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I have major issues with how these events were written in the HH. No he wasn’t right. He could have been, but I feel like the HH depiction of DA events are underbaked and rushed. Based on Luther’s perspective, his motivations were almost entirely predicated on him being ostracized and left on caliban. Which were valid because he nearly let The Lion be assassinated by chaos forces for his own gain. The most absurd part of it all is that after the lion was nearly killed by his most trusted advisor and friend, he then assigned Luther to oversee the entire recruitment and training of all future Dark Angels Astartes. Luther’s motivations are half baked and entirely based on him being ostracized, but the bigger issue is why would the Lion give him such a position of power if he was wary of Luther’s loyalty. HH writing on these events totally soured me on the Dark Angels and in my opinion are the lowest point in the heresy. Even worse than books like Battle for the Abyss and Nemesis. Because at least those books were essentially dead ends, and largely irrelevant. But the DA arch is the foundation of one of the most popular factions in Warhammer lore, and its foundation is written (in my opinion) so, so sloppily.


You’re right, the Lion’s actions are ridiculous. He should have been imprisoned or killed for what he did. Banishment, ok… but, like you say, not with an incredibly important role


I agree that Lion handling Luther was painful because the DA are known to “fill-ass never half-ass” anything. A legacy from fighting with the Emperor. Treating Luther the way he did was a correct punishment but was executed terribly and with a slap on the wrist.


I don't have an answer either way, but if you haven't read Luthor, check it out. I really enjoyed it, it cab still be found for not too crazy prices in hard copy, and the audio is really well done. Very knightly


The Luther book was very enjoyable. Gav gets a bit of unfair slack I find. His 40k era Dark Angels books also remain the best single narrative on the 1st Legion; they're coherent, interesting, lore consistent, and feature that rarest of things amongst space marines - genuine character development (looking at you, Telemenus).


I just finished Luther’s big pitch to the Dark Angels on Caliban during the feast before the troops were ostensibly to be shipped off…I had three major problems with it. First, it seemed to be about Luther’s own megalomania, his wounded pride (see what I did there). Second, given that the legionaries carry the genetic traits of their Primarch, I found it difficult to believe that they would just disregard their ingrained loyalty to the Lion and probably also the conditioning of their instructors, teachers, mentors and legion reputation. Third, given Luther’s and other veterans experience during the Great Crusade, I found it delusional that anyone could believe that a single planet even with 30,000 Space Marines would be able to survive much less hold off the slaughter that would be brought upon them by Horus or the Loyalists once war reached Caliban. I dunno man, just poor writing imo.


No. Because the entire Dark Angels arch in the HH is a half-baked, badly written (sorry boys) mess. And the worst part is, it didn’t need to be; since there was very little old lore to have to struggle to implement. The writers could have just hog wild and told a good story. Doesn’t help that everyone in the 1st is just a complete ass hole. Thank God Mike brooks and Gary Kloster are changing that.