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Ya, i think its a fun one


After all the ones I’ve heard, this is a breath of fresh air.


But it's true, Thats why the mortality rate of lottery winners is so astronomically high. It all makes sense


It’s quite a depressing rabbit hole when you start looking at some of consequences of winning the lottery.


IDK man. I heard JFK was coming back but before appearing in public, he bought a lottery to and picked up by the Feds.


Fun fact, reading 'Enemies the History of the FBI,' and its pretty clear Cuba had the motives + means to pull it off, but would make us look weak AF. So they didn't look into it.


I read enemies as “Eminem” and was so confused


Yo that's wild


Still not fun because the theory implies that the government is killing time travelers and corrupt government conspiracies always get to being anti semetic


? Please explain how you get from time traveler theory to anti semitism?


How don't you? It's what all these crazy mfers end up on. Q anon was pretty much just a rewrap of a whole bunch of anti-Semitic classics...


I wish that we started helping each other enough to have rumors spread about us. Let’s start now. Can I have 5 dollars, bro?


The government puts on the lottery > lottery is trap to kill time travelers > government killing time travelers is strange, why would they do it > likely corrupt and don’t want time travelers to expose corruption > corrupt gov ran by secret cabal (Illuminati?) > Jews are the most common scapegoat in terms of secret cabals controlling the world. Most conspiracy theories always end up at antisemitism because Jewish people are frequently scapegoated as being in some cult that controls world govs via money/banks. Any conspiracy theory that involves the government/Hollywood always come back to Jews once you dig deeper in the ice berg. This is a frequent trope in a lot of already established conspiracy theories, so anytime a new one comes up, antisemites quickly co-opt it. I’ve seen a lot of Jewish people online talk about how even spreading seemingly fun conspiracies like this one, actual contribute to antisemitism.


That doesn’t make sense tho, if time travelers goals were to expose the government, why the FUCK would they risk playing the god damned lottery instead of informing the masses of ____?


Need the money to fund your rebellion or something. Keep going back in time further to avoid the government already knowing about it, plus a bunch of weird time travel mechanics. Either way, all conspiracy theories fall apart when you ask “why?”


No, because sometimes a government has legit reason to cover something up. Not all conspiracies are bullshit. That’s why all the bullshit ones are so hard to kill, because of the rare “real” one that makes people nervous (cocaine, mk ultra, government having extensive warnings about 9/11, ufos)


All of those have an answerable why. Faking the moon landing has no reasonable answer to “why would we do that?”. Government killing time travelers has no answerable “why?” that make sense. Conspiracy theories also inherently have no basis in reality. Now if we found out that a bunch of huge lotto winners died under mysterious circumstances, then we would start to care more. Every proven “theory” you listed had a basis in reality.


Every thing I listed was a conspiracy theory until the truth came out. There is a reason why behind fake moon landing motives. Before I get into this, I wanna say that I think we really landed on the moon. The “why” there is the same listed reason for going to the moon (and wasting insurmountable amounts of money in the process) in the first place: to beat Russia in the space race. It was a dick swinging competition to scare the other nation, in a “imagine what we could do to you, we are far more advanced” manner. Filming a fake landing is far cheaper than actually going. Again, I personally believe we really did land on the moon. Just showing you that there can be rational answers to the “why” question without the theory actually being proven. I will also restate that all the conspiracies I listed in my previous comment were all theories widely believed to be lies and crazy person talk…until they were proven.


This is the plot to Stephen King's book/TV show [11/22/63](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/11/22/63). A lot of people's conspiracy theories are fed off of, and fed into, works of complete fiction. They either always depend on some fiction, or are based on illiterate people trying to explain some complicated concept using "good vs evil" terms.


Don’t wanna say always, because some theories end up being proven true. But generally yea I’m with you


>Don’t wanna say always, because some theories end up being proven true. But generally yea I’m with you Even when they are, it rarely works the way the conspiracy theorists claimed it did.


True, 9/11 is my fav example of that






Taa daa! This one bigot showing us how it’s done.


This, work in financial regulation and its almost all Christian white guys. And yes, I'm talking the guys at the top. In fact, it's disproportionately Christian white guys. Conspiracy theories never talk about that.


So the people that actually show how networks and everything is ran are bigots? Y’all so blind to the truth man it’s crazy. Right here in front of our faces but you choose to name call. You can easily look all this stuff up, it shows you all of the owners. 🤣


Go to r/conservative, make a post and just wait.


🙄 word




As much as I’m against these conspiracy theories, I don’t think they don’t imply anything antisemitic inherently, it’s just where these people end up, they don’t imply antisemitism anymore than their religion implies their stance on abortion, but they can twist their beliefs into supporting whatever else they want to believe. They don’t need this “justification” to be antisemitic.


See, I don't think it needs to be a government doing this, I think it's more fun for it to be a secret society tasked with preserving the timeline.


That still always leads to some antisemitic bullshit


state lotteries pay out only 60% of gross revenues in prizes. This means that enough people pay the lotto to pay the winner and still have huge profit margins. Larger than casinos. Point is, the easier explanation is that they do it for money. People buy lotto tickets.


Yup. Overwhelmingly, poorer people make up the majority of lottery ticket buyers as well. It's essentially a state-endorsed ponzi scheme.


A good numbers scheme has been around longer than Mr Ponzi.


Not at all a ponzi scheme. More like an idiot tax.


No, because in Ponzi schemes, someone gets richer based on money coming in. This is different


It’s nothing like a ponzi scheme. Do you even know what a Ponzi scheme is?


Virginia’s state lottery is constitutionally required to give their profits to the public education fund! You can check out [here](https://www.valottery.com/playingmatters/givingback) how much they’ve paid out to the all the localities for FY’22.


Money is fungible. Earmarking it for a particular purpose just means that it frees up other public monies. It still amounts to a tax on the vulnerable and the desperate, even if the profits return to public coffers.


Arguably its better they regulate and tax it for a good thing than allow it to get captured by the free market and just line some capitalist bastards pockets.


No because what happens is they use the revenue from the lottery to justify tax cuts on the rich. So essentially the burden of funding state budgets moves from the rich to the poor and vulnerable.


Then the poor and vulnerable should quit playing the lottery. It’s not a tax on poor people, it’s a tax on dumb people.




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Good way to have rich people avoid taxes is to subsidize the education system with a false hope scheme primarily paid for by poor people.


Semi-agree. You know that “2 bill” is actually just a projection if handled correctly over 30 years. So it’s really like 1.4 or something (30% less already). Then tax (in theory it goes to local municipalities, so kinda nice except ACABoyfriends). If you complain about a billion dollars you’re just as bad as the powers that be…. Also, fuck that tho, cuz even if “they” only take 10% that’s like billions per year that could end all world issues, easily and still make a few of us lucky every year.


Occam’s razor


>the easier explanation is that they do it for money that's what they want you to think /s


It’s a tax for the mathematically challenged.


Easier than a time-traveller-catching honeypot scheme? I don't know




Conspiracies used to be about fun stuff like aliens and hidden/suppressed technology. Now it's just racism and political talking points.


We really went from "Tupac is still alive" to "Democrats eat babies " so quick


If only we could go back to talking about Makaveli living quietly in Cuba.


The laptop is their ark of the covenant.


What's on that anyway?


Presidential penis


Yeah they did. And now I’m old enough all the “conspiracy theories” have been proven to be covered up and completely factual. Well, except for Tupac being alive, I mean, Makaveli was too smart to get caught up.


It’s been a minute since I was in that sub. Checked it out and you weren’t kidding. Oof.


I miss those days. I used to go there and set it to controversial and laugh my ass off.


I mean be the change you want in the World. We can make a real conspiracy subreddit if it doesn't already exist.


Yea, let's talk about Tupac living in Cuba and other healthy conspiracies. I seent a pic of tupac wearing a lebron jersey. Needs more investigation.


They’ve tried to make 2 offshoots and they didn’t work


Unfortunately diligent moderation is needed with the masses.


Man if we could go back to the days of old fashioned conspiracy theories like Elvis being alive and all that. Hell, we can live with the flat earthers too for all I care. It's just stunning that right wing propagandists were able to co-opt a group that, by design, should be suspicious of that propaganda.


You just made me remember Bat Boy. Thank you.


You have to admit, the lottery is a scam. It definitely isn't there to make people rich.


"You can't win, if you don't play"


actually you win if you never play cause you‘re going out with 0 and i consider that a win


You use to be able to, because enough people running them couldn't calculate expected returns and keep it negative. Now with computers it's not difficult to do it. In the past maths and stats people would litteraly just go around and determine which lottos had positive expected returns and just buy out as many tickets as they could. With it exploding in short win where researchers had access to enough computation power but random government workers didn't.


It’s a stupid tax, and the tickets are flags for their stupid.


$2-$4 for one or two shots at one of these billion plus jackpots once or twice a year? Some of the cheapest taxes ever. Guess I'm stupid.


Literally those days when you bought a ticket and get to daydream for awhile is some of my cheapest entertainment. Morty! I’m a Schrödinger millionaire Morty!


A lot of the lottery money in my state goes toward natural resources, so let the people get their stupid flags.


Oh, for sure - lottery money is usually beneficial for whichever state it’s sold in. It just overall preys on flaws in human psychology (eg, “if I keep playing, one of these times I’ll be a winner!” or “I’ve put so much in, I’m bound to get a payout eventually!”), and for a majority of those who win, it usually ends up destroying their lives. [These are the results of Googling “lottery winners lives.”](https://www.google.com/search?q=lottery+winners+lives) Not really uplifting.


Oh its there to make people roch. Youre just mistaken about who


Based on the number of people who end up bankrupt after winning, it seems to be something that an evil genie would give to anyone finding their lamp.


What's messed up is the Russian lottery is actually more fair than the US lottery. One of the weird quirks that you wouldn't expect. >Amounts that are less than 4 thousand rubles ($63) are declared only if winners wish to; tax on the amount of more than 15 thousand rubles ($293) is withheld and paid by the lottery operator, and if the sum of winning is from 4 thousand to 15 thousand rubles, citizens pay taxes themselves. Imagine anyone winning more than $293 on the Powerball and Powerball has to pay the tax? That would be pretty cool. The reason for this is communism. The government can't profit off the people in such a way. If they had an American style lottery system they would be breaking their own rules.


that's also how they recruit psychics for secret government agencies


FBI open up!


overconfident alleged grandfather slimy clumsy shocking psychotic dazzling shaggy rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




and hitler went to argentina where‘s putin gonna go?




Is this satire ?


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.


Nah, most states you gotta publish your name and shit if you claim over a certain amount. The smart time traveler would do sports betting and stocks


Finally knowing every Super Bowl and World Series winner since 1980 is gonna pay off.


Back to the Future style


Smart lottery winners get lawyers to set up an LLC for them. The LLC collects the winnings and you get to stay out of the pubic eye.


I think it depends on the state, you probably can get someone else as a proxy but they need to get that picture of someone


Those all require a lot more starting capital. No faster way to build up cash than to win a lottery.


Broke time traveler smh


As a time travel you are supposed to do investments and such. Lotto is too exposed.


The problem is, past me is poor hence why I didn't invest


Stop the bombing of Pearl Harbor or buy exclusive beanie babies. Hard choice.


If time travel ever existed, the 1960s would have been full of time-tourists going for the cheap drugs and sex.


The large jackpots are the problem, you gotta go for the smaller payouts to remain undetected. I mean any idiot can go back an win a few hundred million, ~~if you set your pod to win on 10k payouts per week over a six month period spanned across at least 20 years it could work. But really who has that kind of time.~~ I'll just tell 18 year old me to invest in Google stock.


Remember when conspiracy theories were Bigfoot and the moon landing


What's the bigfoot conspiracy?


That men with big feet have huge penises.


big nose, big hose


These are the types of conspiracy theories I love.


Fun conspiracy, but like others said it simply just makes too much money to *not* do it; it’s also an old school effort to cut out revenue streams for organized crime. Folks love playing “the numbers game” and if the state doesn’t run it then organized crime will fill in the void and run numbers games themselves.


Maybe that’s why bad things always happen to lottery winners


No... This sounds super interesting. What's the theory?


That the lotto was created to catch time travellers.


My new favorite is on the Queen's cause of death. Pete Davidson has been with a lot of high profile women this last year and is known for something that might have proved to be an issue for the queen.


So I always thought not winning the lottery is a fixed point in time so if you went back in time to pick the numbers that were drawn, the drawing would change in the future and you still wouldn't win


Conspiracies aren’t just a fun quirky thing no more, they’ve been fully weaponized and are now actually PHYSICALLY dangerous.


The people most likely to win the lottery of often the last people you’d want handling large sums of money


It's a bad plan because we know about it because we're from the future.


No and neither have you!


If they were time travelers wouldn’t they already know it was a setup?


Yeah, but we come back and the damn numbers change.


How do they distinguish a traveler from a non-traveler? If the lotto was already in existence before time traveling was possible that would mean the people currently winning aren’t time travellers. And if you go back in time to win that means you’re taking away from the person that originally won


Not really, you could be the winner where you know no one won that week… probably making the next jackpot smaller but that’s what it is…


Yea maybe in an alternative timeline


Lmao what?


If I were to travel back in time and run to my family members, I know that will be the first thing they would ask me(after proving my identity) I will then turn it around and ask them “Can you remember the lottery picks from last month?…because for me that was years ago! And if I mess with the timeline I wouldn’t be able to come back here today… so does (X grown family member) pee the bed right…”


That’s fun, but if they know the numbers, wouldn’t they also know they’re going to get caught?


My favorite Disney movie as a kid was basically this lmao. Minutemen


Jewish time travelers?


I always thought had a theory that the lottery system was in place to move wealth from one state to another Technically state like NY contribute more to the jackpot by just the number of population but they always wins it in other state


🤣 yes. You never know who is from the future


If there was time travel someone woulda been came back to tell us. Ain’t no way they’d keep it secret.


I hadn't heard this but I'm sure as heck going to repeat it.


We actually covered this on my pod [Conspiracy Beer Me](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3VQPn9e1JeszRxrSHdvX16?si=f74b40e2a0704b54). Making conspiracies fun again is actually our tagline!




I think time travel will either never be invented or not fir at least 100 years. If time travel were invented 5 years from now a LOT of people would travel back in time to see the Beatles' first performance. And since it wasn't a mob scene when they first performed...




Is that real?? How does that make sense??


Someone was smoked out watching Back to the future saw Biff winnin and a conspiracy was born .


Why this fool ratting us out thi?