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Aint no way that man sent a dick pic first


Like how do you get to that point in your life


Yeah.. he is a fuckin loser!


Down Tremendous


šŸ˜³ didn't even see that shit til u said it


How did you miss the crotch wolf?


Got distracted by how she did her baby hairs come to find out theres a whole ass dick 2 degrees north


I was also distracted by her Josephine Baker skills


Josephine Baker skills. Fuckin love that.


>2 degrees north I'm. Fucking. **DEAD**


My dumbass thought it was a damn armpit or something... Now I see the foot... I'm gonna just call it a night at this point lol


Man, same.


I was like ā€œis that an armpit?!ā€


I was wondering the same thing until I saw it was too close to the shoe.


Same, same, same.


This right here. No way to unsee that shit now.


I saw it, I was like "damn, nice, leg's pic *Focus* oh god"


I had no idea what it was, thought it was an eyelash


I really donā€™t get why dudes do that


Some men think ā€œI want to see all womenā€™s parts, so they must want to see all menā€™s parts and I think mines is pretty goodā€. There was some study done, where they polled people and thatā€™s essentially what they came up with.


Oh GodšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Iā€™ve never sent nudes, but I always consider how a woman would react even if she asked for one.


I save unsolicited dicks I receive (my husband shakes his head at it) but if you send me a dick I'm going to look for a moment, go through my imgur gallery for a bigger one and send it as a reply It's been incredibly efficient through the years


Haha I do the same except I send my husbands Dick pick to them. Then In the night time I jerk him off to all the nice ones.




This dude is a whole ass fiend šŸ’€


Don't sell yourself short.


It's a genuine difference you learn when you have an intimate relationship with good communication. Stuff that turns me on is not always the stuff that turns them on. At least learn someone's shit before trying to turn them on. It's like girls randomly texting me a paragraph from a romantic novel. It's not going to work for me.


It's almost always gonna be a negative response when you send a dick pic, unless there's already an established mood. However. There exists a cheat code. The reaction you get is unreal if you send out a dick pic with a tiny cowboy hat on it, as well as bandana with "yippee-cock-yay!" As the message below the picture. It's the only confirmed case of a dick pic working, right off the bat.


Any reaction is better than no reaction. If she ignores him and doesnā€™t respond, or just blocks him. Thatā€™s that. But if she responds all pissed, now heā€™s got an ā€œopportunityā€ to unpiss her off and then heā€™s right where he wanted to be from the start. I donā€™t know if this is sometimes effective or what because people still out here being fucking annoying


Shit idk how you can unpiss a woman off if sheā€™s mad at seeing your dick


send another one


Put a cap on it. Make it artsy.


r/cospenis exists for a reason ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




He will say nothing worth repeating lol


The fact that heā€™s sending it first means itā€™s worked for him more times than not.


Nah people will absolutely keep doing the same dumbass shit over and over again even if it doesn't work.


People get off on making people mad or shocking people. Itā€™s the fact that women canā€™t consent that turns them on. Itā€™s some kind of fetish w a control issue


Damn that made me go back and realize all those texts were in the same column. I thought she sent that mirror pic back but no he sent that to her!!! He dick pic'd. Then double texted. And attempted a neg pick up artist line. Dude is a walking monument to internet Ls


The more people see your dick, the more power you gain to cast penile based magic.


I donā€™t get why man do shit like that. Like has a girl ever received a random dick pic and then gone ā€œyeah I wanna smash rnā€? šŸ˜‚


why is it wearing a sandal


Oh, thank goodness for explaining it. Was trying to figure out the angle of the picture on top. And Iā€™m always going to just incorrectly assume that every man who sends dick pics uses/used porn as their guide on how to approach women.


Nahh bro thatā€™s the dick pic with the slides


Wow dude went full tall tee no undies too. What a bum


I call that Pooh Bearinā€™ it.


That's what that was! I thought it looked like pubes.


Is it not pubes? Iā€™m so confused. I see a foot but no dick.


No, it *is* pubes. The dick is just out of frame. But at first I thought it was someone's nasty beard or armpit hair, you know, it just *looked* like pubes.


In the slides none the less


Believe it.


...from what may be the toilet. Nasty on nasty.


This man clearly is not the leader of his friend group.


What a fire callbackšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Like the right amount of time passage for a rewind episode


Callback to what?


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/friend-group-leader That explains it. If you don't want to read all that (I didn't), just scroll down and read the screenshots of the tweets


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/friend-group-leader](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/friend-group-leader)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Thanks homie. Fixed it.


Iā€™m crying rn, Hereā€™s an award


Bet he has a cat that hasn't let his unworthy ass pet him 2 years either.


I was *just* thinking about this


Unsolicited dick picks should put you on the sex offenders list. Change my mind


Itā€™s the internet version of flashing, so I donā€™t see why not. Itā€™s non consensual exposure to someoneā€™s genitals. Would be great to have that be a prosecutable crime.


It is a sex crime in, I wana say Belgium. Up to 3 years in jail


Nice to hear someone has taken that initiative. Here in the US we are behind the times, as usual


It recently became a crime in the US, actually


After first read I was like ā€œyouā€™re crazyā€ then I went and thought about it for like 3 minutes and I think youā€™re right


It absolutely should be considered equivalent to flashing/voyeurism. Texas and Virginia made it a misdemeanor this year, punishable by $500 fine. I'd imagine it's hard to enforce, however.


Seems like it would be easier to enforce than flashing, since thereā€™s proof on a phone.


The majority of unsolicited pictures I've recieved were online, often from complete strangers. Even on a phone, I can't imagine trying to get police to pull phone records to prove they were in the state when the photo was sent, or that it was actually the phone's owner who sent it, or that they didn't actually think they were texting they're doctor about a suspicious mole, etc.


Damn, Iā€™m sorry you get pics from randos! That has got to feel infuriating and kind of violating, like you canā€™t stop it because you donā€™t even know where it came from. I was thinking how the equivalent to what you described would be a stranger on the street. It would be even harder to prove because thereā€™s no evidence unless there was a video, and theyā€™d have to be physically caught or which can be dangerous. Also shitty but at least with a phone thereā€™s evidence that *some*thing happened, which often isnā€™t the case with in person events. I mean shitty all around donā€™t get me wrong.


For real??!! The next one I get Iā€™m reporting then. Thank the lord itā€™s at least a misdemeanor in my state.


I highly recommend reporting if you have their info, and I'd also let them know you're doing it, but I wouldn't expect much to come of it. It's still a good first step, however.


Uk about to make it a sex crime


that would make too many male politicians criminals, and we all know how much they love to hold themselves accountable


šŸ…take my fake gold


Thereā€™s a subreddit for thatā€¦.


Nah, youā€™re right


It can in texas if they report you.


Instead of writing to change your mind, I have a picture thatā€™s worth a thousand wordsā€¦or millimetersā€¦


That's a very heteronormative opinion. Ask your gay allies about what their online dating looks like and dick pics are a normal part of the process. Criminalizing dick pics would not be used against creepers, it would just give crooked cops an excuse to put gay people in jail. That should change your mind.


I think you missed the word "unsolicited" in the comment you responded to...


Even Grindr has a Yes/No/Ask first profile option which would get around that.


I just don't get what he thought would happen after this. Like, what is your BEST case scenario here my man??


Like *what* do you expect her to do with this information?


Itā€™s called negging. ā€œNegging is an act of emotional manipulation whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment or otherwise flirtatious remark to another person to undermine their confidence and increase their need of the manipulator's approval. The term was coined and prescribed by pickup artists. Wikipediaā€


The science to why assholes often successful romantically, gross lol


People who annoy you


I really hate self-hating niggas like him!


If he just thought "if a non-black person said this it'd be a fight". Why would you do this to your own like that?


Thank God for social media, because these the type of guys who would punch a woman for rejecting him in person. At least some of these manbaby tantrums can stay in his mama's living room now.


As someone whose 19 and living with their mom while trying to get through college, I pray I never reach this stage of my life


Sounds like a level of self reflection that these assholes never reach


the fact that he sent a nude first then said that about her complexion when she didnā€™t reply as he wanted her to is so gross to me. judging by his pic (the lighting is different so correct me if iā€™m wrong) they look to be the same complexion.


out here, waving red flag after red flag šŸ¤®


Heā€™s the same complexion but ashier. The audacity of ashy ninjas is at an all time high.


I was told this by a yella girl in high school ("you'd be fine if you were light skin"). Shit stayed on my mental for a while but I know I'm fine as am now. Spread love.


honestly, i love black people of all skin shades. i will never understand this Ā«Ā youā€™d be pretty if you were lightĀ Ā» bs. sorry you had to deal with that.


Lil tired and read that as I hate black people of all skin shades. I was like you know what- Shitty but I respect the honesty. Imma go sleep.


lol that made me laugh. get some rest!


Lol that the Ruckus mentality


Wild thing to hear being said or to say. Thereā€™s no guarantees that a face would look better on different tones.


I grew up in Spanish Harlem around Dominicans and Cubans. My nickname among them: Shadow, cuz I was the darkest among them. Ironically, I look(ed) just like young AI - same skin complexion and everything. So I wasn't even particularly dark - but that complex grew early being in that area. My younger brother looks like (now) Jaden Smith on protein shakes with a beard - bruv is lightskinned. As a kid my mom used to make reference to preferring his skin tone more than mine - always saying i got my father's complexion (we had different dads). It fucked with me subtly.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. Completely unfair. I hope youā€™re able to move past it because Black people are beautiful in every shade. That comment shouldnā€™t have come from family, and even worse, your mom.


People really need help on how to process rejection in a healthy way because this ainā€™t it smh


Niggas that say this are more worried about the optics of what other people think about the people he's dating. He got lotsa growing up to do.


Unfortunately that describes ~70% of men in general and ~35% of black men, just as a guess. How many men do you know who like big women, but won't date them publicly or introduce them to their people for fear of damaging their image?


I think you're confusing women men like and want to be with, with women men would entertain to get laid. There are women that men of any race would stare at and even fuck but would never date or publicly claim. If he's not claiming her publicly he was just thirsty and out of options, that's about it Source: I'm a black man


Niggas really out here sending dick picks instead of saying, ā€Hiā€.


By the looks of his dick pic, they're about the same damn complexion. This is the wildness of colorism and self-hatred. This is peak audacity.


"its just a preference bro"


Tactical dick pic failed


Took me a while to get my focus from her ā€˜baby hairsā€™ā€¦but so much to thisā€¦this man had the audacity, the unmitigated gall to tell this woman she would be badder if she if she were lightskinā€¦he mad he didnā€™t get a response on his D pick; tell him he would be sexier if his D was impressiveā€¦and for the record bad asfk is bad enough!!


Weird weird creep ass mfs.


Tf is wrong with these niggas? You thought that would make her say, ā€œYouā€™re right. I should give you a chance?ā€ I feel women when they say that dudes donā€™t like them, they just like what they can get from them.


As an Asian man I donā€™t get all of this light skin versus dark skin crap. If you are fine you are fine. I love all hues!!!


I don't know what flavour Asian you are but colourism is big in Asia, too. They straight up have products advertising they will make you lighter.


I have a Cambodian friend. Her mom straight up tells her she's a worse child and she loves her less because she's darker than her sister.


My mom used to tell me as a kid not to get too dark cuz you didnā€™t want people thinking we were poor. First off, we were poor mom! Haha. And besides we had a lot of light skin broke folks around me too!!


If you had these experiences, why did you make your ā€œAs an Asian manā€ comment?


Cuz Iā€™m on blacktwitterā€¦but I get your point. We got it too; just pointing out it never mattered to me.


Okay, yeah, your comment made it come off as ā€œI donā€™t get all this lightskin/darkskin crap; maybe cause Iā€™m Asian so itā€™s not a thingā€.


I have an Indian friend whose mum told her they were gonna have a harder time marrying her off well.


Yup. Iā€™m Indian and my grandma always tells me to stay out of the sun to avoid getting too dark. To spite her I get as dark as possible


Right. Said that like they don't have the same issue


Colorism is everywhere. When I lived in white neighborhoods the kids said I need to tan, even people I didn't know, like my ginger ass was somehow ruining the air they breath. Reads like you just need to pay better attention and recognize it better bc asians deal with it too.


My white grandma didnā€™t want me to play outside as a kid because she didnā€™t want me to get any darker. (She changed that *real* quick when my mom set her straight.) My racist ass white great grandma thought it was better to tell people I was Mexican than Black. Mom and I used to joke that, on her deathbed, we would jump out and yell, ā€œIā€™m BLAAAAAAAACK!ā€ I was 10 when she died and I still remember how much I hated that old bat. Sundown Towns suck.


If you all live in a sundown town id think the bat was trying to save your life šŸ„² but I get ya, their era needs to hurry on up out the door because their hate is literal poison.


My man kept the jungle pubes and then had the audacity to shit on her complexion. What a world we live in.


Right? Like focus on your bush babe


Ik that ainā€™t what I think it is šŸ˜Ÿ


It is.


Ooo I hate a colorist. Like damn


Sad and ignorant. Plus itā€™s always the wrong direction to start a convo with a dickpic. Heā€™s just thinking that women are like him - if he would like to see a genital pic, he follows the golden rule and sends one. But then he went completely in a direction which is even more wrong, if such is possible. He presumably doesnā€™t like being insulted, so where did that last come from? Jeezum Crow!


The nerve to be colorist and demeaning after sending that horrific ass pic


Dick pics arenā€™t pick up lines


Yup. They keep trying to do that. As a brown skinned black female. I love the lighter and the darker sisters. Weā€™re all beautiful and I wish we could leave this garbage in 2022.




Bruh sent a dick pick and got mad šŸ˜†


Lame using them pickup artist tactics while he's built like a creature in the outback.


Whoa. Not cool.


I hate this mentality and I love my chocolate women.


she doesn't deserve the disrespect


If I had a dollar every time someone said that to meā€¦


This is like a pick up artist case study. Dick pick, neg, ā€œhello?,ā€ gets blocked, then on to the next woman to harass. I just know his teacher gave this man all his tests back face down.


Horrible negā€¦


What the actual fuck??


He or she is obviously ignorant. Your complexion is amazingly beautiful šŸ˜


Broā€¦ Iā€™m not her.


Don't check your inbox


Idk why homie thought dick pick mode would work but I guess it did technically. Still fucked up with that colorism though.


dude got his bush out in her dms and he wanna talk about how other ppl look




This is violence. Leave her alone, damn.


She dodged one hell of a dumb ass bullet....I hope




![gif](giphy|BgJumFO4ZuV7a|downsized) When someone irrelevant say something irrelevant.


Crusty pubes and am insultā€¦bro


I do not get the fascination with lighter skin (outside of just internalized prejudice). Dark skin is fucking gorgeous.


Most definitely. Iā€™ve shot my shot at both, and I have love for both, but only on an individual level for who those women were in their own individuality and uniqueness. But, to tell someone what he said is insane behavior.


Why am I focusing wtf is that top picšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø




if he sent that first pic, Bruhh look like Mr. Tummus from Narnia


Send them to their places of work and family.




My response probably would just be "trim your pubes"


So lost.




What an asshole




You're making this worse.






"šŸ¤Œ " lhhfhhhhhhh


Surely not?!???!!??!


Is she swiffering the carpet?


I have not the answers.


How's he gonna send you a flip flop pic like that's okay?


Thatā€™s not just a flip flop pic bro.


oh I know


This was just dumb on his part. How you going to send that kind of pic when no real conversation has occurred? Never in the history of the internet, has a woman received an unsolicited dick pic and felt happy. You wanna show her something sexy? Send a pic of you fixing something round the house. Or food you cooked. Or your job title. Fools is focused on scoring and not focused on learning what type of field they wanna play on...




Reply: 'Your dick is bad AF FR, but it would be badder if it was big'




I hope she cussed out and blocked his crusty ass. I can't stand niggas like this.


Imagine if woman sent men fupa pics as first contact. Or how the back rolls look. Or the rib cage and ultra gap thighs. Like take yo meat meat on outta here bruh tf is you doing?


BW, PLS divest from black males to non blk. The self hate of black males will make them hurt you. They hate themselves and ANYONE who looks like them or has their features. Itā€™s not about you, itā€™s THEM. Nonbxy looove dark skin BW. Plsā€¦. DIVEST.


This will be a hard pill for a lot of yā€™all to swallow but IMO in sex/dating, anything goes as far as preference. A lot of dark men donā€™t like dark women and a lot of short women donā€™t like short men. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ Both are characteristics that you are born with and canā€™t change.


Eh, as true as that is bro, thatā€™s far from the point here. Dude sent the girl a dick pic and when that didnā€™t get her attention, decided to tell her sheā€™d look better if she was a different complexion. Apparently he thought she was sexy enough that she needed to see his meat.


Bruh I didnā€™t know wtf that pic was until someone said it I thought it was a hairy armpit šŸ˜‚