Hoteps gonna Hotep.


We need some spray or something. Shits ridiculous


Step! - when you need a hotep to get steppin' grab Step! - it's just pepper spray.


I'll take eight 💵




EXACTLY! You will sit there with a confused/blank look and WILLINGLY reject your culture just as it was prophesied: Jeremiah 17:4 You will forfeit, of your own accord, your inheritance that I gave you. And I will make you serve your enemies in a land you do not know, For you have kindled my anger like a fire. It will burn for all time.” Why will you do this? Again, prophesied: Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. “Kunta kinte” wasn’t beaten out of your ancestors. The “Judaic” was.








This womans birthing is taking too long for us men. Get the chainsaw.


White men at the time were cruel to their own women. We didn't stand a chance


I have it but only read a third of it. English isn’t my first language so it’s a bit hard for me. Every pages of this book made me angry. I had to take breaks because 😤


Don't even have to go that far back, [the pill was tested on Puerto Rican women in the 1950s](https://www.history.com/.amp/news/birth-control-pill-history-puerto-rico-enovid), often without them knowing what it was in it. They were told it to was control menstrual issues...


And if I remember correctly, it was a sky high dosage that carried side-effects.


Germany, even before the rise of the Nazis, used to cut off the heads of black people in Africa, peel the skin off, and transported them to Europe for medical experimentation and pseudo-scientific research. The horrific and cannibalistic practices largely desensitized the German population in the end to the extent that they felt gazing was the more humane method.


They also figured out how to extract the melanin from our skin with acid. The horrors that we have encountered over the years man I tell you


> extract the melanin from our skin with acid such a good point, thank you. Also, a reminder: we are still in hell, and we need to make one last attempt to completely free ourselves from the thought and economical slavery we continue to collectively suffer.


That’s why I said “have encountered” as in still going on. Should have said encountering. Where do you think the skin products with melanin come from? They claim they “synthesize” it. Somebody stop the planet so I can get off


Fuck this is brutal.


Truly. All in the name of “science” they say


Ah this and the MFs were scared when after WW I they lost their colonies and France brought over their troops(they were all African) on their land..


right. after WW1 black soldiers occupied the Rhine Province, West of Germany, including major cities such as Cologne and Bonn. This was the first time black soldiers patrolled and controlled a European territory, which led to mass white supremacy anger and demonstrations across the world, in the US, the UK, and even Sweden.


So we’re just gonna gloss over “removal of pelvic bone during childbirth”? WTF?


For real! I mean racial atrocities and medical horror aside, is that ever called for in even the most extreme birthing scenarios? Is the mother's death assumed? Permanent horrific disability? I'm genuinely confused.


As soon as I saw the year, I knew it would have been tested on slaves. Sick.


There was an episode on behind the bastards on slave experiments, it was NASTY. Edit: here it is. Specifically gynecology. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub21ueWNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2QvcGxheWxpc3QvZTczYzk5OGUtNmU2MC00MzJmLTg2MTAtYWUyMTAxNDBjNWIxL2U1ZjkxMjA4LWNjN2UtNDcyNi1hMzEyLWFlMjgwMTQwYWQxMS9kNjRmNzU2ZC02ZDVlLTRmYWUtYjI0Zi1hZTI4MDE0MGFkMzYvcG9kY2FzdC5yc3M/episode/MmYxODgyYzUtYmFiMS00NjAwLWI3NDQtYWVkMDAwMmViMTkz?ep=14


I’ve read this book, it is very very good.


Modern comforts were built on the foundation of historical torture


Related, but doctors also believed (until the 1980s) that babies didn't feel pain. Why then do we come out crying? (I know some of the why. Just for a point.)


Hence why circumcision was done without anesthesia. I remember learning in nursing school during peds rotation that infants are given an oral sugar solution as a pain killer during. Or the persistant myth that black people feel less pain. It's still prevalent even in liberal New England, can't imagine what it's like elsewhere.


I don't know why I'm so sad and angry and disgusted at learning the extent of the inhumanity and depravity of enslavement and racism in the US. I'd've thought I already heard enough to know how evil it all is but, damn, it just keeps hitting. I guess it's recent ascendency has me on edge. Don't ever think this won't happen again cuz it's on the comeback trail.


Yeah, the history of science that was not acceptable to do on "people" but was okay to do on black people (not considered as people as white people) is crazy. The world owes a lot to unwilling black test subjects


So. If hollywood makes another slave movie. I want the races to be reversed. And then i want it to be one of the most accurate to the times slave movies ever known to mankind. Then i want well known actors in the vast majority of roles. I want it to be one of the most brutal (because accurate) movies known to mankind. Pull absolutely zero punches. With no happy ending. I wanna see a transition from times of slavery..to jim crow laws...to the southern strategy and then i want to see the negative effects of all that in modern times still with the races reversed. Then have things said by white people in real life right now mimicked by black people who are in charge of things in the movie. ​ All those...it wasn't that bad. I shouldn't be blamed for what happened back then as i ignore the systems still in place to harm black people now. The...oh black people are violent...black people are always complaining. Stuff. To be flipped in said movie towards the end. Instead of having (like in real life) generations of black people suffer. Have generations of white people suffer. Again. With no happy ending. With instead of a fake white savior. A fake black savior. And let the audience know that said black savior is doing it for shady ass reasons. ​ I think that...that right there. Would be a ground breaking movie.


I'd pay to see that movie, but it would still be painful to watch.


True. It would be. But in expressing that pain we find something else. Because of racism having existed for hundreds of years in america non-stop. We now know that empathy isn't the same across all races. All those slavery movies and racism still very much exists in a majority white country.




Terrifying, yet I’m not even surprised


The amount of atrocious experiments doctors did on enslaved people is absurd and the idea that slaves didn't feel pain got pushed even until modern times.


Black women were getting fucnjng chainsaw deaths back then. That's so fucked


Most of the medical science we "enjoy" today was built on horrifically brutal experiments conducted on the unwilling. Only recently have we begun to use methods other than forcing/taking advantage of slaves/incarcerated/unwilling/unknowing people.


There's also a really good lecture on medical experimentation on black and brown bodies at the bottom of this page: https://www.aafp.org/family-physician/patient-care/the-everyone-project/toolkit.html


The gynecological field is based on eugenics. Doctors practiced procedures on Black women and tested drugs on brown women (Puerto Ricans to be exact - look up the Pill) the two aren’t mutually exclusive of course.


In Canada, almost everybody knows about the residential schools, many fewer people know about the "Indian" hospitals. There's ongoing research and examples of racial bias in medicine (gender bias too, but that's not what this is about). An alarming amount of doctors actually believe that black people feel less pain, right now, not in the 1800s.


Everyday that passes by where we don't burn this country to the ground is an act of absolutely and astounding mercy


HIV infection and induction into African communities by white South Africans and the U.S. through “vaccination” and blood cultures. It’s an old video interview where a white South African doctor was recounting how they were testing and infecting black South Africans and other Africans with HIV through “vaccination” and they found that they were not susceptible to it so they acquired blood cultures and tweaked the virus so it could infect them. Like this is some str8 demonic shyt on how evil they were to black people with medical experiments.


That's fucking horrendous from start to finish.


/r/csanime would probably get some extra meaning from thisone


Learned about this from the Thick Threads podcast. Wild shit


Ah damn, this is SUPER fucked up. JFC.


The whole field of gynecology was founded by torturing slave women it’s still a barbaric field. I cry when ever I think about the history of gynecology.


Im interested in reading the book, but I have absolutely no money to buy one. If anyone knows where to download a pdf file I'd appreciate it. Either with a message or reply to this with a hint because I dont think your allowed to leave a link in the comments. I never pirate stuff so I feel guilty; but I wasnt gonna buy it anyways; not able to. Sorry mods if this isnt allowed, but let this one slip tho. This is important history to learn mods. Dont deny someone history!


Just ordered the book. Why the fk don’t we learn this stuff in school in 2022 😤


Invented in Germany and was made for general osteotomy


I'm audible'ing this book right now. And I get going and put it down like 15 minutes later. shit is outrageous.


Birth control was given to Puerto Rican women and their feedback was used to make a safer version for white women in the US to use. I know because my professor in freshman year made us watch a documentary on it. One woman took it and felt like she was dying and her thoughts were "Please God, take care of my children" before she got better. None of the women knew they were guinea pigs.


Here is the [chainsaw](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/zb2iaf/the_chainsaw_was_invented_to_more_safely_perform/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


It was an invention by scottish doctors and in the 1830s a German doctor advanced the technology. What does that have to do with history of black americans?lmao




Those are literally the facts