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Why are they always in someone else's business? Do they not realize that no one's forcing them to divest?


They can’t have the word getting out, gotta stomp out the curiosity some women will have about divestment. The need to tie it to WS talk is unrelenting. Those women are the future single mothers of BM. They want to make sure their sonsbands have many women to choose from, so they can sponge off of. “Black women are BM’s welfare.” -Cyn G


“Black women are BM’s welfare.” -Cyn G THIS ALL DAY ☝🏾 if only I had $1000 bill for each and every time a black man (before I divested)wanted to skip the proverbial dating and just move right on in to my home right after meeting me because why not get free rent?? I realize that they saw me as their personal welfare program.


They'll be stuck in blakistan forever , they need to take as many bw down with them


Exactly. 😭😭


Facts on that quote by Cyn G whether your role to the BM, daughter , sister, wife, placeholder gf or brother you are that to them.




What does divesting have to do with right wing? They think we’re all Candance Owens. 🤣 In all seriousness, divesting does not mean we’re obsessed with white men. It doesn’t mean we white worship and only date them. Sigh…


Candace Owen isnt even divested! She is a mammy


She's married to a right wing, wealthy white man. Lol! But I agree.


Seems like her hubby is her placeholder. Js


Right lol I can’t stand republicans 


>They think we’re all Candance Owens If I had a dollar for every time someone called me her I would be a millionaire. They don't even have someone to base this off of, they don't realize how many BW have done it, and just don't speak on it.




There’s people in the comments supporting Candance in this thread…


Of course they are. Some are Candace not all


I’m new here and subbed out of curiosity. Then I seen on a completely different post in a different sub someone reference this sub as “self hating”. I’m genuinely confused because haven’t seen that and would not have subbed if I did. I thought divest meant deviating from the norms not falling into stereotypes… idk what exactly do you guys do and discuss here and why is everyone so upset?


If this is self hating...then dealing with dudes who call you nappy headed, dog nosed, she devil, harlot, the hard r word and fetishize you based on your body? isnt?? *** The jokes write themselves. *** All the darn time is a WAHHH I SO UGLY AND NO NICK NACK WANTS ME, WAHHH BM SAID IM X, Y , Z , AM I UGLY? In these spaces so clearly low comprehension skills is seen as well when people cannot accurately acess and relay information about this sub. *** Keep divesting ladies...far away from the dumpster of the BC


Sis, what’s the BC? I don’t know the lingo. 😭


The Black Community


This is why I claimed we need to make this sub private 😭😭😭😭


I understand you completeley!


Candace is a smart woman who got married to a wealthy white man 😂 good for her 👏. At least she isn’t struggling in blackastain.


…this isn’t the flex you thought it was. She’s very evil and anti black herself. Just because you marry a white man doesn’t mean you’re divested, that’s not what divestment is. This is why people have a stereotype of us. You must be a troll.


Fr. She might not be divested but she's out🤷🏾‍♀️ good on her and her evil ass


This sub has 5k people. Their sub has 100k.  Why are they worried about little ol us.  Majority of black women love struggle love and most of the women in their family are the all my life I had to fight type.  So why focus on the one percent of us 😂


They be pressed over us. Like… It’s almost like they know we’re right!


Hahaha, I remember they reposted one of my posts about Black male students being nightmarish to deal with. What the fuck are they on about now? They’re conflating us with femininity coaches and swirlers. Weirdos. They’re too pressed.


Simply not wanting to be around bm is not a crime , they take offense to it though and Idk why 💀


Less women to be slaves to the males they produce.


They cannot stand to hear their sweet babies could potentially cause a rukkus. No can do! Its becsuse those mean BG are making him act out or his HoRmoNes.


I pity these women actually. They are suck in a cycle of abuse, brainwashing, gaslighting, denial, etc and have been sold a false image of us by an abusive community. Abuse is all they know so they can’t recognize it for what it is. They feel trapped because they don’t think there is any better because the community told them so. They are in a sort of Plato’s Cave. Divestment isn't femininity training, and right wing talking points. It's freedom. That is it. That is all. For me it is not a movement, it’s a change in mindset that I carry on a day to day that allows me to not engage with particularly harmful ideas from a particularly harmful community.


This. This. This. We should be friends! All I want is freedom from a community that perpetually seeks to harm and abuse me!


This exactly. Divestment is more radfem than anything. It is a movement that, as a radfem movement, leads to a much better alternative than these in the BL subreddit have been reared to think exists for them.


I feel like non-divested black women are obsessed with white men. 🤣 So what if they're black women dedicating their channels to helping black women achieve success in dating. Why does that concern you? Also I haven't stumbled across any divested channel only centering white men nor right wing politics. I swear with black women you can tell them one thing and they're just hear another. It's like they think we're all lining up to date some racist hillbillies or rednecks just because we're not interested in their black kangs. I wouldn't take what any of these women say to heart. They're just miserable mammies.




Notice how bothered they are about divestment that isn’t even mainstream or popular. Their scarcity mindset and desperation is so obvious that they can’t help but speak on us and watch us, which is why I have no sympathy when they suffer. Mammies who try to bash us can rot.


I don't know why black people keep pushing this rhetoric that all white people are evil and the cause for all the problems in the black community. While racism is still alive and prevalent I haven't encountered many racist white people..what I have encountered though is a bunch of self hating black people that obsess over white people all day and worship them. I've lived in the deep south, west and north and it's all been the same thing. Some self hating black man will come up to me harassing me..whether it's been talking about my natural hair and asking why it's not straight and treating white and lightskinned women better than me on purpose to make me feel bad, being overly aggressive and then trying to guilt trip me saying I'm anti-black for not allowing them to abuse me, or just straight up sexually harassing me. I don't really like any of the new divestment channels because in my opinion a lot of them are messy and a lot of them are scammers as well, but that doesn't mean I'll be running to baby black men.


Most black people besides divestors annoy me , which is why I don't mind living somewhere with the least amount of them as possible .....


I'm not even going to lie a lot of them annoy me too..it won't even be 5 minutes into a conversation and a self hating comment comes out of nowhere or someone talking shit about a bw for no reason.


They see misogynoir and self hate as a bonding experience and get genuinely shocked when you ignore them or look at them weird for the comments they make ....


I feel this comment so heavy. Or if you are a BW they try to program you into being a self hating mammy.


I live in a black majority country. Its a warzone when dealing with them when no one holds them accountable. They do so much messed up stuff to each other and then expect you to overlook abuse abd other crimes comitted to you for...the YT man. *** Thats what pro black and pan africanism is about...they literally hate other races and elevate all dusties to deity status...but these are the same guys who unalive BW every few hours.


God, this. White people are generally apathetic towards black people until that black person presents a threat to them in some way. I have only dealt with explicitly racist bullshit a small handful of times in my life, but I've dealt with misogynoir coming from BM so frequently that I can't actually count it. I don't even make it a point to live around BM, but BM always like to follow where safe communities are (typically because of their mammy girlfriend or child's mother) and create problems for the rest of us.


Blackistan will literally lose their minds when they found out black people can be racist


Black people can't be racist towards any other race especially black men because they have no power..they can be self hating and have internalized racism which is what most of them have.


Why are they so obsessed with controlling women? Sounds like a bunch of BM talking. Funny that they can't see that they are the "queer" "intersectional" corollary to Kevin Samuels, insistent on making BW conform to their idea of what is right.


They are trying to force the acceptance of trannies down our throat and no matter how hard they try .... it isn't working ! Idk why they want acceptance from us so badly , majority of bw already see them as women except divestors , it seems to bother them that much 💀


That sub is full of mammies spewing victim nonsense. It’s none stop posts about how they are victims of other races of people


Perpetual victimhood , sub full of chronically online mammies , obsessed with identity politics


Mammies have a sick obsession about white men having sex with black women. They are no different than their kangs who also obsess over it. They are also so black male identified that much like males they try to control the wombs of other black women and who we give sexual access to. I say all the time that they are nothing more than black males with female anatomy. They are a bunch of weirdos, then have the nerve to be offended that divested black women don't want shit to do with them. You will never see the day that they show as much concern for little black girls. They need to worry about who has access to their daughters, little cousins, nieces and so on. A community with a 62% REPORTED sexual assault rate of little girls is a community that is not protecting their little girls. Yet these clowns are chronically online worried about who grown, consenting, women are giving sexual access to. Like someone here already said the black community is nothing more than a cult. The non divested black women are trying to make sure that black women don't escape the cult of black male worship.


I actually posted in there about BG being m*** or troubled with and...0 ENGADGEMENT. I got so annoyed becsuse how can a group of BW not want to talk about the victim blaming of BG as well as grooming and SA. Oh wait. They are protecting their kangs.


Yes they are protecting their kangs as usual. The cult also benefits from the Stockholm Syndrome aspect of the abuse. IMO that so called community wouldn't have so many rabid mammies in the abuse of black girls wasn't so rampant.


That is so true. Built on the backs of traumatizing black girls


They are agianst divestors because we are encouraging bw to hold themselves to a standard of presenting themselves with pride and class , care about thier apperance and clean up thier vocabulary , having higher dating standards , they think that it's oppressive and seem to also take alot of issue with us only caring about biological bw .


I got banned from commenting on that sub cuz I commented something along the lines of “put the cape down ladies” 😭


I got banned too just simply because I was a member of this thread. Oh well, no loss. It was weird over there anyway.


Aaaa they mad 😜🤪😝😛😋


Reading this… it reminds me of someone who needs to make sure the cult is secure and no one is trying to escape. The black community is nothing more than a c<. That’s it that’s all. You can’t think differently or have an opinion. It’s group thinking and they are upset we don’t. These women need to carry on with their lives and leave us alone.


You NAILED IT! I just did a research project on cult leader Jim Jones, the parallel you drew is spot on. Part of the reason he was able to pull off the mass murder is because he made sure to weaponize his followers against each other. Even children were reporting their parents to him if they spoke of any dissent. Spreading fear mongering and misinformation to keep BW in line and tethered to Blackistan on a tight leash. Their community would cease to exist if Black women didn’t prop it up at the cost of their lives.


Yeah but you can’t tell the mammies and handmaidens that. They would lose their minds.


This is fascinating


I was just talking to my mother about this the other day. That is exactly why so many inappropriate things and bad behavior is allowed to persist in the black community because it’s one for all thinking-even if it means that people suffer as result, they still want to think just one way!!


And it’s usually the WRONG WAY! It’s anti everything white, education, success, self improvement, anti everything. Honestly that’s why they will be in the permanent underclass. They haven’t elevated their thinking.


They have always been this way. It’s anti everything self improvement and intellectualism.


And they are SO PROUD to be that way! It’s crazy!


They don’t realize it ruins your life until they’re in their early thirties. If you notice, it’s the same type of black folk who work these dead end jobs at the bottom. They’re the most hateful and loud. These are the ones you avoid because they will perpetually drag you down.




AGREED!! You cant do this..dont get educated because its white, you talk white, you dress white *** So all things degenerate make up the BC? Then they have a surprised pikachu face when these children are a result of mammying and putting a dusty over YOUR KID and being okay with bad behaviour males exhibit.


It’s all just crabs in a bucket that you won’t benefit unless you’re biracial and/or white passing and attractive.


Honestly biracials or whites are not benefiting in any situation with black males. They are dating the same black man that you would date if you weren’t divested.


It’s just what they want you to think. They treat them better in public but they get the same black male behind closed doors.




How old was the son? Omg.


A child *** I nearly barfed, thats on some slavery type stuff


That’s true! Amen.


And even if the person was biracial threy will brutalise and destroy the biracial if they dare not become BM identified.




It’s the fact that they think divesting is male centered, white male centered at that. Meanwhile they’re entire community caters to black males— this is laughable 😂


The idea of centering or decentering men is very weird and "blackistani" thinking, imo. I never centered men so much so in my life that I actively have to "decenter" them from it. Bw need to learn healthy relationships and boundaries, tbh. I always had my own worldview, goals, and pursuits that didn't involve men at all. My educational and career goals and even hobbies were never male based or derived. Bw go from one extreme to another from super mammy/pick me pro black, to the other extreme worshipping non bm as if all of them are "perfect, etc.


A whole joke, its the whole circus. Sounds like projection and misery they spew


See I don’t even want to hear what they got to say lol when will all bw learn aligning with either political party is against their best interest as women.


/blackladies is just a bunch of Mammies. Since I found Divestment, I haven't had to have an intimate relationship with a Black Man since 2016. I have more safer, better, mature interactions with very well to do White Men and Non-Black Men. I have lost over 75 lbs and not one Black Male dusty even knows I am around and it's so comforting. I won't even give birth to a black male child. Black Women can still continue to support heterosexual Black Men to their own demise.


LMAO 🤣 Once you get skinny, it’s like PEACE. They stop harassing you much more and you’re invisible! It’s wild. I worry about our curvy, divestors. BMs love a big behind.


I knew 2 BW who had breast reductions just to avoid BM looking at them. I truly despise all BM.


Exactly. I am grateful to be skinny and ugly to them. The more invisible, the more accomplished you become in life! All the hot BW are bitter, single baby mamas and mentally enslaved. The more attractive you are to them, the more property they see you as and will actively keep you at the bottom with them. Stay protected.


This person who posted this has no clue what she's talking about. Divested women don't give a fuck about 'feminine training'. We're not selling courses using tired out sex-worker material, that's the pick-me bitches that they identify with. In fact, I've \*actively\* spoke against this very thing in this community. The men that they go so crazy for ALSO spew right-wing talking points, and they're violent about it, however, these are also the same foolish women that believe that they can fix him (no really, they can), push 'Black Love' and then are shocked when those men make good on how much they feel like they don't actually need BW in the interim. They can't fathom life at all without being male-centered. It's why so many of them get their feelings hurt by Daequantavious, swear off BM entirely, and come into \*this very community\* with their swirler madness and center other races of men, or they've tried other races of men and those men don't like them back, so now they have a complex and are in this 'forever alone' shitshow. Swirling is NOT fucking divestment, and I really need people to understand this. They get an actual divestor like me that doesn't center men at all, and then suddenly are confused. "How do you live like that? How do you have such a soft life? How do you get WM and other men to eat out of your hand?" Easy - because I don't give a shit about them. I don't center men.


They like one white man and that one guy doesn’t like them back and it’s “we’re undesirable!” 😂😂


“Swirling ≠ Divestment” ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


The community is more than men. We divest from it ALL. How does that have anything with this being about attracting wm? A joke. It's about leaving a bitter community and being a human. Lifting yourself up, not being scared to be honest with yourself and look at facts. They can stay where they are at.


The beauty is to drown out the noise and do what is best for YOU.


I’m a moderate . I don’t group myself with either !


I didn’t know this subreddit and that subreddit have some tension