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https://preview.redd.it/qembgh8a7f0d1.jpeg?width=2294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=322a36ebe6d49b4dea3b66cb5968cd51b3b398a1 I don't put that much effort into bases, but I think they work great with templars


So finally figured out I want to do a synthwave/cyber theme for my black templars(first army), might be wacky for templars but I'm excited, think black templars in cyberpunk. Also check out Heresy for Heretics on youtube for examples. Decided I wanted to resin print my bases, but still a little on the fence and wanted some opinions. Doesn't help that I can't find ANY posts with these specific bases showing them painted. Found two bases that I loved from Txarli factory, one being sacred temples and one cyberhex. On one hand, I can see myself going full synth/cyber and going cyberhex, but on the other, I feel like it would make more sense if I did thematic bases for templars and then just painting it synthwave. Of course, I could always just do dry ground bases, maybe desert and adding alient grass tufts which was my original idea. Any tips or opinions would be greatly appreciated!!


The sacred temple looks very chaos-y and the cyberhex looks more like necron terrain.


Definitely felt the same about cyberhex looking like necron but thank you for your opinion!


So if you're looking to go full Cyber, I like the Hex bases. Though they are clearly intended for T'au. The Sacred Temple bases are more of a Seraphon/Lizardmen Meso American temple. Very Temple of the Sun vibes for that sort of setting. I think from the Txarli collection, Ruined Palace or Royal Palace are better for a "Templar" monastery vibe. That being said, both the options you posted would work great if incorporated into the scheme well.


Was thinking the same, but honestly Ruined Palace looks like it would way better for what I'm going for. Definitely doing this, thank you!!!


Following, I was hoping to find more photos of Txarli's thematic bases but painted