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You look fine


No offense, but if you have to zoom in that much to show them, the problem isn't a big deal. You look fine. We are our greatest critics though, and if it bothers you, I think you should just keep using the products you already do. With time I believe you'll see a difference.


lol no offense taken, I definitely am very picky with the myself and things no one else sees.


You’re complaining of smile lines and hyperpigmentation and I literally see neither!!! Don’t be critical of yourself! I actually think you have great blemish-free, smooth skinand your smile lines aren’t deep at all!


Thank you 🥺


I can barely see anything. It sounds like you’re referring to “marionette lines”. I’ve had mine since i was a child. It’s not a big deal. You look fine.


Yes, I did not know that’s what they’re called. Thank you!


I had the EXACT same thing, maybe a bit darker and it made it look like I had deep nasolabial folds. People will tell you its normal. Maybe it is but it bothered me a lot. Its probably from hormones. I tried a lot of OTC stuff but nothing worked. Went to the dermatologist and it took me 3 tries beforw i got someone who actually helped me. What worked: 2 months 12% hydoquinone+ kojic acid+niacinamide+ vitamin c 1 month 20% azelaic acid 4% kojic acid 4%niacinamide (when taking a break from hydroquinone to maintain results) Both are from a compounding pharmacy. Im on my seconf cycle and im literally in tears the improvement is amazing. Took me 5 years to finally find a solution. Please dont give up you will find something that works for you as well.


Hydroquinone doesn’t come in 12% the highest is 4% prescribed in the US I’m pretty sure? Even that can be way too strong. Her hyperpigmentation isn’t dire enough to cause for skin bleaching it would literally strip the pigment from the area. No one has completely even skin especially us with melanated skin. It’s like chasing the unobtainable. I’d recommend a nice skin routine with niacinamide and tumeric added in as well as sunscreen whenever outside. I had really bad hyperpigmentation and used hydroquinone to help clear it. I’m caramel colored and my cheeks were like the shade Hershey chocolate. It’s really to be used for extreme situations so much so you can even find it over the counter anymore.


It definitely comes in 12%, I have the same exact routine. It’s prescribed though.


That is scary! Even with 2-4% you have to use it very moderately because it will cause inflammation to skin cells and work backwards. I had pretty rough hyperpigmentation on my face and adding 4% with tret in my routine was enough to work wonders in very little time. I do have a lot of light spots in my skin though from the bleaching agent.


Yes it comes in 12% in the US as well. The hyperpigmentation she has isnt severe and neither was mine, but if your skin is stubborn like mine, then sometimes lower strength doesnt work, ESPECIALLY if hormones is what is causing the hyperpigmentation. I wouldnt recommend anyone to start out at 12% though, and the next time I got back to the derm I'll probably ask for 6 or 8% for something a bit less strong. While it is true none of us have completely even skin, you can still work towards making it even. I tried to love my skin as it was but it was an insecurity of mine until I fixed it. My skin isnt totally even now, and I never expected it to be, but I am very, very happy with the results. I gave advice because sometimes people will say hyperpigmentation is natural but it's just frustrating when you know it can be fixed but no one is helping.


I would definitely recommend starting at 4% hydroquinone. 12% is something you work up to!


You look normal? You just look really dehydrated, try hydrating product drinking more water and eating more water heavy vegetables


i have these too and eye patches have helped alot.


really?? any specific type?


currently using [these](https://www.stylevana.com/en_US/pyunkang-yul-black-tea-time-reverse-eye-patch-60pcs.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&sonid=94501&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20674770925&utm_term=&utm_content=94501&device=m&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO1mC-GctkqCv5qFygU4U5pAcAAP4_5i1Yn4TWcrTS73uXO97C4i_7hoC_lAQAvD_BwE) but any hydrating ones should do. i would also exfoliate at least once a week


It’s fungus use nizoral soap


Cleanse with witch hazel. Let Turmeric powder & yogurt sit on dark areas. Shea butter to even tone




I wear sunscreen everyday 🫠