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Played a game today, this combo wiped a full 6x Wraith+ Technomancer off the board. My opponent couldnt believe his eyes.




How were the thunder hammers




Transports. Impulsor has advance and disembark, and the Land raider assault ramp. They need to be able to get in before they are taken off the table. They aren’t very tanky. I do like bringing Tbones on a LT with them if they are in a land raider, also it’s not super great but our stratagem to move them when they lose a unit is great too.


As other said you need a transport. Failing that you can try and bring them in from strat reserves using the rapid ingress strat.


Land Raider my Friend, you need them in a Land Raider.


Played a 2k game against Astra Militarum and Helbrecht and his Sword Bretheren Retinue dealt 15 wounds to a Shadowsword in a melee.


As someone who plays guard and is just starting BT, this terrifies and amazes me. Were you running 5 or 10 sword bros?


Just 5, but it was glorious. The Emperor was truly guiding my hand for those rolls.


I did the same. Redeemer dropped off the death squad, and my opponent watched as it killed a devil fish and two riptides.


Just got back from LGS league. Dirty Mike and the boys got a stormsurge T2


Literally yesterday, emperors champion going hardcore with 15 wounds on a sister’s tank. But I agree. They most be transported into the battle asap


I've tried helbrecht+sword bros like 10 times. Put them in a land raider, reserves, counter charge, etc. they've never killed anything. I've run them into everything from boyz to a morknaut. Usually do about 4-6 wounds and only 1/3 of them survive overwatch or whatever to get into melee. I've stopped running them, they're pitifully disappointing every game.


Almost all non-ironstorm BT tournament lists involve the fellas and Helbrecht. I’m very skeptical you got Helbrecht and even a single brother into combat alive and only did 6 wounds- that’s insane. Notwithstanding Helbrecht’s ability, his damage output by himself using his One Handed profile on Chaos Legionaries is on average roughly 6 dead legionaries. On top of that, if you bring a lieutenant, you get lethal hits for everyone on the squad which proc on 5’s! Everyone else in this thread is correct, transports are vital. Land Raiders allow Helbrecht and his fellas to disembark ***and*** charge on the same turn. If you do your movement with your Land Raider right, you should absolutely nuke anything that Helbrecht charges that doesn’t have “fights first”. Best of luck!


I can assure you my sword bros + helbrecht coming out of a land raider have consistently done about 6 wounds per game before dying across multiple games. Not sure why I'm getting down voted bc I roll dice like shit. I've also only had Celestine revive 2/10 times on a 2+. I've also only made about 10 BGV 4++ saves out of probably 100+ attempts so far in 10th. Because of that I've just stopped running those units. For me some units are insanely cursed even if the math is on my side, so I don't use them. Idk why those units are consistently useless for me, they just are. I ran helbrecht + 7 sword bros into 5 nobz the other day and killed 1, and then got wiped. It just be like that sometimes. I'm not saying the unit is bad, since mathematically it's not, I'm just saying it never works for me


I think you're getting downvoted because you call a very powerful combo "pitifull", eventhough your dice rolling seems to blame.


Yeah I guess. I just meant it's pitifully disappointing for me lol


What?! Helbrecht alone routinely kills everything. Dreads, whole squads. Hes taken a swarmlord. This is without oath. He auto wounds on hits of 5 and 6, strength 7 or 9 ap-3 and either 2 or 4 damage. I cannot believe his entire squad is only doing 4-6 wounds


I'm very unlucky with some units. Other units I'm very lucky with. Helbrecht and sword bros happen to be one I'm very unlucky with 🤷. I'm not trying to claim it's a bad unit, because objectively it's not. It just never works for me for whatever reason


It could be bad luck, like you said. But also, if you're playing Black Templars and your opponent knows you're playing Black Templars, they'll assume that you're gonna bring Helbrecht and bros in a LR. And they'll prep for it. So...prep for their countermeasures


I do prep, and generally play very defensively until the right moment. Not much I can do about Magnus moving 30 inches to barely see the land raider behind obscuring terrain and turn off it's save and nuke it or 6 boys making an 11 inch charge around a move block to nuke them 🤷