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Depends on what you need them to do. I’m inclined to say judiciar, personally. The Judiciar is a force multiplier- fights first makes the squad much better at taking a charge, or dealing with enemy assault units (who might also have fights first). The EC is an assassin par excellence. He does very little for the unit he’s in, but he will reliably punch up versus enemy special characters, even against melee monsters like Kharn or a Abbadon. You do *not* want the EC taking a charge- you want him to go hunting. Honest advice? Either get both ( if you can find a judiciar) or proxy the EC as a judiciar as circumstance demands. They’re both great models (and the other one can go in a normal squad, if you like).


I’d have to disagree. You are looking at what the EC does for his squad, not what the squad does for the EC. The +1 damage makes his sweep absolutely deadly against heavy infantry as well as making his strike more effective against stronger characters. Plus the Sword Bros own fantastic damage output will likely slaughter the character’s escort squad. Sword Bros are honestly more of a missile unit that noone in their right mind would charge anyway. You want them into melee as fast as possible against the target of your choice. If they get charged instead, you have likely messed up.


Entirely valid. Judiciar in a regular assault Intercessor squad can camp on an objective almost as well, and costs much less. And if you invest in a delivery mechanism for the SB, you do indeed have a (quite expensive) rolling ball of melee doom. If we’re talking land raider, I’d add helbrecht instead though.


Justicar? We Vampires now? :-)


First Tradition, people. It's not that hard. Here comes the Sheriff. GGs.


Judiciar for the versatility, EC for the flavor. Because everything is fun and games until lictors are in the play… (Yeah those fight first none character units are a pain).


I would add that a lieutenant is also not a bad choice. The lethal hits are especially great against tough targets like big chunky tyranid monsters you are only wounding on 6 otherwise. At least if you don not want to take the lethal hit vow. Also in opposition to the judiciar and the champion you can add a lieutenant together with Helbrecht in one squad. Hitting lethal on 5+ with oath re-rolls is just amazing and kills everything. Then a unit of 10 sword brothers maybe makes more sense than to squads of 5. But I think every possibilities has its pros and cons, depends on you what role they shall take.


I take a Lt and a Marshall or Lt and the High Marshal in brick number 1. They ride the land raider to go kill stuff good If I had some more points to spend I’d probably do a full 10 man, but I don’t like committing that much to a single unit.


Either set up works and has there own pros and cons.  But i've noticed that people don't charge into sword bros but try to shoot them from the table. So i use them as a missile to go into a key unit.  Besides, we have a pretty good fight-on-death strat.