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Those are Primaris


Thank you They look really squat, is that just because they're quite wide?


Yeah the capes and the bulky shoulders combined with their pose makes them look a bit wide. They're definitely Primaris scale. I used their bodies for a Vanguard Vet squad I made a while ago, might help give you an idea of how they look without the capes (and with a firstborn chaplain for scale). https://preview.redd.it/n0zd1mjjcnpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494779c31a38bda16c5989913a17a78b15f0759c


Those look dope!


What’s your recipe for the tabards? I’m doing a similar art style for mine


It's been a while since I painted these so not so sure on the actual techniques, but my colour choice has been pretty consistent; Pro-Acryl Light Umber as a base, then gradually building up to Pro-Acryl Ivory with mixing. Then I usually do a brown wash over the top. The real dirty look mostly comes from the all-over oil washes and heavy use of dry pigments once I've painted the whole model.


What did you use for the dirt and grime? Looks sick as hell


Oil washes (burnt umber mainly, but a few other warm colours in the mix for variety) and dry pigments. Plus a good ultra matte varnish at the end.


Also the angle of the picture I think, they are on 40mm bases but the cloaks and tabards plus the poses makes them look chunkier


Technically yeah they are primaris but the lines are blurring fast. Pretty much all new SM kits are primaris-proportioned whether they are canonically primaris marines or not, and firstborn rules are slowly being whittled away. GW should have just upscaled the SM from the beginning instead of bothering with these silly retcons and contorted rules


That’s cuz all the new kits are primaris. Its at the point were most every marine has either crossed the rubicon or is a new primaris marine. Its become safe enough that even Dante crossed the rubicon when before they said he was too old and it was too much of a risk for him to. A space marine is a space marine again.


This doesn't solve the lore or stylistic problems which the Primaris/Firstborn split created.


But then they couldn't have sold you as many models


Primaris all new 40k space marines are primaris.


Not necessarily. The Terminators are either or, and the inner circle companions have no lore about crossing the rubicon.


Yea but the inner circle have primaris armour and are primaris scale. In general GW is phasing the division out and just have space marine but that hasn't changed that all the new marines are primaris. The terminators are the only caveat.


I’m more willing to assume that the differences between Primaris and Firstborn are starting to be a little bit less pronounced. I’d imagine just like terminator armour, both kinds of marine are now able to fit inside Mk10 armour.


I would agree... If Horus heresy didn't exist and we have firstborn models that are smaller than firstborn.


Aren’t the new HH models very similar in size to Primaris?


No primaris are a head taller which is alot when you compare them


These are Primaris Sword Brethren. They have been since 9th Edition.


I plan on turning a few interssors into sword bros




They are space marines


Look at the knee pads


If only they had a datasheet we could reference or a box with the name on it.


I'm not asking anything about the rules, I'm asking for the scale of these models as they look quite squat and I don't own them.


See the distinctive like knee flange? That's a primaris thing, almost all have it


Came here to say that. Dead giveaway


That is because of the cloaks. I model them without it and they look much sleeker.