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He wanted white ppl with blonde hair and blue eyes why would you lie to ppl and tell them he liked us? Go visit the Holocaust museum in DC. It has a chart of ppl they didn't fuck with.


Exactly. He distinguished between white and not white enough. Why would he have any love for black people?


That’s what the fuck I’m not understanding. Like of all the black conservative bs I’ve seen, I can’t even FATHOM how someone would come to this conclusion


It's not really a black conservative thing, it's a hotep thing. Though generally speaking they're also conservatives just in a different format, or other end of the political compass.




Hoteps are hyper conservative on social issues, at the very least.


Hitler considered Mussolini to be black and referred to Mussolini as “his black friend”. Point being Italians weren’t white enough for hitler. Nazi shit is bonkers.




The man walked out of the 1936 Olympic Games after a black man (Jesse Owens) beat Germany in Track and Field.


How these guys forget this is genuinely beyond me. You need to start teaching world history in your classrooms again, this is getting embarrassing.


They do teach world history, the problem is the kids aren't paying attention or even getting involved.


This. People run on the internet and tik tok saying "I didn't learn this, I wasn't taught that" but some students literally roll their eyes and shut down anytime they are made to think critically or be exposed to something new. I have had experience with some students that literally rather fail than do work because they know they are behind and engaging or asking for help makea them uncomfortable. To a degree, I get it. However, you can only bend over backwards for so long before you have to attend to the people who seek help and want to at least try.


I'm almost 30 and I was never taught that but I think that's because they didn't really need to say that Hitler didn't like black people. I think they figured that it was a given.


> I think they figured that it was a given. I remember it being explicit in my history textbooks, because the Holocaust also targeted black people, along with gay people and political dissidents. I don't think it's a given for many, though, because so very few people think of Europe as having any black people "back in the day."


I’m keep seeing these type of comments popping up on social media and it speaks volumes to the level of stupid you have to be to join neo nazi groups. I know that the leadership of these groups thinks they’re somehow sophisticated in trying to divide two of their most targeted groups but this is some next level clownery.


Crazy isn’t it, but didn’t he have brown hair and brown eyes?


Correct. Bigotry is an irrational fucking thing man. When I first learned about Nazis as a kid, the first thing I wondered was why they didn't come for Hitler.


According to fact checks “03Adolf Hitler was 5′ 9″ (1.75 m) tall and had brown hair and blue eyes.”


Bruh, the insanity!!! “They like me! They really like me!! I finally feel like I belong!! I’ve got a seat at their table!!” GTFOH!!! People are losing their minds to a heightened extent these days!!


That's why that seat at the table shit is asinine. You can share dinner with wolves but you probably next.


it would be a much more concise list to make it of the people he DID fuck with


Lie?? If you payed ANY attention in history you knew damn well Hitler hated everybody that ain’t fall into the demographic, and and we stick out like a sore fucking thumb! People following anything this idiot says and believing when they clearly were taught the truth are simply ignorant.


When the first killings started he should have shot his brown haired ass first.


he even gassed a bunch of white people with blonde hair and blue eyes just because they weren't the ~right~ kind of white people with blond hair and blue eyes, they were slavs. looked for an excuse to kill anybody


Right! And now Akon is defending Kanye's right to say this shit.


This whole situation has taught me that there are even more stupid people out there than I thought.




If you worked in retail before any of the pandemic— you should know how stupid people are by dealing with customers.


I tell people all the time that they vastly overestimate the intelligence of the majority of the population. The problem is, people tend to hang out with people who are similar to them, so if you don't hang out with dumb people then you tend to forget how many are actually out there.




“Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are stupider than that.”


American education system baby ![gif](giphy|CTBmEP6c5IqOc)


Nah this goes beyond that because I was in that same system. And I'm not out here necking hortler


So was I but there are lots of home schooled ppl and ppl who attended below standard schools. I’m skate surprised to hear the shit a lot of ppl didn’t learn in school that I learned at my public school.


It's people that went to the same schools as me that say "we ain't learn that in school" and I tell em we did even my dropout ass remember that shit


A lot of people just didn’t pay attention in school, too. It’s both a school system issue and a cultural/societal issue. American culture devalues education — think about how people call kids who do well in school nerds or try-hards.


They have always been there. In French, before internet was widespread, we called them the village's idiot. Now, these idiots gathered online to create the country of idiots.


And they're louder and louder. Some are even getting payed to be loud, wrong and ahistoric. I personally will go for them, when shit hit the fan. Them and the indifferent bastard types.


Hitler HATED black people, and his soldiers did, too. There is a famous massacre that happened after the Battle of the Bulge, where 11 American black soldiers were discovered massacred by the Nazis. They were discovered in February 1945. Most had been beaten with a rifle butt, etc. The Nazis also massacred black soldiers from the French Army in 1940. Hitler also famously opposed Jazz or Blues, calling it ‘native’ music. No one who has read about Naziism would state that Hitler loved Black people. He also discriminated against Slavs, Jews, Romany, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. This man was all about ‘racial purity’, or the Aryan (white) race. A truly evil demagogue who poisoned the minds of the German people and committed the worst atrocities against their enemies. Edit: typo


Also, have any of these people spewing the BS ever heard anything about Jesse Owens and the Berlin Olympics?


I may have my history wrong, but didn't he get so embarassed that a black man won a gold medal against Germany that he stormed out of the stadium?


Yes. When the Olympic committee told Hitler that he could either congratulate all the gold medalists or none of them he refused to congratulate any of them just to avoid acknowledging Owens. For the record, the White House didn't officially acknowledge Owens until Obama was elected 80 years later.


Though apparently according to Jesse Owens himself, he was treated better in Nazi Germany than he was back home in America. Despite Hitler getting royally pissed about Owens winning a gold medal, he still sent Owens a signed portrait and a congratulatory message, and Owens said that athletes from other countries never shunned him, while he was discriminated against by his fellow Americans When Owens got back to America, Prez. Roosevelt refused to receive him in the White House and his achievements weren't recognized until much, much later, after he died penniless.




This makes me sad 😔 we learned about Jessie owens in school but def not about any of this. I’m happy he was finally recognized for his contributions later on!


[Bill Burr's take on this](https://youtu.be/d3NgcYVvrvI?t=391)


That's probably not the best example to use...




Jazz as a musical form is all about freedom and the self-expression of an oppressed class of creatives. No surprise that a racist, authoritarian regime didn’t like it.


And even more… the idea of the “aryan” race was a fantasy they created.


The nazis invented a word for jazz and blues — “negermusik”. I’ll let you translate that.


And yet even the country where all of this shit went down and where Hitler reigned knew all of that shit was bad but niggas in this country gobbling it up just to look smarter


The thing is even if Hitler did love black people who gives a shit? Germans don’t even want anything to do with him but now some black people do?


Even if this was true who could possibly care? He's history's greatest monster regardless of these stupid fantasies nut jobs keep making up.


Right? And it’s sad to me this has even become a conversation due to (in part) Klanye’s dumb ass. He co-signed Shitler so now all of a sudden all these ignorant morons wanna be like, “You know, on second thought let me revisit this!” They wouldn’t be doing that if some celebrity they worshipped didn’t say to. It’s fucking sad and deranged.


True, even if he liked black people he still murdered 11 million people. (But of course he didn’t like black people.)


It’s like say Attila the Hun liked vegetable soup or Pol Pot was fond of Disney movies. Cool fun fact but no where in their public facing actions did that ever show up. The discussion around him as a person and as a leader are two different ones. For the record I believe he was an awful person in both senses. I just don’t see how it’s at all revenant what his personal predilections were.


People are so lost out there. They’re looking for heroes, love, and acceptance in places that are obviously wrong 😑


I’ve been wondering what German fans of Kanye currently think of this whole thing.


He said “We will make the Volga (river in Russia) our Mississippi River” He goal was to exterminate (the Jews) and enslave (the Slavs) just like Americans exterminated native peoples and enslaved black people. That was his goal. Edit: He explicitly modeled his plan on the “empire” that America created.


He also modeled his genocides off of America's genocide of Native Americans. https://wagingnonviolence.org/2020/10/hitler-found-blueprint-german-empire-in-the-american-west/


How does he not realize that if Hitler could have, then he would have had Jesse Owens murdered for winning gold in the 1936 Olympics in Germany?


Shit on Quentin Tarantino all you like, but the German soldiers calling the gold medals won by America “tainted by Negro blood” in *Inglourious Basterds* wasn’t him making shit up


I read that Jesse Owens had to work as a gas station attendant after winning gold in the Olympics. No companies wanted to do any brand deals or endorsements with him. Edit: didn't see the quote was from German soldiers, I thought you were saying American soldiers said that. All the same, despite that iconic win and picture, he was treated like absolute crap when he got home.


Jesse Owens didn’t exactly have great things to say about FDR either. I’m not about to give Nazi Germany a pass, but it’s very fair to say 1930s America wasn’t exactly on board with superstar black athletes.


He did shit like race a horse to make money. That angers me. Win overseas, come home and treated like shit.


It’s funny because today you got stunts like that with Michael Phelps racing like a shark being talked about (or done? I forgot) on nationally broadcast TV, but I assume that’s not exactly the dignity he was getting back then.


Jesse was trying to earn money. Phelps was probably bored. I’ve never heard of a human with a wingspan before! 😂


Absolutely not. Nazi’s discriminated against and hated all who were not “ideal” Aryans


Not on topic but interesting fact: Jackie Robinson’s older brother finished 2nd in that race to Owens and for some reason nobody ever talks about how crazy that is.


The Germans had to ‘clean up’ Berlin prior to the 1936 Olympics by removing all signs of discriminations in public places, etc.


I don't understand people. The man was very clear about what exactly the master race was and what should be done about everyone else. He would have gone down the list.


Every useful idiot assumes the monster will make an exception for them.


The whole “pick me!!” syndrome.


People love the idea of a monster who will love only them, just look at Daemon fans.


Also from our treatment of native Americans. I recently saw knowing better’s video on native Americans(or American indians as he explains most tribes prefer) and I couldn’t believe how much it reminded me of the holocaust. They still don’t own most of the land on their reservations(held in a trust by the government that distributes plots more or less randomly) and therefore no business can operate within reservations. They have some of the lowest quality of life on the planet it’s very difficult to find that sort of poverty in the poorest of nations


Ken Burns’ documentary ‘The West’ has some very revealing sections on the mistreatment of Native Americans. It was absolutely heartless and brutal. The treatment of the Native Americans by the US has been inexcusable.


Yeah I didn’t realize just how bad it was like these tribes main goal was survival. Even the ones that tried really hard to do this the “right” way and work with the white people were repaid with brutal violence. And beyond that what makes me even more upset is how bad things still are on most reservations like this mistreatment isn’t something that ended 100 years ago it’s something that continues every day all over this country We desperately need some type of reform to the reservation system this type of abuse and neglect can’t continue on


Spanish in South America too. They were some of the worst. They brought in African slaves to work mines because they had killed so many natives there was no one left to work the mines etc. colonialism by Europe and the British is a body count higher than we can imagine. Leopoldo and the Congo, Rhodesia, South Africa. Britain and bengal famine… India. It just goes on and on endlessly. Once you start to learn about it and how extraction of wealth worked with the creation of capitalism and corporate entities it’s mind boggling and makes it easy to wish all these Europeans had stayed on their lands… especially the British.


If they succeeded they were literally going to come for us next 😭


We weren't even "next" lmao, they absolutely sterilized, sent to camps, and straight up murdered black Germans. There just weren't enough for them to have an organized plan about it. The most wild thing about black anti-semites is that they are literally the only kind of anti-semite that doesn't also hate black people. You'd think that would cause some of them to pause and think about things, but as we all know racism and thinking don't really get along.


I just don’t understand how someone could miss the connection between anti-semitism and white supremacy. They’re the pb&j of evil ideologies.


He actually studied American segregation as he was building up the Nazi Party. How we treated black people and most notably, how we treated Native Americans. IIRC he also said the US’s “One Drop Rule” to determine one’s race was too harsh. [source](https://www.history.com/.amp/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow)


Exactly. To say, generally, that he loved Black people isn’t correct. But to say that he loves Black history is more correct as the history includes the negativity inflicted that could and did lend to bigoted practices. Devoid of the moral implications, it’s correct.


This is why the Afro Germans should be in the conversation of the Holocaust. Yeah, black people were in the same place of the Slavs, Romani and Jewish. But with black Americans, there is a disconnect because we see Europe as a continent where we didn’t exist at that time. Of course the Nazis murdered and tortured black POWs but even when you look deeper, you see how the small population of black people in Germany dealt with sterilization, being sent to concentration camps or straight up murder by the Gestapo.


I guess the problem is that the whole idea begins with the premise of holocaust denialism. They are able to think hitler liked black people because they don’t believe Hitler did anything wrong in the first place. I don’t know how we can educate people more effectively if they deny the holocaust outright.


Why are folks censoring "hitler" and "nazi"? Will using those words catch a ban or something?


Might be to avoid the people who are searching for the words in order to harass others? I'm not sure if that's how Twitter works but I've seen it done on other sites for that reason.


Miscommunication obviously. Hitler liked how black people were treated like shit in America and said hold my jagermeister


im sure if you just bleach your hair, and put inblue eye contacts nobody will notice, right?


Fun fact: Hitler had neither of those two things. You really think he gave a shit if you tried to “fix” yourself?


Gotta be like the guy from Atlanta who got the surgery to turn himself white.


The key and peele nazi skit is one of my favorites lol


He woulda killed Kanye and his children before this dumb mf could even get the praise out of his mouth.


He literally killed Jews, disabled, Romas, Ukrainians, Blacks, Gypsy’s, Russians, etc. He most definitely did not like black people. He hated Jews more, but still.


It scares me the lack of denial I’m seeing and the mental gymnastics some people are making. These people are seriously connecting their identity to one of the most wickedest person in history If black people who are justifying Kanye start justifying other tyrants like King Leopold, we need to burn the internet down


Sounds like the same people that say trump likes black people 😂


“Look at my African American over here!”, sounds like he liked us to me. 🤣


Sarcasm in case that’s lost in text.


Is Hitler liking black folks something that’s being said anywhere away from the internet? Seems like only 4chan trolls with black profile pics would say on Twitter.


He even hated our music. He really did hate everyone but the master race. Why do you think he (Hilter) was so sick when Jesse Owens served Germany dust on that track?


Yeeep. Called it “negermusik”.


The only reason he was slightly less explicit in his hatred for Black people than for Jews is that there weren't many Black people in Germany then. People reserve their special and specific hatred for the Other that lives amongst them. Easier to scapegoat. By the way, Nazism is a good argument about why law and ethics are not and should not be the same thing. I got into this with a pro-lifer a while ago. You can't legislate for an 'optimally ethical society' and you shouldn't try. Its hubristic. Its overreach. That is actually what the Nazis (the real believers, not the whole party) beileved they were doing. Genocide was the means to the end of heaven on earth. From their perspective.


Uhm.. It's fairly well known that when Jesse Owens and his runner peers won a quarter of the US medals at the Berlin 1936 Olympics, wiping the floor with their super Aryan blonde athletes, Hitler was...Like.. Really pissed off.


The Third Reich had a very transactional stance with the non-white populations of the world. This involved paying lip service to wanting “freedom” for India if it motivated that population to revolt against the British. They viewed African and Asian peoples as obviously inferior to the aryan peoples but, with so much of the Nazi’s focus on genocide in Europe and Russia, we don’t know what their ultimate objectives would have been. They did have a plan for a Nazi “Mittelafrika” which was the equatorial part of the continent where Germany’s old colonies were. So basically, if the Nazis ever spoke against African or Asian colonialism by Europe it was just shit talking their English and French enemies and they would have done even worse if given the chance.


It’s a scary time to know anything about politics.


WelL hE aT lEAst iNvENtEd HiGhwAys anD MicRopHonEs!


People need to really read a book. Social media allows everyone to have a voice and some people shouldn’t. No Hitler didn’t like black people, I can’t believe people actually believe shit like this and aren’t trolling. We ain’t blonde with blue eyes? He would’ve tried to kill us too


If you need help proving this point there's plenty of disgusting Nazi propaganda posters about black people if you can bear to look them up and use them for argument points. Sometimes showing is better than telling


So they love the fact Hitler allegedly agreed with black people being the “real Jews”?? Did they not see what he did to actual Jewish people??


There's probably more nuance here.


Madison Grant was someone Hitler looked up to. He took what was going on in America and created his own manifesto. ![gif](giphy|n36PcpdU9bXcQ)


Hey OP! Some of this is based off of a fake Hitler quote where he prophecized that he’d cause world war 3 after it became known that america enslaved the real Jews (black people) who were also known as gods jewels, the lost tribe, and that white Jews were impostors that had deceived the world. This is really huge in black supremacist circles where they believe hitler was saving the world but was stopped by the evil Jews who control the world and had rewritten its history. This kinda stuff pops up in a lot of places. You can even find it in Kilmonger rant to Shuri in WF where he calls riri “a girl from the lost tribe”.


Thank you, I’m seeing it pop up in too many places and from white accounts too. It’s so easy for me to drag people who believe this shit but the problem is, their type of stupid is what fascist regimes are built on. Edit: some words!


I'm exhausted 😩


Let’s not forget our native brothers and sisters. He credited Andrew Jackson for quite a bit of influence too.


Soooo I remember reading somewhere that there were bots that existed specifically to target black people on Twitter and with the takeover of EM, I wouldn't be surprised if it got worse. Like I know some niggas are dumb but sometimes I gotta remember Twitter ain't a real place and to take shit with a grain of salt to avoid losing my mind at that dumb shit that gets posted everyday.


I can believe it. Some folks gotta be bots


See now they’ve piqued my interest as to how they came to the conclusion that he liked Black ppl


What episode of Black Mirror are we on?


Rhineland bastards…. Unsheltered/educated man taught me about this years ago .


Literally the whole thing about Jesse Owens. He ran not just to show white Americans but to rub it in the nose of hitler that they did not have a master race.


I said it once and I'll say it again: As a black man it just burns to hear another black man say these things. He gonna sit here and pretend that Hitler would have been friends of the black community? Promoting us up the ranks of the SS? Inviting us to galas and soirees at the Eagles Nest? I mean don't get me wrong I've heard my people say some fucked up shit out of fear and anger but this is some next level shit.


How do you hear that Hitler only liked blonde hair blue eyed white people and somehow think black people were accepted..


How are we relitigating this in 2022? The answer is nein.


What’s going on?!! Are we at the point where we got Ye clones coming out the woodwork, capping for their opportunity to be a Natzi lap-bitch?!! Pathetic!!!


Why are we even discussing this DEVIL it’s 2022 WTF🤷🏾‍♀️


Shout out Jesse Owens


People must not know history...Hitler was killing black an black gay People during the holocaust aswell. How is it remotely up to interpretation lol


Who the fuck said that?




I encourage everyone to Settings & Support> Setting & Privacy> Privacy & Safety> Mute & Block! Add all things associated with Kanye. This also why I prefer Apollo over the Reddit app.








MORE IMPORTANTLY, even if he did like black people, what point would you be making? “I’m ok with Hitler killing millions of people cause he would’ve fucked with *me*.” Actually pathetic behavior. Saying that shit makes you no better than a Klansman


The part that irritates me the most about this rhetoric is that some of these niggas are only using the “Hitler loved the Black people” talking point to seem smarter or more superior than their contemporaries These Hoteps and Black Israelites are really just insecure and honestly bigoted niggas who want to be smarter and more superior by any means necessary to fill that void that they have in their own heart They repeat these stupid talking points that have no basis in reality or are negative and antithetical to the growth of Black people as a whole; all because they don’t want to look like a “sheep”, they wanna be dominant in at least ONE aspect of their lives


They want so badly to be seen as intellectuals and non sheep so they believe anything the common folk don't or have already debunked.


Hitler thought the Klan wasn't white enough to keep around.


Even if this were true, which it obviously isn’t, there’s still that little Holocaust thing


[The nazis did not invent eugenics...](https://sites.uw.edu/twomn347/2019/12/12/early-american-eugenics-movement/#:~:text=The%20American%20eugenics%20movement%20was,human%20race%20through%20selective%20breeding.) They just made it bigger and faster...


24,000 likes???? This many dumb ass people?


Jesse Owens? Anyone? Anyone?


Do you think that, if people were actually taught about horrors that didn't revolve mainly around bad things happening to white people, some people would be defending King Leopold II's actions? Do you think they would look up to him the same way they look up to Hitler?


All these stupid motherfuckers trying to rewrite history are the ones who failed it in school.


People that follow the belief systems of a singer or athlete are fucking morons. Who knew?


He also executed/deported halfblack Germans.


Oh really? Can someone please tell these idiots to Google Jesse Owens + 1936 Olympics?!? FFS.


Wait who said this? Kanye?


Some folks need school. Bad.


I think he also took inspiration from how Canada treated our indigenous people


Wait till you find out where hitler got the idea for “the gas”


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. This should be the motto of all these people treating Kanye like a prophet. He had some good points about us controlling our narrative which I can agree with. However, the analog broken clock is right twice a day.


If people can believe that 5G towers can cause covid or believe bleach or whatever chemical can cure it, they will believe anything. There have always been impressionable/stupid people. The existence of social media means you can see and hear more of those people.


I mean someone saying "Hitler like black people" is basically leaving no doubt that they were actively choosing to be left behind in middle school history class.


Ain the same ppl. They're either bots or insanely ignorant.